Already Gone

By HiiPower_333

2.5K 130 10

Hailey a teenage girl living a hard life struggling with her inner dark thoughts, after her father's death sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 43

10 0 0
By HiiPower_333

Sky's POV

"Dude where are you going it's not even mid night yet!" Kris looks at me confused to see me walk out the door.

"Kris you know I'm not in the mood to party" I sighed.

"You haven't been in the mood to do anything since you broke up with her" Kris rolled his eyes.

Kris will not understand the feeling of loving someone but could never hold them. He won't know the ache that forms into one giant dark mess that buries deep in my head. He won't know the self loathing that comes everytime I think of her. He won't understand until he loves someone too and I hope for his sake that he won't go through what I had to.

"I'm going home" I finish the vodka in my cup and toss it at him hoping to his his face but he quickly dodged it chucking softly.

The graduation party is the biggest party of the year, everybody is here. Jessica was of course the one that organized it all. She rented a place, got a DJ and everything a party needs. She loves to be the center of attention. She had her arms around me like a prize and it was starting to piss me off so I'm leaving.

I grab a taxi and finally get back home sighing in relief to see my house. I walked inside and up the stairs but when I pass Hailey's room it was wide open. I frown deeply moving closer smelling her familiar perfume the I love. A hint of vanilla and woody scent, I use to crave for that smell that I held her bottle of perfume and just kept it near me whenever I need to feel close to her. It's still in my room and I wonder what she would think if she saw that there.

I flicked the light on revealing the empty bedroom making my gut twist painfully. Moving inside the room felt odd, like something is not right. The room looks tidy, really tidy. Her hair comb is not on her vanity, her bag of make up is placed messily on top. No trace of her being here is gone and there is a slight panic setting in.

Rushing to her closet I yanked the door open and turned the lights on seeing the emptiness there.

She's gone. She's not here.

There is this sort of numbness that I felt, an emptiness over coming any thoughts that came through in my mind.

Did I hope that she would change her mind and stay here for a long time. Did I hope maybe one day in the future we can finally get back to the way it was suppose to be. Did I hope that if I have her close to me at least I know she's safe. Did I hope that this tense feeling between us would slowly fade away and we could look at each other the same way as before.

I want all those things, I wish for all those things.

I feel foot steps behind me making me look over my shoulder finding my dad standing there with an understanding look.

"Did she already move to Kyle's house?" My voice felt strange.

I feel like a shell, with no emotion and robotic movements. A frown is placed on his face looking over at me shaking his head.

"No son she left the country." He informed making my stomach drop.

"What?" I whispered my throat restricting.

It suddenly dawned on me that I won't know when I will be able to see her. I can't call her and hear her voice when she resent me for what I've done to her. It gave me a little peace knowing that even though she's not here with me, she's always close by. We could bump to each other in the street and force mom and dad to beg her to come for dinner only to give me an excuse to be around her. An excuse to find out if she's doing okay or if she found some better then me.

That thought alone is driving me crazy. As selfish as it sounds I don't want her to be with anyone else other then me. I don't want to have to picture him holding her and making her life. I don't want to picture him kissing her and telling her how much he loves her.

I just want her.

Her and I in that boat, back to where I truly fell in love with her.

"She's gone Sky" My dad watches my reaction cautiously as if waiting for me to have a break down.

"She's gone" Saying those words left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I wanted to ask where did she go I bit my tongue to stop myself because I know if I find out where she is I wouldn't be able to help myself and fly over there. The restrain I have is so painful that all I want is to scream and break things.

"Can you do me a favor?" My voice shook no from sadness but rage.

"Of course anything" My dad's face filled with concern.

"Don't tell me where she is, no matter how much I beg for you to give me an address. For my sanity and hers don't tell me."

My dad looked me the same way he's been staring at me for the past weeks, ever since he saw me cry over Hailey convincing him that I'm still deeply in love with her. I see the puzzled look in his eyes trying his hardest to figure me out.

"Okay son I promise I won't" He spoke walking up to me and place his hand on my shoulder steering me out of her room. "Let's get a drink"

I nodded quickly in agreement.

It was in that moment I knew that alcohol will be the toxic thing I will turn to.

Four years later...

I let the bitter taste of bourbon roll in my tongue warming up my throat. I stared at the vanity where a single perfume bottle placed on it. I got up and smiled slightly walking up to it and lift it up bring up to my nose to smell. Memories of her came rushing back, as if they left in the first place.

I think of her every day and every night.

I always wonder what she's doing, if she's doing okay. What is she studying? Or did she study at all? Who is her new friends. Is she eating alright? Does she stay up late through the night like she use to? Did she find someone new that could treat her better then I could? Have she fallen in love? Most of all does she think about me the way I think about her too?

There is too many questions and it piles up every day creating a heavy feeling in my chest weighing me down.

The scent of vanilla and rose caused a calming feeling wash over me not even a whole bottle of alcohol can do. It's like having her in my arms again, my face buried on the crook of her neck. This scent always lingered on her clothes, her hair which transferred to my bed sheets. I miss my lips lingering her soft skin. I miss touching every inch of her and worshiping every bit of her body. I miss the way she arches her back while her head is thrown back leaning into my touch. I crave for every day that it began to ache.

I would stumble into a strangers bed and never kissing them but only the purpose of lust and frustration. Countless nights where a new girl is beneath me, I picture her and as sick and fucked up it is that's what I do. I don't let them kiss me not even on my neck but they weren't her.

Nobody could ever replace her and I can't forget her.

I lost count on how many times I rejected Jessica from trying to sleep with me but it seemed like she can't take the hint.

I sleep with other girls and she slept with guys just the same but in the spot light of social events and gatherings we are a happy couple.

I sighed deeply and walked out the bedroom seeing my mom walking down the hallway her smile brightened seeing me. She walked up to me and adjust my tie smiling adoringly at me making me chuckle slightly.

"Look at you always so handsome" She gushed patting my cheeks.

"Thanks mom my looks comes from you" I took her hand and loop it around my arm walking down the long stairs.

"How are you darling?" She spoke softly. "I haven't seen you awhile, you never visit" She frowns.

"I'm fine mom just busy that's all." I lied.

"Running a multi million dollar hotel is not going to collapse if you take one day off" My mom advice. "Look at you! I can see that you're stress"

"Amy stopped nagging the boy" Dad walked towards me grabbing my glass of drink disapprovingly.

He always notice the drink in my hand and I always notice the worried look on his face.

"I'm trying to merge a deal with an anonymous business person to persuade he or she to buy a share of Stamford." I walk up to the table of of hard liquor and poured myself a drink.

"Stamford? That's not your hotel why are you managing it?" My dad raised his eyebrows confused.

"Because Jessica is brainless" I spat bitterly "Her dad thought she should finally handle being the chairman in their family business while he is away for four months. She lacks of drive and responsibility but she just loves spending what ever money her claws could grab."

Both my parents shared a look hearing so much hatred in my voice when I talk about her.

"Son if you don't want to be with her or handle her business you don't have to" Dad reassure me.

But I do and nobody could understand the feeling of worthlessness and how degrading with the way she blackmails me to get what she wants like a spoiled brat. I have to take care of her business and be with her. She sucked all the joy in my life and made me miserable.

I tried for two years, I tried to look for a way out of this to prove that my father cannot do this. I was left with no evidence to back up my claims, I hired top investigator but they were scared to go in further because they were going against one of the most ruthless and dangerous man in politics, Jessica's father.

With me doing all the work to try slither my way out from Jessica's grasp I couldn't do it. I gave up and I feel like I'm in a life sentence with her and this is my punishment.

I was about to speak up and tell my parents another lie telling them how happy I am to be with her but her irritating voice erupt us.

"There you are" She grinned walking up to me wearing her gown. "Come on baby it's time to go" She tug me but I didn't budge until I finish my drink.

She glares at me annoyed, she too realized my access drinking I hope she knows I only do it to tolerate being with her. I snatch my arm away and walked by myself to the limo with her claws digging into my arm as if scared I will escape and make a run for it.

Once inside the limo she growls. "You know you shouldn't treat me like that infront of your parents"

"Why? So they think I'm madly in love with you?" I grunt. "I'm not that much of a good liar"

"You did love me once" She sneered bitterly.

"I was fifteen Jessica I would have said I love you to anyone that could get me laid" I scoff laughing to myself.

I look at her seeing no change to her face making me fully aware that no words can get through her head and she will continue living in this fantasy land where everything is about her and that I want her. A perfect little Jessica's world.

"All that matters is that I love you and soon enough you will learn to love me again" She acts so delusional ignoring every insult and hurtful words I throw her way.

We finally arrived at the Grand Ball and this year is extra special because the benefactor and organizer of the Grand Ball is turning 50. Nobody truly knows the identity of the man that created the most luxurious event ever made, getting an invitation is harder. The most prestigious and wealthy are invited but also along with middle class man. They call him the great Gatsby of this generation. Tonight is very special since he is personally attending and everyone is already buzzing about it.

I haven't been to this ball since the time I was with Hailey. I hated these events but she made me wish it never ended when I was dancing with her between my arms. She always brought the best out of me and she doesn't even realize it.

I've attended the grand ball with Jessica before she was always all about the pictures and talking up to any rich family she could find. Two words social climber. The second thing other then her that I hate.

Descending down the long long stairs of the ball is like an entrance anyone with a high social status wants to impress everyone else. Show off their gowns, jewels and their date that is what this ball is about but my mother loves it she sees the good in it not the luxury being shoved in your face but the romance and dance lit floors. The press and photographers all lined up ready to snap your photos.

I entered immediately seeing champagne ready to be served making my eyes light up. I grabbed it quickly and walk down the steps on my own not bothering to wait for her or hold hand and hand with her.

"Skyler honey" I can hear the restrain she has from not shouting at me.

I rolled my eyes to her seeing her thrust her hand for me to take like a gentlemen. She was still a few steps above me but she won't move because knowing her she wants us to look so madly in love with any chance she gets.

"My father is here so your behavior better change" She challenges me.

I clenched the glass in my palms ready to shatter it but instead I down it and place it to the nearest server. I walked back up and took her hand a little too roughly causing her to stumble in return she gave me a deadly look.

"Let's put on a show shall we?" I chuckled bitterly who then smiled ignoring my sarcasm.

We walk down the stairs as slow as she wants putting on a show. Jessica finally went off with her so called friends finally leaving me some peace. Looking around the place I see the spectacular high ceiling with too many chandlers, mountains of food and drinks, flowers and crystals surround the place spending a fortune in one night.

I grab another drink lingering around the champagne area where I want to stay the whole night.

"You look as miserable as I left you you poor bastard" I heard Kris' familiar voice chuckle from behind me.

My scowl turned into a full blown grin seeing my best friend I haven't seen for 5 months. We walk up to each other and hug each other with our own handshake.

"How did France treat you?"

He looks the same only difference is the stubble on his face, he also acts the same as he did in high school. Kris is the only friend I have, the only person I can go to when I need a break from Jessica.

"France is France" He shrugged nonchalant. "Enough about my business in France tell me about the plan of getting rid of that soul sucking witch-

"Oh look who is back" Jessica sneered with her little followers behind her chuckling.

Kris rolled his eyes, "Speak of the devil and she may appear." Kris always showed his distaste of Jessica since we were 14.

He said she's always trying to change me and a manipulating person, I just ignored his warning but now I see it. He should of grabbed my shoulders and shook me, he should of slap me and punch me to make me see her for who she truly is from the beginning. I know it's my fault, but it always felt so inevitable for us to be together at that time.

"Hello Jessica" Kris spat with so much venom making me smirk.

Kris was always the one that always showed his dislike for her and he made sure she knows it. That's one of the reason why we are best friends he doesn't have time for others bullshit. If he doesn't like you he doesn't put on an act and that gets him in trouble sometimes.

"Kris what an unpleasant surprise to see you" She rolls her eyes.

"The only unpleasant thing here is you still in my best friend's life" He glared irritated.

Jessica flickers her eyes at me waiting for me to speak up and defend her but when she saw my smile anger flash over her eyes.

"We're in love Kris-

"I think I believe the rumor Monique told around school that you gave Alec anal in the boys locker room more then you two being in love." He said making burst out laughing.

Her eyes widen spinning around to face a horrified Monique already facing wrath of Jessica and I sort of feel sorry for her. Kris grip my shoulder and move us away as soon as we have the chance laughing at the mess he just made.

"You are cruel" I chuckled.

We caught up on things, telling each other what we missed. An announcer stood in the middle of the stairs, more like a mountain to me by the looks of it. Spotlight on her whistle everyone quiet down seeing her with a microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! The Grand Ball started in 1901 by the Waltz family and it started as magnificent as it is today. The allure of this party wasn't just because of the beautiful ambiance and spectacular food and entertainment. It's the fact that the host of this very own event never revealed her or himself. Tonight we are very humbled to finally see the face of the person that brought joy in our life and helped others by giving what this even earns to children's mental health hospital. Please welcome our host and wish him a happy birthday."

I can't say I'm not intrigue and curious about who this person is. When he walked down the stairs spotlight on him following his every move. He looked really good for a 50 year old man, there was only a few gray hairs on his dark black hair. His olive skin brought out the lightness in his eyes. The expensive tailored suit fit him well and I can see the affect he has on the women already.

"Hello everyone welcome to the Grand Ball" A loud cheer from the crowd. "I am Henry Waltz, my family's legacy isn't about big parties and splurging on the most expensive and glamorous things. My father built a sanctuary for young adults and teenagers who needs help with mental health and to just get away but don't have the necessity to build themselves up again. I know people talk about this events as showing people what wealth can buy but it isn't about that. Half of the people invited here are those who doesn't care about what brand of shoes you wear or what car you drive. I invited them to experience this for one night, to enjoy and love every moment of it. The other half of the people invited here helps give donation to my charity and I am forever grateful."

He sounds like a very humble passionate man and he surprised me.

"The reason why my father never reveal he is the host of the party is because he didn't want to be known as the man who spends a fortune in one night. He didn't want the media to portray him as a millionaire because quiet frankly my dad loves living the quiet life. I carried on this tradition every year and I love bringing joy to people for at least one night. I decided to reveal my identity because I am doing bigger and better things and I want everyone to know what this party truly is about. My associate and dear friend helped me with this decision and I want everyone to know who my future business partner is." He pause and looked over his shoulder.

Everyone did too and I see a woman coming down the steps gracefully and when my eyes settled on her my heart felt like it jolted back to life. I almost dropped my drink from the shock seeing Hailey. I would know that beautiful face any where. She wore a wine red fitted dress that flows from the bottom. She immediately stood out from the rest because everyone here is either wearing silver, black, pastel or white.

I gasp softly seeing her beauty outshine everyone so easily and I think I'm not the only one that sees it. The camera flashes rapidly as she walks down and smiles gently taking the hand that is offered to her. She wore the same shade of red on her lips and her brown styled perfectly without any flaw on her.

"Dude!" Kris whispered shocked as I am finally realizing who it is.

I couldn't even tare my eyes away from her, in the sea of people I wish for her to look back at me.

Four years of not seeing her face, hearing her laugh and all I want to do is push my way through the ground and get to her. I just want to take her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. I walk closer pushing through, needing to reach her, needing for her to see me too. I couldn't hear anything else because it was like gravity is taking a toll on me and everything is in slow motion and I couldn't get to her fast enough.

I stood right at the front as Henry and Hailey walked down and seeing his hand around hers caused a sting in my chest. Even though he clearly stated she is his business partner I can't help but feel jealousy rushing through seeing adoration shinning in his eyes. When her eyes captures mine I saw her eyes widen a little but quickly turned cold and distant.

In an instant it was like reality smacked me in the face and reminded me of what I done to her but I remember her last smile in graduation. I thought even though she left she didn't hate me as much I thought she would because of that smile and it gave me relief and peace. Now seeing her standing inches from there is that look not of sadness anymore but anger.


I will update in 2 days!! Vote and comment <3

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