The Metahuman Agency: The Sup...

By wrathsburg

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An army of mercenaries. Six supervillains. A weapon with the firepower to destroy an entire city Under the co... More

First Strike
Brand New Day
Seeds of Unrest
Exploring D.C.
The Build Up
The Press Conference
The Skeleton Crew
Before the Fall
Outmatched, Outgunned
Pushing Back
Mad Art
Run Or Die
Metal Devil
Frenzied Pursuit
Respite and Rest
Nightmares and Hopes
Ghostly Caller
Night Raid
In the Belly of the Beast
Moving On
Road Rage
The Spider and the Beetle
The Search
Second Reunion
Sick Mind
Food Run
The Next Step
Circle of Friends
GHOST Headquarters
Beneath the Factory
Lonely Nightmares
The Mistress of War
The Gathering Storm
Dark Strike
Close Quarters Combat
Hallway Brawl
Bombs, Bullets, and Bodies
The Elephant's Roar
Screams Amidst the Fire
Battle of the Bridge
Fallen Friends
Silent Screams
Blood Frenzy
Crocodile Tears
Guests of the Government
Cold Comfort
Out of the Cage
Breaking Point
Friends in High Places
Sleeping Beauty
Tears in the Sun
The Ultimatum
Bay of Memories
Head Games
Young Love
Invasion: San Francisco
Beach Strike
Spider's Kiss
Cellblock Rampage
Cellblock Showdown
Scorched Earth
Wrath of the Inferno
Airship Assault
Enemy Territory
A Rock And A Hard Place
Failed Composition
The Final Countdown
Sinking Ship
Safe And Sound
A New Future
All Good Things...
...Need Not End

Through the Woods

16 2 0
By wrathsburg

Jason slowly staggered up the grassy slope, ducking under low hanging branches and other bits of foliage. With the adrenaline wearing off, his entire body was hurting. His arm where he had been grazed was aching badly, while his head was swimming and his legs were practically screaming in protest with each step. But he ignored all of it, continuing to stumble through the trees, unsure of where he was going but moving forward nonetheless.

James was walking in front of him. He had been sniffling for a while now, sounding on the verge of tears but not exactly crying. His sobs were starting to piss Jason off rightly. He hadn't shed a tear for any of the people killed in the attack. Not the staff, not Robertson, nobody, but now James was breaking down cause he had to blow up his damn car? Jason gritted his teeth angrily as he stepped over a boulder. Now that was asshole behavior.

James suddenly halted and turned to Jason. Jason couldn't make out his face in the darkness, so he switched on his night vision. The forest was immediately illuminated before him. Now he could see James's face was streaked with tears, his cracked glasses halfway down his nose.

James swallowed, wiping his nose with his sleeve. He gulped and sputtered out, "J-jason I'm t-truly sorry but can we sit just for a moment I don't feel well not at all I just feel terribly sick not motion sickness either I'm sure I'm t-terribly sorry I..."

Jason folded his arms. He shook his head. "Really broken up about your car, huh?" He hissed, barely keeping the venom out of his voice.

James nodded vigorously. His glasses fell off and landed in the grass at his feet. He quickly reached down, snatching them up and put them back on. "Yes I am oh goodness I know it seems awfully stupid Jason but I put so much work into that vehicle designed it from scratch put so much work into maintaining and...and...well I'm sure you can understand how yes I saw it blow up before my eyes a necessary venture it was wrecked anyway triggering the self-destruct was necessary it was necessarynecessaryn-" James's words descended into gibberish again, as he began to shake and gripped his curly hair feverishly.

Jason rolled his eyes and cut the guy off. "Yeah. I got it." He waved his hand at the tree. "Sure, rest, whatever." James swallowed, nodding and his hands dropped to his sides. He collapsed in front of the tree and fell back against it, occasionally muttering to himself.

Jason glared at him before planting himself on a nearby boulder. He snapped off a branch hanging near him and snapped it in half angrily. He then squeezed the two halves, grinding them to pieces in his hands. He opened his hands, the splinters of wood falling to the ground.

James continued to sniffle slightly. Jason's eyes narrowed deeper into slits. Look at him. Still crying over his damn car. Asshole. He snatched another low hanging stick and broke this one into smaller pieces before throwing it away. He's always been excited about his machines but I really didn't think he lacked empathy for others. He freaked out Laureen and Max getting hurted. So why not now? This is ten times as worse. People are dead, we're on the run, and our base has been overrun. Not to mention the group's separated. Hiroshi and Audrey could be dead! And he's still crying over his stupid car. Fucking dick.

After a few minutes of sitting there, Jason rose. He grunted at James, "Okay. Let's move." James stared up at, wiping his nose again. He got up and quietly gestured for Jason to take the lead.

Jason started to move. Then he stopped. "Actually..." He chuckled humorlessly. "I have no idea where we're going."

"Well uh the nearest towns are several m-miles outside of the forest I believe they're names are Freetown naturally and um Lakeville yes I do believe that's correct although I don't have much to cross-reference against to check if its true actually I don't have much at all," James sputtered through sniffles.

Jason shook his head. "Okay. What about your phone though. You still got that?"

"Oh!" James looked up, a wide smile spreading across his disheveled face. Jason snorted. From depressed to happy in a second. Christ. "Why yes I do believe I do let me see now hm where are you where are you where are you..." James slapped at his pockets before halting. "Aha here we are excellent!" He pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket and examined it. "Now we just oh dear oh drat no no no..." His smile vanished in a second. James moaned sadly and held up the phone to face Jason. The screen was black. "Its uh out of power..."

Something in Jason snapped. He snatched the phone from James's hand. James recoiled, startled. Jason gripped the phone, beginning to crush it. "Well that's just great," He spat out. He squeezed and crushed the phone before hurling it away. The phone went sailing into the trees, flying out of sight.

"Jason what have you done oh my goodness that was-" James started to squealed. Jason rounded on the guy and stomped over. He grabbed James by his collar and dragged him over to a tree before slamming him against it. A shower of pines fell around them. James went silent, staring at Jason fearfully, his glasses again slipping down his nose.

Jason gritted his teeth. "You seem really broken up about your gadgets, James!" He shook him roughly. James felt so weak in his grasp, all his usual energy and etheuiasm gone. Now he just looked scared. Jason didn't care. Good. Let him finally feel what the rest of us have been feeling! "You seem more concerned with a broken phone and a wrecked car than our friends and the goddamn base!" He screamed at James, spittle splattering over James's face. "You can shed a million tears for your lost toys but not a single one for the dozens of people slaughtered?!"

James tried to answer but Jason cut him off. "You make me sick!" He dropped James. James landed hard on the ground and fell over, his glasses falling off again. Jason glared down at him, watching him scramble helplessly on the ground. Goddamn bastard. He's useless without his inventions, even with all his smarts!

James managed to find his glasses and put them back on. He pushed himself up, bits of grass and other gunk sticking to his suit. He adjusted his tie, swallowing, and said: "Jason you can't think I wasn't concerned with them-"

"Oh no?" Jason jabbed him in the chest. The slight poke nearly sent James toppling over. "Well that's exactly what I think! You've been bawling your eyes out for the last..." He shook his head and snarled, "My point is, you've shown more emotion for so stupid gadgets and invention crap than all the people who've died!" He was screaming again. White hot fury inside of him, flashes of all the dead in his mind. "You may have acted concerned but I think your actions tell me what you really care about, asshole!"

James went quiet. He hung his head and started to sniffle again. The noise he made sounded so vulnearable and pathetic that the fire died almost instantly in Jason. He lowered his hands, watching as James began to cry.

"I'm..." Jason rubbed his neck. Maybe I went too far. "I'm sorry. I'm not...really made at you. Its just..."

"No no no no no," James raised his hands, interrupting Jason. He looked up, swallowing, wiping his eyes. "You're right it wasn't my intent to appear apathetic to the death the destruction all around me but its true with so much happening so much I figured it was best if I tuned my mind to focusing on other tasks such as getting you all out alive and concerning myself with my own survival but perhaps that was the wrong choice it seems cold too logical for my taste its true I've always been more interested in machines than people but I still love people I'm not a robot not like those I design but perhaps I tuned myself too much away from what was happening I didn't meant to be that way I'm sorry Jason but trust I am concerned with what happened I just its too much for me to process at once things that are smaller like the destruction of The Bullet I can process easier I'm sorry I'm sorry you're right please forgive me?"

Jason listened to his words. Huh. He does care but...he tuned it all out to focus. Or something. I guess...I guess that makes sense. Ugh...I was such an asshole.

Jason placed a hand on James's shoulder. "You're right," He muttered quietly. "You're right, James, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper. But I'm processing a lot, dealing with a lot, and I guess I needed to vent. And you're the only one here, so I took out my anger on you. But that was wrong. I'm sorry. We need to rely on each other now and..." He swallowed. "...I'm just really sorry." He hung his head.

James patted Jason's hand, smiling. "Its alright Jason I understand you're enduring a lot we're enduring a lot I've never experienced anything like this before I imagine neither have you what I am saying of course you haven't unless your home in New York was invaded no that's silly apologies but I agree we shouldn't fight I hate fighting you're my friend I don't want to be screamed at much less argue or scream or shriek or vent at you."

Jason smiled back at him. "Thanks dude. Its more than I probably deserve." They stared at each other for a moment before Jason released his friend's shoulder. He turned back and sighed.

"Well," He rubbed his head. "I broke your phone...sorry about that."

"Eh its fine gives me an excuse to build a more compact, sleeker, better model in the future but that's for the future as for now here the present its still fine as the battery was dead and there are no chargers in the forest our only choice now it seems is to find civilization and well I'm sure we can figure out our next step from there."

"Right," Jason frowned and looked at at one tree. He jerked his thumb upward. "I'm gonna climb up and see if I can see anything close by."

James gave him a thumbs up. "Excellent I shall await your return uh don't fall although with your athletic capabilities I doubt you'd be hurt now go go!"

Jason sprang forward and leaped onto the trunk of the nearest tree. He pressed his hands against it, sticking to the uneven surface before bracing his feet against a low branch. The pain in his arm flared up again but he ignored it, as it wasn't enough to inhibit his movements.

Jason slowly crawled up the tree, slapping as branches that rose up in his path. So he was high in the canopy, a sea of branches all around. Jason climbed the last few feet and stuck his head through the canopy, knocking aside leaves.

He looked around. The forest preserve stretched across the landscape. Trees stretched as far as the eye could see. Jason squinted his eyes, craning his head about as he searched for a road or a town or something. He didn't see any signs of flying helicopters or that huge flying airship thing. Maybe the enemy had leff...what did that mean though? Was their assault a success? Had they...captured the Director? Maybe even killed her?

He shook his head. He couldn't worry about that now. He had to focus on himself for the moment and James. Jason continued scanning the forest, search and search until he spotted something ahead. It was past the trees to his left. A source of light at the end of the forest, the light of the object like a flare with his night vision.

Jason squinted at it. With his night vision, it looked like a blob of light as opposed to a coherent shape. But it was something at least. Maybe not a full fledged town but something. Satisfied, he climbed back down the tree.

Jason hoppd off once he was close to the forest floor. He landed in a crouched position in front of James. James grinned at him as he rose and said, "Well Jason did you spot anything of great significance in your little jaunt to the forest canopy I hope so!"

"Yeah," Jason nodded. He pointed in the direction he thought the light was coming from. "Somewhere over there I think. Didn't look like a town but might be a house or something."

"Or perhaps a park ranger station good good," James nodded happily. "Excellent let's move quick then that patrol of mercenaries is likely still looking for us not to mention forests are dangerous at night I've heard bears are active in the area so let's be on our way quick."

Jason nodded. He led the way, James following close behind. They moved through the trees, stepping over more rocks, roots, and fallen sticks. They walked for what seemed like a long time, the trees never seeming to let up. There was no paths, no signs to guide them, so Jason hoped they were going the right way.

Finally he heard a noise somewhere up ahead. Before he could say anything, James cried out: "Water a river marvelous haha we've found something!" James hurried a bit ahead and smacked into a branch. He fell to the ground, scattering leaves.

Jason moved over to him and pulled James up. James coughed, dusting himself up, and said: "Er low visibility yes I should probably not be so impulsive like that ahem sorry how undignified lead on I'll follow still a river good sign!"

Jason lead him forward, chuckling a little despite himself. They emerged from the treeline. Before them was a rushing river. A wooden bridge went across the rushing water, with a sign planted near it. The sign read "FISHING PROHIBITED".

James moved close to the rushing water and squatted near it, adjusting his glasses. "Hm I am thirsty but I really shouldn't drink this unfiltered water not without extensive testing of its pH levels anyway shall we cross?"

Jason nodded, scanning the dark woods but continuing to see nothing of real note. Across the bridge it was.

The two of them made their way over the bridge and reach the opposite shore. Finally, a small place loomed before them, overgrown with plants, but a path nonetheless. Jason stepped forward, gripping James's arm again and lead him forward.

They went through the path, the terrain now easier to navigate. The two them walked in relative silence for a long while, the only sounds the crunch of their shoes against the dirt and the occasional animal cry. At one point a few fireflies buzzed past them, illuminating Jason's night vision.

James paused, grinning as he watched them go by. "Nature is quite fascinating although I don't like to experience it firsthand nothing against it that's just how I am prefer technology and such it still its amazing to study these fireflies for instance they produce a chemical reaction inside their bodies its called bioluminescence quite fascinating it works when oxygen combines with calcium, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the chemical luciferin in the presence of luciferase, a bioluminescent enzyme from this light is produced!"

Jason tried to process that but it went a little over his head. He just grunted. "Uh...yeah?"

James looked at him and coughed awkwardly. "Sorry I got distracted my apologies my mind uh you know different level of thinking sometimes I'm easily distracted well more like ninety percent of the time apologies wait you know me sorry I'm being condescending no need to explain it again or for the sixth time or ahem sorry."

Jason smirked. "Its okay. But we should keep moving." He tugged James forward before the guy could get distracted anymore.

They continued onward down the path, following it past seemingly endless trees. They walked for what felt like hours. Jason's legs pounded with pain and he desperately felt like just collapsing. He wanted to let darkness take him and slip into unconsciousness. But he pressed on despite the agony. He was starting to get hungry and thirsty as well. Jason was reminded he hadn't eaten since dinner and he had vomited twice since then. But he tried to ignore it all. He had to.

They walked on and on, the path beginning to slop downwards, the trees getting slightly less dense. Signs of human activity began to appear. A few dropped bits of trash, a dropped fishing line, and an abandoned campsite. As they continued, cracks of sunlight started to appear in the trees.

James halted. He looked up and frowned. "Oh dear that's not good the sun is rising it must be sometime after five in the morning oh dear oh dear I'm going to fall asleep soon I'm going to become a liability!"

Jason cursed. He waved his hand forward, switching off his night vision and letting James go. "We should hurry," His voice was gravely as he spoke. Ugh, my throat really is dry. "Come on!" He moved forward, trying to move a little faster and get out of these damn woods. James hurried behind him.

After another bout of walking, Jason finally saw a gate at the end of the path. It was locked. So he grabbed the padlock and tore it off before pushing the gate open. James walked through behind him, red faced and sweaty. They hurried on, finally emerging from the trees.

Jason raised his hand as sunlight assaulted his vision. He squinted and peered through the cracks in his fingers. A hilly landscape loomed before them, a dirt road stretching across it. Large fences dominated the sides of the road, the occasional tree standing by its lonesome. In the distance, he could see a house of some sort, smoke billowing from it.

Jason pointed at it. "There it is. That must have been what I saw."

James nodded, his attention more on the rising sun. "Right right let's go move onward!"

They trudged down the road, kicking up dust in their wake. With the sun rising, it was getting hot and Jason began to sweat more inside his costume. He sighed and leaned against a nearby fence, raising a hand to indicate he needed a rest. James nodded and leaned next to him, inspecting his broken glasses again.

Jason caught his breath, breathing in and out, the sun continuing to lazily rise. Finally he pushed himself off the fence and nodded to James. "Let's go."

"Right-o!" James rose off the fence. "Now let us-"

His eyes suddenly closed and he fell forward. Jason's quick reflexes caught James before he faceplanted into the road. James was already snoring and went limp in Jason's grasp.

"Damnit..." Jason grunted. He hauled James up. He felt pretty light in his hands but he wasn't easy to lift either. "Oh well...not too much farther..." With a grunt, he threw James over his shoulder.

Jason took another breath. He looked at the house in the distance. With a sigh, he staggered forward down the desolate road, carrying his friend toward potential safety.

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