All I Ever Wanted (NARRY STOR...

De ohmynarries

182K 6.8K 5.3K

"I just want to make you happy." Where Niall happens to fall in love with his best friend. Who's taken. all g... Mai multe

01. Buried alive
02. Zayn
03. Protective feelings
04. KFC and a shit friend
05. Jobs and good memories
06. It's Sunday
07. Spilled drinks
08. Do you really?
10. Beef
11. Apologies
12. We're just best friends
13. Company dinner
14. Rants
15. Fights
16. Fighting for love
17. Birthday boy
18. Cheaters
19. Utter dickhead
20. F* everything
21. Is that why?
22. Patch things up
23. I love you!
24. Back to normal
25. Sticky Situation!
26. Frozen D*cks
27. It's all swim and games!
28. Last Day!
29. You
30. Awkward
31. Oh for f*ks sake!
32. Clubs
33. Kitchen Duty
34. A cliche movie
35. Caught
36. Self pity
37. Cheering up
38. Chest Hair!
39. One Day
40. Christmas Shopping
41. Date!
42. Golden Opportunity
43. Celebratory Cheers & Cheshire
44. Dinner with the Styles
45. New Years

09. First Day

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De ohmynarries

Chapter 9


"I'm Carl, but I suppose you already know that. Neil right?" He asks and I tried not to roll my eyes at him.

"Niall." I say slowly and he nods.

"Right. Quinn!" He hollers. I look behind me to see Melissa putting down her wash cloth that she was holding before making a quick jog over to where we are.

"Show Niall the ropes. I'll mend the cash register. If he does something wrong, it'll be on you." She rolls her eyes.

"Got it." She mumbles.

"Don't try to act cocky with me, Quinn. I can fire you if I want to." He warns sternly.

"Got it." She repeats. Carl gives her a last glare before he turns on his heel and strides off.

She sticks her tongue out childishly behind his back and I can't help but to release a short chuckle. She turns back to me, giving me a little smirk.

"Sorry, he can just get so bossy sometimes and it just seriously gets on my nerves." She mumbles and I smile lightly, shaking my head.

She runs her fingers through her short hair. "Anyway, I'm Melissa. But you can call me Mel. You're Niall right? Zayn's boy?" She asks and I nod, a small blush on my cheeks.

"Is that what everyone calls me around here?" I ask with a light chuckle and she smirks slightly.

"Practically, yeah." I release another short chuckle, shaking my head.

"Where is he anyway?" I ask, looking behind her, but the dark haired lad is no where in sight.

"Back in the kitchen. Got stuck doing kitchen duty. Long story short, he got distracted and made the wrong drink and it tasted horrible so he got thrown behind." She tells me and I giggle softly, nodding.

"Sounds like what Zayn would get himself into." I comment and she chuckles softly, nodding her head to the side.

"Let's start first then yeah? If not Carl's gonna fiRe mE if He wAnTs tO." She says the last part in a mocking tone, trying to act out the spongebob meme and I throw my head back in a chuckle, nodding.

"Yeah, let's."

She leads us to the back room on the left of the bar, which opens up to a locker room which I suppose is where the staff keep their belonging.

"This is just where you keep your bags or whatever belongings if you have any. For now you can share the locker with Zayn. Just ask him for the key later yeah? And here," she walks further in, steps around a wall that separates the locker place and whatever is behind it. And that's where I see Zayn in a plastic apron, a frown on his face as he jet sprays the glasses.

I giggle softly at his appearance.

"And here is the dishwashing area, featuring Zayn." Melissa tells me and at that, Zayn turns his attention towards us and a groan leaves his lips but at the same time, he's sporting a smile.

"And of course, I'm stuck doing kitchen duty when it's my boyfriend's first day of work." He rolls his eyes and I giggle softly, walking up to him and giving him a little side hug.

"Aww, I think you look great." I say with a little smirk and he rolls his eyes disbelievingly, making me chuckle.

"Shall we continue, Niall? If we finish orientation fast you'd be able to have some time with Zayn, if you know what I mean." Melissa says with a little smirk and I flush slightly, nodding.

"Talk to ya later, Z." I say, giving him a quick wave.

We step back out to the main pub, standing behind the counter for the cash register.

"The cash register is usually mended by Carl so you don't have to worry about that. That's table 1, 2, 3, and all the way to table 8. And they're section 1. And this is table 9, 10, 11, all the way to table 16, which is section 2." She informs me as she points to each table respectively. I nod, should be easy enough to remember.

"And that's about it really. You don't really have to know about the bar, since you won't be working behind there for awhile. And whoever's working behind the bar, which is usually Harry or Josh, will place the drinks on this tray," she pats the circular tray that's resting on the counter top, "for drinks for section 1."

"And the other tray on the other side of the counter," she points to the other end of the marble counter. "Is for the drinks for section 2. So your main job around here is just to serve the drinks and clear up the empty glasses. Which you will then pass them to your boyfriend, or whoever who got kitchen duty. And that's all about it really." She tells me and I nod.

"Got it." I say and she smiles, patting my back slightly.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just try not to get on Carl's bad side so much." She advises and I chuckle softly, nodding.

"Oh and one more thing, when serving the drinks, don't place the tray on the table before serving. You need to hold the tray in your arm before serving the drinks, okay?" I puff out a breath at that, nodding.

"If I have the strength to. I'm not physically inclined." I admit and she chuckles.

"It'll take some time to get used to, no worries." She says reassuringly and I smile lightly, nodding.

"Right, you still have about fifteen minutes to spare, I'll hand you your uniform and you can change into it and then you can have some time with Zayn." She says, with a wink, before leading us back to the staff room. I flush slightly at the mention of Zayn.

She unlocks one of the lockers on the top row, which is filled with black polo shirts wrapped in plastic. She then turns to look at me, her eyes raking down my body and I flush a little at her stare.

She chuckles at my facial expression. "Don't worry. I like to eat out, if you get what I mean." She winks and I chuckle loudly, shaking my head.

She runs through the stack of t shirts, before pulling one out.

"I reckon you're an M?" She hands three sets to me and I shrug, before ripping one of the plastic open.

I hold the black t shirt against me, nodding slightly.

"Should be fine, yeah." I say and she nods with a small smile.

"Great. Get changed and be on floor by 9.55. Which essentially means be outside in the main bar." She instructs and I nod.

"Okay." She smiles lightly before walking out. I sigh softly, shrugging off my hoodie and my grey t shirt that I'm wearing before pulling the black polo over my head. I roughly fold my clothes back up before heading towards the dishwasher area where Zayn is.

He notices me making his way over before he grins, switching off the water.

"Hey, you're done early." Zayn comments with a wide grin. I nod, meeting him halfway and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Mhmm. Melissa said I can have some time with you." I grin lazily and he chuckles, kissing my temple.

"I wouldn't mind that." He grins, reaching out for the clothes in my hand before walking over to the lockers. He digs through his pocket before he pulls out a small key, unlocking his locker before placing my stuff in there.

He looks at the watch on his wrist before smiling, ushering me over.

"We still have about eight minutes till you go on floor." He smiles suggestively as he tugs me closer by my waist.

I chuckle softly, resting my elbows on his shoulder, playing with his long hair that's sleeked back.

"As much as I want to snog your face off, I wouldn't want anyone catching us on my first day." I say shyly and he chuckles, closing the gap between my lips despite my words.

"We'll stop when someone comes in." He mumbles against my lips before pressing his against mine once more.

He slips his tongue through my lips, and I don't bother fighting with his. His hand runs up and down my back under my shirt, before placing them on my bum.

He gently pins me to the wall of lockers, the knobs on them digging uncomfortably into my back, but I didn't really care. His lips leave mine before he attaches them to my pulse point on my neck, gently sucking on the skin.

I hum softly in contentment as a slow ripple of pleasure runs down my spine.

He slowly starts to suck harder, making me breathe out a soft moan. He kisses the hickey once more before reconnecting our lips. I cup his jaw, pulling him closer.

"Jesus Christ you guys, get a fucking room." Someone's voice breaks us out from our little bubble.

Zayn steps away from me and I blush slightly, wiping the corner of my lip with my thumb.

And of all people, it must be Harry who stopped us. His eyebrows are furrowed as he makes his way towards us.

"For fucks sake, this is the second time." Zayn grumbles under his breath, making me giggle softly.

"Maybe if you guys got a room, then that wouldn't have happened?" Harry says with an attitude, not even looking at us once. I frown slightly at his behaviour.

"Woah man, I was just saying. What's gotten your knickers in a twist?" Zayn asks as Harry pulls a small key from his pocket as well, before shoving it into the lock next to Zayn's.

Harry sighs, swinging the plastic door open.

"Sorry, just rather tired." He says, stuffing his jacket into the small locker.

Even if Harry isn't looking at me, I can tell that he's lying. Just by the tone of his voice.

"Why? Spent the night at Chelsea's?" Zayn shoots him a smirk teasingly. I very barely tense up at Zayn's words, but I keep my face as straight as possible, painting on a fake smile.

Harry's lips part slightly as he's about to say something. He turns to look at me, holding our gaze and my breath falls short at how intense he looks. His eyes seem to roam all over my face, just like what he did last night, and I start to get nervous, the blood in my veins pumping harder.

"Not even a question anymore, Z." Harry breaks our gaze, turning to look at Zayn, giving him a little smirk, his emerald eyes shining with some sort of glint.

And.. My heart breaks a little. Actually, more than a little. A whole lot. So he did leave after I fell asleep.

Zayn chuckles, patting Harry on the shoulder.

"You're such a slut for her, mate." Zayn continues to tease, not noticing the change in my behaviour. Harry simply rolls his eyes.

"As if you're any better with Niall." He shoots back in the same tone as before. "If I didn't come in, you guys would probably be giving each other heads. Or more." He points out, raising an accusing eyebrow, and even then, I couldn't help but to release a short giggle. Harry turns to me, giving me a little smirk and for fucks sake, why am I blushing?!

"Anyway, we better head out, Ni. If not Carl's gonna go bonkers." Harry tells me and all I can do is nod slowly.

"You want me to wait for you babe?" Zayn asks and I turn to him, shaking my head with a small smile.

"It's alright. You go back and rest." I tell him reassuringly. As much as I want Zayn to stay with me, it won't be fair to him.

"It's okay Ni-"

"Don't worry about Niall, Zaynie. I'll keep an eye on him." Harry intervenes, slinging his arm around my shoulders and I almost jump at the contact. Almost. Zayn turns to look at Harry and he nods slightly.

"Thanks mate. I owe you one. In fact, I owe you two. Thanks for bringing him home last night." Zayn says and I almost groan at the reminder.

Harry chuckles, waving it off. "No worries mate. It was a rather.. interesting night." He teases and I flush. I still don't even fully remember what happened last night.

"Well either way, thanks mate. I guess I'll get going first." Zayn says and Harry and I nod.

Harry releases his arm from my shoulder and Zayn's arm replaces Harry's and I wrap my own arm around Zayn's waist.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, babe." He says, before kissing me on the lips. I smile slightly, nodding.

"Bye Zaynie." I say and he smiles, releasing his hold on me.

"Bye Harry." Zayn says, patting Harry on the back. Harry smiles, giving him a little wave. We watch as Zayn retreats from the room and I release a soft sigh.

Harry turns to me and I start to get nervous. I'm praying with everything in me that Harry doesn't bring up what I mentioned to him last night.

He gives me a little smile, nodding his head towards the door gesturing for me to walk and all I can do is nod slightly, with a small smile.

"You okay?" He asks, pushing open the door, letting me out first.

"Yeah. Why would you ask that?" I casually reply and he raises an unconvinced eyebrow.

"I don't know.. You look a little tensed." He says and honestly, I'm pretty surprised that he noticed.

"I'm fine, H. What about you? You're not really tired are you?" I ask, changing the topic on him.

"I'm actually doing fine." He says with a soft chuckle. I wanted to push, but I decided not to.

"Harry! You're behind the bar today, and new kid, you're with Josh and Melissa on floor." Carl's deep voice breaks up our conversation.

"You'll be okay by yourself with Mel and Josh?" He asks so softly and so gently, it's making my mind go hazy.

"Yeah, Melissa helped me around earlier and she seems nice." I say and Harry grins widely, nodding. God, he's melting my heart.

"Good luck out there." He smiles softly, wrapping his arm around my waist, giving me a hug. I gasp slightly at his sudden action, but slowly wrap my own arms around his shoulder as well. 

I pull back from the hug, before leaning closer to him.

"You reek of sex." I mumble jokingly in his ear, just to try to push back my feelings for him. He chuckles deeply into my ear, his warm breath tickling me, goosebumps rising on my neck.

"And your hickey is the size of Mars." He says and I chuckle, walking towards the main floor. He laughs, shaking his head pretending to kick my bum.

"By the way, I haven't gotten laid in a long time, I just ran here." He calls after me. I chuckle, glancing behind my shoulder with a little smirk. He grins cheekily at me and I laugh softly, shaking my head.

Is it bad I feel kind of glad at what he said?


I huff out a breath of air, putting the tray back down on the marble counter and leaning against it.

It's currently almost 12AM and my feet are killing me, my arms are aching, not to mention I'm freaking starving. But really, when am I not? And I thank the heavens that it isn't as crowded as it was before, only a couple of tables taken up compared to when it was packed to the brim earlier.

"You doing okay?" A voice speaks up from beside me and I spin around in my spot, sighing softly.

"Yeah. Just that my feet are aching. I worked in Primark before and it wasn't as tiring as this." I breathe out tiredly and she chuckles.

"You'll get used to it." Melissa smiles at me, gently patting my back and I release a short chuckle. 

"How long have you been working here?" I ask, striking up a conversation.

"Erm about three years." She tells me and I nod in understanding.

"That's pretty long." I comment and she laughs softly, nodding.

"Feels like it's been forever." She says.

"Anyway, how did you and Zayn meet?" She asks with a wide smile, changing the topic and I flush a little at the mention of him.

"Harry set us up." I say and her eyes widen slightly.

"He did?" She asks, shocked and I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why do you sound so surprised?" I ask and she smiles sheepishly.

"Mel, Table 7." Harry's voice stops her from replying me. We spin around just as he places two pints of beer on the circular tray behind us. She nods, giving me a small smile before taking the tray steadily in her hands, walking off.

"How's work so far?" Harry asks.

"My feet are killing me, that's how." I grumble and he chuckles, filling another three mugs with beer in each of them.

"You just have an hour or so more to go." He smiles lightly and I give him a weak one back.

"You think you can handle serving this to table 11?" He asks and I bite my lip slightly as he places the three mugs of beer on the tray together with two tall glasses filled to the brim with a hot pink coloured drink.

I glance over to the table, feeling rather intimidated and insecure as I see the group of men there. There are five of them in the booth, looking slightly older than me, all being loud and rowdy. I puff out a breath of air, pushing back my nervousness. I just have to serve them and leave, that's it.

"I think so." I mumble, carefully dragging the tray off from the counter before balancing it on my left arm.

"Oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw." I curse under my breath as my entire arm felt like popping out from its limb with how heavy the tray is. My right hand immediately goes up to support the tray from the side.

Harry chuckles, smiling amusedly at me.

"You can go two rounds, Ni." Harry says and the stupid side of me refuses. I may be gay, but I do need to have a little manliness in me.

"I'll be fine." I say, trying to convince myself more than him. Harry shrugs, smiling slightly.

"If you're sure." He replies coyly. I shakily make my way over to table 11, mentally cursing as my bicep starts to sting and my hand starts to wobble slightly.

One of them notices me making my way over before nudging his friend next to him, nodding his head towards me. His friend takes a look at me, before giving me a sly smirk, and I start to feel a little uncomfortable under his gaze. I take a deep breath, gulping slightly, and tentatively walking the last few steps to the table.

"Hi pretty boy, you new here?" The friend coos with the same sly smirk but I choose to ignore him. I shakily pick the tall glass first, gently placing it down.

"You're scaring the twink, Matt." I tense a little at his words, but keep my face as straight as a block. However, my hand is still trembling like a motherfucker because of how much it's aching and how heavy the tray is, and I suppose that just fuels their amusement when they start to laugh hysterically at me.

"Look at him trembling." He laughs out and I roll my eyes.

"Probably because this hand has given more handjobs than you'll ever receive in your life?" The words spill out of my mouth before I could even process it. Even then, I give them a smug smirk, and their laughter stops. I reach out to grab the other tall glass, putting it down, with me still trying to balance the heavy tray with the other arm.

A gentle hand is suddenly placed on the small of my back, and I turn, looking to see that it's Harry, making my body heat up slightly. He gently grasps my hand that's holding onto the tray steadily with his other, my wobbling stopping almost immediately, and I feel like the weight of the tray has suddenly been lifted off.

"Is everything okay here lads?" He asks with a charming smile.

"Aye, Harry. Just peachy." The guy fakes his enthusiasm before he turns to me with a little smirk. I ignore him, continuing to place the rest of the drinks on the table, now being much easier since Harry is helping me with carrying the tray that weighs a hundred pounds.

"Although, you better watch that pretty mouth of yours before I make those pretty lips wrap themselves around me." He says coyly and I grimace at his words. Disgusting fuckhead. Harry's grip on me tightens slightly and I watch as his eyes turn a shade darker.


"Be careful though, don't want me biting your dick off, do ya." I reply casually, cutting Harry off with an innocent smile and the guy's jaw clenches.

"Don't push it, fag, or I'll make you choke on me." He threatens and I feel Harry going rigid next to me.

"Aren't choking warnings usually used for small objects?" I pretend to ask innocently. The friends choke out a laugh at my response and I shoot the fuckhead a smug smile.

I feel Harry's hand slowly slip further down my back before he wraps them around my hips giving me a little squeeze. My breath falls short at his action, but of course, I keep up with my facade, acting as though his touch barely affects me. I glance over at him to see an amused smile on his face.

"What, are you like, poly now Harry? Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"I'm not quite sure you know the meaning of a polyamory relationship mate." (A/N: in case you didn't know; polyamory relationship is where someone is dating a person, and is in a sexual relationship with someone else, but all the partners are okay about it. Or somewhere along those lines.) He replies casually, and I choke out a laugh at his response, my heart thumping against my chest and my cheeks heating up. He then leaves a long kiss on my cheek, making me crack a smile just slightly, and for my skin to burn wherever his lips touched.

I probably am just getting my hopes up for nothing, but I really liked the feeling of Harry's lips on my cheeks.

"Wow, Harry, you're such a dick." The guy says while I place the last pint of beer on the table before them.

"Well I suppose, you are what you eat." He says casually, and my eyes widen slightly at his words, snickering softly to myself. The guy scowls at us before Harry moves his hand back up to around my shoulder, draping it across lazily.

"Enjoy your drinks boys." I smile innocently before Harry takes me away.

I puff out a breath of air when we're away from them and Harry chuckles, removing his arm from me.

"Damn Niall, didn't know you had it in you." Harry says before punching my shoulder gently. I chuckle bashfully.

"I wasn't gonna let some disgusting man slut think I'd cave under just like that." I puff out a breath of annoyance and he smiles proudly.

"Atta boy." He grins, raising a fist. I smile, bumping mine against his.

"Plus, I honestly was more worried about me spilling the drinks than that fuckhead. If I did, Carl would probably beat my ass." I say and Harry chuckles, shaking his head slightly.

"Speaking of Carl, what are you doing out of the bar anyway, won't he catch you?" I ask as I place the tray down and he shrugs.

"I told Josh to cover me for awhile." He says as he crosses over to stand on the other side of the bar and I smile.

"Thanks H." I smile, rather shyly and he raises an eyebrow.

"What for?"

"For being there for me. Both tonight and last night. I truly appreciate it." I say, rather shyly.

"You don't have to thank me, Ni. It's what best friends do for each other." He says with a bright smile, his eyes shining with a glint.

The facade that has constantly been up, slowly starts crumbling, and I can feel myself becoming vulnerable under his gaze and his smile. I hate feeling this way. I hate how I'm practically under Harry's control and he doesn't even have the slightest idea. I hate how I'm willing to put my heart on the line for Harry despite me already being with Zayn. I hate how he makes me feel, happy, exhilarated, buzzed. Yet, I love every bit of it.


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