Born in Black and White

SaraRoseUrBoat tarafından

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Kairi Aria had been working for Scotland Yard for almost a year without incident. She had been very successfu... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End
Did You Miss Me??

Chapter 35

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SaraRoseUrBoat tarafından

A few days later, Kairi woke up in unfamiliar arms. She sighed in relief when she smelled Sherlock on the silken sheets of her own bed. She adjusted minutely, her face in between the pert breasts of her best friend and pathologist. She glanced up at Molly who was starting to open her eyes and they both chuckled awkwardly, adjusting in each other's arms and providing comfort as they settled against one another to just lay in peace.

Since finding the photos from Moran, Kairi had never been alone for even a moment. Everyone had decided to take off some well-earned holiday time until a little after the New Year to aid Kairi and Sherlock in their upcoming battle. Lestrade, John or some armed personnel of Mycroft's was almost always around her during the day. Molly would end up being around often as well. She was thankful to not be alone this time, to sink into despair and drink to escape the barrage of thoughts on her mind, the fear that gripped her so completely. Sherlock would pop in and out frequently, no doubt on the case as he sought after Moran and possibly Moriarty. Kairi felt her heart slow and go cold each time he left, fearing the next time she would see him would be underneath a white sheet in Molly's morgue.

During the night, Kairi felt like she would wake up to different people encasing her in their arms, sometimes a mouth would land on hers and she'd be brought out of sleep by Sherlock's hands. Though, it wasn't entirely true. It was mostly Molly and Sherlock who would switch in and out - no mouths on Molly's part. The idea of Lestrade sharing her bed was laughable to her and probably detestable to Sherlock, so no, only Molly and Sherlock had shared her bed - both for entirely different purposes.

She would fall asleep with one of them, only to wake up the next morning with the other. Usually when Molly was around, there was one other sleeping in her front room. No one was taking Moran to be anything less than serious. Lestrade and John seemed to be taking shifts on the couch. She had offered John to share the bed with her and Molly, but he had declined, admitting that it was too much pretty in one bed and the girls wouldn't be able to control themselves with him around. She was glad to have John, his wry humor in the darkest of times always put a smile on her face. Molly was nurturing and comforting and always good for a laugh. Lestrade was strong and serious, keeping her comforted in the way an attractive, maybe adopted brother, only can.

She should feel bothered that she was in Molly's arms and not Sherlock's, but she could feel how tense Sherlock was the night before, how far away he'd been since he had professed his need for her. She understood why he was distancing himself, why he was focusing on the case. Sherlock believed no one else could possibly find Moran and Moriarty, not even his brother who almost always had a constant watch over them all. He could not trust another soul with Kairi's safety. She would be flattered if she weren't so concerned. He was aflame from both ends at this point, burning harder and brighter with each step he took. The few moments he allowed himself solace, were stolen from Kairi, kissing her on the staircase or pulling her into the darkened hallway of 221B to press his body into hers in a heated rush. If not for all of the death and terror, Kairi may have found it all quite exciting.

Coming back to the present moment, wrapped up in Molly, she was happy to feel so comfortable with another woman. Over the past few months, since her entanglement with Sherlock, Kairi had found such peace with the unassuming pathologist. Molly was what a sister should actually be like. It wasn't any fault of Heather's that Kairi found familial solace in the arms of someone she wasn't related to. Heather, probably just as much as Kairi, understood that they'd never fit together like that. Molly, John, Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, and especially Sherlock, they were all of her family; as broken, toiled, and blackened as they were, they belonged to one another, finding peace within common turmoil. Almost as if she sensed this, Molly's arms tightened around Kairi and she exhaled a deep sigh.

Finally braving to speak, Kairi whispered into Molly's neck, "I'm so scared Molly."

"I am too," Molly started, running her fingers through Kairi's hair, their intimacy over the last few weeks had intensified, showering each other with physical and emotional affection that wasn't always doled out by their male counterparts. "But we have to trust in our friends. Sherlock will never let anything happen to you."

Kairi shut her eyes tightly, trying to fight the urge to flee from the warm embrace and run away and never return to London ever again. She inhaled deeply, the scents of Sherlock lingering on her sheets, Molly the most potent because they were skin to skin, and even the faintest scent of John on Molly. It made her happy. It made her feel calm.

"I trust him. Implicitly." Kairi muttered and snuggled into Molly who brought her closer, "I'm just scared."

She felt Molly nod, "And you have every right to be, but if there is anyone you can absolutely trust to solve this madness its Sherlock and John."

Kairi nodded, "I know. I just worry for them too. If anything happened to them..."

Molly shushed her, hearing the unsteadiness in Kairi's voice she couldn't hide, "Remember they have not only Scotland Yard behind them, but Mycroft and his merry band of spies. If anyone is almost as protected as you, I'd say its Sherlock and John. Moran and Moriarty chose the wrong enemies to make."

Kairi felt herself swell with pride, the fierceness of this frail women curled around her made her heart beat steady and her muscles almost surge back to life against the dread that threatened to cripple her.

They heard a knock on the door and they both looked up, still wrapped around one another as the door opened and Lestrade walked in, grinning widely holding up his camera phone as he snapped a picture.

"GREG!" Molly and Kairi both screeched at him, laughing as he chuckled heartily.

"Don't worry loves, this is for my private collection." He winked as they both groaned and gestured to him rudely, "I've got to be going, but one of Mycroft's men in just outside. More than likely he's got about fifty out there, hoping either Moran or Moriarty rears their ugly head for enough time to put a bullet in it."

Kairi and Molly pulled the covers over their heads, "Delete that photo, NOW!" Kairi growled and she heard Lestrade chuckling.

"Not on your life, darling." He was being awfully cheeky for it being so early. Kairi and Molly shared a snicker beneath the blankets as they looked at one another, feeling like children in a pillow fort. "Oi!" They heard him grumble and then pulled the blankets down from over their heads.

"I don't believe John or myself would very much appreciate you holding on to such a lascivious picture of our..." Sherlock paused as his fingers danced across Lestrade's phone screen deleting the evidence, "Girlfriends." He finished uncomfortably.

Lestrade chuckled when Sherlock handed his phone back, "You saying that word is worth the loss of the picture. Cant wait to spread that around." He smiled and nudged Sherlock on the arm as both Kairi and him shot Lestrade a dark look. He winked at Kairi and put his hands up in defeat, "I know where I'm not needed." He chuckled.

"Or wanted." Sherlock growled with vehemence and Lestrade just laughed as he waved his goodbye and left Kairi's flat amidst chuckles.

Kairi and Molly looked at each other with raised eyebrows and laid back down into the bed with a huff. They heard Sherlock coming closer to Kairi's side of the bed and Molly was looking over Kairi's shoulder at him with an odd expression on her face. "What are you doing?"

Kairi rolled over to look up at Sherlock, just as he pulled his own phone out of his pocket and snapped a quick picture.

"HEY!" They both screeched, pulling the blankets up around them and Kairi tossed a pillow at him.

He faintly smiled, swatting the pillow away before it came into contact with his head.

"You best delete that." Molly growled.

Sherlock's face went to stone as he addressed her, "I need it for... research." He said with a dim glint in his eye which made both of the ladies grumble, "I've just sent it to my compatriot. I believe a most exhausted yet anxious doctor is awaiting you Dr. Hooper." He rose an eyebrow and his eyes went a little cold, "Upstairs."

Molly glowered at him for a moment, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling as she glanced at Kairi, "Think its safe to leave you here alone with him?" She joked and Kairi just chuckled.

"I strongly suggest it would be in your best interest to leave, unless you have a burning desire to rediscover the anatomy of the living human body during sexual intercourse." Sherlock said flippantly.

Molly's eyes went wide as a blush stained her cheeks and Kairi looked horrified as her palm slapped to her forehead, "God, I'm sorry." Kairi whispered.

Molly gave Sherlock a cruel look and then flashed her eyes back to Kairi in a flirtatious manner, "Or we could kick him back out and we could study each other's anatomy." She waggled eyebrows at Kairi who very much knew that her relationship with Molly was platonic, so Kairi smiled wide, putting on her best sultry look.

"That doesn't sound half bad." She flicked her gaze to Sherlock who was now staring at them, his brow furrowed and his eyes blank and seemingly empty. He was lost somewhere in his mind palace. "What do you think Sherlock? Care to share?" She was trying to desperately to hide her smile and Molly almost broke Kairi's resolve when she dragged a finger up Kairi's bare arms.

His eyes seemed to refocus on Kairi, painfully attentive to Molly's finger now trailing up her arm. A dark flash changed his eyes instantly, making them stormy and almost grey, "I don't share well Dr. Hooper." His voice was deadly low.

"You thought about it though." Molly arched a brow and Kairi looked over her shoulder back at the pathologist and they finally broke into fits of laughter, falling back into the bed and giggling wildly.

The dark look on Sherlock's face faded as he watched them with confusion. Kairi cackled madly while she held her midsection and Molly seemed to cover her face with her hands while her legs kicked out a little wildly beneath the blanket. Sherlock felt annoyed, "Molly." He growled.

Molly uncovered her now pink face and took a heaving breath to calm down. She sputtered a bit when she glanced at Sherlock and saw how annoyed he was, but she just smiled at him and nodded, "Right, well, exit the room then, I'm only in my knickers."

Sherlock looked surprised, realizing he hadn't known what Kairi and Molly were both wearing beneath the blankets. Molly was wearing a tank top of some sort, since he could see the straps, but he couldn't - nor did he want to - deduce what was on her lower half. He glanced at Kairi who had the thin straps of one her more comfortable tank tops peeking above the covers - it was light pink, almost sheer, made of a silken material that he favored because of the simple factor of it being barely there. He felt his face flush at the thought of them barely clothed and entwined in one another, images that had not graced his mind since he was a hormonal teenager began to barrage his mind. Most nights, he entered in the dark or left in the dark and didn't see what they wore to bed - not Molly at least, and in most cases Kairi was stripped within seconds so he could find peace within her touch.

Molly gave him an off look, "Go on!" She shoo'd him and he was brought back to the present. He turned sharply and stood in the other room, waiting for Molly and Kairi to dress. A moment later, Molly emerged, bundled in one of John's old sweaters and a pair of worn pajama bottoms and fuzzy slippers. She gave him a coy, teasing glance as she walked by him, winking. His cheeks colored as she walked away, chuckling at him. Sherlock was taken aback for a moment: Molly Hooper, a vivacious and indulgent tease. He smiled slightly, happy to see that her and John were well suited. She had managed to grow a spine after she helped him fake his death, but more and more she was not just stronger in presence, but actively speaking her mind and blooming under the good doctor's affections.

He was brought out of his reverie by a small blonde standing next to him, clearing her throat. She leaned against her door jamb, wearing nothing but the thin tank top and a pair of lace lined under things. He felt his throat practically swell shut, making it impossible for him to swallow the torrent of saliva forming in his mouth as he took her in with great hunger. Her skin was smooth and pale, pinked only slightly by the laughter and warmth of sharing her bed. He took a step closer to her, the predatory grin he could feel on his lips was reflected by her mouth as she stepped backwards, around the door jamb to lean fully against her bedroom wall. He felt his blood begin to spark slightly, her nipples hardened under his roving stare and he felt himself chuckle deep within his chest, knowing that she'd already be slick with need. She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly, playfulness gleaming in her eyes though she was trying to remain non-chalant under his consuming glare. His grin widened into a full smile as he walked closer, using his imposing, fully-clothed form to make her feel small and vulnerable. It was a game they both enjoyed playing.

He traced a finger along her collarbone and noticed the very slight shiver she tried to hold back. He hummed his approval as he watched her pupils dilate and he caught the tenuous scent of her growing arousal. He couldn't help baring his teeth in a very gentle, teasing smile.

"Should I feel threatened?" He asked playfully, looking into her eyes and he noticed the increasing effort it took for her to keep such a coy smile on her lips. He stepped close enough to corner her and feel heat radiating off of her skin, but not close enough to touch.

Kairi swallowed heavily, another hint at her unease, "By Molly?" She bit her lip with a grin, engaging in the face-off he provided, "Possibly." She shrugged, "She's got those small, yet strong and dextrous doctor's fingers," Kairi recounted, licking her lips gently, "Her breasts would fit perfectly in my hands, though mine might be a bit generous for her. I'm sure those surgeon's hands would become very accustomed to them, quite quickly." She unfolded her arms, letting her barely restrained breasts be free to his gaze again. As if to demonstrate, she traced a finger down the center of her chest, following it with her other hand, splaying out her fingers as they brushed very slightly across her own nipples through the practically sheer fabric. She moaned lightly for show - despite that knowledge being painfully aware to Sherlock, the noise was still pleasant as he enjoyed the unique sounds he could rip from her lips. Taking a moment to glance up at Sherlock, she smiled with satisfaction, the hardness of his features made his barely contained lust obvious, "Our fingers are small though, we might need to use more than just one or two." She blinked slowly, her voice soft and laced with promise. She fluttered her eyes closed for a moment, "We might even need to augment the experience. Maybe experiment with a few analogs." She bit her lower lip as she looked up beneath thick lashes at Sherlock who was still grinning at her darkly, "I bet she'd taste very sweet, maybe as sweet as me, but its hard to tell when your mouth taints the experience." Her hands trailed down her stomach and brushed over the front of her underwear. Sherlock's breath hitched violently watching her fingers gently press into her folds, bending the fabric to her will as a single digit graced against her, if only for a brief second as she dragged them away. Kairi smiled with a cunning grace as Sherlock's eyes went vibrantly blue around his blown pupils, feeling as if she'd won this round despite being pinned against the wall.

His eyes flicked across her skin, fire and ice all at the same time, hell-bent on consuming her completely. He smiled, almost disdainfully as he leaned in closer, his lips ghosting across her skin, barely touching and he inhaled deeply at the base of her neck causing Kairi to arch her back away from the wall ever so slightly, yearning for his touch.

"You reek of Molly's scent." He stated flatly, letting the tiniest hint of anger taint his voice. He stood up to his full height, glaring down at her as he removed his heavy jacket and tossed it aside. He placed one finger beneath her chin and lifted it sharply, making Kairi's jaw clench, "That simply wont do." He finished darkly and Kairi felt her resolve crumble at the timbre of his voice. She had to fight to keep her eyes from rolling into the back of her head as a moan snuck between her lips. Sherlock gave her a smug grin and she wanted to say something scathing.

He knelt abruptly, surprising Kairi with his speed, pushing up her shirt as his mouth attacked her soft and smooth abdomen, nipping at her hip bones and causing her to gasp. His hands reached up, underneath the embarrassingly thin material of her sleeping shirt and grasped her breasts, holding them firmly as he twisted the erect nipples between his fingers, causing her to groan and clamp her legs shut for need of friction. He smiled against her stomach, his tongue trailing along her skin as he dragged his downs down, infuriatingly slow for Kairi's liking. He hooked his fingers in the sides of her underwear as his hands continued the path down, taking the garment with them until it pooled around her ankles. His mouth never left the skin of her stomach and hips, perhaps straying momentarily to bite at the flesh of her thighs.

Her breath was coming out strenuous and ragged and he let his lips lead him towards the scent that had been driving him mad with carnality. Her legs were still held together and he smiled as he kissed the apex of her vulva, letting his tongue dart between the folds to taste her heat. She let out a strangled yelp when his tongue dragged across her hidden clit. His hands busied themselves, digging his fingertips into her skin as he slowly pulled them up her ankles and calves. They moved inward now, without removing his mouth from her delicious wetness, his hands gripped her behind the knees and he dipped himself gently, forcing her harder against the wall as he lifted her legs and planted her thighs firmly upon his shoulders.

Another yelp came from her lips and he glanced up at her for a moment to see her eyes shut and her breasts, uncovered and heaving, press forward as she arched her back from the wall. He smiled into her wetness and used his grip to force her hips forward, undoing the bend in her back and curving her against his mouth, using his tongue and lips to torture the flesh at his disposal, he refocused on the task at hand.

His hands were planted firmly on her buttocks, his fingers gripping the soft flesh that tensed and vibrated under his grip. He listened attentively to her moans as his tongue darted out, pressing into her entrance. Feeling the muscles tighten around his tongue elicited a deep growl from his chest and he pushed further until Kairi let out a scream that seemed to shatter her to pieces. She tensed around his tongue and he chuckled against her when he tasted the culmination of his work, drenching his tongue and lips. He graciously drank it up, his mouth unrelenting as every breath coming from her lips came out as a strangled cry as he suckled on her clitoris. He continued his assault as she shook all around him, mewling noises coming from her lips. Keeping her balanced upon his shoulders, one hand moved upwards and pinched a nipple between two fingers and he barely had time to relish the feeling of her breast in his hand before she let out a choked sob as she came again, almost collapsing on top of him as her fingers gripped his hair.

He sat back on his knees slowly, letting his mouth kiss up her body as he let her legs fall slowly from his shoulders and down his arms with the aid of his hands. He rested on his calves now as Kairi slid down the wall to rest in his lap and he took her mouth without mercy despite her whining moans. He let her sit, straddling him, as his hands unhooked from her legs and moved slowly up her body, letting his palms graze her nipples as he progressed to fist his hands in her hair, commanding her mouth for his own purpose, "I want you to taste yourself on my mouth, on my tongue." He growled against her, forcing his tongue into her mouth as she moaned against him, her body shaking and almost naked against his finely pressed suit. "I must insist it is the finest taste I've come across in my entire life." He whispered against her lips. One hand trailed down her body again, making the same stop as before, until she felt his hand press against her vulva, dipping two fingers into her, savoring the heat for a moment while he coated his fingers with her orgasm. She whined slightly, her eyes barely open as he withdrew his hand slowly and brought his fingers to her lips, tracing one wet digit along her bottom lip, coaxing her mouth open. Her eyelids fluttered as he pressed his fingers between her lips, feeling her tongue swirl around his fingertips, "Now how does it compare?" He asked, feigning innocence in his tone as she trembled against him. He hummed his displeasure, "I assume we will need more data for this to be an accurate comparison," He pressed his lips to hers as her breathing regulated, "Alas, I must admit its a trial for another day." She whimpered in desperate thanks at this and he wrapped his arms around her as they exchanged a fervent kiss.

When her breathing calmed and their kisses waned, Sherlock pressed his lips to her cheekbone, his mouth finding its way to her ear, "Are your legs too weak?" The voice was gentle but Kairi felt like it tore through her body, "I greatly wished to take you in the shower." She whimpered something that could have been assent as she nodded her head.

"Please." She managed to get out and he smiled as they shifted and got to their feet.

He hastily removed Kairi's shirt, her limbs still rather slack after two powerful orgasms. She padded into the bathroom some sex-minded zombie as she turned on her shower and Sherlock disrobed with each step behind her.

He helped her into the shower and began washing her with gentle hands. His fingers would ghost across her most sensitive spots, teasing her relentlessly as the suds made them both slick.

Kairi felt as if she were in a haze, possibly a dream, as his powerful fingers touched every inch of her body. When he was done with his attentions he guided her into the spray and she turned slowly, rinsing the soap from her limbs. She watched him, staring back at her as he gave himself some minor attention. Suds coated his pale skin, making him shine in an ethereal light in the sunshine that crept into her bathroom from a window. His dark hair was slicked back now, his face the focal point, jagged and breathtaking as water dripped from his wet brow. His eyes were black still and she continued to stare as his hand went down and gripped his erect penis in his strong hand. Kairi bit her lip, watching his face begin to crumble as he stroked himself gently, using the soap on his hands to help his grip slide over him fluidly.

Kairi watched him, letting her hand trail down the sides of her breast and come to rest between her thighs, testing the sensitive skin and biting her lip to keep from making a sound. She let her eyes meet his and he smiled at her in a very sinister way, removing his hand from himself as he stepped forward. Kairi went to move, she wished to wrap her arms around him, but he stopped her, holding her hand in place with his own. He spun them slowly, pulling her tightly against him, both of their backs to the spray, Sherlock's broad shoulders shielding her from the brunt of it.

He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his erection into her back, letting his hands trail down her arms to meet her fingers against her clitoris, "I know how you enjoy to be touched by me." He whispered against her skin, "I am eager to know how you touch yourself." His lips and breath raked up the skin of her neck, until his lips pressed against the scapha of her ear, "Instruct me." He murmured, the rumble in his chest rippling through her entirely, enough to make her crumble right then and there.

She did as she was told, touching herself and allowing Sherlock's hand to mimic her movements as they rested above hers. She varied in pressure and speed, making small circles with three of her fingers pressing heavily on the sensitive nub. She gasped, leaning back against him, closing her eyes and relishing in his presence, his heat, and his breath tickling the skin of her neck and shoulder as he watched their hands move in symphony against her skin.

The intimacy of this simple action, of Sherlock asking for instruction, to be showed how she enjoyed to be touched, was overwhelming her. She felt tears prickling at her eyes hoping the shower would hide the indiscretion of her emotions. She felt his hand squeeze at her hip as their hands moved quicker over her. She reached for his other hand, entwining her fingers with his as she pulled them down her hip, across the expanse of her lower abdomen and brought them between her thighs, widening the gap to fit them there together. She brought his fingers to her opening, guiding his finger that fitted against her own, inside. She rarely did touch herself, fingers being too small and arms being short made for a frustrating experience, but she guided Sherlock anyway, feeling his finger, with her own press into her. Though she didn't get very far, the sensation of them both feeling inside the ridges of her was enough to make her shake against him. He curled his finger around hers, edging her as far as comfortable while he searched for the one spot that drove her into oblivion. The sensuous nature, sharing this intimate act, made her legs quiver.

"Sh-Sherlock..." She managed to get out.

"Enough." He growled and bit the cartilage of her ear, causing her to gasp. She almost growled at him when he linked his fingers between hers and pulled her hands away from their work. She was surprised when he pushed her hands against the wall, holding her there, flat palmed, with his hands forcing hers into place. He was pressed against her though she had space between her extended arms and the wall. He nudged his knee between her legs and she widened her stance. She felt his chest lean into her back and she felt his mouth on her ear again, "Don't move your hands." He commanded and she obeyed, trying to get a grip on the tiled wall. His hands snaked down her arms, across her back with splaying fingers that dug into her skin in a delightful way. His hands finally reached her hips and he gripped the bones, pressing the tip of his penis along the length of her folds, rubbing precariously against her clit and making her growl. He seemed to sigh, disappointed in her lack of humor for the situation, "Very well." He drawled, letting one hip go as he reached his hand between them and parted her folds, allowing him to slip in effortlessly, eliciting a cry from Kairi's lips and a growl from Sherlock's chest.

They stood together for a moment, Sherlock gripping one of her hips while the other hand strayed to her back, raking his paltry nails across her skin and causing her to shudder against him. His eyes rolled back for a moment, feeling her shudder from the inside. It was a feeling he wished to replicate ad infinitum. His eyes traced up the skin of her back, watching closely as her muscles rippled in anticipation for him to move against her, but he stayed still, watching her ribs expand and roll beneath her skin, watching the water form droplets, rolling down along the path of her spine to where they joined. His hand traveled up her back and moved her hair out of the way, gripping the base of her neck in his strong hands like a cat in heat would bite down on its mate. He began moving, slowly and she groaned with the sensation, her breathing, deep and shuddering, in time with each languorous thrust. He watched, her forehead pressing against the tile wall and she tilted further for him, opening herself for deeper thrusts and he hummed an approval in his throat, coming out as a thick moan between his lips. She stayed there, almost prostrate to him, but it was he that was worshipping her.

He couldn't help his hips' involuntary movements, pacing themselves quicker as he listened to her breathing sharpen and come out in gentle whimpers as he reached her end and withdrew to almost his full length.

Gripping the back of her neck, his fingers graced the base of her hair, pushed to the side so he had access to her skin, but he couldn't fight his fingers as they urged closer to the wet plait that was over her shoulder. He gripped it tightly, wrapping it around his hand and he yanked it backwards with just enough force to cause Kairi to cry out in pleasure.

He bent forward, adjusting his angle and she whimpered loudly again, her fingernails trying to find purchase against the stone. He smiled, "Take your hand, make yourself come." He growled, tightening his pull on her hair and she removed one hand from the wall. Sherlock moved his hand to support her, to add more to her balance he placed his arm around her, his fingertips resting on her lower abdomen, as her hand disappeared between her thighs to tease the aching bud that was begging for release. She whined slightly, applying pressure as Sherlock moved within her at a gruesome speed.

With his hand pressed against her lower abdomen and the angle of penetration, he could detect the faintest movement of his powerful thrusts inside of her that elicited nonsense from her lips. He grinned, holding her in place with a palm pressing against her stomach and a hand fisted in her hair as he pumped inside of her, relishing in her heat, in her softness, the water from the shower empowering the scent of their lust, causing him to lose himself entirely in her presence.

With a scream, something akin to Sherlock's name, Kairi came, the powerful heat that had been building and coiling within her like a snake had finally been pushed too far, striking out and sinking its teeth into her soul, pulling tears and sighs from her lips as she shook around him, squeezing him tightly and ripping his orgasm from his control with her name on his lips, not muttered like a curse, but held in adoration, like a prayer.

She felt Sherlock's hand unwind from her hair and move to brace himself against the wall of the shower, holding them both up with their muscles on the brink of exhaustion. Kairi tried to lean fully against the wall, but Sherlock wouldn't let her move. He relished in the muscle spasms, contracting around him, pulsing through him, he always wanted to experience every aspect of Kairi's body until the end. She felt his hand on her stomach and he pressed against her, on both sides and Kairi let out a gasp at the sensation. She knew that if she looked at him, he would be smiling, and she knew, more than anything, that he would continue, stealing one more glorious fall from his temple, her body. He did it again, applying pressure and holding it there and Kairi squirmed against him with a moan, only causing more friction, only finding more pleasure within her exhausted form. He moved again, spent, but hard inside of her, tilting his hips and she shuddered, her legs quaking violently.

"One more." She heard him practically whisper, "Please, come for me one more time." He punctuated each word with a grind of his hips and Kairi found herself unable to resist his voice and body. She shouldn't be surprised really, but another orgasm rolled through her, elongating itself with each spasm of her body and Sherlock ground his hips against her, keeping himself deep inside of her while pressing against her abdomen to allow for more friction, more delicious sensation. The sound that came from her, seemed to erupt from her, almost violently, pulling itself slowly from her lips as Sherlock held himself in place. Letting his head fall back, with eyes closed, relishing in the way her body clung to his in every aspect of the word.

He removed himself slowly, eliciting a broken sob from Kairi and a painful groan from Sherlock. He wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her from falling over as both of their legs felt weak and dangerously close to giving out. They stood in the lukewarm water for a moment rinsing themselves quickly, Sherlock aiding Kairi in her pathetic attempts at movement.

He retrieved a towel and wrapped her up and sat her on the closed toilet seat and proceeded to help her dry herself. She smiled at him, bashfully, sated and calm. He returned her grin, a genuine smile from him as he felt the same.

He stood to dry himself and when he finished he knelt down, placing a hand against her cheek. "I'm sorry if I was too-," He paused as she leaned into his hand, closing her eyes and smiling, "Enthusiastic in my attentions."

Kairi chuckled, "God that's putting it lightly." She opened her eyes slowly and stared at him so lovingly it made his chest ache.

He smiled at her, almost painful in accepting of her affection, "Each day that passes makes me more eager to ensure you are mine. To prove it, not just to Moran or Moriarty or even Mycroft..." He paused, taking a breath, "But to myself."

Kairi nodded, "Always." She said softly, leaning into his hand a little heavier, seemingly like she might drop at any second.

"Pardon?" He asked and her eyes opened slowly.

She chuckled, "Always. I'm yours. No matter what." She turned her face and kissed his palm and the sensation of her lips against his skin shot through him like the most violent of electrical currents. She seemed unaffected by her words, aloof almost, so common place in her mind and her heart that they didn't bother her anymore. They were an inalienable truth within her. She was Sherlock's, nothing could change that.

"Always." He tested the word on his tongue and it didn't sting, it didn't taste sour like romance or sentiment. It tasted sweet. It tasted right. He stood abruptly, reaching down to Kairi to help her stand. "Come, I require rest."

Kairi chuckled, leaning against him as her legs were still quite shaky. He wrapped an arm around her tightly, "I'm sure you do." She smiled up at him, "Don't tell me to come anymore, I honestly don't think I could take it." She joked and he looked down at her a little horrified. She shook her head, "I'm kidding Sherlock, but seriously, let me rest. You've attacked me every single night since the photos... Sometimes during the day when I believed you to be God knows where. I love you dearly, but I've had more sex in the past few days than I've had in the 28 years leading up to it."

Sherlock chuckled, holding her closely as they rounded the bed and he helped her lay down naked. He curled around her shortly, pulling her body against his and instantly feeling the oxytocin coursing through his veins making him feel comfortable and happy. He closed his eyes, resting his nose against her hair and breathing her in, calming every fretting synapse that called for attention in his brain.

Faintly, Kairi felt so content, so utterly happy and self-assured lying in the arms of Sherlock, her eager and attentive, insatiable lover. There was a part of her, one locked back inside the recesses of her mind that was screaming at her, begging her to wake up.

Kairi's life did not lend itself to happiness and contentment.

The ax would fall and it would fall soon.

In the forefront of her mind, she drifted to sleep, comforted perfectly by Sherlock's warmth and the scent of his breath curling around her cheeks; the darkest part of her mind writhed and cried.

Kairi didn't know who she could sacrifice to be its victim.

Okumaya devam et

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