Project: Extermination

By Orcainks

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So pretty much this is over but I will be working on sequel if anyone will be interested in reading it. I jus... More

Project: Extermination
Escape then Back Again
The Underground Revolution
Dark Side Of The Moon
Tables & Labels
Battle of the Estate
Going, Going North
The Open Road
Traps In New York
Fire vs Ice
Child of The Sky
On The Inside
Leaving for the South
Sea Sick
Escape Is All For Naught
Beacon for All Mankind
Air meets the Cold Hard Ground
Reunited But Still Apart
Splitting Seams
X-P981 and the Mole
Who's Actually Going To Survive?
New York Round 3
Not a chapter just read


65 3 0
By Orcainks

We landed just outside the ruins of Washington D.C. Guy told us to leave tow behind to take the helicopter away while the rest walk into the city to the base, 'It's not safe to fly in they have been very active of late.' Black long coat flowing behind him, Guy walked underneath broken concrete and we followed closely. The heavy stench of posion clung to the air, 'Looks like they tried to take down another Human hiding spot,' Guy said covering his mouth with his arm, 'Move quickly, the Sentinels might still be around.' We darted away and found out frequent path, we picked up our pace when the sounds of crunching stones startled us.

'Sir our entrance is blocked and there is no response from below!' Jaymes came around a corner and Guy cursed, 'The Sentinel behind us must be blocking the signal. Sir what od you suggest we do?'

Grimicing, Guy turned to us and looked over the broken street, 'Is there any way to unblock that signal?' Olivia shook her head and tapped a few buttons on her chair. A small screen came up, 'The signal coming from the Sentinel is to complicated and would take longer than usual to break, sir, the quickest way is to..'

'No way in hell.' Jaymes stepped up, 'Those things are dealy as shit, if we take one on while we have next to no ammunition or weapons we are a team of five or four an a half,' 'Hey!' 'No offense Olivia you aren't exactly helpful unless its to do with computer crap or when you have your Suit. Don't complain to me when I speak the truth just because you can't walk.'

'JAYMES!' Guy shouted, 'You watch your mouth. You are to never, in any circumstances,'

'Sir!' There was a screech behind us and a huge Sentinel came crashing through the broken buildings, 'Your orders?'

'Attack with everything we have!' He shouted and pushed his coat back to reveal his silver twin pistols, 'Ready men! Emilie I'm counting on you to get Olivia out of here!'

'No, Im' not going!' She tried to fight me off but then the Sentinel fired at us. I grabbed Olivias small body and we fell into the rubble. Her chair was flung across the roads and smashed against the rocks. I wrapped my amrs around her legs and back, lifting her and I started to run towards the entrance, 'Emilie!'

'Get this door open.' I sat her down and she pulled up her Com, 'Olivia!'

'Shut up. I'll get it done, watch your back!' She pushed herself against the wall and started tapping away. I turned back and saw Guy, Jaymes and Tomas trying to take down the Sentinel. Their weapons fired and they barely made a dent in the metal giant. Olivia was taking longer and she started to cry, 'I can't the signal...its just impossible!'

'Don't say that Olivia! you can do it!' I said grabbing her shoulders, 'Just think it's just another piece of tech, easy crap. Just don't think about it, well obviously think but don't let that Alien stop you. Those Aliens are the ones who invaded us and we need to get to our friends! Now do it!' She nodded, wiped the tears from her eyes and started tapping away. I turned to see Guy holding Jaymes while Tomas was fighting back the Sentinel, 'Dammit, dammit, dammit!' 

I looked back at Olivia, She'd be okay right? Sighing, I raced out and joined the fight. I jumped next to Tomas, 'Guy get Jaymes back, Tomas you help him. Let me have a go!' 

'Emilie you get your ass back here!' Guy screamed, 'NOW!' 

I clapped my hands together and pulled them apart, power surged through my body. Just then something smashed into me and it wasn't the Sentinel, 'Fro fuck sake Aaron!' I shouted as Aaron stood above me, his black hair flickered in the wind and his bright saphire eyes sparkled through the smoke, 'What do you think your doing?'

'Saving your ass now move moron!' He stepped over me and pulled out his guns and slammed them into gear, cogs twisted as power trickled through. They shone with fear and great confidence. He lifted them and jumped up and fired. Teh large beams of light broke through the Sentinel armour and the Alien gurlged. Black blood splashed all over the road, 'Piece of cake.'

'I had that you idiot!' I shouted as I got up, 'Where the hell have you been anyway?!' I shouted as we walked towards the entrance.

'I was doing recon work in the South. I came back early and thats when I found you helpless in front of the Sentinel.' He poked his tongue out and patted me on the head, 'Besides, I couldn't let my favourite Alien-human mutant die on me.'

'Piss off Aaron.' I shoved him away and walked over to Tomas who was worrying over Jaymes, 'He's going to be fine. Here.' I knlet down and hovered my hands over Jaymes. A small red glow emmited from my hands and slowly Jaymes regained consiousness. He coughed up some blood and was soon sitting up, 'He'll be okay now.'

'Aren't you just a sweetheart Emilie,' Aaron said sarcasticlly, 'The only ray of hope in this dark adn desolate world. A beacon for all man kind.'

I shot him a death look, 'Aaron I'll rip your tongue out and feed it to the next Cree that turns that corner,' I pointed to the empty building, 'Now pick Olivia up and we can get in.' 

'Yes sir.' He dramatically marched past us and picked Olivia up. The door opened and we all walked into the dark and cold tunnel. The door slide shut behind us and the light flickered on in the corridor, nodding we all made our way deep into the Underground. 

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