Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug...

By Keri_Loves_Writing

41.9K 1.2K 575

The perfect duo made for each other. However, will they ever find out who the other is or will they continue... More

Last Chance
Jealousy Incarnate
True Chemistry
Volpina Returns
Promising Project

Your True Self

3.8K 117 90
By Keri_Loves_Writing

"Is that you, Ladybug??"

Marinette looked up surprised to see... Cat Noir?

"Cat?! I wasn't expecting to recognize you... Or you recognize me for that matter..."

"Well you look exactly like yourself... And your hair is the same the last time I saw you... And the mask... Just black with red spots..." he trailed off laughing and feeling like he was blushing...

She giggled embarrassed. "Yeah I guess you're right..."

"You Um, look beautiful... M'lady."

"Thank you... You look dashing, Cat."

They both stood there awkwardly for a moment.

"I Uh, need to find my date... See you later, Cat." she said waving and heading inside.

He sighed. Plagg snickered and flew out. "Boy oh boy... You got it bad."

"Plagg, hide! What if someone sees you?"

"So what, I'll come up with something. But did you see Ladybug? She looks drop dead gorgeous in that dress!"

"Yeah... And coming with someone else tonight..." he said sadly.

"You could always drop Marinette and steal Ladybug from whoever she's with tonight."

"Plagg! What an awful thing to say!"

Plagg sighed, "Fine. So when should Marinette get here?"

"Any moment now..."

Marinette walked in the lobby and found it looked magical! Dangling lights and flowers all over! It was so romantic!

She saw lots of people talking and laughing. The neat part of this dance was that it was multileveled. The lobby was a meeting place and snacks, the restaurant was food, the ballroom for dancing, and the roof for hanging out.


She turned to see Alya and Nino waving her over. "Hey guys! Have you seen Adrien anywhere?"

"Adrien? I saw him outside! Did you not see him?"

"No... I must have missed him. But there were a lot of people arriving... Let me go find him."

She left and headed back outside.


Adrien saw Kim walking out and waved.

"Hey Adrien, my man! Saw you kissed Ladybug! How was it??" Kim said coming over and elbowing him.

"I honestly don't remember..." Adrien said laughing embarrassed.

"Yeah Nino said so. That's unfortunate. Something tells me she's a good kisser." he said winking at him.

"Yeah well, I'm waiting for Marinette right now..." he couldn't very well tell Kim Ladybug was here..

"Marinette? I saw her inside."

"Really? Maybe she came early. Okay thanks, Kim." he said waving and heading inside.


Marinette walked outside and stood to the side as she saw Cat walk past. Her heart was hammering... But she realized it was at the thought of talking to Cat tonight, not being with Adrien. This was insane! He looked like he was looking for someone. His date she guessed?

She stood awkwardly outside and looked around. Adrien was often late as well, but she knew he had a better excuse than she did with all his modeling gigs. She noted Alix walking in and waved her over.

"Hey, Alix, how are you?"

"Hey, Marinette! Petty good. Looking for Kim. Seen him?"

"I think he just walked in. Did Kim ask you to the dance??" Marinette asked, kind of shocked.

Alix looked slightly embarrassed. "Yeah we've been hanging out a lot, and I think we may make it a thing... Possibly tonight."

"Kim is going to be your boyfriend??"

Alix covered her lips. "Shhhhhh! No one knows! Keep it on the down low would ya?"

"Oh sorry, of course!" Marinette said giggling.

"Okay I'm heading inside. Good luck with Adrien!" Alix said winking and walking in.

Marinette sighed. "Where is he?"

Rose noted her and walked over. "Are you looking for Adrien? I just saw him walk inside."

"Oh you did? I must have missed him... Thanks, Rose! You look adorable by the way!"

"Thanks!" she said grinning. She did have a beautiful pink ballgown on.

"Well back inside we go..."


Adrien looked high and low in the lobby and saw Nino and Alya walking into an elevator. He ran over and managed to get inside before the doors closed.

"Adrien! I thought you went outside to meet Marinette!" Alya exclaimed.

"I did but I was told she was inside. She must be somewhere upstairs."

"Weird we didn't see her." Nino mumbled.

They arrived at the ballroom floor and got out. Several couples were dancing and many others were chatting and laughing.

"Shall I have this dance?" Nino asked Alya with a little bow.

She laughed. "It would be a pleasure, young man!"

Adrien sighed as he watched them go.  Where could Marinette be? "Maybe she's hiding from you." snickered Plagg.

"Shut up," he whispered.

He saw someone look at him strangely so he moved away. He walked around for a bit and then Ladybug entered the room...


Marinette was about to give up... Everyone apparently had seen Adrien... But she must be blind! What kind of guy would totally miss his date waiting on him?

She saw Nino and Alya dancing and she smiled slightly. At least her best friend was having fun.

She then caught Cat's eyes and she saw awe there. She suddenly felt very self conscious.

He walked up to her and gave a gallant bow. "Seems as if your date hasn't shown up yet. Would you mind if I took this dance?"

She sighed. "Well, it couldn't hurt."

He grinned and then led her to the dance floor.


Adrien felt how awkward Ladybug felt, but she didn't seem unwilling. He took heart at that as he took her into his arms.

As they started to waltz, he could tell she was surprised. "I didn't know you could dance, Cat!"

"Well, my father couldn't have a son who couldn't dance!" he said grinning.

He saw Alya look at ladybug and wink giving a thumbs up.

"Why do I feel like everyone is staring?"

He glanced around and could see what she was talking about. "I think they're staring at you, m'lady."


She sounded so surprised! And looked down in embarrassment. He tilted her head up and smiled at her. "As they should. You're amazing, M-lady. And not just because you're beautiful."

She blushed vividly! Adrien couldn't recall ever seeing her blush! It was both beautiful and beguiling!

Her eyes widened as he leaned closer, lips just inches from hers.

The music stopped and Ladybug pulled away rather quickly. "I Uh need to find my date. Sorry, Cat."

He was about to call out to her but she almost ran over to Alya in a panic and he wondered what he had done wrong.

"Well, looks like things are going well with Marinette huh, Adrien?" Nino said walking over and elbowing him in the stomach.

Adrien's heart dropped to his stomach. "Marinette?"

"Yeah you know, the girl you were just dancing with? Was wondering when you guys would find each other."

"Hey dude you okay?"


"Well then did you chicken out? Looked like Adrien was about to kiss you, girl!" Alya was whispering to Marinette at the punch table.

"Adrien? What do you mean, Adrien?" Marinette said completely confused and shaken.

"You know the guy you were dancing with? Your prom date?"

"That was Adrien!?!"

"Uh yeah... Who did you think you were dancing with?"

Marinette's face drained of any color it had left. She looked across the room and saw Cat... Or Adrien rather... Staring at her with the same shocked expression.

Suddenly she had to get some air. She ran for the door to the roof and ran up the stairs.

Adrien?? Cat Noir was Adrien?? She was relieved to see no one on the roof yet. She started pacing back and forth.

"Calm down, Marinette! This is no time to panic!" Tikki said flying up to her face.

"No, no, no... I mean I was beginning to suspect... But I never thought it could actually be true! Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing!" she exclaimed still pacing.

Marinette started remembering every time they had been together. The bubble... The Eiffel Tower... Theo's work shop... She had pushed him away so many times! She wanted to cry in embarrassment and disbelief.

"Isn't this a good thing? You love Adrien and you love Cat Noir? What's wrong?"

"Did you see his face! He couldn't believe it! I'm sure he's disappointed!"

"I'm not.."

Marinette whirled around to see Adrien smiling and waving bashfully. He looked just like Cat she automatically wanted to push him away.

"I... I mean.. Of course you are... I'm nothing special... I..." she turned to run away but he grabbed her hand and held it firmly.

"Please, M'lady... I mean, Marinette... Please stay. There's so much I want to talk about." his eyes were pleading.

"I.. Don't know..."

Then came malicious laughter and Evilustrator floating off the roof on some sort of floating cloud he had apparently drawn.

"This joker again? Wait... So when you said you had a secret mission last time..."

"Hush you two! You don't deserve her, Adrien! I overheard you! You didn't even realize who you were dancing with! How can a guy not even know the woman he's supposed to be coming to a dance with? A guy who's been friends with the beautiful Marinette for years!? How could you be so dense! Why she likes you I'll never know! But why don't I show her I'm the real man for her!" Evilustrator laughed.

Marinette took Adrien's hand and ran for cover.

"Time to transform! Tikki spots on!" Marinette yelled

Adrien watched shocked as she transformed right in front of him! She was incredible!

"What are you staring at? We have business to attend to!" she demanded.

"What? Oh, yeah, I was just thinking I could watch that all day and never get tired of it." he said winking at her through his mask.

Before she could say anything though he said "Plagg! Claws out!"

She too was stunned as she watched him. So it was true...

"What? Cat got your tongue?" he said winking again.

She felt heat rising in her cheeks. "Come on, just shut up and let's get to work."

"Anything for you, M'lady."

"Evilustrator, hand over your akuma!" she said coming out of their cover as he attacked people down below causing chaos with his pen.

He cackled. "No way! You will see, Marinette! I'm the man for you!"

"I can assure you Marinette will not." Ladybug said putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm guessing the akuma is in his pen again." Cat suggested.

"I think you're right."  

"I'll go at him from the right you the left." she suggested.

They both swung towards him but he blocked Cat with a wall and Ladybug with ropes tied around her. Ladybug started falling and screamed as she fell. Suddenly Volpina swung in and grabbed her.

"Glad I caught you!" she grinned, "Sorry I wasn't able to help earlier!"

"No problem. Glad you're here now." Ladybug said thankfully as they landed back on the roof. Cat landed next to them after shaking his head and swinging back.

"I think we're running into a wall with this guy..." he said rubbing his aching head.

Both girls groaned.

"Marinette, I know you're watching! Can't you see? Adrien isn't fit to be your partner! Only I am!" Evilustrator yelled.

"Marinette??" Volpina cried looking at Ladybug. "Adrien??" obviously making the connection Evilustrator was not.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about!" Ladybug said trying to laugh it off.

"No no way! You cannot be Marinette!"

"She's not, she's Ladybug." Cat said winking at her while putting his hand around Ladybug.

She elbowed him and he let go with a yelp. Oh my gosh I just elbowed Adrien Agreste!

Volpina was frozen on the spot completely shocked.

"Stop ignoring me, you fools!" cried Evilustrator erasing the floor from beneath them.

They all yelled as they fell. Cat used his stick to stop and caught the others.

He looked at Ladybug, "Looks like I cat you at the right time."

"Ugh enough with the dumb puns, Cat! Get us out!" Volpina cried.

He grinned and threw them up. Volpina floated up the rest of the way with Ladybug. Cat swung up behind them.

"So that didn't work... We need a new plan..." Ladybug muttered.

"May I suggest something, M'lady?"

Volpina noticed an uncertainty she hadn't seen before... Gosh she is just like Marinette... What if it's true??

"Yeah go ahead, Cat."

"Remember last time we defeated him?"


"So we need to find a way he can't see..."

Ladybug smiled. "Let me try my lucky charm!"

He grinned. "Good call!"

"Lucky charm!" and a can of pepper spray fell into her hands.

"That'll work. But how do we get it over there?" Cat asked.

"Leave it to me, guys!" Volpina said grinning.

"Oh yeah, you weren't here last time she used her power!" Ladybug said dodging sticky paint being shot at them by Evilustrator.

"Well, if he's really Adrien Agreste, he was under Matchmaker's spell," laughed Volpina floating over the same glue.


"Trickster!" Volpina cried and turned into a hawk.

"Woah now that's cool!" Cat exclaimed. "Can you turn into a cat??"

"Not now, Cat." Ladybug said.

She tossed the pepper spray to hawk Volpina and she flew it over and avoided Evilustrator's attacks in the process. She was able to spray it in his eyes blinding him. Cat threw his stick and hit his paint brush out of his hand. Hawk Volpina caught it and flew it over to Ladybug.

"Time for you to go little akuma!" she yelled breaking the paint brush, "Time to de-evilize!"

The little akuma flew out and headed for the sky. "Bye bye, little butterfly!"

Nathaniel found himself on the roof with no memory of what had happened. "Where am I? Why am I here? Ladybug? Cat Noir? Volpina?"

Ladybug crouched down next to him, "Nathaniel, I know how you feel about Marinette and Adrien, but please know they meant nothing wrong. I have an idea if you're willing to hear it..."

"Of course! What is your idea, Ladybug?"

"I saw a girl all alone tonight... Perhaps you'd like to ask her?"

"What girl?"

Marinette took a deep breath, "Her name is Lila. She looked lonely."

It was true. Marinette didn't like Lila but it didn't mean she could be cruel to her. She glanced at Cat. Besides there were more pressing matters...

"Okay, I will give it a shot. Thanks, Ladybug," he said heading towards the roof door.

Once he left Volpina giggled slightly. "Well, that was easier than expected..."

She looked at the tension between Cat and Ladybug though and got a smirk on her face, "And I know when a girl isn't wanted..."

She didn't think they even heard her so she walked off went back to de-transform.

Marinette could feel her heart beating  in her throat as Cat looked at her with those green eyes... Adrien's eyes... How had she not seen it before?

"Your timer is going off," he whispered.

Her pounding heart was so loud she hadn't even heard her earrings beeping. "I... Uh.. Yeah... I suppose I should go..."

He gently grabbed her wrist though as she turned to go and cleared his throat. "M'lady... I mean.. Marinette. Please don't go. I... I want you to see me... For me..."

She couldn't look at him. She just couldn't. But she couldn't leave either.

"Plagg, de-transform me."

A little black creature whirled out and suddenly he was back in his tux but ironically still had his mask on from the prom. Her timer ran out and Tikki flew out.

"Tikki, what should I do?" she whispered.

"Talk to him, Marinette." she whispered back and then just disappeared.

"I... Um.. Want to show you who I am too..." she said feeling suddenly very, very vulnerable... Like she was about to bare her soul. Would he accept her?

As if reading her thoughts, he took her hands in his and smiled that kind smile that had made her fall in love with him at the very beginning. "I have an idea... Why don't we take each other's mask off? On the count of three?"

She nodded her agreement and he started to count. "One..." he reached for her mask and she reached for his. "Two..." she felt his fingers on her face as he did with hers. "Three..."

As she took off his mask she couldn't help but tear up as she looked into the face of the young man she had loved for years. He too had tears in his eyes, and he smiled in love. "Hello, Marinette."

"Hello, Adrien."

"Well, now I feel like an idiot... You've literally been right in front of my face... And I couldn't see you... I'm sorry, Marinette."

"Me too, Chaton... I was in love with the perfect boy that I didn't see your dorky, adorable side..."

His eyes widened. "You love me?"

She giggled. "Ever since you gave me your umbrella that day after school. I tried so many times to tell you how I felt... But I couldn't get the guts to say it... Or sign my name on my cards..." she laughed.

He rubbed the back of his head. "You know, the only two women I ever flirted with I now realize were the same person... I've always loved Ladybug, but I realize I've loved you too, Marinette."

Her eyes widened.

He took her hands and looked questioningly at her. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng... Can I kiss you?"

She gulped. "Yes, as long as I can kiss you back."

He chuckled as he took her head in his hands and placed his lips on hers. It was a soft but deep kiss. As if the promise of their love would continue for eternity.

Drawing away Marinette now felt her heart beating because of her joy. Adrien sighed as if his dreams had finally come true. "If this is a dream don't wake me up."

"Well, it's not..." she said slyly, kissing him again.

"Woo girl, don't tell me you guys are dating now?" a voice came from behind them.

They both jumped apart to see Nino and Alya grinning at them mischievously.

"Alya! Can't you give us some privacy?" Marinette giggled.

"Yeah right. I gotta keep you two in check apparently." Alya replied winking at them.

"Dude, way to go!" Nino said high fiving Adrien.

"Thanks..." Adrien looked at Marinette but she just winked at him.

"Let's go back downstairs and dance!" Alya suggested.

"Yeah come on!" Marinette said dragging Adrien away.

As they danced, Marinette felt like she was flying. Finally the masks were gone and they could move forward.

"Can this night last forever?" she sighed.

He grinned. "Whatever M'lady commands."

He swung her around and then dipped her. Coming back up he kissed her a bit more passionately than he had before.

"You're quite good at that, but I'm better." she said winking and kissing him back with all the years of waiting behind it.

His face turned red as she drew away.  "You're going to be the death of me, M'lady."

She grinned. "Only time will tell, Chaton."

He grinned back. "I love you, Marinette."

"And I love you, Cat Noir."

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