Legend Of The Ice Dragons

By EnderWolfQueen

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When Natsu, Happy, Erza, and Lucy go on a mission that had too do with the area freezing over at times. They... More

The Mission And The Dream
Black Ice Castle
The Ice Dragon Sings For A Storm
Clear Skies And A Dragon's Soul
Presents And An End To The Blizzard
Information And Cold Demeanor
Anger and Retaliation
Singing In The Moonlight
Dragons And The Train Ride Home
New Family And Unconscious Courting
More Unconscious Courting And Galuna Island
Kidnapping And Two Steps Back
Frozen Demons: The Past Returns
The Cold Emperor And Ice Dragon
A/N And News
Icy Powers Clash
Dragon Book: Forbidden Spells
Mates Protect At All Costs
Dragon Pride
Gray's Past
The Last Battle On Galuna
Land of Ice : Skyrim
Dragons And The Dragonborn
Disturbing Information
History and Horses
School Of Magic and Vampires
No Solitude in Solitude
Shadowgreen Cavern Holds an Ice Dragon
Legends And Told Stories
Four Holds And The Mountain
A Portal To Heaven Means Farewell
Omake : The Yuki Onna
Heating Metal Using Ice

Dragon Scale Necklace And The Owner

730 28 6
By EnderWolfQueen

(A/N : Now just a heads up in this fic Gray is not and I repeat not going to be like himself. He never met Ur he was raised by Isis the ice dragon after she saved him from Deliora's attack on his village that is near Snowdin. He will only strip if he's too hot but he will be doing it knowingly but won't care because he's burning up. He won't be wearing his cross necklace but the one up top. It's made from Isis' scales also for more information I would think that people would hunt down certain dragons for their scales. Why you ask well here. Ice dragon scales no matter if it's just one or hundreds protects against freezing weather and fire dragon scales protect against scorching hot weather. It's only the weather not magic attacks. So in this I will be giving Lucy a necklace and new earrings later tiny insignificant spoilers. Any way let's get on with the show. Oh and I also have a tendency to put at least one of my OCs every story I write so you've been fore warned.)

The trek to the ice dragon cave was long and tiring . . . for Lucy that is. She was extremely tempted to call Horilogium but decided (read : Erza scared persuaded) to conserve her magic. So most of the time she was whining about the razor like snowflakes in the wind. The jeweled night sky and pearl like moon barely being shown due to the constant storm. Happy was being held by Natsu as they neared the entrance of the ice cave. Lucy gave a sigh of relief at the thought of getting out of the raging blizzard and sitting next to Natsu furnace like body. Once they all entered the cave it was dark with no moonlight to touch the crystal ice rocks to shine giving the cave any light. Natsu lite a fist with his flames making the rocks catch the light and bathing the cave in an orange, red, and yellow glow. The light made the place look like eerie and just not right like it was suppose to be lite with a soft cool color than the bright colors of natural fire. The now lite cave made everyone there shiver at the colors. Taking a case off of her cart Erza pulled out some lacrima infused with light magic and told Natsu to grab the sticks scattered across the ground and Lucy to get the twine. They worked with Natsu keeping the light till their torches were constructed. The flame went out and the cave was now bathed in the white light emitted by the crystal spheres now making it look mystical and beautiful. With the better light source they continued deeper into the cave. It was quiet aside from their feet connecting to the ground. It was surprisingly warm in the cave to Lucy's enjoyment but she didn't mind. They were warm, dry, and safe from the howling storm winds. But once they started to get to the end of the cave patches of color started littering the floor, walls, and ceiling. They looked like splatters from something. But once they reached the back of the cave something no one expected lie on the ground by the wall. The shimmering of icy blue scales, the almost transparent wings, the tough but also delicate horns, and sharp claws and teeth. There was no mistaking it. It was a dragon and not just any dragon it was the ice dragon queen Isis. Her once strong and graceful body sat sprawled on the floor of her own cave with puddles of her dried and frozen blood around her. Lucy held her hand to her mouth with tears flooding her chocolate colored eyes. Erza stood as a stone at the once mighty beast on the ground dead. Happy stared on at the still beautiful creature even in death she was majestic covered in her blood. Natsu was the only one who dared move closer to her lifeless body. On closer inspection he gazed at the cause for her death. Her body was ripped open, scales and bones cracked to get at the inside of her body. Her heart was missing. The muscle was ripped out of her body making her live no more. Moving to her face he saw her clouded eyes open and they seemed to be forever frozen in a stat of pain and worry. She must have been trying to protect something to have ended up like this. He reached out and closed her eyes hoping that it would help put his mind at ease and he prayed that she would find peace. The team left the innermost chamber of the ice cave going back to the main entrance that allowed one to see the storm outside of the mouth. They sat around the campfire planning on staying in the cave for the night. The sight of the slain dragon in the back of the cave still in there minds. It made them all uneasy. The thought of who or whatever could've kill the dragon made Natsu sick to his stomach. Then he was reminded of his dream the night before when he saw a child in the reflection of the ice rock. Gray where was he when that happened? Did he even know what happened? Natsu hoped against all else that he didn't see Isis die right in front of his own eyes. Being exhausted the team settled down to sleep. But sleep still didn't come easy. Images of the dragon corpse further in the cave still walked their memories. But eventually their exhaustion won the battle. Once Natsu closed his eyes a number of dreams flashed across his mind's eye.


He was opening his eyes but everything was cloudy and dulled but he was broke when he heard sounds bouncing off the walls of the cave. Lifting his head off the ground he found he was taller. Confused he questioned why everything was the way it was till he figured he was viewing the world thru Isis' eyes. Isis got up and slowly walked the cave her claws scrapping the ice and rock under her. Once she entered the main room of the cave she found a teenage Gray sitting at the mouth and singing to the sky. Walking over to sit by him at the mouth. When she sat Gray stopped singing and looked up at her. His cobalt eyes were red and bloodshot. She lowered herself to his level and wrapped him in her tail and one wing. She was his mother she didn't talk she wanted him to talk first so that he could overcome it on his own. Gray hugged her tail and started to speak but in a language that Natsu didn't know but understood perfectly.

"Isis why won't nust bo? Nis nust siiv zu'u ko naan?(Isis why won't they come? Can't they find me at all?)"

Isis puffed frosty air from her nose making the frost crystals appear in Gray's hair. She growled softly not being threatening just comforting to her child. Rubbing the tip of her snout on his cheek as tears continued falling from his eyes. Then she spoke the same language that Natsu didn't know but understood perfectly.

"Maybe nust just aren't ready nu. Nust fen siiv hi soon ni worry dii kiir.(Maybe they just aren't ready yet. They'll find you soon don't worry my child.)"

Gray sniffled and hugged her snout feeling more at ease from her words. After the hug Isis spoke again.

"What lost hi lovaas dii kiir?(What were you singing my child?)"

"Fin lovaas hi always lovaas wah zu'u. Hi mindok fin gein do fin Dovahkiin.(The song you always sing to me. You know the one about the Dragonborn.)"

"Ahh geh zu'u mindok daar gein. Hi mindok ko aan sense hi los Dovahkiin ol pruzah.(Ahh yes I know that one. You know in a sense you are Dragonborn as well.)"


"Oh geh. Hi tinvaak ko fin tongue do dovah ahrk hi dreh lost fin suleyk do gein yourself.(Oh yes. You speak in the tongue of dragons and you do have the power of one yourself.)"

Gray sniffed again and hugged Isis once more. Isis grumbled happily and started rubbing Gray's stomach with her nose. This action made Gray start giggling and trying to push her head away from his person. After the tickling they both withdrew back into the cave to stay warm and go to sleep.

The sound of heavy footfalls woke Isis from sleep and with her sudden movement it woke Gray as well.

"What los folaas Isis?(What is wrong Isis?)"

"Zu'u los ni sure. Quick get behind zu'u.(I am not sure. Quick get behind me.)"

Gray did as instructed and crawled over her belly and back to slide down her scales to the ground. She dropped her head over her front legs to feign sleep. Then the glow of flaming torches showed in the distance giving the cave the eerie glow again. Isis resisted the temptation to curl up more feeling it would alert the new comers. They entered the room her and Gray slept with chains held in their hands. She didn't move till they tried clamping them on her. She roared making them fall back for a moment before they rushed her. They shouted indiscriminately.

"Get the boy!"

"Chain her up!"

"What are you doing get moving!"

A clash of magic flew throughout the cave till one voice rang above the commotion.

"I would stop if I were you foul beast."

Isis swung her head to the sound of the voice to see a man grinning victoriously at what she didn't know till small grunts could be heard. Lowering her gaze slightly she saw the man's hand grasping Gray's neck with a knife's tip pointed at the hollow of his throat. When the man spoke with confidence dripping off of his words.

"I know you understand me perfectly so listen and listen well. Do as I say and the boy won't be hurt. Got it?"

Isis growled but nodded her understanding to the man. The man removed the knife but still had a firm hold of Gray's neck.


Isis sat.

"Good girl, now let my men chain you up."

As the men were approaching her she growled as they hooked up the chains. Her eyes never leaving Gray and the man. Gray strained to speak with the man's hand around his throat but he spoke.

"Why los hi letting niin dreh daar? Zu'u fen kos yuvon just dreh something Isis.(Why are you letting them do this? I'll be fine just do something Isis.)"

"Nid! Just stay mulhaan ahrk let niin dreh ol nust please. Zu'u ni laan saan hi ol pruzah Gray.(No! Just stay still and let them do as they please. I don't want to lose you as well Gray.)"

With that the chains were secured and pulled down tight forcing Isis to lay on the ground with her chest exposed. The man holding Gray backed out as he spoke to his men.

"You know what to do and what to get. Once done get to the castle."

The men nodded and then blocked the view of the man and Gray. With them out of the cave the other men smiled holding a sword.

"Time to say goodnight monster."

As the sword was swung down towards her heart she let her final words leaver her mouth.

"Goodbye Gray. Zu'u los krosis nii drey oblaan med daar just mindok zu'u fen always love hi kiir.(Goodbye Gray. I am sorry it has to end like this just know I will always love you child.)"

The flash of the sword as it struck her chest and then everything went black.

~End Dream~

Natsu woke up in a cold sweat panting. That had been the most emotional dream her experienced. Only when water started dripping onto his hand did e know he was crying. He didn't know what to believe what was real.

'Is that what really happened to the ice dragon queen? If so why?'

His thoughts swam through his head making his brain throb. After a few minutes the others started to rouse from their sleep. Quickly Natsu dried his face and cleared his throat. With the team now fully awake and breakfast cooking over their small fire no one spoke a word. This mission was draining them to the cores and quickly especially for Natsu. Finding a dragon's corpse and the dreams were taking a toll on his mood. When Happy was finished cooking his fish and he set it down to cool he pulled out the dragon scale necklace out of his little green sack and stared at it.

"I wonder who this belongs too."

"Well who ever lost it and don't want it I'll keep it. I mean it's so gorgeous."

"I'm pretty sure they will still want it Lucy. Especially if it was a present given to them form someone they love."

Lucy sighed knowing no one would give up such a beautiful necklace. As idle chat moved along to cover the foul mood hanging around them all. They finished breakfast and Happy put the necklace back in his little pack sack they set off down the mountain towards an old bridge said to connect the ice dragon's mountain to the castle's mountain. The wind howled and it cut like razors around them. Even Erza was feeling the strain of the walk in the continuous blizzard. But with the bridge in sight they pushed on with minor whining from Lucy. The bridge was old made from nothing but wood planks and rope. It was a miracle it hasn't snapped yet. They all slowly traversed it one by one and eventually made it over in one piece. The castle was just through a path of ancient evergreens that were half buried in snow. The closer they got to the castle the stronger the wind grew if it was even possible.

The black brick castle came into view through the whipping snow making it impossible to see less than a foot in front of your face. Erza pushed to the front of their small group and started shoving the huge doors open. They opened slowly with creaks, squeals, and groans of protest from no use in hundreds of years. With the four now in the castle Erza shut the doors to keep as much wind from coming in. With the doors closed Lucy collapsed to the floor.

"That's it I need a break. This storm is never ending and it took forever just to get to the castle."

Erza nodded her agreement with Lucy saying they needed a to rest and to have lunch. She was mostly just hiding the fact that she was wiped by the storm as well. Also this would be the perfect place at the moment to have a picnic. The four sat on the warm blanket and ate the food laided out around a cheerful Erza who could have an uninterupted picnic. They sat regaining their energy with food and rest no one talking. The mood of the dark and cold castle thick in the air. After their lunch and rest they started up again exploring the castle. It was mostly empty aside from old furniture, dust, and mold. All the paintings had rotted away from time. The stone work thou worn still had an impression of what it once was there still faintly show standing the test of time. The walls were starting to come crumble down leaving holes in the roof and floor as well as letting snow pile up on the ground. All the suits of armor and weapons covered in rust and seemed that if one touched them they would crumble to dust and blow off into the wind.

The castle was huge and Lucy had to stop every so often to regain feeling in her legs and feet. But soon when they opened an old weathered door to a library. This room seemed to be the most untouched of all the castle. Lucy being the avid reader and writer of the group walked in with sparkling brown eyes and a spring in her step. Looking closely at the books they all seemed to be in utterly perfect condition. When she went to grab one of the books her hand was stopped by an invisible barrier. Running her hand across it she could barely feel an etching of a magic circle.

"That explains the perfect condition of all these books and this room. Their all protected by magic. Even after all this time."

The knowledge that no one has seen these books for ages and no one as read them for hundreds of years gave Lucy goosebumps. As she was shuffling around the tall circular room furiously and Erza as well but much calmer. Natsu stood against the wall bored with Happy floating in front of him watching the girls and looking for books about fish. Then Natsu spoke up.

"Hey Happy can I see the dragon scale necklace. Maybe I can get a scent form it."

"Aye sir."

Happy pulled the necklace out and handed it to Natsu and went back to searching for books on fish. As Natsu held the necklace close to his nose trying to catch a scent. The smell that came from it was the smell of crisp ice, freshly frosted ground, vanilla, mint, and most of all it was feminine. Was this Gray's necklace from Isis? And if that was the case was the feminine smell from Isis or him? He didn't know but the scent was so faint it was amazing he picked up that much. But then the sound of Lucy's voice pushed him out of his thoughts.

"I'm so keeping three of these books or more I don't know. I want them all! Erza do you think you can fit all of these in you suitcases?"

Erza just scolded her for being greedy meaning a definite no. Sighing Lucy went back to looking at all the books before her. She decided to take at least six books. One on the history of a place called Skyrim, one on the Dragonborn, a book full of bard lyrics, one on all the dragons ever researched, one full of strange marks, and finally a book with the title 'Legend of The Ice Dragons'. As she pulled it from the shelf the sound of clicking followed by the sound of bricks moving. The stone fire place in the room broke apart and revealed a passage lite by torches leading to stairs further down into the castle.

"Lucy what did you do?"

"Nothing I just wanted some of the books to take back. No one has seen these for ages. And if we don't get any jewels from this job these are my compensation!"

She finished her statement with a pout and her tone said that that was her final decision and nothing could change her mind. Sighing Erza approached the new tunnel and motioned for rest to follow her down the stairs. It was cold and just got colder the more stairs they went down. At the base of the stairs it lead down a long hall. Slowly walking down it they found a steel door at the end of the hall. Grabbing the handle Erza pushed it down and the door opened with no squeak. As they all stepped in the room was lit with blue light all around the circular room. In the center was a metal pedestal lit as a white light. Cages hang from the ceiling some over a pit of fire with a grate over it. Skeletons filled a few of the cages. Along the ceiling as well were metal pipes. On the edge of the circle they curved up and appeared to go outside. But if one followed them to the center of the rooms ceiling they saw an ice blue heart covered in small patches of scales. But the disturbing part was that it still beat and moved. Machines circled the walls and on the wall opposite of the door on the far side of the room were bars. The team walked further into the room still disturbed by the pumping heart that was way to big to be a humans. And approached the bars. Peering through them what they saw all made them gasp hands over their mouths. Laying on the ground was a pale skinned teenager with midnight blue hair in torn up clothes. Cuffs and chains around his wrists, ankles, and around his neck. In a small cage hanging by him was an exceed. Her fur was white and black with gold and red leopard spots and around the near tip of her tail was a cream and gold cuff encrusted with purple jewels in the shape of the moon phases. The loud sound of Lucy dropping her books made the teen crack his eyes open. His cobalt eyes shifted towards them and he spoke in a quiet strained voice.

"Hi fod get out do het us hi get kriaan.(You should get out of here before you get killed.)"

With the unknown language flowing from his tongue before his eyes fall closed again.

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