Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLI...

By maryash12

1.5M 57.7K 13.8K

A signature, a signature was all it took for Diane's life to come tumbling down and smashed into a million pi... More

Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap. 9
New Story
Chapter. 10
Chap. 11
Author's Note
Chap. 12
Chap. 13
Chap. 14
Chap. 15
Chap. 16
Chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap. 20
Chap. 21
Chap. 22
Chap. 23
Chap. 24

Chap. 19

32.4K 1.7K 369
By maryash12


"He is such a good man. Very repentant of his mistakes upon realization" Ashely stated as she looked at Collins with admiration.

"Over the years he has been a philanthropist to many organizations dedicated to helping children" Sara rattled on and on about Collins great many achievements.

"No one could possibly be a better father than Collins. His love for life is so vibrant and he passes that along to his godchildren" his best friend Morris told the court. "My children sometimes wish that he was their dad instead of me" he chuckled.

"The day that Collins signed away his rights I was truly devastated. I couldn't understand why. I knew he would always regret it and I told him countless of times. The relationship between he and I was never the same as how it used to be. But he was young and frankly stupid. As angry as I am with him and disappointed as I always will be with him, I know he has changed. I ask the court to look past his sins and grant him his children back" his mother rattled on, she was even tearing up.

But she was not done there. She turned to Diane who had an incredulous and disbelieving look on her face at this woman's drama and antics.

"Diane as a mother, I can understand how angry you must be and believe me when I say that I understand that rage. But please forgive him. I beg of you" now tearing up a lot and sobbing softly.

"Mr. Dwight was in a state of shock. My defense is that his subconscious could not comprehend the situation and he took the best way that his mind thought best. You can call it a form of post-natal depression that men suffer" a psychiatrist told the court.

"Ms. Reyes statement that the boys have never questioned her about their biological father is quite disturbing to me. Boys are naturally curious and the absence of the curiosity to know anything about their father I have to say is worrying. It is within my purview, to state that the boys may suffer from traumatic shock later on in life if they are not acquainted with their biological father. The questions they may have would be pushed down and that may turn them into lashing out to alleviate their anger and frustration." A child psychologists told the court.

"Your honor, I have been the Dwights lawyer for nearly fifteen years. If you will look back at the generational structure of the family you will see that all companies are passed down to the children. There has never been an exception. And these children are well trained and taught right from birth. It is the royal throne that they must inherit. The Dwights need these children" the lawyer stated on stand.

This had been the character witnesses' statements over the past weeks over the trial. Honestly, Collins could not have hoped for anything better. Everyone was playing their parts nicely. The comments were really in his favor and he could see the judge nodding once in a while as he listened to the character witnesses testifying on his behalf.

Truly it was going well, but there was a small matter that was getting to him. It concerned the opposition. For whatever reason they were not refuting or rebutting any of the statements or the witnesses.

"No questions your honor"

That was the statement that Jude and Nina always made. It almost seemed like it was a one-sided argument. They were just sitting there like sitting ducks. And that was bothering him. It really was. There had to be a method to their madness and they couldn't think of a reason why?

These were some of the thoughts floating through his mind as he watched them as they played in their match. They were good. He was less learned in soccer than he was in the other sports. Yet, even he knew that those two boys were exceptional. They played with skill and showed that they had the love of the game.

Admiration could not even begin to describe what he was feeling. These were his boys. Tall, dark and strong. The game ended with a victory to the twins' team. He knew that he shouldn't be anywhere near them but he couldn't help it. He just had to see them. Morris children coincidentally went to the same school that the twins went to and they happened to be on the same team.

What a coincidence.

He knew he was violating the terms of the restraining order but he was a Dwight. Nothing and nobody stopped him from getting what he wanted. He was here and damning the consequences. The match was over and the nanny or family friend that he had seen a couple of times in court, leading the twins and George's niece/daughter towards the parking lot.

He frowned as he noticed that they were not heading for a car, but walking to the bus stop. His kids had no business taking a bus. This was what Diane considered good parenting! Anything could happen to them. Why, just last week he was reading about a teenager who was stabbed on the bus. Before Collins could stop himself he was walking quickly to catch up with them. He saw his opening when the woman bent down to tie up the laces of the little girl.

"Juan, Mario!" he called.

The boys turned to look at him. It was a moment that he could never forget. For the first time his sons were looking right in his eyes. Their attention was on him.

"Hello? Mister" Juan called to the mesmerized guy. He was kind of weird just staring at them.

"I am sorry" he apologized giving them a smile. The last thing he wanted to do was scare them.

"Yeah. Umm what do you want?" Mario asked politely.

"Forget that question. How do you know our names?" Juan demanded.

"Oh sorry. I am the uncle of a couple of your friends. Feb and Penelope? I was at your game. Great job by the way"

"Oh yeah. Thanks" Mario answered feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Hi" Juan replied in a polite voice. But he wasn't exactly friends with those two. They were newbies at his school. And for reasons he couldn't understand had taken a liking to him and his brother. They were constantly around them. Inviting them to their house and parties. But they were busy with activities of their own and always declined.

"Yeah. Do you guys want a ride? We are going out for pizza and ice-cream and was wondering if you guys wanted to come?" giving them a smile.

Before they could give him a reply, Athena walked with Fifa in her hand. "Okay guys ready?" but her smile faltered and her mouth was in her stomach when she saw who the boys were was talking to.

"Guys we have to go. Everyone is expecting us" she said hastily.

"Hello. What might your name be?" he drawled as he held out his hands towards her.

Ignoring him and turning to the boys "Boys you should know better than to talk to strangers"

"He stopped us" Mario shrugged.

"Well, we must be going?"

"You guys sure you don't want to come with us?" Collins asked the boys once again. Hoping that they would say yes. He knew that Athena was in a pickle. She couldn't refuse without giving a good reason why. And that would start the questions rolling.

Before Athena could utter a word she was saved by Mario.

"Sorry. Can't. I have an ice-skating date. Thanks for the invitation though. Say hi to Feb and Penelope for me. Come on guys we are going to miss the bus" Mario urged.

The boys politely nodded before walking ahead. With Fifa in her arms, Athena walked behind but not before giving him a nasty glare.

He watched as they departed and mounted the bus. It was not till the bus drove past that he realized that he had forgotten to introduce himself with his name. Maybe next time.


"Jude, he freaking had the audacity to come near my children! He spoke to them!" Diane yelled to her lawyers over the phone as she paced her bedroom. Safe to say that she was beyond enraged when Athena had related what had happened. She should have known that the Timmons and Dwights would come up with something like this.

What got to her, even more, was the fact that they had spies in her sons' schools. She would not believe that it was a coincidence that two of Collins godchildren miraculously ended up in their school. And in their classes.

"I know. But like I told you, don't worry" Nina tried to assure her.

"Don't worry?!" she screeched. "He had the nerve to come up to them! What good is the restraining order if that man can still come up to my children? Tell me!"

"I understand you completely. And I will handle it. Calm down. I have got this." Jude promised.

"Please fix this. I beg of you" Diane pleaded in a tired voice. These last few weeks were particularly draining on her and her family. The kids were so upset that their abuela had left on an extended vacation to only God knows where. Luckily Athena had stepped in to help. The adults were doing everything they could to bring a sense of normalcy to the house.

George had absolute faith in Jude. She would admit that she didn't quite get their decision and methods in the trial. But it was blind faith. She could do nothing but trust them. And Jude's next words gave her further assurance.

"I will. Get some rest. Because come tomorrow the lions retakes its throne" a promise ringing in his voice.


"Hello?" Eric groaned into the phone. "Who is it? And this better be damned important" he snapped. He didn't appreciate being awoken at 3 in the morning.

"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Timmons but I thought it fair to give you some advice" Jude drawled over the phone.

"Who is this?" looking at the caller I.D but it read unknown.

"Someone of interest" in cryptic voice.

"What do you want?" slightly intrigued.

"Simple. And listen carefully, when you take the stand I want you to be very carefully with your words. If you say anything that will jeopardize my client there is going to be trouble"

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Because I promise you I will destroy your every sense of peace" Jude warned in a voice held absolute promise. This trial had become personal. The Timmons and Dwights were not the first group of people he considered to be leeches and creeps. Heck, he defended some of those leeches and creeps. But they were coming after his friends. Esther was gone because of them. And he also had a score to settle with them. He owed a favor to an old friend who wanted to see Eric Timmons destroyed.

"Ahh. So Diane sent you?" Timmons laughed. He never took these threats seriously. What were they going to do? He became rich giving threats, not getting them.

"No. I didn't say that. Just be careful what you say, sir. Better still don't say anything, because all that comes out of your lips are lies anyway."

Eric just laughed.

But Jude continued. "Feign sickness or even die, don't give a damn. But you go up on that stand and open your mouth and your hemostasis is gone. Have a nice rest of the morning" before he cut off the phone.

Eric just chuckled before he went back to his sleep. Not giving it another thought.


At three o'clock everyone was seated and ready to begin. There was George and Diane and Athena along with Jude and Nina. And on the other side was Arnold Kathadoris along with his co-chair Joshua. And of course, there was Collins, his mother, and father, Eric and Ashley and Morris. Mr. Kathadoris had just asked for another character witness on behalf of Mr. Dwight.

"Ready?" Nina whispered to her co-chair.

Jude nodded. He had calculated every possible risk that this would bring. He was playing to win now. Like Collins always said, all is fair in love and war. And now he was going to bring the war to them. The Dwights and Timmons weren't the only ones who had friends in high places. He had Neal, and honestly, he and Nina didn't need anyone else.

His mind drifted to Kathadoris who was now addressing the court "Your Honor I now call on the stand, Mr. Eric Timmons"

Eric walked to the stand in a confident stride. Swearing to tell the truth the questioning began.

And just as Nina and Jude suspected, Kathadoris was going for the jugular. He was now starting to assassinate the character of Diane through passive aggressive assassination. Which was brilliant, silently destroy her character whilst keeping an angelic appearance.

"Mr. Timmons what was Diane like growing up?" he began.

"Diane was .... very ambitious even from a young age. She excelled in everything she did. When she put her mind to something no one could persuade her otherwise. Her drive was not just to succeed but it was to get what she wanted." Eric stated in a somber voice.

Diane nearly wanted to scream. How dare he?! He didn't even spend five seconds to raise her. The only thing he did perfectly was to scream and berate and tell her what a disappointment she was. But she controlled her facial expressions. And Nina laid a comforting hand on hers.

"Tell me, is she forgiving as a person?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, is she one to hold necessary and unnecessary grudges if things don't go her way?"

There was a dramatic pause.

"Like I said, once she gets something in her head, it is difficult for her to change her mind. It is her way or the highway"

"I see. I know this is difficult for you Mr. Timmons thrown in the middle between your daughter and godson. But I must ask, do you believe that Diane's anger at Collins is blinding her from doing what is best for her children?" Kathadoris asked him.

At this point, Judge Baily was preparing for the opposition to call for an objection to that statement. But they were silent. Just looking on.

"It is very possible"

"Thank you, Mr. Timmons. One more question, what do you feel about your grandchildren" Kathadoris asked. He had told him exactly what to say. The theme of the statement was truth. And every person on Collins side must throw the word in at least once.

"I think Collins has repented enough that grandsons deserve to know the truth"

"Thank you, Mr. Timmons. No more questions Your Honor" stated before taking his seat.

"Any questions for Mr. Timmons, counselors?" Judge bailey asked. If they wanted to refute the statements, this was a better time than any. Kathadoris was really slamming the young mother. This would be the best chance to defend her.

"No your Honor. We do not need to question him at this moment" Nina replied, careful in her wording.

"Very well. Mr. Timmons may step down" the judge ordered.

As he walked to his seat, Eric sent a condescending smile to Jude, taunting him. He couldn't believe that this man thought he could bully him. As he sat down, Heath gave him a fist bump.

"What is next?" Judge Bailey questioned.

"Your Honor, we would like to call back on the stand, Ms. Ashley Timmons as an expert witness" Jude stated standing up.

"Very well" the judge intrigued. This was the first time that the opposition's had called on any characters. 

Kathadoris was momentarily confused on why Jude said "expert witness". He shrugged it off as a slip of the tongue.

Ashely had a confident look on her face. She had been through this. She got this one in the bag. After swearing in Jude began his questioning.

"Ms. Timmons you stated last week that Mr. Dwight was a good man. Correct?"

"Yes. That is my honest opinion" she answered clearly. Collins gave her an encouraging smile.

"And you also claimed that he shows great love and care for his children?"

"Yes. I did"

Jude nodded. And Arnold Kathadoris was getting ready to object. There was something up. Why weren't they questioning her motives?

"But Ms. Timmons he abandoned them"

"Yes. A mistake I know he regrets"

"And you still want your nephews to have a man that abandoned them in their lives?" repeating the word "nephew" that Ashley and her sibling had dropped so many times.

"Yes. I think it would be in their best interest. Our families can afford them an environment that is clear and peaceful."

"Still, don't you think that would traumatizing for two boys?" he questioned.

"I am not a psychologist sir"

"Is anyone really" he joked. His smile was unfaltering but truth be told he didn't like Ashley. She was a pest that wouldn't go away and she was in a way of what he wanted.

"But please, give me your honest opinion. You are a witness, are you not?"

"Yes I am" she answered.

"From experience can you tell the court will happen if Mr. Dwight gets back in their lives?" phrasing his words carefully.

"Well, they will accept it. They will actually be glad. Because children always have the curiosity to know who their real parents are."

Everyone but Nina was confused at the questioning of Jude.

"I see. So you are not of the opinion that ignorance is bliss?"

"No. The truth should always come to the light"

"I see. So children should be raised by their natural parents is that your opinion?"

"Yes. When both parents want them. As Collins does"

"If you don't mind me asking, did you have a happy a childhood?"

Ashley looked confused. "Umm yes"

"You don't sound too sure" he challenged.

"I did" in a confident voice.

"From your parents?"

"Yes. My father and my mother. I was heavily doted on. As were all my brothers and sisters.

"I see. So no negative experience? You see the reason why I am asking is that the child psychologists claim that children who don't know their real parents are more likely to act out. I don't find this true"

"Well, I believe she was right. Many of my friends have gone down dark paths from not knowing their real parents. I don't want that for my nephews"

Jude nodded his head. "Tell me do you agree with what your father said about your half-sister?"

"Yes. I do" she answered simply.

"Okay. Are you good friends with your father?"

"We are best friends in fact"

Jude walked over to his desk to pick up a file before abruptly turning to her again.

"I am curious how did and do you deal with it?"

Ashley raised her eyebrow in question.

"Your relationship with your mother I mean?"

"We have a very good relationship"

"Really?" nodding his head. "That is good"

There was a pause.

"And what about your relationship with your adopted mother, Rachel Timmons?" Jude finally dropped the bomb.

And that was when Eric Timmons  heart skipped a beat.   

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