Ask Charisk ( and the undergr...

By JonathanBlaylock

7.1K 154 163

It is as the Title says. More

Intro to questions.
The Real Beginning
The First Dare
The Missing One
The Art of Death
Apology for Missing Valentine's Day
The New Comer
Confusing but Interesting Questions
More Questions
No one left behind
We Need More Questions!
The Unidentified Question
The Crosser series!
Camila Cuevas
Gaster's First Question & Chara's Questions as Well
Double Dastard?
Frisk God of Hypersave?
Chara's Demise
Surface Life!
Drinking Contest
Souls of Color
Waffles or Pancakes
The New Year
Coming Back!
Happy Late New Years!

Screw Going With the Story

155 4 6
By JonathanBlaylock

First I want to apologize for not updating in a very long time it just I didn't know to go about it, and my internet went out and also Wattpad pooped out on me so yeah. I thought long and hard about this and ended up making a new story instead, lol but I will be continuing it and screw the story Chara will be back for the rest of the series and the death has still happened. I'll have this be a parallel timeline to Love and Death sound good? Anyway, Chara will come back in the middle of this. So that certain questions can be answered properly and not just a weeping Frisk. Also, anything that happens in this does not guarantee that it will happen in Love or Death alright.

anon1510: Umm how did Chara die because in the last chapter they were alive?

Frisk: Well this is following the story Love or Death (Great story by the way you should totally read it) but to save you the trouble she died because of my carelessness.

Sans: Come on Frisk stop that it does no one any good.

Frisk: I know but I can't help it. He says this as tears begin to surface.

KevinBell474: Frisk I'm sorry for your lost.

Frisk begin to sob and mumble incoherently.

Sans: See what you have done now.

Shakespearev2: do you feel?

Frisk stops sobbing and looks at the ask.

Frisk: Well it would be a lie if I said I was okay but having the twins have been a real help to me and so has Asgore as well as Sans too surprisingly.

EmmaBell113: Question for Alphys.

Since you're the royal scientist, you might be able to answer this.If Chara was already a spirit, how could she have died?

Alphys walks in as walking back to her house and then she hears the ask. She turns and listens to it.

Alphys: Well to put it simply Gaster knows and  I don't why don you ask him but I'll do that for you.

Alphys goes and finds Gaster and brings him hear and shows him the ask.

Gaster: Well to put it simply the world did not know whether or not Chara was supposed to be alive so it chose the latter and brought her back to life but still accepted her first death and so that is why her body looks as old as Frisk but in reality, she is quite younger than him in the sense of time not in mind.

Crosser50:Frisk, I'm sorry I didn't know but here is some advice to help you get through this spend time with friends and family don't push them away remember the good times with Chara and never forget them that's my advice also have a book it is an adventure book I hope you like it if it gets there!

Frisk: Hey it's fine you didn't know like you said but thanks for the advice and I have been spending a lot of time with everyone. Also, thank you for the book it's a nice gift! I love it.

Frisk says smiling for the first time after Chara death.

Crosser50: also I dare you to try to have fun for as long as you can! stay determined

Frisk: Well, this book has been a lot of fun so I have to read it as long as I can then. 

Frisk says with a small smirk.

DastardlyNinja: Frisk how are the kids are the twins ok? Also stay DETERMINED!!! She would not want you to beat yourself up over this. Sans, do you know what's happening with Chara? GASTER can you see souls and if to what color are the twins souls?

Frisk: Oh the twins they are completely fine Toriel and me have been taking care of them and watching over them diligently. I know and I'm trying to move forward but I doubt I can.

Sans: I may but right now See is watching over the wins.

Gaster: Yes I can see souls of anything with these hands. Well, right now their souls are fluctuating but the male seems to have Frisk purity and love so I think it will become either white pink or red but then again pink won't happen, and the female seems to have Chara hatred but also determination. I think their soul with either come out black, crimson or red.

DastardlyNinja: Frisk I would offer you my condolences but having another worldly brim forcibly rip a tear in the fabric of your reality is a bad idea Instead I say this. I dare you to remember all the good times with Chara.

Frisk: I know I shouldn't but I want to see her again but I know what you mean. I already do that without the dare. If I didn't then I would be a sobbing mess well even more of a sobbing mess anyways.

Craygurl78: This so um not innocent but, this is for Alphys's experiment *wink* ahem, so Frisk deary~ let Chara touch your soul.When you do explain to me both how you feel for *results* (I'm dying inside)

(hey, it's alright thank you for this comment!)

Frisk was slightly confused and overall mad that they would something like that but he didn't know that Chara was near him and read the ask as a ghost. She blushes and smiled and then began to touch Frisk's soul.

Frisk: well it seems ... that she is ... touching it. It's well ... really pleasing. 

Frisk says as a small moan escapes his lips but by this time everyone has gone to their own devices. SO frisk is spared from this embarrassment but then a chain of events happened faster than a blink of an eye and Chara is somehow magically brought back to life and don't ask questions just accept it! (also Chara is fully clothed.)

Shakespearev2: Frisk... I dare you to hug Chara and let yourself not do a lemon.

Frisk: you don't need to dare me to do that.

Frisk says as he looks at Chara and then they embrace with hearts racing and hearts full of love and then they separate for a bit and look into each other's eyes and kiss passionately.

godzilla15: Frisk and Chara, both of you grab Mettaton's spare legs and do his dance moves.

Both of them smiled and got pairs of legs from Alphys who was very surprised from Chara's revival and lent them Mettaton legs and then they went on to his show and began doing the moves synchronization. It was almost hypnotizing.

bellagaming101: So I dare Frisk to dress up as ash (*from Pokemon*) and character as Pikachu and frisk constantly through fake poke balls at Chara *hehe hehe hehe*

BothChara and Frisk were confused on why but shrugged and did it and suffice to say I think Frisk was shocked by Chara just Ash was shocked by Pichaku.

huntress777: If nightmare Sans is there, how would you react to seeing Nightmare from Soulcaliber? And Frisk, I'm gonna cover you in chocolate and give ya to Chara.

Sans comes back and looks at the ask.

Sans: Welp sorry he isn't here right now but besides that, I think he would be either appalled or in awe maybe both if he were to see Nightmare.

Before Sans could read the rest of it Frisk shooed him out of them room and then Papyrus took him away to try some spaghetti!

Frisk: Well Chara how do you like me now?

Frisk was slightly scared as Chara eyes gleamed with happiness as it looked over Frisk body and then she lunges at him making sure to lick up all the chocolate no matter the area and she seemed to prefer one area over the others that was before the waistline.

A/N Super sorry for taking so long but you guys didn't realize Chara was dead so I have to improvise and go off course with my original plans and made it a parallel timeline. Thanks a lot but it's fine thank you, everyone, for your comments! Also, special thanks to Crosser50 for giving me the final push to post this!

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