Nothing To Lose (5sos/Luke fa...

By DallyDolls

14.1K 364 41

What if you liked someone but were afraid to tell them? No, scratch that what if that person was your best fr... More

Nothing To Lose
Do I...
Alone Time
That Morning
The Date
A plan
So Much Mystery
The Band Is Formed
The Confession
Its ME not HIM
The Fight
The Wait
Going Home
Home sweet Home
Morning Hang Out
Movie day (part 1)
Movie Day Part 2
One Chance
The Talk and a date
Nothing to Lose

I Love You

417 13 2
By DallyDolls

Emma’s POV

“And what kills me the most, is that I can’t call you mine” his word hit me. I don’t know why they just hurt me. They came at me like a dagger.

“Luke please stop I-“ but I was cut off.

“Emma I am tired of you asking me to stop feeling like this! Dam it Emma I cannot stop this feeling I just can’t!!” he came as close to me as he could leaving no gap between us.

“Luke this can’t happen! I’m sorry but right now I need to sort all my fucken feelings out! I didn’t know it was possible to like two people at once, Luke please just” I had nothing else to say. I didn’t have anything else to say, honestly I didn’t know what to say in that matter.

“Emma you don’t like Calum. You don’t like him. You think you like him because you have had a crush on him in the past, but tell me, the kiss we just shared Calum never kissed you like that did he? You have never felt the firework when you kiss him. You want to know why, its because you don’t like him.”

He got closer to me if that was even possible. Yet again I could feel his breath on me. He was breathing slowly. With each breathe he would take, it would hit me on my neck and every time it would I would get chills running down my back.

“  What we felt with that kiss, you don’t feel that with everyone Emma, and you know dam well that you don’t feel like that when you kiss Calum. You cannot lie to me, I know you better than anyone else. Shoot I know you better that you know yourself, and I know that you don’t like Calum like you like me”

Luke took a step back and just stared at me. He didn’t say anything, he just stared at me. I didn’t know what to say, like always but what he said did make since to me.

I never felt this way when I kissed Calum. In fact I really didn’t feel anything special when I Luke was right. Maybe I thought I liked Calum because I used to have a crush on him.

 Maybe I was just being stubborn and I didn’t want to face the fact that I really liked my best friend more than just a best friend.  Maybe I didn’t want my friendship with Luke to get ruined because we became more than friends.

“Luke?” I called to him. He just nodded his head at me so I could know that he was actually listening to me.

“Maybe you are right. Maybe I don’t like Calum the way that I though. Maybe this is all some sort of plan so I won’t fall to hard for my best friend because I might not want to lose the friendship that we have. And the relationship that I have with my best friend is one that I will not have with anyone else because no one has been trough all the ups and downs with me, no one but you Luke. And I don’t want what we have to just disappear one day.”

I went up to him and I hugged him. I hugged him like if I never wanted to let him go and I didn’t. I wish I could just stay like this, hugging him and not think of anything else in the world. I looked up at him and he gave me a warming smile

“Emma but how would we know if it’s going to work or not? I mean like you said ive been with you through all your ups and down. What if, what if we did give this a try?” Luke looked down at me again but this time he was actually being serious.

“Luke I can’t just break up with Calum and get into a relationship with you!” I said letting go of him.

“But why can’t you Em! Its not like hes going to give two shits all he wanted to do was….” He covered his mouth like if he didn’t want to say the last part.

“What did he just want to do Luke tell me!” but Luke just shook his head as if he didn’t mean to say what he was going to say.

“Forget about it. I’m just being stupid. Just don’t listen to what I say anymore ok Em. Well only listen sometimes like right now because you need to rest. Look its already five in the morning.” He dragged me to the bed and pulled the covers of for me get in.

I didn’t reall feel like arguing with Luke anymore so I just did what he said. He got in through the other side of the bed.

We stayed silent for a while before a felt his are snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and just smiled.

“Good night Emma” Luke whispered and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

“Good night Lukey” I said before shutting my eyes. Before I could completely fall asleep I hear Luke say something he had never said to me before.

“I Love you Emma” he said before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I love you too Luke was my last thought before I drifted into a deep sleep. 

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