Cold Love(Bleach FanFic)

By HollySand

34.5K 509 27

"My story is not one of happiness but of sorrow, pain and regret. My story is not one that should be shared b... More

Chapter One- Sorrow, Pain and Regret
Chapter Two- Hollowfication
Chapter Three- Captain Kisuke Urahara
Chapter Four- Brother and Sister
Chapter Five - Yona Hane
Chapter Six- Kenpachi and Byakuya
Chapter Seven- Ichigo Kurosaki
Chapter Eight- Lust and an Emergency Captains meeting!
Chapter Nine- Suspicion
Chapter Eleven- Central 46, Hinamori Dies?!
Chapter Twelve- Hitsugaya and Unohana

Chapter Ten- Almost as beautiful as you

1.6K 33 1
By HollySand

           Rukia had been moved from her old cell to the Shrine of Penitence, over looking the Sokyoku. Her movement was taken care of before the Ryoka had triggered our alarms and forced Yamamoto to dismiss our meeting.
        Seireitei was a mass of Soul Reapers, all from different squads, and all had one task, to defend Seireitei at all costs. Gin and I began to walk to our squads barracks, as calm as ever, when something crashed into the Seireitei barrier, and broke through! As the object hit the Seireitei barrier it divided into fours, one of them landing close by, but Gin and I had more pressing matters to attend to, then fighting some Ryoka. Izaru came running up to us, asking for orders, we told him to go after one of the descending Ryoka, he bowed and left, taking a small group of Soul Reapers with him.
        Gin and I make it to our offices and Aizen is waiting for us there, by using Kyouka Suigetsu, his zanpakutou, Aizen managed to make a double of himself and cover up his spiritual pressure to meet with us.
        “ Sosuke, you shouldn't be here,” I whisper, my eye's pleading as I look at him.
        “It is all right Rin, I have set up a double, no one will know.” I look into his eyes and know everything will be alright.
        “Well, Aizen, what's the word?” Gin asks.
        “Central 46 is dead, I wish for Rin to acompany me there and wait for my plan to unfold.”! I thought, my mind racing, I couldn't be away from Gin, not at a time like this!
        “Sosuke! I do not approve of this!” I say, Gin was speechless for once, “Tell me why!” my voice was rising.
        “Calm down Rin, you will need to be out of sight for my plan is to have a staged assassination, including myself and you as it's victims, Gin will be prorated as the instigator.” Gin took my hand in his and squeezed tightly, I could tell he didn't like this plan. Aizen continued, “Rin, we will need to let people see us together, let people see how close we are. My plan would not work if they thought Gin killed his beloved sister without a reason. His reason will be you seeing me, for I have planted the seeds of suspicion in some minds already.”
        I nodded, I didn't know what else to do. Then Gin spoke up, “So, you're plan is to have people think I killed my sister for being with you?” his tone was joking, but I could see the hurt in his eye's. Hurt that I knew only I would be able to see, because he was my brother, my twin, my other half.
        “Yes, Gin, I would not harm your sister intentionally, she is safe with me, I promise.” Aizen put his arm around my waist and Gin let go of my hand. Aizen pulled me into his side and smiled down at me as I looked up into his warm and inviting eyes.
        I gave Gin a smile, “I'll be fine, Gin.” he just nodes his head, smiling at me.
        I took in two deep breaths and said, “Okay, I'm ready. Let us go Sosuke.” and with that we flashed stepped out of squad three's barracks, covering up our spiritual pressures as we did so.
        Aizen let go of my waist, he told me to wait for him to relieve his double. He then told me that after he wanted me to request permission to enter squad five's barracks to see him. He knew that this would get some attention, and his Lieutenant Momo Hinamori would be the one to tell him I was waiting for him, just anticipating seeing the hurt in her eye's as she realizes what's going on was getting me excited.
        Aizen flashed stepped into his quarters and I felt his spiritual pressure go back to normal, I smiled and walked up to the gates of squad five.


        The gates opened to reveal a stunned guard, “Captain Ichimaru,” he bowed, “why are you here?” he asked his face displaying all of his emotions, confusion, misunderstanding and was that....yes it was, it was anger...but why anger?
        “Is Sosuke around?” my tone flat and my face showing no emotion.
        “uh-one moment, I need to go get Lieutenant Hinamori.” he bowed once more and ran off, leaving me all alone in front of the now open gates.
        I wonder what she'll do....I smiled at all the possible out comes when I heard something, or someone, my smile vanished and my face returned to it's normal expressionless one. “Uh-Hello, Captain Ichimaru,” I looked up to see Momo in front of me, still in her slight bow, “What might I do for you today?” she asks, the guard from earlier was behind her, watching very intently.
        “Is Sosuke here?” I watched as her eyes widen at my odd request, it's common knowledge in Seireitei that Captain Aizen and the Captains of the third division did not get along anymore. “Lieutenant! I asked you a question.”
        She jumped a little and nodded her head, eyes on the ground. “Yes he is here, follow me please.”
        “Very well...”
        We begin to walk, Momo's hands clasped in front of her, her head down, she lacked confidence...I on the other hand had my head held high, my arms to my side and did not lack for confidence...I was young and Naive.
        We reached a door I knew not to be Aizen's but stayed quite. “In here please, I will go get Captain Aizen.” she bowed as she left.
        I yawned a bit and looked around the room, it was fairly normal, I sat down at the Chabu-dai(low round table) in the centre of the room, i fiddle with my zabuton(floor pillow), trying to get comfortable. I hear the door opening and stop my fidgeting, I look up and see Aizen walk in, Momo right behind him. I stand up, knowing I had just gotten comfortable but discarding it  and walking over to Aizen. He meets me half way and smiles at me, I begin to bow but he stops me with his hand by putting it around my waist and guiding me past Momo's shocked face and towards his room.
        “Thank you Momo, you are dismissed.” he smiles back at her, I turn my head just enough to see that in her eyes, her heart was broken. This made me smile, and as I did so Aizen looked down at me, surprised. “You should smile more often, it suits you.” I blush slightly, and look away, focusing on where we were going, it didn't look like to his quarters.
        “Where are we going?” my voice showing my confusion, I refused to look at him until my face cooled down.
        “To my quarters.” he states.
        “But, why are we going this way?” I look up at him, my face no longer burning.
        “I told you we needed to be seen together, and besides, the cherry blossom trees are almost as beautiful as you.” his face was very close to mine, his warm breath caressing my cheek.

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