Project: Extermination

By Orcainks

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So pretty much this is over but I will be working on sequel if anyone will be interested in reading it. I jus... More

Project: Extermination
Escape then Back Again
The Underground Revolution
Dark Side Of The Moon
Battle of the Estate
Going, Going North
The Open Road
Traps In New York
Fire vs Ice
Child of The Sky
On The Inside
Leaving for the South
Sea Sick
Escape Is All For Naught
Beacon for All Mankind
Air meets the Cold Hard Ground
Reunited But Still Apart
Splitting Seams
X-P981 and the Mole
Who's Actually Going To Survive?
New York Round 3
Not a chapter just read

Tables & Labels

36 2 0
By Orcainks

'This is crazy.' Nathaniel said shaking his head. All six of us were sitting on the roof watching the sky churn. The sun stained sky drifted over us as the winds whipped. We could see nearly all the city, in its broken glory, it saddened us to see our city in ruins like this, 'Why would he spring this on us now? Why not when we were young "Hey kids yeah you are to be the next heroes that will save the world with magic!" Why not?!'

Tomas grunted, 'Magic doesnt exist he's just toying with our heads.'

'What's this then!' I pulled my jumper back and my arm tingled.

'Those lines don't mean anything Emilie, they are nothing!' Tomas said slamming his hands against the walls.

'You bastard, to hell with what you think. This so called gift or curse, or whatever it is, has saved my life and nearly everyone's here!'

'What happens when it runs out?' Jaymes said stepping up, 'What happens when your power just stops?' he scowled.

'I was given this for a reason,' I surged on, 'And until I find that reason, you can't tell me left or right. Whatever Guy said, has to be true.'

'He might be leading us to our deaths!' Olivia said wheeling up, 'It's not the first time.'

It was silent. Not even a bird call could break this awkardness. Every face was turned to the ground in shame and question, wondering what our future will be. The clouds billowed over and thunder rumbled in the distance. The smell of rain filled our senses, I smiled to myself meekly and turned my gaze to teh darkening sky. I took in a huge breath and held it, letting it go everyone looked up as well. Small droplets of rain started falling around us, splashing against my dirty face, a sigh left my lips and I felt a wave of clamness overcome me. 

'I don't know about you guys,' Aaron walked to the center and lifted his hand above his head, 'I'm going through with it. We are the last hope for humanity, if we don't try this then we are truly lost. Who's with me?' 

'As much as I loath Aaron, he's right. We can't abandon the human race now. Not after all the work we've done.' I walked and stood next to him. He looked down and smiled at me. I looked at the others, 'We were all found on the side of the road, broken, bleeding and dying. Olivia!' I spun on my heels and walked over to her, 'Guy found you unable to walk on the side of the road, about to be crushed by a Sentinel. What did he do?' 'He saved me.' 'He save you that's right. He cherished your life above his. Jaymes!' I moved over to him and tapped his shoulder, 'You were clutching your mothers dead body underneath a pile of buidlings. Everything was burning, Guy crawled in there and dragged you out with his bare hands.' Jaymes nodded and looked down in shame, 'Tomas!'

I walked over to him just looked, 'You were on a cliff screaming for your mother. You were broken, bleeding and ready to die. When Guy showed up clinging to your sister. Your baby sister Alina,' He slapped me. My head snapped to the side, skin burning, I looked back at his beet red face.

'Don't ever mention my sister you fucking bitch.' He hit me in the stomach, blood leaking from my mouth,

'OI!' Jaymes pulled him back and struggled to contain him, 'I admit she can be rude and obnoxious, but that gives you no right to hit her. She is not responsible for your sisters death. She saved a little boy, whom she dubbed Nathaniel. He sits there as your brother, remember your promise?' 

"I will take him as my brother as you are my sister. I will love and watch out for him. I will shape him into a good man and ensure his safety until I die. I promise. I promise he will see The New Age and tell his children and his children's children about it.'' Aaron proclaimed this and Tomas started to cry, 'We all loved Alina and so did Guy. She died with good tied to her name. Don't spoil her stories with your grudges and filth.' Aaron spat. I had never seen him like this, this it a completly new side to him. 

Nathaneil looked up with tears in his eyes, 'Tomas.' He mumbled and Olivia patted his hand. 

We are the most elite agents in The Underground Race to have one fall into a trap of doubt, we will all soon take the bait. Tomas has always been like this and he usually backs out when he gets a feeling, but his next words surprised everyone, 'Fuck it. Aaron you better not screw us over. If we die I'll kill you, got it?' Tomas walked over with the rest of us and I smiled. Our team has always been disconnected and now we are one. But how long can we stay like this. 

The cloud rumbled over head and the door to the staircase swung open and a small boy, coated in sweat was crying and puffing. His body shook so hard, his legs could abrely hold him. I recongnised him, Jake. His parents died in an assult three years ago, he was brought in as an apprentice to another man called Walker, no one knew his first name. Jake cried even more until he was in his knees, 'A major assult has erupted in the southern district, hundreds of women and children have been found, heaps are dying our troops can't hold them back, Walker led a team and all of them have died. Guy has requested you six get down there.' 

We all looked at each other and ran past him. I stopped and picked him up, 'Chin up. We'll find Walker, he is a strong man. Stay healty Jake.' I kissed his forehead and ran after the others leaving Jake crying on the roof. 

We raced past Ops and stright to the Arms Room. I grabbed guns and spare ammo as Aaron armed himself with his twin blades and guns. Olivia went into the next room with Nathaniel to set up her suit. Tomas and Jaymes grabbed guns and electromagnetic spears. We all loaded into a truck and Aaron drove us out. I looked behind up form the pick up and saw Olivia walking out, her huge suit managed to get her to the regular height of a Sentinal. She ran after us as Nathaniel popped up on screen, 'Okay guys I have eyes and info on atack.'

'Cough it up Nate.' Jaymes said ajusting his straps and boots. 

'Right,' Nathaniel's head shrunk as footage came up, 'This is live from an old camera we placed there a while ago. There are two Sentinals and four squads of Cree. They seem to be smoking out the families hiding there. You are three kilometers out from target. You have twenty minuets to get in and out before another wave come in. There is a small resistance group putting up a fight, the aliens called in for reiforcements, be quick.'

'Keep us posted on any updates Nate.' Jaymes said sitting down, 'These bloody things have a hard time dying!' 

'Sure thing, Mark just handed me something, he said Sergeant Erikson is on his way as well. This looks huge.' There was a pause, 'Guys,' his voice cracked, 'We have a small problem...' Nathaniel stuttered.

'Spit it out man!' Tomas said, his face pained with fear. 

'An Inquisitor is heading your way.' He gulped and looked at us. An Inquisitor was a ginormous metal covered alien that stood nearly thirteen feet tall. It's armour is inpenatrable, weapons system like no other Alien Armour, it's a killing machine, no mercy. There has been no record of an Inquisitor being taken down, there are few but they are so strong. The Superiors havent released them in over ten years. We are going into a firece battle, one we may not survive.

'Where about are we heading exactly Nate?' I asked quickly shaking my hands. 

'Uh..' He looked down then back up and smiled, 'You are heading to Welden Estate the south side. Looks like the opotunity has opened up.'

'Then you should be here to!' I said but he just shook his head, 'What?'

'I'm not a field agent.' He said tapping his screen.

Fustrated, I hit my knee, 'Bloody hell. Everything is just getting worse.' 

'How can we get inside?'

'Forget about stealth, we are going head on into that mansion.' Aaron said turning a shrap corner. We were all flung to the side form the sudden turn, 'There it is!' Smoke rose high over our heads, fires and explosions were going off everywhere. Shout of men and woman fighting. I saw the Two Sentinals and squads of Cree, 'We have fifteen minuets left now before the Inquisitor comes.' He pulled the truck over and we all jumped out, staring at the Sentinels. 

The men below were firing multiple times and making no progress. I turned and saw Jaymes and Tomas smiling, nodding they took off and jumped onto a broken shed and started to set up the electromagnetic spears. Behind me was Olivia in her Body Suit, she stood to the height of the Sentinals shoulder, 'I can hold them back form civilians,' her voice crackled over the speaker, 'You two will need to get them out.'

'Can you handle both of them?' I said ajusting my clothes.

She laughed and the suit bent down, 'Don't underestimate me Em. I know what I'm doing, now get them out before reinforcments come we only have so long!' She jumped over and skated down the road and I watched in awe as she punched a Sentinel. It swung around and started firing at her as the other stomped around her ready to strike. She caught the blow with her hand and pulled them together. 

I wished her luck as Aaron's voice pulled me back, 'Emilie hurry up!' He was running as the Cree spotted us. I smiled. I caught up as the waves of Cree got closer, 'You ready?'

'I was born ready Aaron.' I spat and pulled out my guns.

'Don't die.' He said nudging my shoulder.

I nodded, 'Right back at you. Now let's go!' I shouted. The Battle for Power has begun. 

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