Lethal Lullaby

By AshleyMcgibbon

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Evil deep within her genes, discovering past history which may very well become her reality. Losing one, find... More

The Beginning of the End
Birth, death, and rebirth
Lethal Attraction
Matthew's story
The Truth
The Halliwells
The Shopping Trip
Family Tree
Alistair's Story
New Found Friendships
Mental Fight
The Decision


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By AshleyMcgibbon

I awoke to the noise of someone beeping, I rubbed my eyes and almost wept with pain. I had forgotten what happened to my face yesterday for a moment. But, a moment was all it took for me to thrust excruciating pain upon myself. I am my own worst enemy, I got up and walked over to my mirror. I almost jumped at in shock I was a complete and utter mess, my jaw was purple and swollen. It would take time to heal I will just have to take painkillers in the meantime. I grabbed my black bag and threw in some pain killers that had been in my bedside table. I always keep them handy, I used to get headaches a lot when I was younger so I always like to be prepared.

I took a quick stretch and looked at my clock. Oh, my god! It was 12 and I had slept in, shoot. I jumped out of my bed and ran over to the window, I saw my friends they were all waiting for me. I squeezed open the window and shouted down. "Sorry guys I slept in give me 10 minutes, ok."

Without waiting for an answer, I closed the window again making sure it was firmly shut before grabbing my bag and throwing open my wardrobe doors. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, a jacket, and my hiking boots and raced to the bathroom. I almost tore off my pjs as I went at a super-fast speed, but still being careful enough not to touch my face. Once I was ready I rushed into the kitchen, grabbed the sausages and bacon, and threw them in my bag with a few bottles of water and some snacks. I waved good bye to Gwen, Summer, and Ryan as I flew past them and out the front door closing it with a thud behind me.

"More like 15 minutes," Zac chuckled.

"I went as fast as I could Zac," I huffed.

"I suppose 15 minutes is fast, for a girl," he smirked.

"So, Marissa are you excited for your first camping trip?"

To be honest I wasn't thinking about the camping trip, all my thoughts were based around Matthew. But I suppose what else was new, usually they were happy thoughts but these were happy mixed with turmoil.

"Yeah Paige," I smiled. Ouch, it still hurt to smile I guess I would have to do my best to keep a straight face.

A little white lie wouldn't do anyone any harm; it must have been enough because she flashed a big cheesy grin at me. I got the impression that she was a camping nut. Zac took the wheel so I guessed that this was his car, a black Corsa, not bad I suppose. It was just nowhere near as nice as my Matthew's porche. Wait did I just say 'my' Matthew, I mean I may know his secret now but he was just the same guy. Wasn't he?

I glimpsed Zac eyeing me up and down in the mirror, as soon as he noticed he had my attention he began to speak.

"I'm sorry about yesterday I've never hit a girl before and I never planned to, he just moved out of the way too fast and I couldn't stop I..........."

I interrupted him. "Zac stop please, it was an accident ok I accept your apology."

I accept it because it was my fault just as much as his, if I hadn't led him on maybe he wouldn't have acted the way he did. I have no way of knowing that but I could hope, right? If I am being honest with myself I don't think it would have made much difference, Zac is very pushy and I don't think he would stop just because there is another guy in the picture.

He seemed to change the subject very quickly.

"So, Marissa, what do you think of my car?" he smirked.

I think Zac was trying to impress me which just wasn't going to happen.

"It's nice."

"Just nice, well what kind of cars do you like?"

I smirked he was going to love this. "Porches."

"Ah, Matthew's car. Sorry I asked."

I couldn't stop smirking; I think I have been hanging out with Matthew a bit too much. Maybe Zac would get that I was with him now and that he didn't stand a chance in hell. But, known my luck he wouldn't give up that easily.

"You know you need to widen your choices a bit, and not just grab the first thing that comes along with both hands."

At first it sounded like he was talking about the car, but I knew he was talking about Matthew.

"Stick to your instincts that's what I've always been told and it's worked for me my whole life," I threw back.

"It's never too late to try something new."

He obviously didn't know that I was trying new things as of late, he doesn't know me well enough to know that. We haven't really spent any time getting to know each other, so he shouldn't just presume that he knows everything about me. I wasn't going to tell him this though so I didn't reply, sometimes silence is best it stops you saying something horrible. As well as that I knew that if I did reply, that I would end up losing it with him. He was already annoying me and we weren't even up on the mountains yet. I should give him points for apologising, I think he is a nice guy deep down. But, he just doesn't seem to have an off button when it comes to getting something that he wants. When is he going to just give up and accept that I am with Matthew. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye, he must have thought that he had won the argument.

Paige insisted that we play some games while on our ride up to get the fun times rolling. I played along but I couldn't be bothered one bit. All I wanted to do was be with Matthew and curl up in his arms, I just miss him so much and I want to talk. I don't like when things are all up in the air, and right now that's how I feel things are with us since I discovered his secret. Ever since I met him, I began to feel like I wasn't whole without him, that I needed him, that I couldn't live without him. No one has ever had such an effect on me before apart from one, but he was helping me get through that better than any therapist that I've tried or the medication I'm taking. I had to snap myself out of this, thinking about him wasn't going to make me miss him any less. So, I decided to join in the fun and games a bit more so that I could take my mind off him. We played every game Paige could think of, she ran out of ideas after we were half an hour away from the mountains.

"So, Marissa there has been something I have been meaning to ask you?" she said as she played with her cuticles.


Her head fell to the floor before she spoke again. "What is Matthew Halliwell like?" Her eyes found mine searching for an answer.

"What?" I asked shocked. That had not been a question I would have expected Danni to ask at all, she had never seemed that interested before.

"Well he never talked to anyone until you, and I just wanted to know what he was like," she persisted.

"Oh. Well he's a really nice guy." I continued, "A little bit rough around the edges, but he's funny, witty, clever, sweet, caring, nosey......" I trailed off laughing to myself at that last one.

"I see, well if he is all those things why doesn't he talk to anyone else?" she asked as her face screwed up in utter puzzlement.

"Well he's a bit of a loner, not very comfortable around people, and he doesn't know how to socialise properly."

"But, he talked to you," she replied staring at me her face full of curiosity and confusion. I studied her face before replying, her jaw was tight, her eyes were staring and hoping for the truth that she sought.

"Yes, I know I guess we've just got a connection or something, it's hard to explain."

"I see," she sighed.

"Did I say something to offend you?" I asked confused

"No, no it's just I don't like not knowing things, and Matthew is a mystery that I have just not been able to solve."

Or maybe she had a secret crush on him and was just too nice to say anything outright and on top of that her boyfriend was sitting right next to her. She may have told a little white lie, but it was one that spared other people's feelings. Danni is definitely one of the nicest people I've ever met, she is so caring and considerate of other people's feelings.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I haven't completely figured him out yet either."

"It helps," she said as her face slowly began to regain its normal self. She didn't ask me anything more after that, she obviously didn't want to push it or else it would look a little strange. She is a smart girl, and I think if I need any advice in the future I will be going to her. I know she will listen, but she won't judge and her advice will be balanced and very accurate. I could picture her writing an advice column later in life, she would be perfect at it.

I had noticed Zac paying close attention to my answers. He must have wanted answers about Matthew too, but just wouldn't ask them. As I sat there I realised I had a new-found liking for Seth, he was quiet and bothered no one. I like sitting in his company you don't feel the need to fill the silences when he's around.

"So, Marissa what do you think of Betws-y-Coed, is it as good as London?"

"Better actually Seth and I never thought I would say that, I think I'm going to like it here," I smiled, meaning it was more down to its people; meaning Matthew, more than the place itself. My jaw stung again, note to self you need to stop smiling. I took a few pain killers out my bag and swallowed them with a swig of water. Hopefully they kick in as soon as possible, I won't be able to enjoy this trip if I am in constant pain.

"Even with our poor weather," he nudged.

"You know I think it's kind of growing on me."

"Wow, you've not been here that long and you have already got a different perspective on things," he grinned.

"Well it's amazing how a beautiful place and great friends can do that to you," I smiled.

He smiled back then turned to look out the window again, I think that as the longest conversation I have had with Seth. It was just a nice friendly conversation, before I could ponder that thought anymore I caught a glimpse of the beautiful mountains. Paige had been right, they were spectacular.

When we were nearly at the top, I saw something beautiful. You would be wrong to say that Snowdonia had nothing of interest, but these mountains. I could see the fresh white water streams run from them, which were over majestic waterfalls into lush green valleys. There were many areas of forest and woodlands, some of the most attractive of these being of the natural oaks.

"Marissa, did you know that Snowdonia is one of the most important places for rock climbers, and people travel from all over the world just to tackle the mountain routes to the finger ripping overhanding walls," she gushed.


"Yeah, this place just fascinates me, I know a lot of the history about it. So, if there's anything you ever want to know you are always welcome to ask." Her eyes stared at me longing for an opening into Betws-y-Coed's history. I felt compelled not only to do it for her sake, but my own as well. You never know when knowing things such as this may come in handy. And as well as that it's always nice making someone happy.

"I'd like to know more about the place that I call home now."

"Now you've done it, she'll never shut up about it now," he moaned.

"Oh, shut up Zac," she moaned back as she lightly smacked the back of his head, before turning to me, grinning and continuing on, "Ok, well Betws-y-Coed is the principal village of the Snowdonia National Park. It covers more than 800 square miles, the park is a region of haunting beauty and grandeur, of wild Rocky Mountains, hidden valleys, cascading rivers, still glacial lakes, and deep forests. This place contains some of the most ancient rocks in the world, old in culture, with traditions in poetry and music that may date back to the bronze age, and old in language. That's why the deep valleys still hold the echo of the myths, legends and traditions of the past."

"God Paige, you sound like your advertising this place, you may as well just name yourself after it and be done with it."
"Shut up Zac, am I not allowed to have passion about something?" she questioned.

"Passion yes," he paused for what I can only see as dramatic effect before continuing, "Obsession no."

"Huh, there's no point in arguing with you, you will never understand," she grumbled.

"Your right, I won't," he agreed only too willingly.

I see I'm not the only one who had a slight problem with Zac, it felt oddly comforting to know that I wasn't alone in my feeling. But I noticed something when Paige and Zac were arguing, there was a hint of lust there. It may be small, but it was there and I wish he would pursue that instead of me at least the feelings there were mutual. I suppose they would probably be well on their way to being a couple by now if it hadn't been for me coming to town and getting in the way. I don't want anything to come in-between Paige and I, we were just starting to become good friends. I would have to talk to Zac and make it clear that nothing was ever going to happen between us, I'm in love with Matthew after all and Zac is so not my type.

The car came to a sudden halt at the top of the mountain.

"That's us here we can find a good spot in the forest over there."

"Known you Paige you've probably already mapped out the perfect spot."

"Oh, shut up Zac," she said with an annoyed smirk on her face.

"You have, haven't you?" he asked already rolling his eyes.

"So, what if I have?" she lightly growled cheekily.

"Obsessed," he choked out with a cough, obviously trying to let Paige know that he was mocking her.

"Am not plus it's Marissa's first camping trip and I want her to get the full experience," she said as she gazed around herself.

He shut up after that he obviously wanted me to have a good time as well, I hoped that he hadn't planned to make a move on me or anything. Now that would be just plain awkward to say the least. We all grabbed our bags and jumped out of Zac's car. No one spoke as we made our way through the forest, Paige's eyes were glued to her map as she tried to lead us to the correct spot that she had already picked out. Danni and Seth were holding each other's hands and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. I wish Matthew was here, the more I watched Seth and Danni the more I missed him. Zac on the other hand was walking right behind me, I could feel the burning on the back of my neck from his eyes staring at me. Finally, after about 10 minutes of walking we reached the spot that Paige had been looking for. She had been right it was perfect, it was as though the forest had gotten up and moved itself to create a space just for us. The trees surrounded us, they flew up so high that you could just see a small area of sky. It consisted of nothing but clouds, so we weren't missing anything. I could smell nature at its best, nothing smells better than nature. You must get up close to it to get the full affect.

"Right well, I'll start getting the tents and sleeping bags set up, why don't you four split up and try to find some logs and branches for the fire."

"Fine Paige, Danni you go with Seth and I'll go with Marissa," he turned to me then continued, "now Marissa I know you tend to fall due to your two left feet so please try and be careful," he smirked.

"I fell once I'm not an invalid you know," I moaned.

"Ok, you're not an invalid," he mocked.

Oh, he was getting on my nerves so much, if someone liked you were they not meant to try and get you to like them more, not less. I suppose this patter works on some girls, possibly Paige from what I have seen, but not me. He spoke with such sarcasm all the time, and it gets on my nerves when it was over used. Even Matthew's sarcasm could annoy me, but I love him so I deal with it. But, I don't love Zac, god I don't know if I even like him.

"You know Zac if you think I'll be that much of a problem, I'll go by myself and you can go by yourself. Ok."

I know that may sound mean, but it was the best I could muster right now with sounding like a raging bitch. I always do my utmost best to be nice to people, but Zac was really pushing my limits.

Without waiting for an answer, I wandered off through the trees, only to hear heavy footsteps hurrying after me. I should have guessed that he wouldn't give up so easily and allow me some peace for once.

"Oh, come on Marissa I was only joking," he pleaded.

"Oh, good joke, why don't you come over here and tell me another one."

I could feel the anger build up inside me with every step I took, and I could hear it in my voice. Then it was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head, I haven't taken my tablets yet today. This is not going to end well for Zac if he keeps pushing me, I dipped my hand into my backpack and too out my anti-depressants and swallowed them down with some water. They won't kick in straight away, but it's best that they are at least on their way to work through my system.

I could hear Zac laughing behind me, he wasn't taking me seriously at all and it was really beginning to get on my last nerve. I stopped dead in my tracks and whizzed around to face him. Rage was written across my face; I knew that was clear because when my face came into view the laughter stopped.

"God Marissa, you need to learn to take a chill pill. Your just so stubborn and too easily irritated, that's not my fault."

He stood there with his arms firmly folded, he actually believed what he was saying.

"Well, you know actually it is you who brings it out in me. If you were considerate of other people's feelings and were a bit nicer then we might have gotten on better," I spat.

He looked shocked at my words, but recovered himself quickly. "Look I only act this way because I like you, there I said it. I just wanted to create some heat between us and it clearly worked," he grinned.

He seemed very pleased with himself, which just made me even more outraged.

"Uh you didn't create heat, you created anger," I gave him a basilisk stare.

"Yeah that's heat, look at yourself you are all flustered and hot and I don't just mean your temperature," he winked trying to hide his smile at that last part. "Marissa smart girls opened my mind, cute girls have opened my eyes, but only you can open my heart," he said blissfully.

I guess this was the perfect time to put him in his place before it went any further. He had to stop being interested in a girl that would never be interested in him, and stop chasing a girl that didn't want to be chased by him. I belonged to someone else, which weirdly enough either didn't seem to bother him or he didn't think things between me and Matthew were that serious. Well he sure as hell was going to find out. I tried to take a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. It is one of the many exercises my therapist gave me to help in times of anger, and at this point I will try anything.

"Look Zac, you are an ok guy," I continued, "but nothing will ever happen between us."

"It might, I mean I know I look like just another pretty boy," he paused and looked himself up and down before continuing on, "but if you get to know me, my personality may just capture your heart. Just like the way yours has captured mine," he sighed.

"No, it won't. I'm sorry if this hurts, but I always think that the truth Is best no matter what. I know nothing will ever happen between us because I will never feel that way about you," I said adamantly to make my feelings clear. "I am with someone else," I protested.

"Matthew," he sighed.


"Well you shouldn't just go for the first person that you see, then say that's it. There are lots of guys out there and I'm sure most of them are better for you than him."
"I suppose when you say lots of people, you mean you?" I guessed.

"Yes, I suppose I do," he nodded.

"Well Matthew is without a doubt the best guy for me, he is better than you will ever be," a hard edge crept into my voice.

"Harsh, how do you know though you haven't known him for that long?"

"Long enough," I insisted.

"So, stubborn, well like I always say try before you buy. Have you guys even kissed yet?" he grinned.

He took my form of silence to be a no, but we had almost kissed.

"See, how do you know he's the one? Where's the chemistry?"

Why must he bombard me with all this, can't he just let me be and get over it. Clearly not. My breathing exercise is wearing very thin at this point.

"I just do, and you can have plenty of chemistry without kissing you know. Did you not see that clearly at lunch the other day?" my eyes became wickedly amused when I said that I knew I was right.

He fell silent for a second or two he obviously had, no one could deny from our body language that there was plenty of heat and chemistry going on there.

"Yeah, but still......" he protested.

"But still what? Look I want to make this clear to you without hurting you too much. I do not want to date you, I don't and never will. So, can we just forget this and be friends?"

He stood there in silence, then out of nowhere he started moving in for a kiss. My hands threw up instinctively and covered my face, but me being as weak as I was he brushed them aside in one swift movement. Just as his lips were mere inches from mine, I heard a growl not too far in the distance. He had obviously heard it to as he froze, I was glad of the distraction as it allowed me to jump a few feet back.

"What the hell were you thinking? Did I not make myself clear enough before?"

I could feel the fury burning up inside me, if he didn't stop now he was really going to end up living to regret it.

He didn't move an inch, that growl must have had a big impact on him. I moved forward and waved my hands in front of his face, he was frozen still so much so that it was freaking me out. Did I have to be the guy in this situation, and he the scared little girl?

"Hello, anybody home?"

He jumped up in that instant, that was when his lips met mine. It had been a trick and I had fallen for it, what a dumb ass I was. He wasn't giving up without a fight. He pressed his lips urgently against mine in desperation. It hurt like hell, because of my swollen jaw. I had taken painkillers, but they weren't strong enough to fight off this. He couldn't just inflict me with pain once, he had to go and make it worse. But, still I stood my ground I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of actually kissing me properly. He could feel that I wasn't kissing him back so he fought more fiercely with his lips and tried to make me. It was getting excruciatingly painful, I wish I had the strength to fight him off but I just don't. After a few more seconds, he backed off and looked at me with annoyed eyes. I felt relief as the pressure on my jaw ceased, and all I could think about was how I wished I had a cold ice pack right now.

I hadn't felt anything when he kissed me, no chemistry, no heat, no fireworks. All I felt was anger, irritation, and disgust. His lips had been rough and dry; they had felt horrible. They felt nothing like what I imagined Matthew's delicate, alluring lips would feel like upon mine, now that was something I knew I would very much enjoy when the time came. And even if it was when my face was like this I would happily endure the pain for him. I think I would be too consumed by him to even feel any pain and that was saying something considering how swollen my face is right now.

This camping trip has only just started and look what's happened already, I don't know if I can take much more of this. I could go back to camp and ask one of the guys to take me home, but then I would be putting them out or worse they would convince me to stay. I could go off on my own, but I don't know the way. Who cares, anything was better than spending a single second more with him. Maybe that's the anger talking, but right now who am I to argue.

"Ugh you know what I can't take any more of this I am going home."

"But, you don't have a car," he pointed out.

But that didn't matter to me, I'm just so filled with rage I have to get away from him.

"I'll walk."

"Don't be stupid," he complained.

"I'm not."

"We are quite far into the forest; you'll never find your way back."

"I have a compass, so I'll be fine. Pass on my apologies to the others, or rather your apologies since this is all your fault. So much for this being the best experience, I guess Paige can blame you for taking that away from her as she really wanted to make sure she made it a great first time experience for me."

And with those last words I turned around and stormed off further into the forest. On my way, I grabbed my compass out of my bag. If I go North then I know I will be on the right track. It may be a long hike, but I can't go back there, back to Zac. That thought turned my stomach. I held the compass in my hand and barged on through the forest, continuing to go North. I'm not very athletic, so walking for a long time was not something that I could do easily. As well as having two left feet which always seem to cause me to have many accidents. I used the rage I felt towards Zac as motivation, but even that wouldn't last for long when my tablets began to kick in.

I felt like I had been walking for hours and my surroundings didn't change, just more trees, more branches, and more flowers. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a tremendous, loud growl. It was nothing like the one I had heard when I was with Zac. I didn't want to wait around and find out where it came from. I managed to find the feeling in my legs again and powered on through the forest. Another growl came taking me off guard, my leg caught on a log bringing me down to the ground. When I tried to move, the heavy log thumped down on one of my legs. I tried with all my might to get free, but it was no use. I flicked through my bag and found my phone, great typical no cell service. How was I going to get help now? I thought I saw a shadow into the distance, but it disappeared as quickly as I saw it. Was I hallucinating? Something else began to catch my attention, it was coming from the trees in front of me. I could hear thudding footsteps, which didn't sound like they came from a human. A loud growl erupted and I came face to face with a big grizzly bear. I couldn't help but gasp in shock, as far as I know bears are not meant to exist in this small part of the world. I thought at most I would run into here would be some loose cattle. I suppose he could have gotten loose if someone had one otherwise there is no other logical reason for a bear to be here. It was just my luck to get into some form of trouble that was impossible for anyone else to get into. I tried to push back against the shock and confusion that was consuming my every thought. But, it fought hard the only other thing that was stronger was my complete and utter terror. The bear wasn't moving it just stood there looking at me. This is one of those fight or flight moments and right now I am frozen on the spot and I need to make a choice; to fight for my life or to run. And any accident-prone klutz would telly ou right now that running wasn't an option.

I was alone and trapped, I had no chance against a big grizzly. He was going to tear me to shreds and there was nothing I could do about it. He stood there staring at me with an evil glare, his jaw dropped slightly revealing a large set of sharp, yellow teeth. He stretched out his front paws, showing his razor-sharp claws. So, this was it this was how I was going to die? A big grizzles lunch? Even though I knew all help was lost I couldn't help but let out a few last yelps.

"Help. Somebody please help me. Help," I yelled.

It was no use the whole forest was silent except for my yelps and the bears heavy breathing. I had been walking for too long for any of my friends to be able to hear my screams. The one time I should have listened to Zac of all people and I didn't. That choice has led me to this. Between my stubbornness, my anger and my own two left feet, I was bound to meet my own death without any help from the universe. I don't need anyones help to sabotage me or my life I do it all by myself. If this was going to be my end I had to say the words one last time, "Matthew I love you." I slowly leaned down and picked up the largest rock I could find and threw it towards the bear. It turned out to be the worse move I could have made, I only angered it and it began to charge towards me.

I couldn't move so I shut my eyes awaiting the inevitable when I heard a bang. I opened my eyes to find Matthew battling the beast, they were wrestling on the ground in the dirt and the leaves. They tumbled towards me and into the small river that ran through the trees. I let out a scream as the bear took a swipe at him which landed firmly down his chest, he fell backwards and his head missed a rock by a fraction of an inch. I was scared for his life, I couldn't let him die for me better I die than him. I scrambled around on the ground around me through the mud and found a rock. I threw it at the bear, it was enough to draw his attention away from Matthew back to me. The grizzly ran at me again, I closed my eyes waiting for my end. But, it never came. I heard a crash, and when I opened my eyes I found the bear unconscious at my feet. Matthew stood above him still holding the log with blood running down his shirt. Before I could say anything, my vision began to fade I could only see white and then nothing.

I looked down at her unconscious body once again at least this time I know she is alive. I wish she didn't have to see me like that, see me for the monster I am. I may have saved her life, but I could take it just as easily. She seems to be a magnet for danger, but I will protect her I will make it my solemn vow to keep her alive. I can't believe there was a bear here it doesn't make any sense, I don't live in a world of logic but even I can't explain this and that scares me.

I leaned down and stroked her face lightly with my fingertips, such a fragile mortal at the mercy of her own weakness. I love her against all odds and I will love her until the day I die.

I need to get her out of here, I carefully lifted the log off her leg and brought her up into my arms. I gazed down at her face and was forced to stop breathing as I felt her soul call to me so strongly I thought my legs might collapse beneath me. Her soul sings to me like a sirens song, I have never felt a soul like hers before and that's what makes me so dangerous to her. I find it hard enough to refrain from sucking a normal human's soul, but hers is something else and I would like to know what makes her soul so different from all the others.

I awoke to find myself lying on a bundle of cushions, but I knew I was still in the forest when I opened my eyes. There were trees as far as the eye could see, I started to get up when I felt warm hands on my skin. Home was all I could think when I felt his touch, I was always home when he was with me.

"Matthew," I smiled, I could barely feel the pain I was that happy to see him.

"Be safe?" he said to himself. "I should have known that would be impossible for you. Not that it is completely your fault, Zac is definitely to blame," his eyes narrowed down into slits. "Bears haven't roamed these lands in a long time, typically one somehow got here and managed to find you," he uttered.

I could tell that he was just as baffled as I was at seeing a bear here it just didn't make any sense at all.

"Wait Zac?" I asked in a daze.

"Yes. I heard the two of you talking or more to the point I saw him kissing you. I liked what you said though, you sure gave him a beating. I definitely wouldn't like to be on the other end of your wrath," he smirked.

I giggled at that, he probably wouldn't.

"Yeah well, he had no right questioning me and my choices, and he definitely had no right to trick me so that he could kiss me."

"I quite agree."

"Why are we still in the forest?" I asked confused.

"Well you came out here to go camping, so that's exactly what we are going to do. I have a tent and a fire all set up."

"Did you know that I was going to wander off all on my lonesome and end up in danger?" I sighed.

"I didn't know, but I thought it was a possibility," he displayed a pained smirk.

"I see. So, you planned to be the hero and save a damsel in distress," I chuckled.

"I'm no hero."

His eyes were gloriously intense as he uttered that last sentence, his voice smouldering. I couldn't remember how to breath, as realisation hit me about how I had found out who Matthew really was. I could my heart rate quicken as everything came flooding back to me, the truth scared me and part of me wanted to get up and run as fast and as far away as possible. Another part of me knew that it wouldn't make any difference as he would catch me without much effort at all. And I had already proven that an accident-prone klutz running off into the forest on her own wasn't a very good idea. I had to face this, face him. I looked up into his eyes and all my fears seemed to melt away, this is Matthew we are talking about, you love him so what is there to be scared of.

Now that I was with him, I couldn't face telling him what I knew. I just wanted to be with him. Then he looked at me with knowing eyes. "You know, don't you?" he said echoing my thoughts.

"Know what?" I asked innocently.

"My secret," he sighed.

He was very quick, too clever for his own good, I had no choice now we would have to talk about it.


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