Her--I mean His Biggest Secre...

By AdelineTeoh

42.8K 1.3K 393

Naruto is not who everyone thinks he is. Underneath his oversized orange jacket and tomboy facade, he holds h... More

Chapter 1: Gotta Pass Em All, Gotta Pass Em All!
Chapter 2: What Happened to Naruto?!
Chapter 4: Teamwork is Key...Now Let's Eat
Chapter 5: Yay, A C-Rank Mission!...Wait...It's A Drunk?
Chapter 6: Where Sakura Is Rejected And Pwned
Chapter 7: Lalala--HOLY MOTHER, IT'S MOO-MOO-CHI
Chapter 8: Do You Wanna Build A Great Bridge~ Come On Let's Go and Train~
Chapter 9: All Of His Ninja, All Of His Men, Couldn't Bring Him To Life Again
Extra Chapter:
Chapter 10: Meeting Kitty, Pigtails, and TANUKI!!!!!!
Chapter 11: What Exam? This Event Is A Total Creep Magnet!
1K Special Chapter!!!!!!
Chapter 12: This Chapter Does Not Progress The Story, But Enjoy The Sass Fight!
One Week One Shots: #1
One Week One Shots: #2
Halloween Special!!!
One Week One Shots: #3
One Week One Shots: #4
One Week One Shots: #5
One Week One Shots: #6
One Week One Shots: #7
Chapter 13: IBIKI'S A VIRG--Oh, We Pass? YAY!
Another A/N:
Chapter 16: One Scroll, Two Scroll--NO, I DON'T NEED ANY MORE!!!
A/N: 10 K, OMG!!!! Please Read
Chapter 17: Sakura Learns Her Lesson
A/N: A Small Hiatus
A/N: Official Hiatus!

Chapter 3: Your Team Is An Emo, A Fangirl, and A Jiinchuriki.

2.3K 66 32
By AdelineTeoh

Sasuke frowned as he watched the blonde set up a bunch of traps in front of the class' door. At first, he thought maybe the dobe grew a brain and was starting to be tolerable. Friendly, even, but then he started with the pranking again.

Naruto giggled evilly as she set the duster at the top of the door, and looped the chakra string, set the kunai, the bucket, the glue, the feathers, and his secret weapon. She giggled again, freaking her teammates out. She set the final trap and sat next to Sasuke, satisfied with her work. "Doesn't that seem a little...extreme, dobe?"

Naruto rolled her eyes. "Serves him right for being late. Watch. You're going to love this, teme. Ehehehe."

Finally, a figure walked into the room, and he was welcomed first hand by a duster to his head of silver hair. He thought that was the end of it, but the duster being dropped lifted the weight off of the trigger, and the kunai shot itself in the figure's direction. It hit way above his head instead. Kakashi sighed in relief, but didn't realise the kunai had released an entire bucket of glue to spill on him, then cover him in feathers. His eye twitched furiously. He thought it was over. That was another mistake. He watched as Minato-sensei's brat--I mean, son--took his precious Icha-Icha and threw it out the window, far far away.

His eye widened. 


He dashed after his precious, vowing to avenge it. 


Naruto laughed hard, and held the real book in his hands, wondering when Kakashi would realise that the one flown out of the window was a fake. "HA! I got him!"

Sakura shook her head at the blonde's childishness, but Sasuke himself couldn't help but feel impressed. The dobe managed to prank a Jounin. 

Maybe there was more to the dobe than met the eye. 

The onyx eyed boy nearly jumped when Naruto dug up some playing cards from his kunai holster and started to deal them. "Wanna play?"

Sasuke shrugged. If their sensei was going to take longer anyway, why not? Sakura joined in soon enough.


Kakashi was absolutely pissed off. That was Minato-sensei's son alright. The prank was well planned and cruel. He had to keep that one on a leash. 

Once he had himself cleaned up, he rushed back to the building, listening to the female of his team scream impatiently. "HOW CAN YOU WIN EVERY ROUND?"

Karachi entered the room, watching as Naruto smirked at the losing pinkette. "Ah, Sakura. Most don't realise this, but although I might have the worst luck when it comes to my early life, my gambling luck is off the roof. I win every gambling game there is even when I don't know the rules."

"Heh," Sasuke said. "I should bring you along next time I bet with anyone about anything."

Kakashi brought upon their attention. "My first impression is, I hate you all," he said darkly. "Especially the blonde one."

"YAY!" cheered the Jiinchuriki.

Kit, you've officially pissed him off. 

Mission success, Kyuu!

"Meet me on the roof."

He disappeared in a flurry of leaves. Naruto rolled her eyes. "Show off."

They walked up to the roof and sat down. "Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves. One at a time."

Sakura looked absolutely clueless. "Introduce ourselves?" she frowned. "Well, what are we supposed to say?"

Kakashi sighed. "You know. Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies...things like that." Honestly, it looked like he was handed the most troublesome team on purpose.

"Why don't you start, sensei, so we know how it works," Naruto suggested, twirling her kunai in her hand. 

Kakashi grew an irk mark at the reminder of the prank Naruto did to him. "Me? My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have many likes and dislikes. I don't have any particular dreams. My hobbies are none of your business either."

The three students deadpanned. Seriously, the only thing we learned was his name. Although the book I stole implies that he's a perv. How did dad deal with this guy?

He didn't, Kurama laughed. Back in the day, Kakashi was exactly like Sasuke. Emo.

Hoo boy. Kakashi instructed Naruto to go first. "Ok. My name is Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo. I like ramen, Stag and Otter, Jiji, Ayame-nee, Teuchi-oji, foxes, and sealing. I hate fangirls, people who are late-" Kakashi winced. "-and people who looks at the prison as its prisoner." Kakashi frowned. "My hobbies include cooking, pranking, learning new justus, and watering plants. Oh! And I like to study Fuinjutsu too. And...my dream is to be the greatest hokage ever...so that people will acknowledge me and start looking at me like I'm human, and not a monster...and maybe get married. That'll be nice."

"Who'd want to marry you?!" Sakura shouted incredulously. She just couldn't imagine anyone wanting to marry Naruto. Well, maybe except Hinata, but Naruto's too dense to realise it.

"Hey, Sakura. That hurts, right here!" Naruto cried, placing his hands on his heart.

Sasuke blanched. "Don't put your hands where your non-existent heart is, dobe."

"Oh, Sasuke, you wound me so."

Sakura went next. "My name is Haruno Sakura. What I like is...I mean, who I like is..." She glances at Sasuke with a creepy gaze. "My hobbies are...uh..." She looks at Sasuke again, and Naruto and Sasuke slowly inched away from her. "My dream for the future is..." She giggled then squealed.

Sasuke paled and inched closer to Naruto. "Dobe. As long as we're in this team, we avoid her. Agreed?"

"Agreed, teme. I think she stalks you, so I'll check to see if she does anything out of line."

Karachi asked what Sakura hated, to which she replied 'Naruto'. The blonde pouted and pretended dramatically to have a heart break. Sasuke went last. 

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I have a lot of dislikes, and I don't particularly like anything. My hobbies...I don't have any. But my dream, is to restore my clan, and kill a certain man."

Naruto blinked. "Stop. Hold up. Restore your clan?"

Sasuke nodded. "That's a lot of sex," Naruto said cheekily. The Uchiha gave a little scoff as a perverted grin appeared on Naruto's face. "You horny child. Besides, you cannot lie to me, teme. We've been rivals since we could walk! You dislike fangirls, sweet things, natto and losing, you like onigiri, katsuoboshi, and tomatoes, especially my tomato salad. Your hobbies are training and taking long walks without your stalkers following or bothering you, and your dream is to make a whole lotta babies and kill someone. Did I get everything?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Yeah, dobe. Whatever."

"Aw, Sasuke. I always knew you loved me," teased the blonde as he tried to hug the Uchiha but he dodged. 

Kakashi gaped. According to the reports he received, Sasuke and Naruto were supposed to be ultimate rivals and always fought, but what he was directly witnessing was a civil conversation. No. It was as if they were best friends. What else did the reports state wrong about? Really. Sensei, your son is so troublesome.

"Yay! Now everyone is introduced, Kaka-sensei!"

Kaka-sensei?! What the hell? "Well then, now that that's done, we'll have our first mission tomorrow."


Seriously, sensei, your son says 'yay' way too much. "It's a survival exercise."

"Boo!" Naruto huffed. Kyuu, what's going on?

Ah, yes. Kakashi went through the same test. The test was made by the Third, then passed on the the Sannin Jiraiya, who used it for your dad's team, then used it for Kakashi's. Now you get to do it.

Oh. "Okay, so what's the catch Kaka-sensei?"

Again with the nickname. "Well, to be honest, the Academy's exam was just to weed out the weaklings. Of the twenty seven graduates, only nine will be accepted as Genin. The other eighteen will be sent back to the Academy." Karachi's face freaked everyone out. "In other words, this is a make it or break it, pass or fail test with a chance of failing of at least 66%."

WHOA! DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!!! Naruto thought, watching Sakura's face turn into one of shock.

After Kakashi explained the time and venue of the test, and suggested they not eat any breakfast, he disappeared in another flurry of leaves. Sakura immediately rushed to Sasuke and asked where he was going and whether he was worried. The Uchiha moved away from the girl and whispered to the blonde of the group. "Oi, dobe. Help me."

Naruto chuckled. "Okay. Hey Sasuke, wanna come over to my place?"

Sasuke gave a small sigh of relief and accepted the invitation. Sakura insisted on coming with, but... "Sakura, you can't come," Naruto said, much to Sakura's rage. "Sasuke and I can go as long as we want, but you have a curfew. Besides, it won't be a date if it's at my house, is it?"

Sakura was fuming. She knew Naruto was right, but she didn't want to admit it. She marched off instead. "Thanks dobe. Are we really going?"


That night, Naruto and Sasuke ate their fill of leftover beef stew and tomato salad. They didn't know what Kakashi had in store for them, but they were ready for anything.

A/N: Hint 2: Scars

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