She Doesn't Cry Anymore

By roziwrites

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Young Niara Ashford ran away from home. Her last moment with her parents was her crying over the blood that... More

She Doesn't Cry Anymore - Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

119 4 0
By roziwrites


"Come on! This is the last shop I promise!" I pleaded, clapping my hands together.

Mitch moaned as he heaved the dozen of heavy shopping bags. I couldn't thank him enough for waking up at 8am and driving me to the shopping centre an hour way. I needed something for tonight - we were all going clubbing. We had been there for 2 hours, stopping at Starbucks more than twice and visiting tonnes of shops. Almost all if which I bought at least 2 items from.

"You said that an hour ago."

"I know but I just couldn't ignore that bikini, and those shoes!" I ran over pulling Mitch by the wrist. All of the girls trailed Mitch's every move, gawking, whispering, and giggling. Some were shooting jealous looks towards me. I was so used to living with 4 handsome hunks I was confident enough to not care and thought of most of them as brothers. Most.

When we had finally finished, the bags loaded into the boot, we drove home. Me and Mitch chatted for a while, but as our tiredness kicked in the talk died down.

"We're home!" I sang. Me and Mitch had stopped off for our fourth coffee and I was still buzzing having finishes it half an hour ago. Mitch trailed behind me, dragging the bags.

"Here. Next time we go shopping, remind me not to volunteer." He stated, handing me over the bags.

"Thank you so much." I smiled, taking the bags and giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

I couldn't ignore the pair of eyes that bore into my every move. I could smell it.

Vanilla. With a slight hint of anger?


It was later into the evening, and everyone but Gale was getting ready for the night out.

Gale had to sort something out with the pack and, as usual, couldn't go out.

I rummaged through my many shopping bags searching for the black lace dress I had bought especially for this occasion. I found it, slipping it on and grabbing my black chunky heels. The dress hugged my body perfectly, exentuating the all right curves - which I had. My heels gave me much needed height, and my silver necklace complimented it beautifully. I grabbed my mascara and eyeliner, applying it expertly along with lipgloss, that made my lips shine even redder, and threw it in my bag. I looked at my dark hair, knowing it would probably become a birds nest by the end of the night.

A soft knock sounded at my door, and it opened slowly. I really need to tell these guys to ask if they can come in.

Gale stood in the door frame, gawking. I raised an eyebrow, resting my hands on my hips. "Go on."

"Well... I... you look..."

"Hot, smashing, bangable?" I was used to hearing these words used to describe me. Most of the boys I passed would use them.

"Beautiful." I blushed, the heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Thank you." I murmured, ducking my head so he couldn't see my red cheeks.

He continued staring. I cleared my throat, reminding him why he came here. "Oh yea! I'm going to the pack to sort some things out and I'll probably be out all night. So don't be accepting any special nursing when you throw up." he added, before turning and walking out of my room.

A few minutes later and we had arrived at the club. The boys had been stunned when they saw me, Tom had gaped then exclaimed that I 'brushed up well'. He wore a white shirt that fit well and was buttoned low. He had black trousers on, accompanied by a brown belt. The brothers wore similar attire, except different colours, Toby in red, Cam in white with blue pinstripes, and Mitch in grey.

We we're let in swiftly, after a quick flirt with the bouncer at the front.

"You made quick work of him." Tom laughed.

After an hour or so - and 6 shots - I was tipsy. Toby, Cam and Mitch were dancing like lunatics in the middle of the club, being grinded against by most of the girls. I had been approached by tons of guys, none of which tickled my fancy. Tom was sat a few sofas away, being kissed by a keen blonde. You could tell he had no interest in this girl as his eyes were open, and focused on me. He rolled his eyes as her hands trailed down into his top, and he pulled away, standing up and making his way to me. Leaving the girl, tearful and alone.

I smiled giddily, the alcohol making it dangerous to stand up. Luckily I didn't have to, as Tom jumped down next to me. He slung his arm around my shoulders. Normally I would shrug him off, but the alcohol clouded my judgment so I left it. He leaned forward, smirking.

"How's the little beauty?" He teased, caressing my cheek.

I giggled. "I could be better." My eyes looked him up and down.

"Right let's get you home."

He ignored my protests, lifting me from the seat and making his way to the edge of the dance floor. The music blared loudly, and I could just about hear Tom summoning the boys. They pulled away from the girls, buttoning up their shirts and wiping away the lipstick stains.

We drove home, my head resting on Tom's shoulder. I babbled on loudly the whole journey home, laughing at the groans of the three boys who were wincing from the early effects of their soon to be hell hangovers.

We got home and I instantly stumbled to the stereo. " The party's not over yet boys!" I cheered, grabbing the shot glasses and pouring out five shots, spilling some of the contents across the counter.

They happily hurried over, swallowing the shots in 2 seconds flat.

Then we danced for 2 hours, I flirted outrageously with each boy, leaving them gawking.

My head span dangerously so I stumbled down the hall to my room. Before I could make it, a hand on my shoulder pressed me to the wall. I looked up, Toms red eyes staring back intensely. He smelled of lust and alcohol.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time." He planted a long kiss on my lips.

"Oh really?" I slurred. Again, my clouded judgment did not allow me to pull away as he slid his hands under my top and traced my sides.

My hands slowly unbuttoned his shirt, stroking his abs. He groaned against my lips.

This is wrong. This is wrong.

"You're wonderful." he breathed.

"Stop?" I mumbled, against his lips. There was a recognisable smell mixed with the lust but I couldn't pin point what it was.

"You're different. A challenge. You don't reek of lust every time you see me." He smiled.

He kissed me deeper, more urgently. I tried not to kiss him back, but couldn't ignore the smell. What was it? That smell? My body was frozen. It was in a coma except I was still conscious.  

"Stop! No...". He paused, raising an eyebrow.

Vanilla. It was vanilla.


It disgusted me.Seeing her with him. He didn't deserve her. Now watching them, it really did show how much better she was.

She sensed me freezing and pulling away. She had been hesitant. She had told him
to stop, but as her eyes locked with mine, fury consumed me. A low growl escaped my lips. It smelled strongly of alcohol in the whole apartment.

Her eyes widened, I clenched my fists. "I can explai--"

I turned away speaking over my shoulder. "It seems pretty clear to me."

I stormed away, running out into the road. My anger kept my wolf from emerging, but the hurt and betrayal was threatening it out.


"Tom move I need to go to him." I growled, stopping the alcohol from slurring my words.

"Not happening. No way. We only just got started." He smirked, nuzzling my neck. I cringed.

"Move!" I shoved his chest. Somehow this encounter had lifted the cloud of giddiness and somehow, being surrounded by that vanilla scent I could think straight.

"Why do you care about him so much. You didn't a few seconds ago."

"That's because I was drunk! I am drunk!" I screamed. "What happened here meant nothing!"

"Are you sure? You are mine." he nuzzled into my neck insistently. I tried to push him away but he stayed firm.

I swung my knee up, connecting with my target.

"Fu-" he shrieked but I cut him off with a punch to the stomach. I hissed into his ear.

"You knew Gale was there. You knew!" I turned away, " Ps: I am most definitely not yours."

I searched everywhere for Gale, but soon my headache grew and had to retire into my room, locking my door before I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6 in the morning, meaning I had only 3 hours sleep. I groaned as I leaned up, my head felt like someone was hammering a blunt nail into it.

I got up, quietly unlocking the door with a 'click'. I shuffled down the hallway, stopping at Gale's room. His light was still on.

I considered going in. No.

I carried on down the hallway. When I got to the kitchen the lights were on as well. A girl wearing a large red shirt stood there making some tea. The shirt was identical to Toby's.


She jumped slightly, turning around quickly. The girl had short brown hair. She was pretty, with shining blue eyes. She was smiling in a way that made you think she smiled a lot.

"Oh hi! I'm guessing you're Niara?"

I nodded.

"Want some?" She said, offering a mug. I took it gladly."I'm Jenny, but I like you, so call me Jen."

"So, guessing by the looks of things, you and Toby got freaky last night huh?" I joked.

Instantly she blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear. She took another sip of her coffee. I heard Toby stride into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"She's a catch." I nodded.

"Oh and don't I know it." Toby grinned even wider, winking. He leaned down into an awkward kiss with Jen. It seemed to work for her though, and she deepened the kiss. Taking that as my queue to leave I ran out, hearing Jen shouting an apology. To be honest I didn't really mind, if Toby was happy, it's cool.

There was a sudden crash sounding from the hallway. I ran down to see Gale and Tom facing off. What now?!

I scampered in between them, holding my arms out. "Stop whatever you're doing!" I screamed over their growls.

Tom smirked, "You didn't stop last night, so why should we?" That earned a viscous snarl from Gale. Clearly Tom was enjoying this. Tom took a step forward so my hand was touching is chest. "See what you're missing?" I flinched slightly. Gale cocked his head, confused.

"What did you do to h--" he began.

"He didn't do anything against my will. I just had had a lot of alcohol, and he got a little too persistent," I looked over at Tom, glaring. "I wouldn't have done it otherwise. I assure you."

Tom growled with anger, stepping towards me again and grabbing my waist. Gale took a step forward, but I had already punched Tom in the face, he withdrew slightly, but his hands still lingered on my waist. I could smell Gale's anger.

"Get away from her." His eyes flared blue.

"You really think a measly Beta could even stand a chance against an Alpha? You're dumber than I thought."

I pulled out of his grip, swinging my elbow round so that it connected with his temple. He swayed slightly, but regained stability. "Don't worry. I enjoy a chase." He hissed, and began to approach me.

This time Gale didn't hesitate; he stormed forward, but I ran in front of him, his chest pressed up against me. I could feel his force, struggling to keep him back. I needed to distract him. God, I'm so bad in these situations. His force was growing, and it was almost impossible to prevent him from ripping Tom's head off. So I did the only thing I could think of. I leaned forward on my tiptoes, and kissed Gale. Instantly his eyes closed at my lips, his body relaxed and he moved his lips with mine. I could've stopped but didn't want to. I finally realised that maybe, just maybe, I loved Gale.

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