Candy Heart (Yandere x Reader)

By RadiationFever101

20.4K 699 170

Halloween is your favorite holiday. The moment you were introduced to all of the spooky costumes, perfectly s... More

Chapter One - Only a Crush
Chapter Two - You Were Lured
Chapter Three - Can I Sniff Your Hair
Chapter Four - Summoned for a Reason
Chapter Five - I'm Going to Destroy that Book
Chapter Six - It's his Last Name now
Chapter Seven - He Won't be Leaving
Chapter Eight - You will Taste him
Chapter Nine - It Won't Hurt you Anymore
Chapter Ten - Sobbing Mess
Chapter Eleven - He's Been Caged
Chapter Twelve - One Power Lost, one Gained
Chapter Thirteen - Betraying a Liar
Chapter Fourteen - Stronger than Death
Chapter Fifteen - His Candy Apple
Chapter Sixteen - Just Swallow it
Chapter Seventeen - Good Morning
Chapter Eighteen - I'm Markus
Chapter Nineteen - Tongues and Crimson
Chapter Twenty - The Scythe
Chapter Twenty-One - Ray Sunshine Satterthwaite
Chapter Twenty-Two - Festival Faunas
Chapter Twenty-Three - Ray's Love and Laughter
Chapter Twenty-Four - Happy Halloween
Chapter Twenty-Five - Bloody Asphalt
Chapter Twenty-Six - Midnight Drainage
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Tainted Blood
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Definition of Love
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Stranger Danger
Chapter Thirty - I Missed You
Chapter Thirty-one - I Promise
Chapter Thirty-Two - Waiting
Chapter Thirty-Three - Repeat
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Almighty Plan


2.2K 43 3
By RadiationFever101

The stars glittered above the city, twinkling lights dispersed across the black velvet blanket of a night sky, the huge round moon meanwhile glowing with pride at all of the small miniature stars that surrounded it rather lovingly, like children to their mother. There was not a single cloud above on this night either, allowing the brightly shimmering moon to fully glow in it's most luminous light, radiating a gentle glow upon everything in a dim nightly filter.

However, this remained to be of the least importance to the young female's small concentration, her glittery hot pink dress tight on her small plastic body adorned in several layers of jewelry that most likely weighed that stick figure down. She was your classic young adult that partied far too much, bright blonde hair coated thickly in hairspray and bouncy curls traveling down her back, left rather messy and chaotic from the night of flashing lights, heavy drinking, erotic dancing, and packed nightclubs. Her makeup was layered chunky, left smudged and ruined by now, however was most likely previously attractive when she first applied it.

Winged black eyeliner and neon eye shadow now fading down her cheeks, gooey layers of foundation that were slathered down her neck, lying in sloppy blotches across neglected pores that simply desired to breathe for once rather than be stuffed full of chemical-filled cosmetics. Bright pink lipstick smeared across her cheek noticeably interfering with the rosy blush, those false eyelashes drooping as gobs of black mascara clung on in clotted clumps.

Her distracted blue eyes shone with a layer of giddiness laced in a stupor, lacking any sort of focus. She swerved carelessly over the empty night road, regular thumping heard as the woman traveled over onto the sidewalk only to swirl the wheel and swing right back off, her hands jerking it in strange and uncoordinated directions. Gigantic glittery high heels smashing down the petals unevenly, all traffic signs being ignored as her vision swam, and far too abstracted in her own thoughts for them to even be possible to read. She chattered on her phone, currently having a giggling fit as her voice slurred from the alcohol in her system, breath hot with liquor and cigarettes as she glanced back to the other women and men either stoned out of their mind, drunk, or possibly both.

"So anyways, I told that fucker that he could go screw himself!" She giggled into the phone speaker, meanwhile the passengers in the vehicle also following in her laughter with their own hoots and hollers, which were somehow barely audible no matter the amplification they produced together thanks to the bumping music blasting out from the speakers. On it's own, it was surprising sound still managed to travel through the thick clouds of grey smog from fatty blunts, huge cylindrical brown wraps burnt at the tip with seated partners taking in long breaths of the smoke to escape reality.

"Should've fucking kicked his ass!" One obviously high man exclaimed in a roaring loud voice, a few struggling coughs escaping his lips directly after as he nearly dropped his own blunt, eyes an irritated red as he slouched in his seat, seemingly in an entirely different reality during this bumpy rough car ride, yet he managed to somehow hold a conversation. This was not his first time with drugs, undoubtedly.

"Haha, yeah, you're so right Markus, I should've-" Her conversation was snipped short as there was a sudden slam against the expensive car's hood, roughly jerking her forwards in her seat as she felt part of the car get hoisted up as if a quarter of it just went onto an extremely high curb, or some kind of speed bump.

The noticeable crimson red splatter that sprayed across the windshield suddenly made a shrill feminine screech get released from the young woman's lungs as she gripped the wheel, knuckles turning a pale white as her makeup covered skin erupted in goosebumps, and turned a bright white where foundation did not cover. A large high heel slammed onto the brakes immediately as the car now lurched once more, squeaking loudly to a halt as the drunk or high passenger's appeared to notice the newly created blood stain, wobbling in their seats as the previous speed bump was passed over.

"Oh f-fuck- Is that blood!?" The man apparently known as Markus exclaimed, eyes wide like two red moons as he stood up in his seat, adrenaline visibly pumping through those newly awakened veins, eyes flying across the glass as if that'd change what he saw.

"Haha, yeah dude..." Another muttered, slouching lower in his seat as he wiggled about, too far gone to even comprehend the fact that there was now the faint smell of copper coming from the air conditioner, and blood drenched over the windshield.

The female driver meanwhile didn't answer. Her jaw hanging agape as if it'd snap off a moment later, lips making trembling round shapes. She was trying to speak, however air only left her lungs in panicked puffs that stifled and sputtered, tears brimming those widened fear-stricken eyes. Her own tipsy and drunken gaze, no matter the fact that everything before her blurred and her clotted mind was rather fuzzy, were staring directly into a pair of fish-like orbs peeking out from underneath the redness across her windshield.

Skin already a pale snow, eyes empty and hollowing with each passing second. The bright crimson blood was a contrast to his body, leaking from her mouth, caked around his eyes and drenching that previously nicely combed hair. The man's work suit was ruffled, a scuffed briefcase thrown a few feet away from the force of the vehicle ramming straight into him.

She swallowed thickly, a syrup-like sensation in the back of her throat. Pulling her gaze away as she finally noticed Markus jabbing at her shoulder roughly, basically screaming her name, "Shelby!" coming from his lips in panicked yells that grew in volume over a few seconds. He jerked the woman by her slender arm roughly, prodding her to come back to life from her dazed state of mind. However, as she glanced away, eyes fluttering open and closed with fresh tears staining those blotchy cheeks, she froze once again out of shock.

Her stomach did a flip as she found the rear view mirror, and bile rose up her throat.

A woman, lying sprawled out over the side of the road, partially on the sidewalk while the rest of her dangled over the curb and out onto the street. She appeared to be somewhat like a neglected mangled doll, hair stuck together in clumps of strands, arms contorted beyond repair. Bones snapped out from under her flesh, tearing through and shredding that delicate tone of skin. Drenched in crimson her nice white blouse was, those black dress pants darkened with each passing second.

The shimmering pool of blood grew in size, traveling over the asphalt of the street and swirling around the fragile woman's frame. Very visible were the tears in her clothes, stomach and chest crushed and leaving her corpse disfigured, ribs grinded into dust beneath that thin flesh. A fat streak of blood leading from Shelby's car tire to the gnarled body.

Two people.

What had she just done.

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