It's a Love Story, Baby Just...

By oliviasbaker

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This is the story of Lucas Crawford and Maya Winters. They weren't really friends when they first met each ot... More

How it all Started
Meet the Teacher
The First Few Weeks of School
November: The Month I Found Out
November: I Think She Found Out
Basketball Game #1
Pep Assembly
New Year, New Memories
Let's Have a Party
The Good Ole Days
"Non-official thing?"
What time is it? Summertime!
You Haven't Changed At All
What Happened Next
Goodbye Summer, You Were Great
First Day Back
Best Boyfriend Ever!
Friendship Problems
Best Weekend Ever! Part 1
Best Weekend Ever!...Almost Part 2
Emotional and Wild Day!
Spring Break! Part 1
Spring Break! Part 2
I Miss You.
Chill Day and Date Night
Talk To Me
Dinner With The Family
Stay Out Of My Life
Nine Months?! That's It?!
Time To Dance!
Are You Ready For This?

Let's Go Talk To Them

305 8 1
By oliviasbaker

Maya's POV
I open my eyes and look at the time on my phone. It reads that it's 10:00 and I groan quietly. I look over to the side to see that Lucas is still sleeping and he looks adorable. I turn over and start kissing him all over his face hoping he'll wake up. It takes multiple, multiple kisses for him to start waking up. He has the tiniest smile on his face and then he kisses my lips.
"Good morning hottie" i say fixing his bed head.
"Morning gorgeous" he says rubbing my back softly.
"So what do you wanna do today for our last day of spring break?" I ask him hoping he forgot that we're supposed to go talk to my parents today.
"You thought I forgot didn't you?" He says raising his eyebrows.
"I was hoping" I say scrunching my face up.
"Well i didn't. You're going to talk to your parents at 12, and there's no way you can get out of it so don't even try to baby." he says.
"Ugh! Not even if I kiss you a lot and let you squeeze my butt?" I say trying to seduce him.
"Hmm maybe" he says as his hands find my waist. But instead of him squeezing me, he starts tickling me.
"Lucas--stahpppp" i say laughing hysterically. I manage to make my way out of his arms and run downstairs.
"Get back here baby girl" He says chasing after me.
"You'll have to catch me first" I say running into the backyard. I'm cornered by the pool and I can tell that he thinks that he's got me.
"Well, well, well, where are you gonna go now?" He says smirking. "I got you now"
"You thought!" I say taking off his shirt that I was wearing leaving me in my sports bra and spandex. Lucas looks confused and then I jump into the pool. When I come up from the water he jumps in as well. He swims under me and lifts me out of the water. I laugh and scream at the same time.
"You're the most beautiful girl on this planet" he says which makes me blush.
"You're the sweetest guy in the world" I say biting my lip.
"God don't do that" he says.
"Don't do what?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.
"Bite your lip. You look too hot" he says chuckling which causes me to giggle. I give him a kiss and just wrap my arms around him and hug him for a long time.
"You nervous baby girl?" He asks as he rubs my back.
"Yes, very nervous" I say with my head buried into his neck.
"Why?" He asks pulling away from me.
"What if they make us break up? What if they put me in a mental hospital or some weird shit like that? I can't lose you Lucas, I can't." I say as my eyes start to water.
"You're not going to lose me. I'm going to be right next to you and if they try to break us up or send you to a looney bin, I won't let them. I'll stick up for you"
"What if they say we can't have sleepovers anymore? The only time I can sleep is when I'm next to you" I say panicking.
"They can't stop us from having sleepovers and if they try to, my mom will say that we don't even do anything at our sleepovers because we don't! My mom will stick up for you too baby" he says trying to soothe me.
"I'm just scared" I say letting a few tears shed.
"Don't be baby girl, I got you" he says pulling me in for another hug. This time he carries me out of the pool and wraps a towel around my body. We go inside and eat a few bagels for breakfast.
"Do you wanna take a shower?" He asks me.
"I should but I'm just so lazy." I say groaning
"Come on" he pulls me to the shower and leaves me in the bathroom while he does something else. I take a quick shower because I don't need to wash my hair and then I step out and wrap a towel around myself.
"What should I wear?" I say walking into his room.
"I have no idea. I'm just wearing something casual" he says handing me the lotion.
"Alright, I'm just gonna wear joggers and one of your shirts okay?" I ask him.
"Sounds good to me" He leaves the room as I lotion myself and get dressed.
"Can I come in now?" Lucas knocks at the door.
"Sí" i say. I go into his bathroom and start braiding my hair. I don't feel like wearing any makeup so I don't. I then put on my black high tops and go back to Lucas's room to see if he's ready. He's wearing his sweatpants with a sweatshirt and his vans.
"We look so cute and comfy, I love it!" I say hugging him from the side as we look at ourselves in the mirror.
"You look stunning May" he says
"Eww! I'm not wearing any makeup and you can see my hideous freckles. I look anything but stunning" I giggle
"You always look stunning to me no matter what."
"Alrighty, let's go I guess" I say blushing.
His mom is already in the car so we rush to get going. I don't live far from Lucas, I can actually walk to his house and it'll take me about 10 minutes so the drive it quite short.
When we pull up to my house, I don't get out of the car.
"May, let's go" he says gabbing my hand.
"No" I whine.
"Come on" he says and I shake my head. He ends up lifting me out of the car and putting me on his hip like I'm a baby or something.
"Curse you for being strong." I say trying to frown but I end up smiling
"It's not because I'm strong, it's because you're tiny" he says as he lets me down.
"Everything is going to be okay" he whispers into my ear and then kisses my forehead. My hand intertwines with his as i ring the doorbell. It feels weird to ring the doorbell at my own house. My mom answers it and she looks so happy to see me.
"Maya! Honey it's so great to see you!" She says trying to hug me but i back away slightly. Lucas just squeezes my hand tighter. We go to the living room where my dad is sitting.
"Where's Der?" I ask.
"Amanda took him out. We thought it would be best if he wasn't here" my mom says sitting next to my dad. Lucas and I sit down across from them and Mary sits down next to my mom and Lucas.
"So why are we here?" I ask
"Because you left in a terrible way Maya" my parents say.
"Oh so it's my fault that we're here?" I say
"No, it's mine" my dad says.
"I shouldn't have said those rude things to you and I should be supportive of your relationship. It's just hard because you're sister wasn't having sleepovers with her boyfriend at 14."
"Because she didn't have one!" I say
"Exactly. It's just new to your mom and i that's all. But I do think that the sleepovers need to be cut down to the weekends only" my dad says.
"No" I say.
"No?" My mom repeats
"No. I won't stop having sleepovers with him during the week. I can only sleep when I'm next to him. When I'm not next to him, I cry myself to sleep. I did that for years, I won't go back to doing that" I say grabbing Lucas's hand tighter and he rubs little circles with him thumb on the back of my hand.
"Why didn't you tell us that you were having such issues Maya? That you were depressed?" My mom says.
"Because you guys don't listen! I'm only happy when I'm with Lucas and Derek. They are the two most important people in my life and without them I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you guys right now."
"Well you never spend time with your brother." My dad says. My jaw just drops. I can't believe he just said that to me.
"That's a bunch of crap and you know it. Maya loves that little boy more than anything. She's always trying to spend time with him. The last time she tried to you made her leave. So do not say that she doesn't spend time with him because that would never, ever be true." Lucas says sticking up for me.
"I guess you are right. But the sleepovers, how do we know we can trust you Maya?" My mom asks.
"Well personally, I've never seen these two do anything besides kiss. They're the couple that's been together the longest in their grade, but they are the most innocent couple. No matter what, someone is always home when they're sleeping. Whether it's me, my daughter, or my husband, they're never alone at their sleepovers" Mary says.
"Exactly, so no I will not stop spending the night at his house, and if I choose to come him he will spend the night here." I say.
"I'm sorry Maya" my dad says.
"We're both very sorry honey. We didn't know what was going on and we wish you would talk to us about it." My mom says.
"I've tried! You don't know how many times I've tried to tell you that I was depressed. I tried to say that I was drowning and screaming internally and no one listened. I was so alone before Lucas and I became a thing and started dating. I've never felt better than I do when I'm with him. You can't take that away from me, you just can't do it" I say my voice breaking because I'm now crying. Lucas wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his chest.
"Shh baby it's okay. Everything will be alright" he says stroking my hair.
"I think we need to go" Lucas says.
"Wait. I wanna end this on a good note" I say wiping my tears. I stand up and my parents and Lucas stand up as well.
"I forgive you guys and I will come home, I promise, but it probably won't be for the next few days. I'll go to school with Lucas and come home with him. I'll stop by to see you guys but I just can't be here all the time right now. So if it's okay with Mary and Michael I'd like to stay there for a couple of days."
"It's always okay with us honey" Mary says smiling.
"Okay Maya if that's what needs to happen that's what'll happen. We love you honey" my mom says pulling me and my dad into a hug.
"I love you guys too" I say smiling and giving them kisses on the cheeks.
"Take care of my girl please" my dad says to Lucas and hugs him.
"Will do, sir" Lucas says and hugs him back. When I leave my house I have a smile on my face and so do my parents.
"Bye guys!" They wave to us as we leave. Lucas carries me back to the car and then sets me down.
"So why'd you wanna spend a few days at my house if everything's okay with your fam?" Lucas asks
"Because I love you and I need space. I love them too but if I go back now I feel like things won't be normal. They'll look at me like a fragile doll" I say putting my legs on his in the backseat of the car.
"I see. Well I love that everything's okay and that you're spending a couple days with me." Lucas says smiling at me.
"I want to sleep. I'm so tired" I say
"We'll take a nap when we get home baby" he says stroking my legs.
"I love you sooooooooo much" I say dragging out the so.
"I love you more" he says
"Not possible"
"Very possible" he says winking at me. We then arrive back to his house and he carries me upstairs because ya know I'm lazy.
"I like when you wink at me" I say giggling.
"I love when you giggle" he says putting my down on the bed. I watch Lucas take off his shoes and his sweatshirt and I just stare at his abs.
"It's so hot. Why did i wear a sweatshirt?" He asks laying down next to me.
"I don't know. But would you put on a shirt?" I say laughing as I take my shoes off.
"Nope, I'm good." He says pulling me onto his bare chest.
"You have some nice abs" I say
"So do you. You have little baby abs May"
I laugh and so does he. I lay my head against his chest and I can hear his heartbeat. That's always been a factor for me to sleep is when I can hear the heart beat of whoever is holding me. Then he starts to stroke my hair and trace shapes on my bare back. All the damn things that put me right to sleep.
"Maya?" Lucas asks
"Hmm?" I say half asleep half awake.
"I love you and I'm so happy that you're here with me and I don't know how I would ever live on without my best friend by my side" He says kissing my forehead.
"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I love you so fucking much and I'm glad I'm here too. But right now, I'm really fucking tired so can we please go to sleep?" I say laughing.
"Of course baby. I love you, I'll wake you up in a couple of hours."

A few hours later...
Lucas's POV
"Babe wake the fuck up" I hear Maya say as she's shaking me.
"What?" I groan
"I'm starving" she says
"Go get some food then, let me sleep"
"Ugh fine then!" She says and stomps out of my room. I know that she's probably a little upset at the fact that I just said that to her so I get out of bed and follow her down the stairs. I see that she's looking in the fridge for something to eat. I sneak up behind her and snake my arms around her waist.
"Hi baby girl" I say kissing her cheek
"Oh so now you wanna be nice to me?" She says with a little sass in her tone.
"I wasn't trying to be rude, I'm just really tired" I say chuckling a bit.
"Well yeah I know but I like going to bed and waking up with you" she says pouting.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry May" I say grabbing her hands gently.
"I forgive you" she says smiling once again but then her smile fades and she groans in pain.
"Are you okay?" I ask worried.
"No, I have cramps" she says pouting again.
"Aww, come on let's get food and then we'll lay down on the couch and I'll rub your belly" I say.
"Sounds perfect" she says. "But you don't have any food so can we Postmates something?" She asks.
"Sure what do you want?" I ask
"Chick-fil-a?" She asks
"Ooh yay" I say as i lunch in our orders into the app. We also order Dutch Bros cause that's what Maya is craving.
She's curled up in a little ball when I walk into the living room.
"Why're you laying like that cutie?" I ask chuckling.
"It's the only way my cramps stop hurting when I'm on my period" she says and I cringe at the word period.
"Oh my lord Lucas! You have a mom and a sister who bleed out of their vaginas every month and now you have a girlfriend who does the same thing. You're gonna have to hear that word a lot. Period period period period period" she says repeating the word over an over again.
"Alright i get it Maya" I say sitting down besides her and rubbing her stomach.
"Feel better babe?" I ask
"So much" then the doorbell rings. Even though a couple of seconds ago Maya was writhing in pain, she now jumps up to answer the door because her Dutch is here.
We get the dutch and then Maya jumps up and down happily.
"I love you I love you I love you so so so much" she says kissing my cheek after every word.
"You love your dutch don't you?" I ask her smiling at how cute she is.
"I think I love dutch more than you and that's a lot man" she says laughing but then she jumps on me and wraps her legs around my torso. I use my arms to grab her by her thighs to support her.
"Just kidding. I could never love something more than you" she says. I just smile so widely because I love this girl more than anything in my whole entire world.
"What?" She asks biting her lip trying to hide her smile.
"I love you so much Maya. And I don't think that I could ever stop loving someone like you" I say.
"Why are you so damn romantic?" She asks and then kisses me. It's not a rough kiss it's a slow, passionate, long, lovey kiss and I never want it to end.
"Come on baby girl let's go eat, I know you wanna drink your dutch" I say carrying over to the kitchen.
"You know me so well" she says winking.
We eat our lunch and drink our dutch and for the rest of the day we just chill with my family and we both shower and go to bed early since we have school tomorrow.

AN: hey guys! so just letting you guys know maya will go back home but she wants to stay with lucas just for a little. if so things won't be weird when she goes home. but anyway i hope you guys are enjoying the story don't forget to vote and comment!! :))

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