Divergent Hollywood

By Lauren_is_Divergent

9.9K 299 79

It's me again! With another divergent fanfic!(Movies and other actors are all made up for the most part) I AM... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
new book
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note

Chapter 16

225 6 0
By Lauren_is_Divergent

I roll over, tangled in the blankets. It takes a second for memories of the night before to pour into my mind. A grin creeps across my face.

"Morning beautiful." Tobias says, putting an arm around me. "Morning handsome." I reply, still smiling.

"Should we get dressed? I have a meet and greet at 4, so then we could have the rest of the day before to do, you know, whatever you want." I ask, turning to his face.

"There's a lake around, we could go swim." He suggests. I shrug,"Sure. That works."

I get up first, and grab an extra swimsuit from the closet. They just must be his Moms or something. I go to the shower to wash off. All that's in there is his shampoo, but that's ok, I think it smells nice.

After I get dressed, Tobias and I switch. I check my phone, seeing like 18 messages from Christina. Among them are things like,"Answer your damn phone" and "Nvrmind... take your sweet time" and "We need to talk tomorrow at the meet and greet"

I laugh, I guess Christina knows what happened. Within minutes Tobias is out, dressed in a pair of blue swim trunks. "Well you look hot." I say, giving him a kiss on the cheeks. He smiles, "Though I will never look as good as you." 

I blush,"Come on, loverboy." He grab his phone and some towels, and we head out. It's a short walk to the lake, and it is gorgeous. The water is crystal clear, and I can silver fish swimming in circles. The area around is covered in smooth rocks and lush grass. To top it off, there is a small waterfall near the end. 

"How did you come across this?" I ask, still in awe. "We have had the cabin for a while, and.. my mom... she found it." He explains. 

"Well I am glad she did." We set our phones and towels on a nearby rock, and step into the lowest point of the lake. The water is nice and cool, compared to the humid air surrounding it.  

I can feel the rocks under my feet, and it's rather soothing. For second, it is more calming than anything I could've imagined. That is, until Tobias grabs me and throws me into the middle of the lake. 

I scream for a second before I crash into the water. I look around while I am under, and see the fish swimming away in swarms, the algae covered rocks on the bottom, and the billions of bubbles from around me floating up. It's so gorgeous. Then I remember, I have to get revenge. 

I swim up, and take in a breath of air. "ASSHOLE!" I yell. He is laughing like a child. I start to swim over, forming a plan. Now it seems obvious to me what to do. 

"Hey Tobias, wanna play a game?" I ask. He shrugs,"Sure, as long as it doesn't involve revenge." I laugh,"Fine." I lied. 

"Cover your eyes, I am going to bring you somewhere, and you will have to guess where we are." I explain. He looks at me skeptically,"I guess..." 

I shuts his eyes, and I put my hand over them,"No peeking." I lead him up outside of the water. He stumbles on a branch, and almost falls. I have to keep myself from laughing. 

We make our way up the side of the lake, onto the only stable ground above the waterfall. "I hear water, are we near the falls?" I  uncover his eyes,"Yup!" 

I push him over, and he yells as he crashes into the water. I laugh, cannonballing into the water next to him. I feel his arm against my leg as I float upwards. 

I swim off towards the other sides of the pool while he floats up, red faced and kinda angry. He swims over to me, and grabs my face in his hands,"You. Are." I give him a worried look.  "Hilarious."

I laugh, moving his hands off my face.  "I know you love me" "That is true!" He replies, giving me a kiss. I smile, "You know, you're pretty perfect."

"Oh stop being so sappy," He says, "Lets have fun!"

I swim out to the middle of the lake, and float on my back. It's so peaceful, I love it.


I hug the little girl,"Thanks for coming!" She skips away to her mother. Last picture of the meet and greet.

"Thanks for coming everyone!" I yell out. My words were met with a series of little girl screams... and some guys.

I walk behind the set, letting everyone leave. Christina nudged my shoulder,"So... what happened last night?"

I feel my cheeks blush,"Um... We watched a movie." Christina takes one look at my face, and I see the doubt. "OMG! You had SEX!" She blurts.

I slap my hand over her mouth,"SHUT UP! There are kids here! But.. ya." She squeals,"I knew it!"

I roll my eyes,"Do you really need to know about my sex life?" She laughs,"I'm your best friend. It's part of my job."

I laugh,"I guess."

After the kids leave, and I check with my manager, we head out. Christina picked me up on her way here, so we are in the same car. 

"Chipotle." She demands. I roll my eyes,"Did I ask?" She smiles,"You didn't have to."

I drive out onto the highway, going to the Chipotle downtown. "Lets just grab it and go." I say. I planned on going home afterwards to change. I had the same clothes on from last night.

I give Christina my order and some cash and send her in to go get food. I park up front and text Tobias.

Wassup babe

Sleeping. We didn't get much last night ;)

You are such a boy. But I still love you.

I know. I love you too. But I gtg, I am about to pass out

Love you. Bye 😘

I look into the store, and see Christina grabbing the food. She jogs over to the car. "Let's go home, I want to catch Survivor on TV." 

I laugh,"Sure." I drive out of the parking lot towards my house. She tries to grab the food from the bag. I put one hand over the bag,"No distracting the driver." 

She pouts,"Fiiinnnee. As long as we get there in time for TV" I roll my eyes, and get home as quickly as I can. She runs in as soon as I pull into the garage, while I lock up and close the garage. 

She already has the TV on and her burrito bowl in her lap by the time I am done. "What the hell? Are you the flash or something?"  

She ignores me, absorbed in the TV. I head upstairs, and change into a sweatshirt and leggings. I slide down the banister and go to sit beside Christina on the couch. I grab my food, and dig in.

She doesn't even notice my presence. I decide to act like I dont care, and keep eating. I see her get up and toss her trash out, but her eyes are still glued to the screen. 

Let's just say, the rest of the night was filled with girl movies and tears.

Sorry for such an abrupt end, I couldn't find a smooth way to end it. Hope you like!

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