Magi: Hiraeth

By lilyofthelamplight_

193K 7.3K 890

"Even the mightiest of kings fall once forced to the edge." The longing for a place you called home that neve... More

Author's Note
1: Xue Kingdom
2: The 23rd Dungeon
3: The Boy Who Emerged from the Wormhole
4: To Sindria
5: Sinbad, King of Sindria
Character Profile: Yukiko Heiwa
Character Profile: Aoren Heiwa
6: Lady of the Tundra
7: Dawning
8: Memories from Kou
9: Before the storm
10: Birthday
11: Glorious Sindria
12: Feelings
13: Shattered
14: The Fallen
15: Emptiness
16: Gone
17: The Kingdom of Kina
18: Snow Child
19: Realization
20: The Flame Emperor
21: Welcome Home
22: Rebellion
23: News
24: Ascending
25: His Decision. Her Decision.
26: Queen Yukiko Heiwa
27: The Kou Empire
28: Stay with me
29: Back in Sindria
30: Decisions
31: The Road to Magnostadt
32: The Darkness
33: Missing you
34: The Place She Once Called Home
☆☆** 2017 **☆☆
35: As A Representative
36: Her Return
37: To Be Like Before
Lost Scroll: The Past (A Recap Chapter)
38: Sinbad and Yukiko
39: Vulnerable
40: Prelude to Darkness
41: Resurfacing Darkness
42: The Difference Between Us
43: Sorrowful Feelings
44: Tears
2nd Anniversary
45: Forms of Love
46: By the Sun
47: King Vessels
48: King Vessels pt.2
49: Balbadd
50: Impasse
51: In Each Others Arms
52: Different
53: Moon
54: Summit

Lost Scroll

2.3K 88 2
By lilyofthelamplight_

Dancing Drunk [Yukiko]

Alcohol can do amazing things to a person. Especially with a person's personality. A calm and collected person can be a crybaby when drunk and an always poised one can turn wild and seductive. No one can really tell what a person hides underneath his skin.

This is a story that took place after a year of the Heiwa siblings' arrival in Sindria. A story that they want everyone who saw to forget it for eternity. A story that still circulates around especially among the eight generals who find delight in watching the siblings feel shy.

The King of Sindria, Sinbad, was celebrating his birthday. There were lots and lots of food, people, lights and of course lively music accompanied by beautiful women dancing along to the beat to entertain the party and to keep things lively. The siblings were amazed to see such a festivity so different from what they do in their country for the first time. Everyone was laughing while eating and drinking.

"Aniki! I want to try those food over there!" Yelled an excited Yukiko as he points at the buffet table situated at the veranda where the king and his generals are overlooking the party. Aoren nodded in approval as he drags along Sharrkan and Spartos with them. Even Jafar went over with them, giving them helpings of the food. Everyone was clearly enjoying the moment. They particularly like seeing the always formal siblings smiling freely and enjoying the party to the fullest.

"Yukiko! Come and join me here!" Called Sinbad to the white haired woman who was enjoying her plate. She obeyed nonetheless and went over to his side. There, she spent chatting with him about some topics including her adventures around the world. Sinbad was clearly interested since he is a lover of adventure stories afterall. Sinbad also told her some of his tales and they were laughing heartily until..

"My King, pardon the interruption but the ladies have arrived." Said one servant.

"SINBAD OU-SAMA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~!" Squealed the girls wearing skimpy clothings with the lively colors of their flower crowns and garlands. They rushed to his side, taking up the space surrounding him resulting for Yukiko to pushed out of the scene.

"Dance with us, please~ We rarely dance together nowadays!"

Sinbad was clearly enjoying the attention and the adoration these women were giving him, completely forgetting his conversation partner who was now frowning at the side. Yukiko gave out an annoyed huff before walking away.

"Stupid. Pervert. Lustful." She murmured as she descended from veranda to the party ground. There she stood beside the long table serving drinks since she was thirsty. The night was slowly getting old and she thought, "We should liven up the party again. Even if that Stupid King is satisfying his carnal desires up there, it's still his birthday afterall."

Grabbing a fairly large black bottle on the table before walking over to the side of the party where the musicians are playing, she started chugging down some of its content because of her thirst. She ended up coughing because of the strong taste followed by a sense of dizziness. She had grabbed one of the bottles containing the strongest liqour in Sindria - UMBRA.

You see, Yukiko can't really handle alcohol very well like her brother. She has little to no tolerance towards the beverage. That's why it was no surprise when Pisti and Yamuraiha saw her, she was nothing like her usual poised and calm self. Instead, they saw a euphoric woman playing the violin in a wild and lively manner much to guests delight. She was laughing loudly as if she doesn't care about the world anymore. She was circling the crowd who were clapping and dancing to the music she is making accompanied by the drum players. They slightly panicked seeing her in such a state that they pulled her to the quiet side of the party grounds.

"Lady Yukiko! Are you all right?!" Asked a worried Yamuraiha. "You were all wild and lively back there!"

"It's like seeing another person. You should rest, Yukiko-nee." Pisti commented.

Yukiko was just silently looking down while they were talking to her until she gave a reply in a soft voice;

"....I want to go dancing.."

"What?" The two asked, not clearly hearing what she said.

"I WANT TO GO DANCING!" She yelled as she clungs onto the blue haired magician.

"Woah! This is definitely not Yukiko-nee, Yamu!" Pisti laughed at what she is seeing.

"I want to show those girls... Especially that stupid Sinbad.. I'll show them what dancing really is!" She whined as she sobs a bit. "I EVEN PRACTICED TO IMPRESS HIM! STUPID KING!" She cried, hugging Yamuraiha.

"L-Lady Yukiko! Please calm down--Pisti! Help me!" She panicked when Yukiko's hold on her tightened.

"Yukiko-nee! I have an idea so you can show off that dance of yours!" Pisti piped up completely ignoring Yamu's cries of protest.

- - ☆ ☆ ☆ - -

Back at the veranda where Sinbad and the girls from the taverns in the State-operated Mercentile District were enjoying their chatting, the music for the dance started below. The group of skilled dancers were all performing in a splendid manner that had the people cheering but one in particular walked out of the group and went up to the king. The dancer was wearing a thin and see-thtough purple cloth as an overall to the white tube and a long skirt with a high slit revealing her left leg she wears underneath, adorned with silver and gold charms on her legs, arms, and waist that shined and shimmer along with her pale complexion. Her face hidden with a veil looking mask that covers half of her face only revealing her green eyes. Her hair was tied in a bun with a long veil around it, swaying with the wind with flower themed ornaments securing it in place.

((Play the music starting from this part here. Please just keep on replaying it until the dance stops lol))

The dancer started with slow and flowy hand and arm movements. Her fingers followed with it as if weaving a soft fabric. Her hips rise and drop from side to side with the constant locking as the beat goes. Her left leg was showing in such a seductive manner seeing how her pale yet fair and pinkish skin with a complexion similar to silk. The charms on her waist jiggles as she sways it from side to side in an alluring manner. She struts slowly towards Sinbad who was watching her with such an intense gaze. The ladies surrounding him were taken away by Yamuraiha and Pisti one by one enabling the dancer to approach him with no hindrances. The men of the eight generals were watching the seductive lady who was now dancing around their king.

The dancer had pulled him from his seat and continued dancing. She circles around him as if teasing him. Sinbad could've sworn that he saw the dancer smirking at him yet in a sexy way who then place a dainty hand on his cheek carressing it slowly down to his chin before slowly bringing him closer to a kiss. Her touch was soft like a feather, Sinbad thought and looking at her pinkish lips, he was so sure it was just as soft. But before their lips touched, the dancer suddenly fell forward; towards the King who was so sure he was going to get a kiss from this seductive goddess. She was unconcious.

"Uh-oh. I guess that's how far she could go?" Yamuraiha commented who rushed to Sinbad's side along with Pisti.

"My king, would you mind taking this lady inside? It appears she fell unconcious~" Pisti giggled as she pushes Sinbad to the direction of the palace entrance.

"S-Sure?" He replied, now carrying the girl in his arms. Upon entering the silent yet brightly lit palace, Sinbad placed her down on a couch in the drawing room. He was looking at her sleeping face when he felt this familiar feeling. He knows those eyes! He took off her mask and hair tie revealing the familiar color of white hair and that calm face. It was Yukiko!

"I knew it. It really was you." He chuckled as he brushes the hair covering her face to the side. "What made you do that all of a sudden. Iy was really sexy though." He smirked.

"....Stupid king.." was all he heard from the sleeping Yukiko.

"Ah, I see." He laughs softly wiping some of her sweat. A stench that mixed with the rose scent of her perfume tickled his nose making him grin. "Umbra? So you were drunk." He stared. "Well, this incident makes it clear then. No more strong alcohol for our dearest princess."

He placed a small kiss on her forehead before looking up to the moonlit night sky outside the large arched window.

- - ☆ ☆ ☆ - -

The next day...

" head hurts so much.." winced Yukiko as she walks down the hallway to the kitchen to get some water. When she turned to a corner, she heard the eight generals chatting.

"It was actually Yukiko-nee! Isn't she is amazing?!"

"EHH?! YOU'RE LYING!" Chorused the gang.

"Lady Yukiko is indeed an amazing person. It was just a surprise to see her in such a state." Spartos commented.

"Hm? Are you guys talking about me?" She butted in.

"N-No! NOT REALLY!" Sharrkan panicked at her sudden appearance.

"Yes we are! We were talking about how sexy and wild you were last night! Ne, Yam?" Pisti grinned.

"You were drunk yesterday and danced around Sinbad until you passed out." Drakon explained calmly.

"...what? I can't remember any of that happening." She replied in a confused tone. She really doesn't have a single recollection of what Drakon has said.

"How about you show her, Yamuraiha? Using that magic of yours." Hinahoho urged the magician as he laughs heartily.

The latter complied to the request and showed the event that happened last night using her rukhs.

All the color on Yukiko's face were drained away as she stood there motionless.

"Ah-hah~ Last night was really something, O Lady Yukiko~" piped the man who she was seducing last night with the biggest grin. "Please do it again next time~!"

Needless to say, Sinbad earned sharp jabs on his meridians making him limp from the red as a tomato Yukiko who ran away because of embarrassment.

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