We're Triplets?!

By RoxanneMarie99

698 20 2

Lucy and Jim Gilbert have had to make a huge decision that will change their life forever. They promised each... More

We're Triplets?!
The arrival & the drop~Chapter 2
~15 years~ ch3
Ch 4 It happened....
Ch 5 The confession and the plan
Ch7~The meeting
Ch.9 "Joy! I'm so sorry,"
Ch. 10 Thats how you feel
Ch.11 Oh snap
Ch12~ The basement
Ch.13 Uh oh~ Filler chapter Sorry!
Ch 14 (1/2): Suprise: sorry its short!!
Ch 14 pt 2
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch 18

Ch.6 ~ Is this real life?~

43 1 0
By RoxanneMarie99

The next moring, the girls woke up and got ready for the game. They grabbed breakfast and left the house.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the baseball field. They found a group of friends and took a seat with them.

A few minutes later, the game began. The crowd cheered as Jason went up to bat as lead-off. The crowd roared when he hit a ball hard into deep center field.

Jason started off the game with a homerun! The whole rest of the game went up hill from there.

Two hours later, the game was tied. Two outs. Luke was up to bat. Bases were loaded. Third extra inning. One run would win the game. The crowd was on the edge of their seats.

Luke got into the batter's box. Lily could feel something good was going to happen. The pitcher pitched one right down the middle. Luke swung. The crowd sprang out of their seats.

He hit a grand slam out of the park!

Game over! They won! Everyone cheered. This meant they were going to state!

The crowd waited impatiently outside the fence. Especially Joy. She had a lot on her mind. She couldnt even fake being happy; she was hapy, but was more concerned with talkiong to Sean.

The coach finished talking to the boys and released them. Sean, Jason, and Luke ran over to Joy, Hope, and Lily. They hugged the girls.

Sean noticed something was bothering Joy.

"What's wrong? We won!" Sean smiled.

"I'm happy for you. It's just .. Faith responded last night. She said she wants to meet us, Hope and I, but Hope and Lily dont want to go anymore," Joy told him.

"Why not? Dont they want to meet her, too?"

"They do, but last night we over heard Dad talking to someone saying that they're bad people. They're too scared to even meet her. Even when her friends are going to come," JOy explained.

"What about Luke or Austin or Jason?" Sean asked.

"Hope will probably talk JAson and Austin out of it and Lily will talk Luke out,too. Sean, I cant do this by myself..." she said getting tears in her eyes.

Sean pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'll go with you," he told he as he kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you," she said smiling, "so where are we going to eat?"

Joy and Sean walked oveer to Jason, Hope, Luke, and Lily.

"So where we going to eat?" Sean asked.

"Victor's is right down the road. How about there?" JAson asked.

EVeryone agreed and headed towards the cars.

"Boys in one car girls in the other. I dont want you boys smelling up my car," Lily joked.

Everyone laughed and split into two cars.

They arrived at the restaurant and spent the rest of the evening talking.

The next morning when Joy woke up, she found Hope and Lily awake.

"What are you doing up? You're usually the last to wake up on a Saturday," Hope laughed.

"I'm hanging out with Sean today and want to look good," Joy said.

Without another word, she grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom.

An hour later, Joy finished getting ready. She came out of the bathroom and found Hope and Lily waiting for her.

"So where are you guys going?" Hope asked.

"I dont know. It's a surprise," Joy lied.

"Well have fun," Lily winked.

"Thanks," JOy said grabbing her stuff and leaving.

Joy texted Sean when she got outside, telling him to leave.

Sean and Joy arrived at the mall and waited in the food court.

Joy sent Faith a message telling her where they were.

Joy checked the time: 3:00pm

"Are you getting nervous?" Sean asked.

"Yes. What if she doesnt come?" Joy sighed.

"She will. She said she really wanted to meet you," Sean remindded her.

"But Sean, the people she's living with are bad people. What if they found out why she was really coming here?" Joy said looking at the table.

Sean had no words. The two sat in silence.

Joy checked the time: 3:25

"Five more minutes," JOy said nervously.

Twenty minutes later, Faith still hadnt showed up.

"Joy sighed. "She's nnot coming..."

"Let's wait a little longer," Sean said.

"Cutie's right, you should," they heard a voice say.

(A/N sorry its so short!! Im really sorry I hope you are liking the story! Like/Comment/vote Thanks! and last chapter i put up a cast list for any of you who see in on the computer or if you know hopw to see it on your phone(I cant on my phone :( ) But thanks for reading!!! <3 <3)

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