Overwatch: The World Needs He...

By Jedi1997

43.6K 858 682

You are a former Overwatch Scientist and for the past five years since it's disbandment, you've been living w... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 : Like Any Other Day, Except Today
Chapter 2: A Change of Plans
Chapter 4: The Anchor
Chapter 5: Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 6: The Day You Are Born
Tag Chapter
Chapter 7 : The Day You Find Out Why
Chapter 8: Short Change Hero
Chapter 9: Sanctuary
Chapter 10: Last one out, lock the door!
Chapter 11: Along Came A Spider
Chapter 12: Said the Joker to the Thief
Chapter 13: A Rendezvous with Death
Chapter 14: Turning the Tide
Chapter 15: Home Again
Chapter 16: Way Down We Go
Chapter 17: The Times They Are a-Changin'

Chapter 3: Hello

2.5K 52 23
By Jedi1997

A/U note: This (Y/N) means just your first name. The only time you'll use your last name is when you see this (L/N). Just a heads up for anybody that's new to this. Anyway here's CH.3

"WHAT?!" you said for the sixth and loudest time.

"Do you know more than one word, love?" Tracer said.

You ran your hand through your hair, trying to understand what the hell was going on here.

"B-b-but....how...how are you...?"

Before you could finish your sentence, the door behind you opened and you turned around hoping Angela could answer your many questions.

" Dr. Ziegler could you please tell...me...?" 

You thought it was Dr. Ziegler who came through the door, but boy were you dead wrong. There was a gorilla, with a lab coat and glasses on, right in front you.

"No, I'm not Dr.Ziegler my friend." The gorilla said with a smile as he extended his hand to you, " You must be (Y/N) , I'm Winston. I'm looking forward to working with you."

You lifted your right hand, keeping it close to your body and pointed at the gorilla. You then turned around to face Lena, with your finger still in it's pointing position, and turned back to Winston. You laughed towards Winston and BAM. Congrats you fainted.

A/N- This is basically how you fainted, except your're still pointing your finger. Movie- Paul (2011)

Tracer P.O.V.

Blimey that sounded like a hard fall. "Winston, is he alright?" 

"He's fine Lena, he just fainted."

"Who is he?"

But before Winston could answer me, Dr. Ziegler came into the room and gasped to see the fella on the floor passed out. She knelt down to his side and grabbed his wrist to check for a pulse.

"What happened here? Is he alright? Did he hit his head?"

"Don't worry Angela. He's fine, he  just fainted that's all."Winston replied. I leaned into the window to get a better look at the boy on the floor. He was kinda cute actually. Winston said that Commander Morrison was going to bring in someone to help him and Dr.Ziegler figure out how to cure me of my Chronal Disassociation. Was this who they were talking about? I thought he'd be older to be honest, he looked to be about my age. We must'a put a good scare into the poor fellow, I'm sure it's not everyday he meets a girl who can disappear in and out of time or a talking gorilla.

"Well, he's got a pulse and he's still breathing," Dr. Ziegler then got her pen light out and opened his eyes. "Pupils are dilated, but they seem to be going back to their normal state, he'll be back in the next few minutes. Winston, can you please put him  in the chair by the control panel? I'll get him some water."

"Of course Dr. Ziegler."

Winston grabbed the boy off of the floor and placed him in one of the chairs, while Dr. Ziegler went and came back with water from the mini fridge in the corner. I kept a eye on him and I saw that he was starting to move.

"Oi Doc! I think he's coming out of it. "

"Oh thank goodness ." Angela said as she walked back with a bottle of water. "Lena stand back from the window and Winston move over to the side please, I don't want him passing out on us again." Me and Winston moved aside as Dr.Z placed herself in front of the guy in the chair as he started to wake up.

" (Y/N) can you hear me?"

"Uuh, my head is killing me." he said slowly and weak. Poor lad must have hit his head hard after all.

" Easy (Y/N). Just take it slow and look at me."

"Dr. Ziegler? Is that you?" he said with his eyes barely open.

"Yes, it's me. Do you know what year it is and do you know where you are"

"Last I checked, It was 2069 and I was in Overwatch HQ in Switzerland and I know I still am because of the bright lights, i mean seriously, how high is the electric bill here?" He couldn't see me do it, but I kept my laugh down to a snicker at that, it was pretty bright here.

"Okay now (Y/N), keep your eye on the pen and follow it, good, good. Wunderbar! You don't have amnesia or a concussion!"

"Oh. Well...that's.. good. What happened?"

"You fainted. Don't worry you've only been out for a couple of minutes. Here drink this." He grabbed the water bottle  with one hand, with Dr.Ziegler placing one hand behind his head and the other to help him drink by tilting the bottle towards him.

"Ah. Thanks Doc, I needed that."

" Your welcome. Okay (Y/N) listen to me. I'm going to explain what's going on. If you have any questions, ask me when I'm finished. Ok?"

Your P.O.V.

Angela took a breath and started to explain everything.

"I'm assuming you've heard about what happened to our test pilot, Lena Oxton, a couple of months ago?"

"Yeah, it's been on every news station since it happened. "

" Okay, well...we found her a couple of weeks ago. She's here in the room on the other side of this window. Come on out Lena."

You looked at the window to see her head pop up from the corner and she walked to the middle of the window. You just couldn't believe it. There she was just standing there as she lifted her hand up to say hello with a wave and a smile, you lifted your hand and smiled as well to reply.

" Now she may seem alright, but she's not. That room was made to specifically contain her to this one spot."

"Wait a minute, hold on. What do you mean contain? Is she radioactive or something?"

" Oh no! But it is something though. It's...how can I put this? Winston can you tell him what's going on with Lena?" She said looking to the right of her. You looked that way but she kept your head from turning. "Keep looking at me (Y/N)."

"Okay. Why?"

"Because I don't want you to faint again. Now Winston isn't... human." You raised your eyebrow in question. 

"So....what?He's an omnic? I don't mind, omnics are fine with me."

" No. He's..um.. he's a genetically engineered primate, a gorilla to be specific."

"He's a what now?" you saw something at the corner of your eye and looked past Angela's shoulder to see the primate she was talking about walking towards you. "Don't faint. Don't faint. Don't faint!" you thought to yourself repeatedly. He lifted his hand up to greet you and said " Let's try this again.Greetings! I'm Winston. Welcome to Overwatch Headquarters. I'm looking forward to working with you, (Y/N)."

You shook the gorilla's hand as it hit you on how he could talk. "You're one of the gorillas from the Horizon Lunar Colony. I'm sorry for whatever happened up there. It was really going to be a breakthrough for mankind."

" Yes , but sadly it wasn't meant to be. Now to explain Ms. Oxton's condition." He said as he fixed his glasses " After careful and lengthy observation, we have diagnosed her with Chronal Dissasociation, meaning her molecules are not in sync with the flow of time causing her to not be able to stay in the present and keep a physical form most of the time she's here. It's obvious that this is a clear side effect of the teleportation matrix malfunctioning on the slipstream."

You've never heard of that before. Someone being lost in time and phasing in and out of existence because their molecules were out of wack. You rose up from the chair and looked at Lena to see her phase out and come back a couple of seconds later.  "She's a ghost." you said to simply put it.

"Basically." Dr. Ziegler said." We've been trying to find a way to cure her condition ever since we found her. But, we've been hitting nothing but dead ends. All of our scientist have added their ideas on how to fix her and they can't think of anything else, which is why we've brought you here, (Y/N). We think a fresh perspective is what we need to find the solution." Stillness and silence filled the room before the gorilla started to talk again.

"If you feel like this is too much, we'll understand, (Y/N). We can have the dropship take you back to Ithaca." Winston said to let you know that you had a choice in this. 

You placed both hands on the console and looked down to the floor to take a breath so you could take this all in. Tasked to cure someone of something that has never happened to anyone or even thought to be possible. Could you do it? What if you can't find a way to fix it? What if you make it worse? With all of these in mind, Winston's offer seemed to be the best option. But wait a minute, aren't you one of the smartest people in the world? Didn't you just earn your doctorate with ease and at a young age? This is what people like you were meant to do. To make breakthroughs and discoveries that could better the world and those in it. You looked up from the console to see Lena eye's meet yours. She stared into your eyes as if she was saying "Save me. Please. You're my only hope". You responded with a smile to tell her that you would do everything you could to save her. "The dropship  won't be necessary Winston. She needs my help. Our help. And I'm not one to turn tail and leave a person in need." You stood straight up and turned to face the scientists. " Okay, for this I'm going to need a chart that shows the times she disappears and how long she was gone, something to let me know when she starts to phase out and come back, the blueprints and if possible a replica of the teleportation matrix from the slipstream and most importantly," you lifted your left index finger up"Coffee. I can feel the all-nighters I'm gonna have to pull already." You turned back to face Lena and ran both your hands through your hair and placed them at the back of your head "Cause I'm gonna have to science the shit out of this."* Lena laughed at that and smiled at you, filled with a new sense of hope.

"Good to hear, (Y/N). We'll  have someone go ahead to get that chart ready and get you the teleportation matrix plans, the replica may take time though." Winston said.

"As long as I see the chart and blueprints, we can do this." 

"Alright (Y/N), follow me and I will take you to your quarters." Angela said.

"Alrighty Dr. Ziegler, lead the way." You threw your backpack on, grabbed your duffle bag and followed the doctor. But before you left the room, you stopped in your tracks right before you got to the door. "Excuse me a moment, Dr Ziegler." You turned around and started to walk back to the console. You grabbed the microphone with one hand and spoke to Lena."Sorry. I didn't get a chance to properly  introduce myself. I'm (F/N) (L/N) by the way, if you didn't catch it already." She giggled. "It's good to meet you (Y/N). I'm Lena, Lena Oxton. " You knew who she was already and you were sure she knew your first name at least, but it didn't feel right to leave without a proper hello. You stood there, smiling at each other and you started to talk. 

"Well I better get going. Looks like I'm going to have my work cut out for me."

" Yeah. Looks like it. It was nice to meet you(Y/N).  Guess I'll see ya later."

"Yeah. It was nice to meet you too." You turned around and headed for the door and you waved to Lena as you left . Just as you entered the hallway, you looked to your right to see a tall man wearing a blue duster. You looked up to see who it was and standing there was the legendary Strike Commander Jack Morrison. You stood there with your mouth half way open as Angela walked up behind you to greet the heroic soldier.

"Jack! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought I'd come by to meet our newest recruit in person. How are you doing son? I'm Jack Morrison, Strike Commander" he said as he extended his hand to you. You raised yours from your side and proceeded to shake his hand.

"I'm great and don't worry, I know who you are sir. I even saluted your statue when I flew in and I don't know why I just said out loud."

Both Angela and Jack laughed at that, while you stood there with a smile trying to not make this any more awkward. "It's alright kid. Lots of people go by it and they do the same. You're not the first one and you're not going to be the last to do that.  So what do you think (Y/N)? Can you help our pilot?"

Confidently, you replied " Yes, sir. I'll do everything I can to help her."

"I'm sure you will. If you need anything, just let me or Dr. Ziegler know. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go over some field reports in my office." Before he started to walk away, he took a quick look at your hair and he started to walk down the hall. As he turned the corner, you could hear him say under his breath "Kid needs a haircut."

You raised an eyebrow at that while Angela laughed a bit at Morrison's remark. The walk from the lab to your quarters was about five to ten minutes and to pass the time you and Dr. Ziegler were talking about Tracer's condition, possible theories on how to fix it and a few other things.

"Dr. Ziegler? Before I met Captain Amari, I saw a story on Atlas News that Overwatch had confirmed Tracer to be KIA. But we just saw her, so what's going on there?

"Oh. That was just a rumor that came from somewhere that may have sounded official, but we've contacted the press to let them know that we haven't done no such thing. We would never give up on Tracer or any of our own."

"Yeah that's the press for you. Something like that would have them fighting tooth and nail to be the first to report it. Oh, by the way, Commander Morrison called me your newest recruit. Soooo... does that mean I'm officially a member of Overwatch?"

"If all goes well with curing Lena of her Chronal Disassociation,  you very well could be. So for now, no. At least, not yet." she said with optimism and a smile, while you smiled back.

You arrived at your quarters and walked in to your room. Inside was a full sized bed on the far right side corner, a white desk with blue legs against the left wall that had a computer monitor attached as well as a small white lamp on it, a closet with sliding doors, a small nightstand by the bed with a digital clock on top of it and it had it's own little bathroom. The room itself, not including the bathroom, was  a bit bigger than your dorm room.

"This is really nice. Is everyone's room like this?"you asked as you placed your duffle bag and backpack on top of your bed.

"Nein, these rooms usually go to our scientists or top personnel, such as myself or Captain Amari."

"Okay. Well, thank you Dr. Ziegler. I feel quite at home already. Speaking of which, is it okay if I call my parents to let them know how I'm doing?"

"Of course. Use the computer to talk to them and  tell them you are working on something classified , we're not ready to go public with this yet."

"I understand. Thanks again. Oh, one more thing before you go and I don't know if you would know this but, why do they call her Tracer?"

"Lena's flying was quite the sight. I could describe it for you but I'd rather let you see it for yourself. I'll send you a video of her flights later.  Well, here are your login credentials for the computer at the desk and someone should be by soon with a few things for you before the end of the day. Have a good day (y/n), get some rest. You'll need it, we have much to do."

"Yes we do. Thank you Dr. Ziegler." 

Angela left and you started to unpack your things. You put up your Led Zeppelin poster above your bed, put your clothes in the closet, your toothbrush in the bathroom and your laptop under the bed. You went to the desk and sat in the chair to figure out what was what. The top of the desk lit up to show a digital keyboard  and the monitor turned on as well. You logged in and messaged your parents telling them that you were alright and that you were working on something classified that would help Overwatch. They responded with reassurance saying that they were happy that their son was okay and told you that they loved you. 

You sank into the chair and looked around the room. The clock on the nightstand by your bed read 10:35 a.m. and you still couldn't believe where you were at. A little over a day ago, you were walking around New York City with Chase, while making your way to Katz Deli  before the lunch rush, to celebrate the two of you conquering your final. Now, here you are with the opportunity of a lifetime to work with the brightest minds in the world and you were going to make every second of it count.  You sat up from the chair to go take a shower and after you finished, you grabbed the journal from your backpack and sat back down in your chair, to start brainstorming any possible solutions that would help Lena.  Unlike your usual work routine, you were erasing more than you normally would, the lead in you're pencil would barely scratch against the paper,thoughts in your head couldn't click together and if they did, you would hit a dead end almost instantly. If you had a bit more to go on you would be having an easier time with this.

 Your train of thought was interrupted when you heard a knock at your door. You stood up to open the door to see Winston holding a few things in his arm. 

"Oh hey Winston. What's up?"

"Hello (Y/N). I came by to give you a few things. Here is the chart you wanted , a copy of Lena's file,  copies of the notes Dr. Ziegler and I have taken, your own personal tablet, please take good care of it, the schematics of the teleportation matrix and we found a spare prototype of it as well. It should be exactly the same as the one that was in the slipstream."

You stood with your arms open trying to hold on to everything he was giving you as it started to create a little tower. You backed up into your room to place everything on your bed and went back to the door to thank him.

"Thanks Winston." You looked at his other hand to see him holding a tray of food. "Grabbing lunch already, huh?

"Oh, I've already eaten. This is for you (Y/N). We didn't see you at the cafeteria and Dr.Ziegler asked me to check on you and bring you lunch since the cafeteria is already closed."

"What do you mean? It's barely eleven..." you looked at the clock on the nightstand to see that he was right because it was 1:50 p.m. " Oh. Wow. Last time I checked it was eleven eighteen. Guess I got so caught up in my work, I forgot to check the clock. I haven't done something like that in awhile." Just then your stomach made the loudest growl that the whole base might have heard it.

Winston laughed. "Hahaha. Don't worry it can happen to the best of us. Here, sounds like you need it. I didn't know what you prefer to eat, so I just picked what looked good."

The ape sure did have good taste from the looks of it. He brought you a cheeseburger, a side of bacon cheese fries and an orange soda to drink. You looked up at Winston with a smile.

"Winston, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Thanks." 

"No problem (Y/N)." Before he walked away you put the tray of food down and called him back.

"Winston, hold on!" The gorilla heard you and came back to your door.

"Yes? What is it? You don't like orange soda?"

"No, trust me this is last meal worthy right here. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for fainting on you guys earlier in the lab. I remember pointing and laughing at you and Lena before I passed out. So, again, I'm sorry about that." He put his big hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. It happens more than you think. Well, I'll head back to lab now. Be sure to read over everything and be prepared when you come into the lab tomorrow."

"I will. See you later Winston." The ape waved bye to you and left as you walked back into your room to enjoy your late lunch. As you were finishing your fries, you examined the chart to see if there was a pattern of Lena's disappearances. The chart was printed on several pieces of paper. Winston must have given you too many copies, but upon further examination, it turns out that each page was how many times she would disappear and how long she was gone throughout a 24- hour cycle. The chart revealed that she would phase out for a couple of seconds and come back and repeat it a few times, before she would disappear for a longer period of time. The longest she had been gone in the first week was nearly 4 hours until she came back. Last week she was gone for a whole day and the day before you came, she was gone for 6 hours. You put the chart to the side and moved on to the teleportation matrix and it's schematics. After thoroughly examining the device and it's blueprints, it seemed that the likely cause of it's malfunction was possibly an overload of power as it was preparing to make the jump. But who knows for sure, although your observation seemed to be very likely. You held the device in your hands, flipped it over to see every bit of it. "The damage this thing has done to someone who didn't deserve it. Poor girl must have been scared to death, being trapped in the cockpit when the teleportation matrix started to act up." you said to yourself. Again, you snapped out of your trance state when you heard a knock at the door. You looked at the clock to see that you got cuaght up in your work again as it read 4:43 P.M. as you put the device down to go answer the door. "At least I haven't missed dinner this time." you said as you walked to the door and opened it to see it was Ana knocking this time.

"(Y/N) I heard what happened in the lab today, are you okay?" She said as she put her hand to the side of your head.

"I'm fine Ana. It was just a small freak out, Dr. Ziegler checked me out and said I was okay."

"That's good to hear. So how have you been doing as far as settling in?"

"Well I haven't really done much except look over the things Dr.Ziegler and Winston gave me to find a way to help Tracer."

"So you've been in here all day? " You nodded in reply as she looked into your room to see the mess on your desk. 

"Come with me. We're going for walk." Ana said as she motioned her hand for you to follow her. You closed the door to your room and followed the captain.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"Thought I'd give you the tour around base that I offered when we arrived. Seemed like you could stretch your legs and get some fresh air."

You walked alongside Ana as she took you around headquarters, telling you which buildings were which and their purpose on base, at least the ones that you didn't pass by when you first arrived. You passed by the motor pool, the barracks, the base's communications center, the Med-Bay, Commander Morrison's office and a couple of other places. You continued to walk until you stopped at Captain Amari's room, "Wait here a moment." she said. She came back shortly, but with a rifle slung over her right shoulder and you continued to walk with her.

"Why do you have a rifle?"

"Because I'm a sniper."

"I know but, why did you go and retrieve it and why are you carrying it at this moment?"

"You'll see."

She led you to the training complex and you continued to walk beside Ana, while you looked at the signs that were hung in the hallways to try and get a clue as to where you were headed. You were at the training complex, she had her rifle. It could only mean one thing: target practice. Sure enough you came to a door that had the words "Target Range" with a few cautionary signs along the side of it. No one was in there at the moment, since it was close to dinner time, so it was just you and the Captain. Ana led you both to a lane near the middle of the shooting range, grabbed a target practice sign and attached it to the small clips to hold it in place. 

"Have you ever fired a gun before, (Y/N)?" She asked as she pressed a button that sent the target down range.

"Once, but it was a long time ago." 

"Really? How old were you?"

"Twelve. My grandpa was trying to teach me how to handle a gun just in case if I ever needed to. He was in the service before my mom was born, guess that explains why he wanted to teach me. To be safe and protect others if I had to."

"Hm. He sounds like a good man." she said as she fired three shots at the target. Of course, they were all headshots.

"Here (Y/N). Take my rifle and try to hit the target. Let me see what you remember what your grandfather taught you. It has a ten-round magazine so it should have seven more shots to go before you need to reload." she said as you grasped her rifle. You placed your (dominant side) hand on the handle and the other under the barrel of the gun as you kept your finger away from the trigger until you were ready to shoot, one of the many important rules grandpa taught you about handling any gun. You took a deep breath in and exhaled. You lifted the rifle up, placed it's stock against your (dominant side) shoulder and looked through the scope. You placed the center of the crosshairs at the head of the target poster, held your breath, wrapped your index finger around the trigger. BAM! Your shot hit the sign, just not on the target. It was about five maybe six inches away from the head.

" Try again. Fire two more shots at it." Ana said to you. You repositioned yourself and fired your second shot. Complete Miss. You sighed in frustration. "It's alright. Just take a moment to ease yourself. You have one more shot to make." You took the captain's advice and gave yourself a second to calm your mind. You raised the rifle once more and aimed at the target. You held your breath as the crosshairs of the scope sat between the eyes of the target as sweat started to accumulate on your forehead. You wrapped your finger around the trigger, squeezed it slowly. BAM! You open your eyes and looked through the scope to see that the bullet went through the target's left shoulder.

"I think you might've hit an artery that time." She said as you lowered the rifle down.

"Yeah. Not the best I know, especially since you're in the room." 

"For someone who hasn't fired a weapon in a while, that wasn't terrible."

"But I missed two of my three shots. If anything i got lucky with the third shot."

"It was not luck. Although you did not hit the intended spot, you still hit the target in a vital place. Here, watch me." She held up the rifle and aimed down the sights towards the target. "See how I've put some space between my legs when aiming, I grip my rifle firmly and not too tight or too loose, I plant my feet firmly as well, both of my eyes are open and I am relaxed, but still focused on my target." She pulled the trigger and BAM! Another headshot. She handed you back the rifle and you grasped it while remembering what she said to help you make the shot. You lifted the rifle and aimed down sights at your target. " Take your time when aiming." Ana said as she came behind you and helped you with your posture. "Put more space in between your legs and don't lock your knees." she used her right foot to better your positioning as she continued to help with your aim by placing  one of her hands on your hand that was holding the barrel and the other on your upper arm that was holding the handle of the gun. "Calm yourself and breathe. In this moment, everything slows down." You placed the crosshairs of the scope on the head of the target and prepared to fire."Aim with your eyes, not your hand."* You steadied yourself and felt time slow down. The room was still and quiet, with the only sound being your heart beat very slowly....BAM! You looked at the target and saw a hole in the middle of the head, right between the eyes. Captain Amari bought the target back and showed you where you hit it.

"Great shot. Perhaps you could have more than one purpose here."

"Oh I don't think the frontlines are for me Captain."

"If you insist. But if you ever change your mind, well, let's say I know who could possibly be my replacement as a sniper for when I retire." you gave her a light chuckle to her response as you gave Ana her rifle back. "Come along (Y/N), it's time for dinner and you are not eating in your room this time."

"Yes, Mom." you said jokingly, which made you both laugh a bit. She slung her weapon on her right shoulder and you both began to walk out of the shooting range. You went to her room to drop of her rifle and headed for the mess hall.

You walked in to see people sitting down, eating their meals and headed to the line to grab a tray and dinner. As you walked to the line, you turned your head to Ana, "So captain what do you recommend here? Oof!" you said as you bumped into something or someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're goin'!" a voice said, it had an accent with it. Swedish maybe? It was a man's and he did not sound happy.

"Sorry. My bad... um,hey who said that?" You asked as you turned your head in all directions. You looked forward but the guy in front was too far away, Ana was behind you and no one was to the side of you.

"Ugh! Down here!" the voice responded and now he sounded even more ticked. You lowered your head to see a small man, with a big blonde beard, a blue cap on his head that had a logo with a couple of gears on it, a black tank top with the overwatch logo in the center with blue suspenders ,but what was most noticeable was the giant mechanical arm he had on him, which you were staring at. 

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." the small man said.

You come out of your stare and started to apologize to him. " Oh, um sorry about that."

Then another voice started talking and this one sounded louder and German."Don't mind him, friend. With his height, it feels like you bump into a traffic cone. Hehehe."You looked to see that the voice came from a big guy in front of the small man and he wasn't just big, he was huge. The giant man turned around to face you and you started fangirling real hard in your head when you saw who it was. You just couldn't believe who it was. Standing and towering in front of you was a muscular man, with grey hair, a beard and a scar over his left eye: it was Reinhardt! Reinhardt Wilhelm! Here was your favorite member of Overwatch standing right in front of you. You were frozen and so was your face with surprise that you were in his presence. You lifted your hand and pointed at him, trembling in awe.

"Y-Y-You're..." Then Ana came in to calm you down a bit.

"(Y/N) this is Torbjorn Lindholm, our chief engineer, and Lieutenant Reinhardt Wilhelm. Reinhardt, Torbjorn meet (Y/N). He's been brought here to help Tracer. " 

"How's he suppose to help her?" Torbjorn asked.

"Well..um...I..um..you see I'm uh..." You were still trying to collect yourself after meeting the crusader.

"Is your beard caught in the letter box? Spit it out!" Torbjorn said.

 "I'm just really good at physics." you said with a smile. 

"Tehh." The engineer scoffed as he looked at you. "You have something on your shirt."

"No I don't." You said as you fell for it and looked down as he zipped his finger up to hit the tip of your nose. He chuckled and went up to get dinner.

"What's with him?" you whispered.

" He's always been like, ever since we first met during the crisis." Ana said. 

You went up with your tray and got today's dinner, which was beef stew with white rice and grabbed a bottle of (favorite drink) to wash it down and grabbed a cup of jello for dessert. You sat down with Ana right next to you with Reinhardt in front of you and Torbjorn to the side of him. You were all there eating and enjoying your dinner as Ana faced Reinhardt and started to talk.

"You know Reinhardt, (Y/N) here is a big fan of your's."  your eyes widened to what she said as you drank your beverage. Why did she say that? Oh please don't let this get weird.

"Oh, really?" Reinhardt said. "Just as much as Fareeha?"

"Almost. Tell him one of your stories." Ana suggested.

"Of course. Dinner and a story. Any requests?"

Again you were shocked at where you were. You were kind of put on the spot, until you had one pop into your head. "How about the first time you all worked together? You know. You, Ana, Torbjorn, Commander Reyes and Commander Morrison."

"Ah the first mission of the original strike team." Reinhardt said.

"Those were the good 'ol days." Torbjorn said collectively.

Reinhardt went on to tell you of how their first mission went and man it was awesome. As he told his tale, you sat there in awe with your left hand holding up your face and your right hand under your left elbow to support it. It was like you were really there. 

"As Ana , Torbjorn, Jack and Gabriel were destroying the last of the omnic tanks, I looked to the horizon and saw fifty, wait, no a hundred omnic assault droids heading towards us. To protect my team and the soldiers around us I stepped in front of the menacing omnics, lifted my hammer high to the sky and said HAMMER DOWN! All of the omnics went crashing down to the ground like Dominoes. The assault droids and tanks laid in defeat as the battle was won. Victory was ours that day and many more followed."

"Wow." which was all you could say at that moment.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." The crusader said.

"And it was an honor to meet you and hear your great story Lieutenant!"

"Call me Reinhardt." He said as he extended his hand to you and of course you shook it with no hesitation.

As you and Ana left the mess hall you could hear Torbjorn talking to Reinhardt about the story he told. "It wasn't a hundred omnics by the way."

"Oh are you sure? Maybe if I had put you on my shoulders, you wouldn't have miscounted. HaHa!"

You snickered at that. As you walked back to your room with Ana next to you, you asked her a question.

"Ana? Why did you have me shoot your rifle?"

" Because (Y/N), I have seen many eyes through out my life and sometimes you see the same eyes on different people*. With you, I see someone who wants more in life. One who seeks adventure and is willing to protect those he cares about. I wanted to see if you had a warrior's spirit in you, like Reinhardt. And please, don't tell anyone about our trip to the range. It's our secret. Okay?" she asked as she started to walk down the hall.

You nodded and made a zipping motion on your lips. Just then you saw Angela come down the hallway toward you.

"(Y/N)! I have a few things for you." she said.


"Yes. Here is your labcoat and some clothes to wear underneath it." It was a black breathe through t-shirt that had the overwatch logo on the left side of it with your name underneath it, a hexagon pattern running down the sides and orange outlines at the collar and at the end of the sleeves.

"And of course this you'll need to get into the lab in the morning." the doctor said as she handed you your own Overwatch ID badge. You held it in your hands and were just shocked.

"Welcome to Overwatch, (Y/N)."

You looked at her with curiosity on your face. "You mean...I'm in?"

"I talked with Jack and we both have much confidence in you (Y/N). We can do this."

"Thank you so much Dr. Ziegler." you said as you went to hug her.

"Oh stop with the all the Doctors. Call me Angela." She said as she hugged and patted you on the back. You came out of the hug with a smile, happy that you were now apart of Overwatch.

"Well, better get some rest (Y/N). We are going to be very busy."

"Yes ma'am. Thanks again, Angela."

"Bitte Schön." The doctor said as she walked away. You went into your room, got into your pajama's and got into bed. You set the clock on your night stand to 6:15 a.m. so you could get ready and hopefully the breakfast crowd would die down. But before you went under the covers, you saw the tablet that winston gave you. You opened it up and saw that you had a message. You opened it up to see it was from Dr. Ziegler. It was a video and the message read "Seeing is believing. Watch.". You pressed play and it was a video of a jet flying. Whoever was flying this thing had some skills. It was making some crazy manuevers and flips and turns. There was even a point where the jet was being chased by two bogies. "Oh no way he makes it out of this." But the pilot did! The pilot raised the flaps on the jet and climbed up at the same time and got behind the two other planes and shot them down. "Now that's one hell of a pilot." The jet landed and the pilot climbed down from the jet and removed his helmet. Except it wasn't a he. It was Lena! "No way!" you said. She put on her aviator sunglasses on and said "She shoots, she scores." The video ended, you closed the tablet, put it on the nightstand and laid there in surprise of how good she was. It made you want to help her even more to get her back in the sky. You closed your eyes and went to sleep with anticipation of seeing her again.

A/U Note: Sorry this took so long to get out and sorry for how long it was (Almost 7000 words). I can be very descriptive when it comes to story telling. But hey this is a story, not a haiku poem. Again I'm sorry that we haven't gotten to the action yet, this isn't a Michael Bay script, where there's only a page worth of story. I just want to give buildup to your story for when we get to the present. Trust me, it'll be worth  the wait, because oh the ideas I have for this story. 

References (in order of appearance)

1. Mark Watney, The Martain.

2. The Gunslinger, Steven King. Pretty excited for the Dark Tower.

3. Maz, Star Wars the force awakens

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