SLEEPOVER [Kuroo Tetsurou] [E...

By myatsumu

204K 6.3K 13.5K

[College AU][Reader-Insert] [NOTE: This is currently going through major editing so if you receive any notifi... More



8.1K 284 469
By myatsumu

The body that lays underneath the thick covers stirs at the sound of the alarm blaring from the phone, which in turn arose [Name] from her slumber once the morning light shines onto her face. Her eyes squinted at the sheer brightness of the sun that momentarily blinded her vision, cursing at herself for probably forgetting to close the blinds last night. The thought is confirmed when the first thing she sees is the open blinds. Ah well, at least that did help with shaking the sleep out from her.

[Name] yawns softly as her arms stretched above head all the while shifting onto her side to retrieve her phone that rests idly on her nightstand to check the time. It was only a few minutes past eight, quite early for her to be awake on a day-off but that was fine, she has things to do today anyway.

best senpai
U awake yet???

Bold of u to assume i slept
But yes

best senpai
Breath of The Wild?

Breath of The Wild
I streamed all night too
Looking for the korok seeds
N ppl seem to find joy in me suffering
I hate it here

best senpai
lmao your dedication to this game is amazing

Aren't you too though

best senpai

Haha I'll see you at 10

A smile settled onto her lips after the rather interesting chat, letting her phone plop onto the soft surface of the bed as she once again closes her eyes, snuggling deeper into the comfort of her pillows to block out the sun as she drifts off.

Meeting Kuroo's childhood friend, Kozume Kenma was unplanned really, though [Name] knew of the quiet man's existence as her roommate never fails to mention him in passing. Kenma goes to a different university, an hour away from where Kuroo and [Name] and while he pursues his degree, he streams on the side. [Name] thinks it's appropriate since he is a gamer plus Kenma seems to enjoy it. Apparently Kenma remembers the woman during his time in Nekoma, however he hadn't really gotten the chance to talk to her back then considering she was in a different crowd from him. It's a good thing that she sort of remembers him though.

It certainly did surprise Kenma when Kuroo immediately told him about his plans of moving in with [Name]. At first he wasn't sure if it was the same [Last Name] [Name] from high school but his curiosity was soon satiated when his childhood friend confirmed it.

Kenma and [Name] initially met during one of her day-offs. She thought of hanging out at the coffee house for the meantime until the time nears her next period. However, upon arriving at the place she considers her safespace, she comes to find that almost every seat is occupied; well, minus the table for two Kenma sits at and having no options, [Name] pulls up her big girl pants and asks if she could sit with him. Needless to say, the two of them pretty much hit it off. [Name] thinks it's enough for them to bond over their shared love for video games.

A loud scream startles the woman out of her reminiscing, the loud slam of the door follows soon after that pushes [Name] to finally get out of bed to check what the hell is her roommate losing his mind over now. Having Kuroo as a roommate means there's always something to look forward to as he's quite... odd in the best way possible. It's just sometimes she wishes for a day of peace and quiet but she'll keep that to herself for now.

The sight that greets [Name] as soon as she steps out of her bedroom is quite the sight to behold; Kuroo standing in the middle of the living room, struggling to put on a shirt. She would have taken the time to ogle at the sight, but he looks so ridiculous in this getup.

"Yo, Kuroo? You alright there?" She asks, forcing down the laugh that's starting to bubble up in her chest.

He then promptly slams into the wall, [Name] finally letting out a loud laugh as Kuroo grunts in pain, his head finally popping out from his shirt. "Stop laughing at me, I'm late for class." He narrows his eyes at his roommate still in her sleeping attire, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

[Name] only smiles at the man, leaning against her door frame and watching the confusion twisting his face in amusement. "Kuroo..." She bites her inner cheek to force down another round of laughter. "It's a school holiday. Weren't you listening to the announcement yesterday?"

Kuroo blinks, straightening his posture. "So... there are no classes today?"

She nods, "yeah, I was given a day-off today too."

"Nothing?" She snorts when he says that in English.

"Yes, Kuroo. Nothing."

He huffs a silent relief, "well, merry fucking christmas to me!" He yells as he throws himself onto the couch. "I should listen in class more."

[Name] pushes herself off from the doorframe. "Yeah right. We both know you won't."

"Well, I have you to copy notes for so I don't see the point in listening to the old coot."

"And this is why he likes me more than you." [Name] snorts, Kuroo wheezing when she plops straight onto his stomach. She ignores it, knowing he's strong enough to withstand her weight... also because he's being a bit dramatic since she always does this when the opportunity arises.

"Why do you always do this?"

"It's free real estate." She shrugs, "I'm heading out with Kenma later. Wanna come?"

Kuroo purses his lips at the thought, weighing the pros and cons if he does accept to tag along, with his childhood friend of all people. Kozume Kenma who usually had the hardest time opening up to people, the same dude who much preferred staying indoors. He wouldn't want to miss that for the world and it's also a comforting thought, his best friend and roommate getting along. Sadly, Kuroo has a paper to write and he also needs to finalize his load of the thesis. Yes, Kuroo would very much love to hangout with both Kenma and [Name], but alas, he has responsibilities to tend to.

So he declines with a shake of his head, shifting his arm for him to rest his head on comfortably as the other tugs on the bottom of [Name's] shirt. "Nah, I appreciate you asking me though, but I am a man with responsibilities." The woman hums at this, her hand lifting towards his hair to give it a ruffle just to spite him.

The bedhead scrunches his nose at the action, grabbing her wrist so he can playfully nip at her dainty fingers. She only titters at this, quickly pulling her hand away before he actually bites one of her fingers.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day that you would actually be responsible enough to decline." [Name] teases, hiding the growing smile behind her hand.

Kuroo gives her the stink-eye, clicking his tongue to show his obvious displeasure at her teasing as he shoots upright. The woman yelps at his abruptness, having to slide from her previous settlement on his stomach and unto his lap. It feels as if [Name] will topple over, however that is quickly prevented when Kuroo's sinewy arms shoot out to her encircle waist, caging her to him. "You're not the only one allowed to laze around, y'know?" His voice is low, his deep baritone singing into her ears as she tenses at the warm puffs of his breath caressing her reddened cheeks when rests his chin on her bare shoulder; a purely coincidental feat as her shirt was a tad too big on her frame, having the neckline slide downwards to reveal her skin.

[Name] is used to him coming on to her like this, but that doesn't entirely mean she won't ever get flustered over his advances. He's a handsome guy, he has a way with words and his subtle touches always left her feeling weird. She really can't help it sometimes and she's internally grateful that she's able to mask her embarrassment, rebutting him with a similar approach as if [Name's] immune to it. It's like living with a pet that's constantly whining for your time and attention, only this was a human being, a very handsome and persistent one at that.

"What's with you getting into my personal space?" She huffs, arms crossing defiantly and refusing to meet his eyes. "If you wanted some lovin' you could've just told me."

Kuroo hums at her words, before a wide grin stretches on his lips, leaning closer to her as his lips brush against the warm and plump surface of her cheek. [Name] only freezes, hoping he didn't hear her breath hitch from the bold move.

This time she gasps, feeling his arms tighten around her, "Is that an invitation? You know I would never say no to you."

Why the hell was he whispering? It's literally just the two of them in the spacious living area, he has no reason to be careful. And [Name] hates to admit it, but his voice is awfully nice to just sit back and listen to, almost like it's music to her ears. It's especially almost soothing to hear during the wee hours of the morning, ones where he has just woken up from a deep slumber, raspy and deeper whenever he mumbles a 'good morning', stumbling into the kitchen to get his daily fill of coffee.

Of course, she knew better to not fall deep into his clutches, she knew better that he's just doing all this to get under her skin like he always does.

"Veeeery funny," she sighs. "And no, it's not." the corner of her lips twitch at the pout pursing onto his lips that ghosts her still warm cheek. He leans away a bit after that, to her utter relief.

"Ah, it was worth a shot," he chuckles, chest vibrating as he does so. "You should probably get ready. Knowing you, you're probably going to take long in the bathroom just for your makeup." Kuroo's tone is teasing, riling her up even more when his nose grazes against her cheeks repeatedly in an almost patronizing manner.

"Excuse me?" Kuroo snickers as he watches her glower at him. It's like watching a kitten hiss at a bigger cat and he thinks the display of bravery coming from someone as petite looking as [Name] s quite comical. "Just so you know, beauty takes time and my face is my back-up plan in case I flunk all of my goddamn courses."

He gives her a blank look, "Your back-up plan is becoming a stripper?"

"Hey, they say the pay is decent!"

"Honey, you screamed when I walked in on you showering, and I didn't even see you. How are you going to survive every night wearing something revealing?"

"That's because you didn't knock, you stupid cat!"

Kuroo merely shakes his head at her petulance, not really having the energy to keep up with another round of banter. "Alright, alright. Go and get ready then. Kenma hates waiting." He nags, pressing a quick kiss to her temple causing the woman to blank out for a moment. [Name] was too surprised to ever respond to that. Well, until Kuroo gently pats her ass, causing her to smack him upside the head.

She ignores his noises of pain, stalking off towards the bathroom.

"Still worth it!"

"Shut up, you stupid cat!


Kuroo's level of worry has shot through the roof and it's only increasing as the seconds tick by. He's as paranoid as he can be sure—which he shouldn't be as he knows very well his roommate can take care of herself and she might even still be with Kenma, but he still felt obliged to worry about [Name] who is currently missing from the face of the earth.

Okay no, maybe he was exaggerating a little bit but it's because he still hasn't heard from her ever since she left him alone in the apartment, nor anything from Kenma too. Maybe they were having too much fun to check their phones? It still baffles him how Kenma seems to be okay with her running her mouth but it's still nice two see that they're getting along well.

He was so into completing the tasks he set for himself that he didn't even realize that time had passed by so quickly. It took a call from Bokuto—asking about another practice match—for him to finally be aware of his surroundings and the setting sun.

Kuroo is almost on the verge of losing his shit. If things go for the worst, he would rather death come to him quickly so he wouldn't have to tell his roommate's father that his little girl went missing. [Name] has literally been gone for hours and not once did she even reply to his text nor did she answer any of her calls, who wouldn't freak the fuck out? Kuroo thinks that she could probably be mad at him, then again, he doesn't really remember pissing her off that much with his stunt earlier and she isn't the type to hold grudges for that long. So the possibility of his precious roommate and Kenma being kidnapped and being sold to the black market is still up for being the probable reason for their radio silence.

"Her dad's going to kill me."


"Kenmaaaaaaaa. Shouldn't we let Kuroo know what we're up to?" [Name] asks her companion as she stares at her locked screen overflowing with incoming texts from her anxious roommate. She worries for Kuroo's mental stability once she sees the text of him asking if she was being sold to the black market. Maybe she should ban him from watching any true crime documentaries.

The blonde, who just finished getting his treatment, blinks once at [Name], also looking down at his phone, "I wasn't aware Kuro could send fifty texts in one sitting, but no. I usually don't reply to him unless needed."

"Do you always leave the dude hanging?" She giggles, letting the phone rest on her lap as she lets the lady resume her work on her hair.

The corners of Kenma's lips twitch into a small smile and if she looked any closer, it appeared almost smug. "Yeah and he should be used to it by now. Mostly I do it just to annoy him." laughing quietly with her, he leans back against his chair resuming as game on his phone.

"You evil little kitty-cat."

"Please don't call me that."

"Kenmaaaaaa," the blonde sighs. Kuro's rubbed off on her. "You should be used to me and my weird nicknames by now!" she whines. It's cute, but Kenma doesn't want to subject himself to suffer from those cringey ass nicknames, no matter how less annoying [Name] is compared to the rest of his friends."

"Hm, I'd rather not be."


Just as Kuroo was about to call the police from his bedroom, the door to their apartment clicks open.

"I'm home!" [Name] greets, "and I got food!" Kuroo hears the jingling of keys, followed by paper bags rustling. "I figured you haven't eaten yet so I made a short trip."

By then, Kuroo's patience wears thin because the second [Name] plants the food on the breakfast nook, the male bursts from his room, door emitting a loud thunk as it hits the wall from being opened too forcefully. "Look who finally showed up! Can you explain why you haven't answered any of my texts and calls?! Do you know how worried I was? Where the fuck are you anyway?" He asks, realizing his roommate isn't even in the kitchen nor living area.

"Hold your bloody horses, I'm taking a piss!" [Name] yells, not at all intimidated by how genuinely upset he sounds. What does he have to be upset for anyway, what is he, her boyfriend? Gross!

"Well, hurry up and get out here so I can yell at you more!"

"What are you, my mom?!" She rolls her eyes as she flushes the toilet before walking over to the two person sink to wash her hands. [Name] cringes at the strong, lingering scent on her hair when it brushes against her cheeks when leaning down. "Alright, I'm done!" she yells, drying her hands.

The moment she steps out of the hallway to make her way towards the kitchen, she's immediately greeted by the sight of her pissed off roommate, hands on his hips with one of his eyes twitching as he glares at the, more or less, confused woman.

"Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is? I almost called the cops because—oh."

Honestly, [Name] wasn't even listening to his rant, but she did perk at the last part, eyebrow raising at his sudden pause. "Oh?" She repeats, utterly confused at the change in tone.

Kuroo owlishly blinks, amber eyes wide as they can be as he just stands there, not really finding the words to say anymore, gawking at the woman and the sudden change to her appearance. "Your hair... it looks different."

"Yes, it is. What of it?"

"It's... grey? Silver?"

"Yeah, silver." [Name] grins, nimble fingers combing through her freshly styled locks. "You like it?"

Kuroo's face is warm all of a sudden as he clears his throat, totally ignoring his question. "I—uh—um, is this why you guys took so long?"

She ignores his avoidance and nods in confirmation, "Yeah, I took the longest. Kenma just had his roots done. Then we went around Shinjuku for a while." She explains, gazing up at him through her lashes.

He then looks concerned, "Are you going through something or—"

"Can't I just try something new without anyone assuming I'm going through a breakdown?" She groans, already tired from his judgement. Of course he was gonna assume that. "At least I didn't get bangs."

"Touche, but... silver?"

"I'd like to live up to the expectations of me being intimidating, Kuroo." She smiles brightly at him. "It goes well with my dancer status too!"

Ah. she's very cute.

Kuroo shakes his head in haste to get rid of the lingering thoughts about her. "I'm surprised you didn't bleach bleach your eyebrows while you were at it."

[Name] snorts at his suggestion as she turns on her heel to head towards the awaiting food on the counter. She wasn't that impulsive. "I'm not 'wild' enough to go through that." She says, popping s fry into her mouth, offering some to Kuroo as well.

He lets out a laugh, "exactly how much is wild enough?" Graciously accepting the fries you offered him.

Both of them went quiet, contemplating just how much does it take to be wild enough.

And as if they share one (1) brain cell, both answer at the same time. "Bokuto!"


Atsumu lets out a wolf-whistle as he gazes at [Name] with shining eyes, "Woohoo~ look at you, pumpkin'!" He grins as he twirls a strand of her with a long finger. "Welcome to the bleached club!"

[Name] playfully shoves him, "somehow I'm regretting my decision. I wonder why?"

"Oi, don't be mean to yer favorite twin!"

"'Samu? He's here? Where?"

"[Name]!" Atsumu whines.

"Uwah~ it really suits you, [Name]-chan!" Oikawa says, cheeks resting in his palms with a blissed out expression, all the while a flowery aura surrounding him.

"Huh... Thanks, Oikawa." She says, quite in awe of his genuineness, minus the literal heart eyes shining in his chocolate optics. Oikawa's smile widens as a response, causing her to involuntarily flush, nuzzling into her scarf around her neck to hide the warmth coloring her cheeks.

Her fellow bleached companion unfortunately catches this and begins to tease her. "Awe, yer embarrassed, how cute!" Atsumu coos, bring her into him in a hugs as he rocks both of them side-to-side, [Name] scrunching her nose when he rests his chin on top of her head

"Knock it off, 'Tsumu!"

Tsukishima watches the scene with a grimace. "The color looks awfully similar to Bokuto-san's."

"Hmm, you're right." Iwaizumi nods. "I wonder what he'll think once he sees her." Huh, she hasn't really thought of that. But knowing him as a person who gets really excited over the smallest of things, he'd probably shower her with praises, how he approves of her following him and his footsteps.

Kuroo groans at the thought, "don't jinx it, Iwaizumi!"


A collective sigh comes from the group as the mentioned spiker comes strutting in the quaint coffee house, Akaashi closely following behind all the while apologizing for the noise.

"Man, you really just had to jinx it, huh?" Says an exasperated Kuroo. Iwaizumi only shrugs.

"Hey guys! What's—WHOA HO HO, [NAME]-CHAN!"

"Bokuto-san, inside voice, please."

"Sorry! It's just [Name]-chans looks even prettier than the last time I saw her!" The owl gushes, wide, golden eyes literally glittering in adoration under the warm lights. [Name] grows more flustered under his stare—Bokuto being nowhere near subtle as he gazes at her in fascination, more so at her hair as it is colored quite similar to his; from the darkness of her roots fading into a gradient silver.

[Name] lets out a sheepish laugh, leaving Atsumu's embrace to greet the buff man with a hug, a greeting in which Bokuto is more than excited to recieve, evident with how quick he was to leave Akaashi's side. "Thank you, Bokuto-san. How have you been?"

Atsumu snorts at Bokuto's excitement, "look like we have another set of twins." He jokes.

"Eh, [Name]-chan looks a lot more cooler." Oikawa shrugs.

The rest agrees, watching the two silver donned duo in interest.

Extended ending:

Oikawa sighs dreamily at the sight of [Name] laughing at something Bokuto said. "Isn't [Name]-chan beautiful? How does it feel having two gorgeous people as your friends?" He asks.

"I don't know..." Iwaizumi starts, "having [Name] and Miya-san as friends still feels pretty normal to me." He says nonchalantly, however the warmth in his olive green eyes doesn't go ignored by the brunette.

"Awe, how sweet of ya, Hajime-kun~" Atsumu coos, making a kissy face to which the spiker shakes his head at.

"Iwa-chan! How could you?!" Iwaizumi rolls his eyes at his best friend.

"Maybe ask Hinata-kun. His answers are more unbiased, Oikawa-san." Akaashi suggests.

Kuroo laughs, "Yeah. He'll try to answer as truthfully as possible even if he's kinda spoiled by our lovely [Name]-chan." They all hum in wonder, taking their time to down their drinks as they contemplate the possible responses they may get from the redhead if he was there with them.

Bokuto watches [Name] tell one of her stories, his eyes gleaming at the sight of her and her enthusiasm, a soft blush slowly coloring the apples of his cheeks as he smiles at her sweetly. The woman pauses mid story when Bokuto pulls her into a gentle hug.

"Would it be crazy if I asked you out, [Name]-chan?"

The same men practically spit their drinks out all heads whipping to gaze intensely at the duo. Bokuto doesn't seem to notice the slowly growing menacing aura emanating from one of them, too busy nuzzling his cheek against the crown of her head. [Name] honestly finds the innocent intention of his words cute, but the fact that his words were so genuine overwhelms her, especially from how out of nowhere it is.

"B-Bokuto-san! I—um..." she stutters, staring hesitantly into his eyes.

"Not until hell freezes, you stupid owl!"

"Bokuto-san, please let go of [Name]! I don't think she's breathing!"

"Holy shit! Bokkun really had the balls to ask her out, huh?"

"Let go of me, Iwa-chan!"

"Jesus fuck, Shittykawa, calm down!"

Kuroo lays his head on the table, too tired to even participate in the on-going shit-fest. His eyebrows furrow, recalling Bokuto's words not really understanding why he felt so... weird hearing that from him. Maybe it's just his protective instinct acting out; he does feel responsible for [Name's] safety. Yeah, maybe that's it. Maybe that's why he's infuriated. Bokuto may be one of his closest friends but knowing him, his recklessness could potentially put her in trouble.


Edited: 05/04/20

Song: Silver & Gold by WILD

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