Angels without Wings

By Sun-Shine-Black

169K 7.4K 2K

Naruto Fanfiction. Kaito Kaiba, a boy famous in the bingo book, a boy who's bad side you don't wanna be on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Meanwhile elsewhere
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 15

4.8K 236 30
By Sun-Shine-Black

//Author's note// Sooo... I finally got another chapter of this story out... For some reason it was insanely hard to write, but here it is. I hope, that you enjoy.//Author's note end//

Edited the 29th of January 2020: I've cleaned up the grammar, fixed most spelling errors and cleaned up the language a little, hope you enjoy! <3

The next morning, I woke up Yuuto and while he was getting ready I went to Whitey's room to see if he was actually getting up early or if he had to be punished once again, he was still sleeping, so that answered that. I tied him to his bed once more and then left with Yuuto; we made a stop at the ramen shop, though I wasn't happy about it, and got some to-go-ramen; one bowl for Yuuto and one for Blob.

He had probably not eaten yet and knowing him, he was hungry.

We arrived after the others, but before 05:00 came about. Together we sat under a tree and Naruto was quick to join us. Just as I had suspected he hadn't eaten, but I only needed to offer him the food once before he happily ate it. The brood and the pinkette spend the following half an hour sending angry looks at the ramen that Yuuto and Naruto were eating, they seemed hungry too.

Once they had eaten I packed away the plates and sat down against a tree, Yuuto laid down and rested his head on my left leg and a little later Naruto followed his lead and rested his head on the opposite leg, surprising me, but I just shrugged it off. Time passed by and the two fell asleep; I didn't bother to wake them, after all Whitey wasn't really gonna show up anytime soon.

On a separate note, I wasn't 'allowed' contact with him the rest of the week. I can accept following their ground rules; living with one of their Shinobi, not beating people up, not breaking into places, stuff like that. But having them decide who I can speak to or not and having them not even talking to me about it or anything; well that p*ss*s me off. The fact that they just assume that it's alright to throw me from one person to another is not okay.

I raised Yuuto on my own, do I really need to raise this village too?

Do I actually have to show them that they can't just dictate what other people should do?

I guess so. I'll have to raise a little hell to raise a proper village.

I smirked under my mask, it might be a lot work that I had to do, but I was going to enjoy it. Very much so in fact.

More time passed while I was in my own thoughts and Whitey finally arrived at 11, which was several hours after he was supposed to show up; I'm 99% certain that I had nothing to do with that, the last 1% says that the rope may have slowed him down a little.

He woke up the sleeping boys and began telling us of the test, that he would be having us go through. It sounded relatively easy, just grab the bells and everything's just peachy. He had four bells though; two were silver and looked kinda old, while the other two were of copper and seemed new. It was pretty obvious that he had only just bought the two copper ones. We were five people in the team though, and there were only four bells; one of us would go without and would have to go back to the academy. Relatively speaking the easier choice would be me, simply because they wouldn't be able to keep me there, especially not if Yuuto, Naruto and Whitey wasn't there. Not that I care what Whitey says or do.

Point of the matter was; I was going to go without a bell.

First though, I was going to give the others a chance at getting a bell on their own. I brought Yuuto and Naruto with me away from the clearing, which Naruto was confused about, but he didn't question me, and hid them away in the forest. Yuuto was used to hiding, but Naruto needed a little help; he was more than happy to follow instructions though. It wasn't long before I was sure that they were hidden well enough; I was pretty sure that Whitey would have to actually try hard to find them.

Then I snug of to measure Whitey's, and the two teammates of ours, abilities, the brood was clearly the better of the two, the pinkette didn't seem to be fighting material though. Maybe she was still too young?

No matter, I wasn't going to put my trust in her fighting skills, that's for certain.

Sighing silently, I watched the pinkette pass out without a fight and the brood fail in a frontal attack and get buried in the ground. Clearly, I couldn't expect their cooperation.

I snug back to where I left the boys and hatched a plan to get the bells on the way; I wouldn't like what I had to do, but he knew me well enough that I had to use a new tactic. So I had the boys act as bait, leaving them seemingly alone. But in reality, I kept close.

Once they weren't actually hidden, Whitey found them fast enough; he seemed very suspicious of the whole ordeal and kept looking around as if he expected me to jump right out at him. But I stayed hidden and watched him as he fought the boys. Ever so slowly I used Mentaru kyōsa: Sensu, which manipulated his senses as I willed it. It was yet another part of my Kekkei Genkai, or at least a variation of a part of my Kekkei Genkai. Slowly I made it seem like things were closer or further away from him, the boys were quick to realize, and they advanced quickly. Whitey was so confused that I almost felt bad. Almost.

He even corrected his headband so that you could actually see his eye; it was red with a weird black pattern and had a scar running across his eyelids. I'm pretty sure that I prefer his black eye.

I don't get why he'd bring out another eye, I would be able to manipulate that one just as easy; or so I thought until I tried. Not that it was impossible; it was still very possible in fact. He was so confused that it was almost cute.

In his confusion he didn't even notice that I made a blind spot that made it possible for me to calmly walk up and take the bells and walk away again. He never even heard the bells ring in protest over getting grabbed.

Once I was hidden once again, I signaled the two boys and waited in our hiding place for them to run away from Whitey, whose senses were still messed up, and come find me. Once they arrived, I corrected Whitey's senses to what they had been before, and then I brought the boys with me to the clearing where we waited for the rest of the team to show up. It wasn't long before the bell rang and the last two made their way to the clearing, where we all met up, except Whitey, who was sneaking around in the surrounding trees. Or so it smelled like.

I shrugged it off and held out the copper bells for the brood and the pinkette, the brood took it quite softly and even thanked me, though he sounded like he regretted every second of it. The pinkette p*ss*d me of though, she ripped it from my hand and clutched it to her chest for a second before she held it proudly in front of the poor brood's face, while she kept telling him that she got a bell, as if he should be proud of her. He seemed just as shocked as Naruto and Yuuto, I just blinked at her. She couldn't be serious, right?

She was actually serious...

I slowly stepped away from her and made sure to keep my two boys behind me, the brood too stepped away from her. I shared a look with the brood and the boys once she started to rub the bell against her cheek and all four of us agreed to leave her be, it was too traumatizing to stay and watch her. Besides, Whitey didn't come out to stop us, so I can only really assume that he too was shocked.

The brood followed my group awkwardly, clearly unsure of what to do. I didn't really care much, rather him than the pinkette, so I brought him with us to a BBQ restaurant, where we ate lunch, I even bought a few extras in a to-go packet; after all I'm quite certain that Whitey didn't get to eat breakfast this morning, which might be because of me. Who knows?

Anyway, it wasn't long after that that a weird guy with pale eyes showed up. He said that his name was Tokuma Hyuuga and that he was the one that'd watch over me and Yuuto for the rest of the week, he then proceeded to tell us that Whitey had passed us and had gone to the Hokage to give his report. The brood left after that, leaving me and the boys with 'Tofu-ma', who threw one look at Naruto and instantly I hated this weird person. He looked at Naruto as if he was the dirt of the earth and even told him to go away, I told Naruto that I would see him later that night before he left. That left me with Yuuto on my back and the Tofu man, who was staring hatefully towards Naruto's retreading back. I ran off with Yuuto clinging to my back, before Tofu turned back to me. The loud swear, that sounded behind me, told me that he hadn't expected me to run. 

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