Chained Princess

By ensanya

347 37 1

Shackled. Hunted. Lost. Anastasia lives a simple life with her step father and dear friend, Rowan. However... More

Chapter 1 - The Letters
Chapter 2 - Spindly Things
Chapter 3 - Nature or Nurture? Pt. 1
Chapter 3 - Nature or Nurture? Pt. 2
Chapter 4 - The King
Chapter 5 - The Singing Tree
Chapter 6 - Complicated Misunderstandings Pt. 2
Chapter 7 - Library Games Pt. 1
Chapter 7 - Library Games Pt. 2
Chapter 8 - The Guilty Prankster Pt. 1
Chapter 8 - The Guilty Prankster Pt. 2
Chapter 9 - A Safe Place Pt. 1
Chapter 9 - A Safe Place Pt. 2 (MAP)
Chapter 10 - Tired History Pt. 1 (MAP)

Chapter 6 - Complicated Misunderstandings Pt. 1

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By ensanya

Syran let out a long sigh as he worked through the monotonous documents. His back stiffened and he began to write faster when he felt Sabine's fury pierce through his skull. He dared not look at her. Had he mentioned how absolutely terrifying she was?

He didn't know how much more paperwork he could take. She had already had him confined to his desk all through the night and now they were sharing the morning sunlight with the birds. Syran's head felt heavy as he pushed through his fatigue. Only a few more and he would finally be done. He dared a glance at Sabine. She looked just as miserable as him, but her pride meant she would never let him know it.

The two of them raised their heads to the sound of the door opening. Anzik walked in, his heavy armor loud even on the carpeted floor. His eyes widened as he looked at the two of them.

"Did the both of you stay up all night?" he asked incredulously. Syran gave him a halfhearted smile. Anzik shot a scowl at Sabine.

"You can't keep forcing him to do all-nighters like this, Sabine! He is the king, we need him rested," Anzik said, walking up to the sleep deprived woman. It was not as if she had simply spent the night playing watch dog, Syran thought. She had been helping him the entire time. Nevertheless, Syran felt his heart leaping with joy at the thought of getting some sleep.

Sabine opened her mouth to protest, but Anzik's angry voice cut her off. "And you! Look at you! You look even more pathetic than Syran. Really, Sabine, you have to take care of yourself," he said, his voice softening as he scolded her.

Sabine regarded him with her cold eyes for a moment before sighing and standing up. "Very well, I cannot argue with your logic," she said, casting her scrutiny on Syran. "We will continue in a few hours, my lord. Good day."

With that, the two men watched the weary, but frightening woman leave the room. Syran sighed and finally let the tension in his shoulders go as he sagged into his chair. "I will never cease to be amazed at how you do that," he said, his eyes darting up to his friend.

"Do what, sire?" Anzik inquired, taking the spot Sabine had just occupied.

"How you can control that petrifying lioness simply with a few words," Syran replied, shuddering at the thought of Sabine having razor sharp teeth and claws.

Anzik studied the king for a moment before rolling his eyes. "Go get some rest, Syran. You're going to need it," he said with a faint twinkle in his eye.


Syran groggily made his way back to his room. He could barely keep his eyes open at this point. He mumbled some unkind obscenities under his breath at Sabine, but in his heart he knew his predicament was his own doing. She had been asking him to take care of that paperwork for weeks.

He crankily opened his bedroom door, kicking off his boots as he fumbled in the dark. The thick curtains blocked out the morning light, and for that he was incredibly grateful. Stripping out of his stiff clothes, he plopped down into his soft bed, his mind gone before he even hit the pillow.

Syran woke to a bright light on his face. He let out a loud groan and covered his face with the blanket as heavy footsteps ploughed through his room.

"Sire! Wake up! Please, wake up! The girl, she has escaped!" a frantic voice said over him. He recognized that voice. It was Ellion. Syran furrowed his brow and squinted as he slowly pulled back the covers. He did not have the energy for this right now.

He blinked furiously as his eyes began to accommodate to the mid-morning sun now shining through the open curtains.

"If you do not close those curtains right now, I will hang the lot of you," he threatened grumpily as he covered his face again.

"No can do. We've got an escapee to catch. The only reason we are in here is because you were the last person seen with her, sire," Syran heard Cesare respond. Syran's eyes flew open as he was met with the blackness of his blanket. Memories of the day before came back to him as he remembered placing the sleeping girl in his bed before going back to Sabine's torture chamber.

Without warning, he shot up, his head turning to the other side of his sizable bed. He had forgotten she was even in here. His brow was still furrowed as his groggy mind caught up with reality. And now she had escaped. Syran groaned again as he gingerly turned his sensitive eyes to the two chevaliers.

"Do we even know she's the real thing? What has Gina said about the seal?" he asked, rubbing his temples. He was tempted to just let her escape. As intriguing as her story was, it wasn't as if they had any real proof to back it up. They didn't even know if the seal had been real or not. Yet, the amount of detail in Antoni's letter should have been all the proof Syran needed, and deep down he felt it was legitimate, but it didn't hurt to be extra careful.

"Yes, sir! She sent a report this morning. The seal is indeed real," Ellion replied, handing Syran some papers. Syran scanned over them, his head mage's signature at the bottom. Had he really been expecting any different? No, if he had, he would have let her go the first time.

Syran groaned loudly once more as he fell back onto his pillow and threw his arm over his eyes. "Gather the guards," he said wearily.

"It's already been done. We were just coming to let you know," Cesare said with a mischievous look on his face. Syran scowled as he moved his arm just enough to glare daggers at the chevalier. He had been woken up for nothing.

Syran sighed and got out of bed. He gave Cesare and Ellion another dirty look before walking to his closet.

Cesare smirked widely at him. "Oh my, is that what you slept in?"

Syran cast him a sideways glance as he grabbed a clean shirt. "What of it?"

"Well, sire, not that I am any expert, but that's a rather forward way to declare yourself to a young lady, don't you think?" Cesare said, fake innocence dripping from every word.

Syran froze as still as a statue with the shirt only halfway over his shoulders, realization finally hitting him. He had gone to sleep in only his undergarments. "Oh, dear Gods..."

~~~~~      ~~~~~

Anastasia woke to a dark room. Her head ached and her tongue was parched. When had she eaten last? She couldn't remember.

She strained her eyes against the blackness, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She remembered sitting under the singing tree, but then there was nothing. The arrogant king must have had a guard bring her back to her room. She grumbled under her breath at the thought of being carried like some doll again. However, despite her headache now, she felt much better rested so complaining wasn't going to do her any good.

Swinging her legs off the side of the soft bed, she stood, shuffling her way to the window. She needed some light. She squinted her eyes shut as she pulled back the curtains. The morning sun was bright and cheerful as it graced the room with its splendor.

When her eyes had finally adjusted, Anastasia felt panic rise in her chest as she realized this room was much larger than the one she remembered. Her eyes darted around. No, this was not the room she had been taken to the day before. A movement from the bed caught her eye and she found herself holding back a scream as a figure turned over on the bed and groaned. She recognized the head of white blonde hair poking out from under a pillow. The blanket had been tossed aside and she was now gazing at his broad, muscular backside. Her innocence saved only by the measliest of scraps of clothing.

Anastasia felt her entire face and neck flush with embarrassment and fury. Who did this scoundrel think he was, sharing a bed with her! What were his intentions? Had he tried to take her innocence in her sleep? Anastasia felt panic grip her as she checked herself. She was still wearing the clothes given to her by the maid. She let out a shaky sigh. Her virtue was still her own, thank the Gods.

He stirred again and Anastasia quickly shut the curtains, casting them in darkness once more. She had been considering staying for a little while to get some answers after the dastardly king had promised she would be safe. She had chosen to place the tiniest bit of trust in his words for the sake of her own curiosity, but now she knew how foolish she had been! She would play along with his games no longer!

Making up her mind, Anastasia made her way to the door. Her boots had been placed neatly at the entrance. Slipping them on as silently as she could, she cracked open the door just enough for her slender body to slip through and shut it quickly behind her. The castle seemed quiet. Only a few maids walked about, tending to their morning duties. They paid her no mind as she quickly made her way through the corridors. Her tour with Cesare was proving beneficial as she found herself recognizing most of the stairwells and hallways.

The hum of the singing tree was also quite useful. As much as the beautiful song called her back to the tree's gnarled branches, she resisted the urge and marched along until the melody had vanished to the wind.

Anastasia finally made it to the outer courtyard. There were more guards posted in this area, she noticed, as her eyes scanned the gorgeously manicured landscape. There was no way she would get through without someone stopping her. Thinking back to Cesare's ramblings from the day before, she recalled him saying something about the servant's entrance on the other side of the medical buildings. Yes, she could use that!

The medical buildings weren't far, fortunately, and Anastasia found her way to them easily. A few maids had stopped to bow to her and say good morning along the way, which made Anastasia just about jump out of her own skin, but she tried to reply as inconspicuously as she could and hurried along. Gods, her nerves were going to be her undoing. If she just looked like she belonged, no one would be the wiser.

She peered around the corner of her hiding spot. There were two guards posted at the servant's entrance. What would she do now? Even though it was less guarded here, she still wouldn't be able to get by two soldiers on her own.

As if on cue, the young maid who had taken her clothes walked by. She had a bag in her arms and was walking straight toward the exit. Anastasia smiled wickedly as she thought of a plan.    

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