Her--I mean His Biggest Secre...

By AdelineTeoh

42.5K 1.3K 393

Naruto is not who everyone thinks he is. Underneath his oversized orange jacket and tomboy facade, he holds h... More

Chapter 1: Gotta Pass Em All, Gotta Pass Em All!
Chapter 2: What Happened to Naruto?!
Chapter 3: Your Team Is An Emo, A Fangirl, and A Jiinchuriki.
Chapter 4: Teamwork is Key...Now Let's Eat
Chapter 5: Yay, A C-Rank Mission!...Wait...It's A Drunk?
Chapter 6: Where Sakura Is Rejected And Pwned
Chapter 8: Do You Wanna Build A Great Bridge~ Come On Let's Go and Train~
Chapter 9: All Of His Ninja, All Of His Men, Couldn't Bring Him To Life Again
Extra Chapter:
Chapter 10: Meeting Kitty, Pigtails, and TANUKI!!!!!!
Chapter 11: What Exam? This Event Is A Total Creep Magnet!
1K Special Chapter!!!!!!
Chapter 12: This Chapter Does Not Progress The Story, But Enjoy The Sass Fight!
One Week One Shots: #1
One Week One Shots: #2
Halloween Special!!!
One Week One Shots: #3
One Week One Shots: #4
One Week One Shots: #5
One Week One Shots: #6
One Week One Shots: #7
Chapter 13: IBIKI'S A VIRG--Oh, We Pass? YAY!
Another A/N:
Chapter 16: One Scroll, Two Scroll--NO, I DON'T NEED ANY MORE!!!
A/N: 10 K, OMG!!!! Please Read
Chapter 17: Sakura Learns Her Lesson
A/N: A Small Hiatus
A/N: Official Hiatus!

Chapter 7: Lalala--HOLY MOTHER, IT'S MOO-MOO-CHI

1.9K 78 34
By AdelineTeoh

Upon reaching the pier, Naruto thanked the ferryman and summoned a bento for him. She knew that the residents of the Land of Waves were poor. She knew what it was like to starve. She ran away before the ferryman could give it back. They proceeded through the road. Naruto stopped suddenly. What was that? "Hey, guys, can we stop for a minute?"

Sakura raised a brow. "What is it now, Naruto?"

Naruto shrugged and closed her eyes, focusing her chakra. Not there, not there...aha!She pointed to a tree diagonally set from her. "Kaka-sensei, there's someone there."

Immediately, a large sword aimed at them spun dangerously, flying through the air. Everyone dodged it, yelping. 

BRUK! The sword hit another tree, and a figure stood on the handle of the deadly weapon. Naruto's eyes widened like plates. The man had cropped dark hair and cold, sharp eyes. He was shirtless (and Naruto didn't mind because he had a rather nicely toned abs) and wore striped pants, cow patterned wrist and leg warmers. His lower face was bandaged, his slashed Kirigakure hitaite on his forehead. 

Everyone was staring at the man in fear and shock, but then they heard Naruto's words. "Damn, he is hot."

Kakashi, Tazuna, Sasuke and Sakura all face faulted. Sakura was the first to scream. "Naruto! What the hell!"

Naruto huffed, arms crossed on her chest. "Hey, I can appreciate a handsome guy too, ttebayo!"

Sasuke coughed. "Dobe, you're gay?"

"Teme, that's my business. Don't worry, you're not my type." 

Sakura shook her head. Hinata would be so disappointed. Naruto looked at the stranger again. Although she actually knew who he was. "It's an honour...to meet the infamous Moomoochi Zabuza."

Zebus preened. "That's right, I'm Moo--wait...WHAT DO YOU MEAN MOOMOOCHI?! IT'S MOMOCHI, BRAT!"

Naruto eyed his wrist and leg warmers. "Sure about that? Those warmers aren't convincing me!"

Zabuza's eyes twitched furiously. "The blonde brat aside, you've got an interesting guard group, old man. A pink girl, a moody Uchiha brat, and Kakashi of the Sharingan."

Naruto snorted. "Hey, he got the moody part right, teme."

"Dobe, let's try to be serious here."

"Sasuke. Seriously. How long have you known me?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes for the tenth time that day. A new record! "Dobe. You know this guy?"

Naruto gasped dramatically. "Teme, are you kidding me? He's like, famous! His bounty in the Bingo Book is huge! Back in his days, the Kirigakure graduation exams was a last man standing, and he killed all of his classmates. They changed the exams after that, but that's besides the point. He was a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He's like, my kenjutsu idol! Can I have your autograph?"

Zabuza chuckled darkly. "How informative you are, but unfortunately, you won't live to show it to anyone. Enough talking. I'm here to kill the old man."

Naruto frowned. "Is it cause Gato paid you to do it? Cause I'm pretty sure he's a cheap prick."

"He is, brat."

"Then how can you be so sure he'll pay you and not assassinate you when you're weak from fighting us?"

"What do you know, brat?"

Naruto shrugged. "Hey, my villagers try to kill me every year on my birthday, I think I know plenty. You could just join us, then we can kill the guy, and you can just take your money. See if I care."

Zabuza raised a hairless eyebrow. "Kukuku. You have an interesting kid on your team Kakashi. Not many have the guts to offer me a deal."

Kakashi eyed the Swordsman. "That's Naruto for you. Always full of surprises."

"I'm full of prank ideas too," the blonde chirped. "Hey, wanna hear what I did to Kaka-sensei when I first met him. It was hilarious. He was panicked and everything. And he was covered in glue and feathers, and he thought I destroyed his porno."

Zabuza mused at the idea. "I like you kid."

Naruto beamed. "Yay! Zabuza-sama likes me!"

Kakashi grew an irk mark. "Oh, so he gets called with the honorific '-sama' and I get 'Kaka-sensei'?"

"Kaka-sensei, if you were cooler and less of a lazy bum, I'd call you with a '-sama' too. But you're not, so..." Naruto laughed sheepishly. 

Kit, you're awesome.

Don't I know it, Kyuu. You're awesome too.

Awww~ Love you too, kit.

Naruto looked back to Zabuza. "So? How about it? If you have anyone who you want to join in, it's fine. I got a lot of food in case Tazu-san's home doesn't have much." Zabuza seemed to contemplate this. It was very tempting and very, very appealing. And he could invite Haku to go along with the plan. "I want something else too, kid."

"Name your price, dattebayo!" Naruto beamed.

Zabuza smirked behind his bandages. "I want your village leader to grant me and my partner immunity." Naruto blinked. That was all? Seriously. She gave the swordsman a thumbs up. "As long as you don't try to kill anyone for no reason, then no problem! I'll blackmail Jiji and the council to let you in the village!"

Kakashi sweat dropped. "Naruto, that's nice and all, but blackmailing the Hokage and the council sounds a little..." A little too much like something Kushina-nee would do! Kakashi thought desperately. Although the idea of Zabuza Momochi being loyal to Konoha would be very appealing. 

Naruto stuck her tongue out at her sensei and clung onto Zabuza's arm. "Ne, Zabuza-sama, who is your partner? Is it Kisame-sama? Or Raiga-sama."

Kakashi was mentally sobbing in his internal emo corner. Sensei. Your son calls missing nins with the honorific '-sama', but not me. I'm hurt. So hurt.

Zabuza flicked Naruto's forehead, causing Sasuke's stomach to churn. What's wrong with me? he thought to himself. Zabuza sighed. "Neither. I haven't seen Kisame and Raiga for a long time, since that stupid Konoha eyebrow thing attacked us. I've heard that Kisame joined some organisation, and Raiga's away in hiding, but that's about it. My partner I found a bit later. Haku. You can come out now. We're going rogue."

Trees shuffled as a slimmer, smaller figure jumped out of the trees, wearing the standard Kirigakure pinstriped outfit which stopped at his knees. Over this he wore a green haori with white trimmings, and around his waist a brown sash with a fringed trail wrapped around his waist twice. He also wore light-brown platoon sandals with straps in the same colour as his kimono and nail polish on his fingernails and toenails in matching blue green colour. The newcomer approached Zabuza. "This is Haku. He's my...precious weapon."

Naruto took notice of how Zabuza hesitated. "Well, nice to meet you, Haku. You can take off your mask, y'know. We're all friends here."

Haku seemed to consider this, and only did so when Zabuza nodded in affirmation. Sakura and Naruto were thoroughly pissed when they saw Haku's really pretty face. Haku's face was feminine and pale, but with a healthy glow. "Nice to meet you, Naruto-kun."

Naruto pouted. "Nice to meet you too, Haku-chan."

"C-Chan?" Haku blanched. "N-Naruto-kun, I'm a boy."

Everyone but Zabuza and Kakashi were very shocked. "EH?!" Naruto exclaimed. "You're a boy? But you're so pretty! Like, a hundred times prettier than Sakura and Ino combined!"

Sakura was rather insulted. "What do you mean by that, Naruto?!"

Naruto blew a raspberry at the pinkette, and proceeded to hug Haku tightly. "In that case, I'll call you Haku-pyon!"

Haku looked confused. "It's cause you look like a cute bunny, dattebayo! You look so fragile, Haku-pyon!" Naruto squealed as she bounced excitedly. Sasuke glared at the pretty boy. He didn't know why, but he didn't like seeing Naruto acting really friendly with Haku. Maybe he felt like his position as the dobe's best friend was being threatened? Yes. That must be it.

Haku flushed a bright shade. "Uh...okay."

Naruto grinned. "Call me Naru!"

Zabuza chuckled. "Well then. You're in luck, old man. You just earned yourself two more bodyguards. Pay comes in form of food and a roof to live under."

Tazuna blinked twice. A third time. "Er...okay."


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