Jerrie One-Shots

By For_Legit

679K 15.3K 4.8K

Yeah...the title is pretty self-explanatory. These are requested Jerrie One-shots More

Jerrie One-Shots
In The Morning
Choose Me, Not Him
So Wrong, Yet So Right
Tutoring The Softball Captain
I Get What I Want
Don't Play
I Know You Want To
Texts To My Heart
I Never Said I Didn't Love You
Fun Under The Sun
Hate That I Want You
My Soldier, My Love
The Principal's Daughter
Save Me (Part 1)
Save Me (Part 2)
Save Me (Part 3)
If Only You Knew The Truth
Can't Live Without You
Winning Her Over
Ghost Hunting?
Ghost Hunting? (Part 2)
Somewhere Only We Know
A Soldiers' Love Is Forever
In The Office
Steal A Kiss
She Came To Give It To You (Warning: Not finished)
Let Me Explain
I Love You...And Your Eyes
Be My Captain
Ghost Hunting? 2.0
Ghost Hunting? 2.0 (Part 2)
Black Magic
Insane (Part 2)
Trojan Princess
Meant To Be
On The Sea
Take Care Of Me
It's You
Winning Her Over (Part 2)
An Old Flame
Don't Let Go
She Came To Give It To You
Don't Let Go (Part 2)
Jerrie Time
Benchwarmer & Varsity
The Sisters
Falling Again
It's You (Continuation)
The Sisters (Snippet)
Put A Ring On It
I See You
Random (Part 2)
Wrong Room
The Sisters (Announcement)
My Hero In Shining Glasses
Communication (Beginning?)
Random Part 3
The Door
Christmas List


5.7K 168 91
By For_Legit

A/N: 'Jade is convinced her room is haunted so she goes to Perrie's room every night and has an excuse to cuddle with her' I changed it up a little, but I gots permission ^-^  We goin on a journey to the good ole days...JERRIE FLATMATES


"Ugh, can that girl hurry it up?"

Jade peers up from her phone, giggling to herself at Jesy's frustrated facial expression and impatient tapping against the desk chair.

"You know Perrie is always slow, Jes."

Jesy sighs, all over dramatic and seriously giving Leigh-Anne some competition for biggest drama queen.  

They're both waiting in Jade's room, giving Perrie the time to run all over the place and finish getting ready since her nap went about three hours overtime.  Jesy tried to help her hurry it up, but it only made Perrie stress out even more, so she just decided to join Jade as she lounged in her room.

"Hey, when is Leigh getting here?" Jade asks, breaking the silence.  It's a comfortable silence, Jesy especially appreciating the younger girl's habit of being in her own little world and being content with the quiet.  

"She's meeting us at the club," Jesy replies, her lips frowning in a disgusted scowl.  "She wanted to drive in with Jordan," she continues, raising her voice and mocking Leigh-Anne.  

"It's scary how much that sounds like her."

"Well thanks, Jeed," Jesy says, now imitating Jade and her accent.  "Now, enough about Leigh and her boyf... How's the Mrs?"  She waggles her eyebrows and smirks suggestively, Jade rolling her eyes and grabbing a book from under her bed to fling it at the eldest band member.  

"Just because we're both Geordies it doesn't mean we have to be together."  Jade sounds as if she's said that exact sentence plenty of times before...which...she has.

"But it's Jerrie!"  Jade holds another book up threateningly.  "You guys have such obvious crushes on each other.  Why haven't you kissed her yet?"

"Do you want me to throw all of my books at you?  Because I can, I hope you know that."

"You don't even know where most of them are!  It's such a bloody mess in here..."

"Hey!" Jade exclaims, getting defensive.  "I know exactly what piles they're in!"

"Good for you.  Do you also know where your balls are?  Because you need to find them and get your girl."  Jade rolls her eyes again, extremely tired of having this conversation with Jesy, and it's even worse when Leigh-Anne is in on it.  "Come on, Jade.  What's stopping you?"

"She doesn't like me!"

"What's not to like?!  You're such a cutie.  Look at you and your red hair!"  Jesy rolls Jade's desk chair closer to said owner of it, reaching a hand out to grab a few of the strands.

"It's fuchsia," Jade deadpans. 

"Fuchsia hair, then.  Happy now?"

"Oh shut u-"  She freezes, mouth clamping shut as she feels a shiver run down her spine.  Chills erupt across her body, goosebumps appearing on her skin.  The air suddenly feels unbearably cold, the room's atmosphere causing her gut to twist and warn her that something isn't right.

"What the hell?" Jesy mutters, nose scrunching up as she brings her hands up to rub at her arms.  "Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

"I...I don't know," Jade says, not liking this at all.  "I don't like it, either.  It feels...wrong."

"Well, yeah, that's what happens when temperatures drop twenty degrees out of nowhere-"

"No, I mean, like... I don't know, I just feel weird.  Like something is different."

"Well, yeah, the temper-"

"Not that, Jes!" Jade groans.  "More...spiritual."

" you think your room is haunted or something?"

"Why do you sound excited?"

"I'm not, I'm just curious," Jesy says, shrugging.  "I've never really believed in that supernatural stuff, though.  So, I don't know what you're talking about.  Probably just something up with the air unit."

"You that I think about it...  Weird things have been happening in my room lately.  The lights flicker sometimes, and one time when Aaron was here my speakers turned on for no reason, and-OH!  My TV turns on randomly sometimes."

"And you haven't already called an exorcist?"

"Well, no...I haven't really thought about it until now, since you brought it up.  Plus, I'm only now getting the gut feeling."

"Hah, sucks for you.  Your room is haunted," Jesy says, teasing Jade like an older sister would.  "Your room is haunted, your room is haunted!  You're gonna get eaten by a ghost!"

"Who's getting what now?"

Both brunettes turn their attention to the door, finding their blonde bandmate finally dressed and ready, just putting in her earrings as she stands there.

"Jade is getting eaten by a ghost," Jesy says, as though it's the most obvious explanation in the world.  

"Why?" Perrie asks, pouting.  "I like Jade, I don't want her to get eaten."

Jesy smirks and winks at Jade, the younger girl pretending she doesn't see it.  "My room may or may not be haunted, and Jesy thinks that ghosts can eat people."

"Have you not seen the movies?" Jesy asks, seeming offended that Jade is dismissing her idea.  "You need some ghost knowledge."

"And Hollywood movies are what's going to do that for me?"

"Exactly.  You and I are having a movie night."

"Hey!  I wanna come, too!" Perrie whines.

"See, I would invite you, but I'm not sure if you'd make it on time," Jesy says, making it a point to give Perrie a once over as a silent comment of how long it took the blonde to get ready (making them late, by the way).

"Stop it, Jes."  Jade slaps Jesy's arm, frowning at her before changing expressions entirely and smiling over at Perrie.  "Of course you're invited, baba.  You're always invited."  Perrie beams at that, and Jade almost forgets how to breathe.

"Ugh, whatever.  Can we just go now?  Leigh-Anne is probably having the time of her life sucking Jordan's face off, and I want to be there to cock-block."

The two northerners agree and follow Jesy out of their flat.


Jade wakes suddenly, gasping and gulping for air.  The room is eerily silent around her, but that's not what she's focusing on.  She's focusing on her dream and how vivid it was, still able to feel the hand around her throat and the suffocating choking.  

She looks to her left, taking in the darkness of the room as the scene from her dream wears off, and then she glances to her right and yelps at the flash of a figure in the corner, screaming once more and ducking under her covers, shaking and whimpering.  

She hears clanking and stomps, her fists tightening around the blankets just a bit more, fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins at the unknown terror that could very well eat her just like Jesy said-

Then the lights turn on.

She slowly peeks her head out from under the covers, squinting at the sudden brightness, but then feeling relief flood her system at the sight of Perrie in the doorway...clad in a long old T-shirt and holding...a pan?

"I'm here!  I'm here!  What's happening?  Is it a burglar?  Where is he?  I'll kill'em!"  The blonde whips from side to side, lifting her pan up in a defensive stance and looking ready to attack.  Jade sighs in relief, flopping back against the bed and running her hands over her face as she works to get her breathing pattern back to normal.  Perrie notices this, her pan lowering slightly - only slightly - as she looks over at her best friend.  "Jade?  You okay?"

"It's fine, Pez.  There's no intruder or anything, just..."

"Just?  Just what?" Perrie asks, her eyes softening and her pan down by her side now.  Her feet pad against the carpet as she takes tired little shuffling steps over to Jade, sitting beside her on the bed.  "You okay, baba?  I heard you scream and I got worried, so I ran to-"

Jade places a hand on Perrie's forearm, eyes still closed and other hand over her face, missing the pleased look on the blonde's face at the simple touch.  "Thank you, Pez.  I'm sorry I woke you.  I just had a stupid nightmare, and then I guess since it was dark my eyes made me see something when I woke up, and then I freaked out."

"You saw something?"

Jade nods.  "A figure in the corner.  It was probably nothing, though.  Just me overreacting, ya know?"

"Alright, let me know if you have another nightmare, yeah?  Goodnight, J."  Perrie leans over and kisses the older girl's forehead, blushing as she realizes that she actually just did that, quickly leaning back and moving to leave the room.

The lights switch off, and Jade is left alone once again.  She gets back into a comfortable position, still a bit jumpy, but trying to calm herself by thinking of her flatmate and how cute she was running into her room to protect her.  It almost works, a small little smile on her face as she starts to fantasize about Perrie holding her and comforting her...

But then there's a creak.

Her eyes snap open, body alert and coursing with energy once again.  

Another small creak sounds, and she realizes she can't fall asleep in here, not after that dream and that conversation with Jesy.

So, she jumps out of bed and scurries out of the room like a child running to their bed after turning off the lights.  

The hallway is suddenly the scariest thing, also just as dark as her room, and she frantically knocks on Perrie's room, really hating that the blonde is probably already asleep again even though she was just up not even two minutes ago.

The door opens, and Jade is finally able to relax.

"Jade?  Did you already have another nightmare?"  Perrie looks all sleepy and cute and Jade realizes that there really isn't any excuse for her to be knocking on her door and waking her up again.  

She's an adult.  She shouldn't be getting scared of stupid little noises and her eyes playing tricks on her.

But, she needs to sleep.  Perrie is a great cuddler.  Perrie is concerned for her.  Perrie knows about the possible haunted room thing...

"I...I think my room really is haunted."

"Jade, are you serious-"

"I saw the figure again. started walking towards me and so I ran out of there and came to you because I'm so scared and this isn't the first time that-"

"Woah, woah, Jade!  Slow down, babe.  I believe you, okay?  I'll never doubt you.  I just...are you sure?"

An excuse to sleep cuddled up to Perrie for the night?  "I'm positive."

"Aw, baba, why haven't you told me this earlier?  Come on, you can sleep with me."  Perrie tugs her inside, closing the door behind her before walking them both over to the bed.  

They've done this plenty of times before, so Jade automatically goes to her side of the bed (which looks suspiciously unused) and waits for Perrie to lay down next to her before snuggling up to her.  She's completely calm now, already feeling safe, but she shivers a little and gives a few shakes here and there to sell the act and get Perrie to pull her closer to try and provide more comfort.  

She falls asleep pretty quickly when in the blonde's arms, Perrie unable to fall asleep as easily since she's stuck admiring Jade as she sleeps, just like she always does when they end up like this.  She smiles a little, bringing a hand up to trail a finger down the brunette's jaw, gentle and soft as she wishes she could use her lips instead.


"I don't get it.  How is your room perfectly fine?" Jade muses aloud, the credits for the movie playing on the screen now, signaling that it's time for them to get to sleep.

Perrie just shrugs, smiling goofily at the older girl.  "Guess I'm just lucky."

"I knew I should've chosen this room when we first moved in here."

"Well, ya didn't.  So now it's aaaaaall mine."

"Alright, alright, no need to show off.  Now, if you'll excuse me," Jade rolls over lazily and sits up, easing herself off the bed, "It's time for me to get back to my spirit infested room."

Perrie feels her heart sink to her stomach as she watches Jade walk towards the door, not only because she knows she's going somewhere unsafe, but also because she realizes that it's not normal for them to fall asleep and wake up together every night.  She wants it to be, but it's not, and that hurts her more than anything.

So, she does some fast thinking and comes up with the perfect excuse to get Jade to stay with her again.

"Uhm, wait, Jade!"  Jade pauses, turning to look back at the blonde as she fiddles with the blanket on her bed.  "I was...uh...wondering if you wanted to, I don't know, stay?"

"Are you sure, Pez?  I know you like your sleep and I don't want to impose or-"

"No!  You're not imposing at all.  I love cuddling with you, so it's totally okay.  I just... I want to make sure you're safe."

And how could Jade refuse that shy, hopeful face?


"She let you sleep in her room two nights in a row now?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Uh-uh, no 'but's, Thirlwall.  You need to tell her how you feel so you guys can stop this stupid flirting."

"Wow, tell me how you really feel, Jes."

"I'm just saying," Jesy says, huffing a bit.  "You two have been dancing around each other for far too long.  The fans want Jerrie, Aaron and Adam want Jerrie, Leigh and I want Jerrie, and frankly, so do you two."

"You don't know that-"

"Oh, I know.  Perrie talks to me just as much as she talks to you."



"What do I do, Leigh?"

Leigh-Anne sighs, sitting in front of the blonde and patting her knee.  "I think its time you tell her how you feel."

"Just to get rejected?  Thanks, Leigh," Perrie says, sarcasm dripping from her tone.

"Ugh, why the heck are both of you too stubborn to see that you both want each other?  Jade keeps saying the same thing you do-"

"Wait...she does?"


"The lights started flickering."

"Come on in, baba."


"It got really cold, and there was a lot of weird sounds.  I'm sorry to bother you again, but-"

"It's no problem, Jade.  You're always welcome to sleep in here.  I just want you to be okay."


"Perrie?  What's up?"

Perrie looks up at the girl, a sheepish expression on her face.  "I just...I was thinking that maybe if I slept in here with you...then maybe you'd start to feel a bit more comfortable?"

Jade smiles, nodding her head eagerly.  "That sounds like a great idea.  Thank you, Pez."

Jade snuggles into Perrie's arms, the blonde noting in the back of her mind how weird and unnerving the aura is in the older girl's room, but the main thing she's focusing on is how the brunette presses a kiss to her neck and mumbles a quiet 'thank you, baba.  I love you' before starting to drift off.


"I saw the figure again, and I don't think I can even go back to sleep...but...can you just hold me?"

"Of course.  Anything for you."


Jade wakes up with a gasp once again, having been thrashing and squirming before finally getting to escape the miserable haze of her dream.  Her throat stings, as if the hand on her skin wasn't just a part of her nightmare.  

"Baba?" Perrie mumbles, stirring after all the commotion and the sounds of Jade's panting and uneven breathing.  "What's wrong?"


Perrie pushes herself up a bit, settling herself onto Jade's lap and wrapping an arm around her waist from there.  Jade looks down at her, still sitting up from her panic after waking up.  

"I'll protect you."

Jade giggles, running a hand through the blonde hair that's sprawled across her thighs.  

"You're like a little lap dog, then."

"Guard dog, thank you very much," Perrie corrects, nuzzling her nose against Jade's abdomen before settling her head down again and getting comfy.  

"You're cute, you know that?"

"You're cuter."

"I don't think that's possible."

"Shhh.  Stop arguing with me and go to sleep, princess."

"I don't think I can.  I'm too scared."

"Then make yourself useful and keep petting my hair."

Jade scoffs, but nonetheless gives the blonde what she wants as she watches the girl peacefully snooze on her lap.


"Are you seriously okay with this?"

"With our sleepovers?" Perrie asks, clarifying.  Jade nods, the tip of her nose brushing against the blonde's since that's how close their faces are.  "Of course I am.  I love cuddling you.  You're a really good teddy bear, I must say."

"I just...I don't want you to feel weird or anything.  We can totally stop and I can suck it up so that you can have your bed to yourself again."

"Jade, I ask to sleep in your bed, too."

"Yeah, but only to help me."

"You really think that's all it is?"


Perrie shakes her head, wrapping her arms around Jade and rolling the girl over so that they're spooning instead of face to face.  "Nevermind, baba.  Just go to sleep."


"I think my room is okay now."

"Jade, are you su-"

"But...can you still spend the night?  Just to be sure?"

Perrie grins, stepping closer to the other girl and wrapping her arms around her waist while nodding.  Jade's arms somehow automatically end up around the blonde's neck, and they stand there, pressed up against each other, taking it all in as the tension between them grows and grows.


A week later, a knock sounds on Jade's door.  She blinks her eyes open, all groggy and sleepy, checking the time and seeing that it's half past midnight.  

She gets up, walking over to the door and opening it to allow the hallway light to flood into her pitch black room.

"You're kind of a jerk."

Jade tilts her head in confusion, resembling a little puppy.  "I am?"

"Mhm," Perrie hums, nodding.  "You got me all used to sleeping with you next to me, and now I haven't gotten a decent nights sleep in days."

"How can I make it up to you?"

"Can I be your permanent cuddle buddy?"

"That sounds lovely."


It's early in the day, and they're in a hotel rather than their flat, and Jade finds herself marking the page of her book and setting it aside before getting up to answer the knocking on she and Leigh-Anne's room door.

"I've been up all night, and I really need you."

It's Perrie, and she looks exhausted.  There's bags under her eyes, her eyelids drooping as her body hunches over, though Jade still thinks she's the most beautiful creature to ever exist.

"Aw, baba... I wasn't sure if you still wanted to keep our sleeping arrangements going when we're not at the flat, but-"

"It wasn't that...though, actually, that's part of it."  Perrie lets herself in, and Jade allows it, because, why wouldn't she?  The door closes behind her, and then she's grabbing the brunette's hands in hers, looking at her with a wild desperation in her eyes.  

"I was up all night thinking about you, and wondering if you were thinking about me, too.  I missed you so goddamn much, and I was just thinking about how insane and stupid that is.  You're not even mine, but yet I let myself get so attached to you.  I needed you beside me, not even to sleep but just to be able to touch you and feel you next to me like I do every night.  I know that this might be really weird, but I love this new arrangement we have because I love sleeping next to you.  I love having you near me.  I love being able to protect you and hold you.  I"

"You know, after that first night...none of the stuff I told you actually happened."  Perrie's lips start to twitch up into a smile, knowing where Jade is going with this.  "I just...really wanted an excuse to keep having you hold me."

"And I used your excuse as an excuse to keep getting to hold you."

"So...I guess the excuses are mutual."

"Mhmmm," Perrie hums, nudging their noses together and smiling with pure delight as Jade's face scrunches up from the action.  

"And...I think you know what else is mutual."

"You really love me?"

"I've always loved you.  Right from the start."

"Same here, and yet we both never did anything."

"Even with Jesy and Leigh bothering me about it all the time."

"Wait, they did that to you, too!?"

"Hold on... You don't think..."

"Think what?"

"...Remember when Jesy and Leigh-Anne were over for our sleepover that one night a while ago?"  Perrie nods.  " that I think about it...ever since then, my room has been different and spooky."

"Didn't you say Jesy said it might just be your air unit?"

"And didn't Leigh buy that TV remote app on her phone a few months ago?"

"And Jordan has pulled light flickering pranks on Leigh-Anne a bunch of times, so he must know how to do it..."

"Those two little shits messed with my room!"


A/N: heyo!  So i know the style is pretty rushed and stuff, but like I said I honestly do have the craziest amount of writer's block and anything I try to write still just feels off and I can't get in the groove of things.

But, it has come to my attention that some people are fans of The Sisters?  Since I might be able to use that to get out of my funk...I was kinda thinking of making it a book... Yay or nay? ^-^

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