
By Skalem

12.9K 485 58

Alice is a talented champion of archery and has just won a place in the nationals. But once her curiosity tak... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

2.4K 40 4
By Skalem

Chapter 1


We clinked our glasses together and the sound chimed like a melody in the air as we drained them empty.

“Hold on” Rose said as she made an attempt at standing up. “We all know why we're here tonight. To Alice!” Her smile widened at me as she raced her now empty glass and soon realised that she needed a refill. I felt my cheeks turn red as I took the bottle with whisky and poured it into her glass.

“For her brilliant effort in the weird sport of archery” Tricia stated and winked at me.

“Please, don't bother celebrate it” I said and shrugged. “It's was just another medal in my locker”

“Medal? It's the next step to the finals!” Rose spoke, almost screamed.

“I'm awesome” I said and started laughing. Parker kicked my leg under the table. “What?”

“Handsome checking you out at ten o'clock” He said and nodded his head in that direction. I turned my look where he was pointing and truly there was a goody-looking man gazing over at our table.

“Go over there and talk to him” Tricia suggested and tried dragging me up from my spot.

“Are you mad? I can't go over there and just talk to some stranger. Besides, it's probably Rose he's dreaming of” I stated harshly. I've never been popular with the lads and will never be. Growing up with only a grandmother didn't teach you how to get the guys. I spent most of my earlier teenage years learning how to knit and master the art of crochet. It was a miracle that I even bumped into my friends they way I did. As part of the small outcast-group I befriended Parker. You might think that I actually did caught the eye of one guy. Too bad he's betting for the other team. I don't bother that Parker is gay. He's been remarkable good to get me out of my shell and spend my spare time other than with grandmother and practice my bow.

“If you don't take him, I will” Rose stated and was beginning to walk over to the handsome guy.

“Fine, I'll talk to him” I sighed and stopped Rose from moving any further. I looked nervously around the room. It was an ordinary pub on an ordinary Friday. I gulped and made my move across the room. I stopped an inch from him and cleared my throat. He looked away from his friends and over to me.

“Hi, I'm Alice” I said and stretched my hand towards him. His eyes had a questioning look for minute before they turned friendly. “I'm Peter”

We were silent for a moment before I opened my mouth. If I would have redo it once more I surely would have chosen not to speak any further.

“I practice archery”

Peter grew even more silent and stared at me. I wished I could head back to my friends but I didn't want to seem foolish. Looks like it's too late now.

“How nice. Isn't it a man sport?” He asked. I felt glad because now he was even more stupid than I was.

“No, it works for both” You century old man, I thought. “Actually, I came over because I saw you looking at me and wanted to introduce myself”

If neither of us was uncomfortable before we were definitely now. Peter gave me an odd look, then said. “Oh, sorry to say this but I actually was checking you friend out” He said and gave a nod towards Rose.

“Oh, sorry to bother you” I said and quickly returned to my seat. I've never felt more embarrassed in my entire life. Maybe that time when I forgot to lock the bathroom and my crush Michael walked in on me. That was quite embarrassing to.

“How did it go?” Parker asked enthusiastic and leaned over to me.

“He's all yours” I said to Rose and took the whisky bottle.

“What happened?” Tricia asked, the voice ringing with sympathy. I swallowed and put down my glass. “There's a reason why I don't flirt with guys. And by the way, it was Rose he was gazing at”

“I'm so sorry I misjudged his looks” Parker said sounding truthfully sorry.

“And he insulted me for calling archery a man sport” I blurted out. “Like I'm not girly enough for him. Does he wants proof that I'm a woman?”

I made an attempt at rising my shirt but Parker stopped me. While Rose had made her move over to Peter, Tricia tried to calm me down. “You're enough girly too last for a century. And he didn't insult you, he just thought you looked too girly to practice that kind of sport. Besides, it's kind a sexy for a woman to fetch her own meat.”

I gave her an odd look. “I don't hunt with my bow. Only targets and cheeky men”

Rose was leaving Peter and went back to our table.

“Guess who's calling me tonight?” She chimed in a happy melody as she took her seat.

“Mr Cheeky?” I joked.

“Stop it! We know it's Peter” Tricia said and smiled at her. “How did it go?”

“He's absolutely dreamy! I could gladly sink my teeth in him at any time” Rose said as she gazed into her own world of dreams.

“Did he thought you were enough girly for him?” I asked sarcastically. Rose gave a questioning look and Parker tried to withhold a laugh.

* * *

It was getting late so I said goodbye to my friends and headed home on my bike. I lived just outside town in a small house right next to a large field. My grandparents used to be peasants and owned the field. Later grandfather died and my grandmother sold the land to retire. But then I came along when my parents died and she had to start work again. She started working in the towns bakery to keep the money rolling. I know she just wants to give me everything my parents couldn't give me, but I feel sad that she couldn't enjoy her retirement as all her friends did. I told her to quit once I finished school, but she still hasn't quit even though I graduated two years ago. I pulled into the driveway and locked my bike before I leaned it against the wall. Silently I opened the front door. The house was silent as the night. I made my way up the stairs and in to my room. Next to my bed was my bookcase, containing all of the adventures of Robin Hood and other stories about heros. He's the reason why I started with archery in the first place. My father used to tell the stories about Robin Hood. I loved how he treated the poor ones and revenged the king. After my parents died my uncle, and only relative beside my grandmother, came to visit from the US and gave me my first bow. He said he wanted to make me happy when everything else was dark. It was made of plastic but still. My grandmother saw the joy it caused me and courage me to begin the sport. So here I am, a champion to soon compete in the nationals. I went over to the end of the bed where my bow and arrows stood. I took them up and inspected them. I squeezed them tight, feeling calm again and went to bed. Before I turned off the light I looked over to the picture on my night stand. Their faces was happy while they held their child.

“Goodnight, mom and dad”

* * *

I woke up early and stayed in bed to hear the birds sing their morning ritual. Sometimes I whistle along with them and get answers. I like to believe that the birds have answers to everything and if you could understand their singing you would practically know the meaning of life. When I got down the stairs I heard grandmother root in the kitchen.

“How was it last night?” She asked and continued to make breakfast.

“Oh, it was good. They wanted to celebrate my winning”

“And how was Parker?” She gave me a wink and a sly smile. Not again. Grandmother knows very well that he's gay but does not like to face the facts. She believes that Parker has a crush on me and only uses it as an explanation to be near me, and of course use shampoo with the smell of flowers.

“Grandma, you know he don't like women in that way”.

“You never know! Maybe he will come around and realise that you're perfect for him”

“Please, not again”

“I'm just worried about you, Alice. You never go out with any boy” She gave me a concerned look. I took a bite from my apple. Why do I want to be Snow White and drop dead on the floor?

“Now you're worried about boys? Why not give me advice when I actually needed them, like ten years ago?”

“I had my reasons back then. I'm not going to live forever” Grandmother started the oven and put the frying pan above. “I don't want you to be alone”

“I have my friends” “But friends are not relatives” “Then I'll go to my uncle”

“And go abroad across the sea?” She gave me a stern look that told me she didn't believe my words.

“He's not going to live there forever” I said and turned my look to the floor.

“I know I'm old and don't know what dating today is, but can you at least try?” I looked at her. She seemed so small and fragile. And she gave me the look. The one she always gave me when she wanted me to really listen.

“Fine, I'll go out tonight but let me at least get my run before that”

* * *

With my great jumper and tight work-out shorts I was on my way, with headphones in my ears and my ipod tucked neatly in my pocket. The birds had long gone stopped their ritual and I started to run. I got to the familiar tracks in the woods and followed the road. Suddenly I saw a bright light shine through the trees. I tend to ignore my environment and continue, but something stopped me. Nothing beats a little adventure, I thought. I parried between the trees and came to my final stop. Before my eyes was two trees, two entangled trees. They were circling each other and at the bottom was a hole. It was formed like a vault. But that wasn't what surprised me the most. Because the bright light I saw before originated from the hole. I blinked twice. My first logical explanation was that someone lost their flashlight. When I got to the other side there were no flashlight, and no light. I scratched my head and went back. The light was still shining as bright as ever. I went forward to look closer on the hole. On the surface I could seesome very small particles float. My thoughts wondered if I could touch it. Without any further thinking I placed my hand carried it through the light. If my brain hadn't exploded before it did now. My hand disappeared. I grabbed my arm and pulled it back and there it was, my hand neatly placed where it should be. If my logical sense had stepped in now I would soon be safe at home, not to worry about more than my evening of trying to grab a partner. But it didn't. I went through the bloody hole without a second thought.

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