Konoha Chronicles: Days of fu...

By WonderGirl320

1.1K 121 11

A story about love,hope,trials,tribulations and fighting to make your dreams reality. Based on the anime/mang... More

Part 1: In the midsts of battle
Part 2 The hope in the hopeless
Part 3:The Hero in the Hold
Part 4:The light in the dark
Part 5: Perfect Pieces
Part 6: Love under the stars
Part 7:Hearts in danger
Part 8:Dan's student
Part 9:Dan vs Tsunade
Part 10:Orochimaru friend or foe?
Part 11:The Woman in White (part 1)
Part 12:The Woman in White (part 2)
Part 13:Tsunade's heartache
Part 14:The Fourth Hokage
Part 16:The Nine Tails Attack!
Part 17:Heritage
Part 18: The mission
Part 19: The Fifth Hokage
Part 20: Tsunade's first few days as Hokage.
Part 21: Vanishing Nin
Part 22: a Fair Trade
Part 23: The Terrible Truth
Part 24: Sensible senses
Part 25: The Great escape

Part 15:The continuation of the Senju clan

43 4 0
By WonderGirl320

Eight and a half months later ...

By now Tsunade is heavily pregnant and the pregnancy was taking its toll on her. Back ache was the number one problem but over all she was happy.

The wind has been blowing on and off the entire morning in The Hidden Leaf. Dan and Tsunade had just finished breakfast. They both sit in the warmth of the morning sun on the porch.

"Any ideas on a name?" Dan asks smiling

"That's right we haven't even put much thought into naming the baby," Tsunade chuckles.

"I guess we will know when the time is right,perhaps when the baby is born?" He smiles.

"I think so too. We don't even know the gender," she touches her stomach.

"I remember. We agreed that we didn't want to know and that you,with your medical skills,would promise to not reveal it," he looks at her.

Suddenly Kakashi appears in front of them,"sorry to disturb but Lord Fourth summons you."

Dan nods. He gets up and puts on his shoes. Before leaving he greets his wife with a broad smile walking off with his hands in his pockets.

            2 hours later ...

Dan makes his way home with a heavy heart. Taking off his shoes with a deep sigh. He slowly makes his way to the door reluctantly opening it.

He walks into the house to find that Tsunade isn't in the living room or the kitchen. He grudgingly makes his way up stairs to their bedroom.


"But Lord Fourth my child is due in the next two weeks!?"

"I know and I'm sorry,Dan."

"It will take me a week to travel to the Village Hidden in the Mist and a week back," Dan protests.

"I'm sorry Dan. I know it's important;very important. But that scroll belongs to us and if it falls into the wrong hands ..."

"Can't you send someone else just this once?" He pleads.

"Unfortunately not. I'm afraid most of our top Jonin and Chuunin are out on missions. You are the,last,best Jonin we have that I trust."

"I understand Sir," he answered bitter.

He walked out of the office. A heavy feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. How will I tell Tsunade? She will be heartbroken. Devastated.

He sat down on a bench with his head held low. For about two hours he sat there. He begrudgingly gets up and walks home.

~end of flashback~

He,quietly,opens the door to their room to find Tsunade on the bed,fast,asleep. Dan quietly walks over and gets onto the bed. He stares at Tsunade a slight smile appearing on her face.

"What took you so long?" Tsunade asks eyes closed.

"You won't like my answer," he sighs.

"What's wrong?" She opens her eyes.

"I've to go on a mission to The Hidden Mist Village to retrieve a scroll," he explains.

"But,"she turns onto her back.

"I know it's two weeks in total to get there and back," he grits his teeth.

Tsunade can see the pain in his eyes. He avoids all eye contact with her looking down. She knows that this is a difficult situation for him being loving and caring as is.

He moves closer;gently rubbing her stomach with both hands. Tsunade pulls up her shirt revealing her bare,over sized,stomach.

She takes his hand and moves it to the lower side of her stomach. Tsunade applies a little pressure on his fingers.

"I feel movement," his face lights up.

He places his head on her stomach;listening. A gentle kick touches his cheek.

"I promise I won't miss your birth. I will be here," he kisses her stomach.

Tsunade fiddles with his hair smiling and listening to him talk to their unborn baby. He pulls down Tsunade's shirt and cuddles up next to her.

The following day ...

Early morning Dan leaves for his mission. Going with him is none other than the copy ninja himself;Kakashi. They make their departure to The Village Hidden in the Mist.

Tsunade waves them off before returning home. For the next couple of hours Dan and Kakashi travel on the dirt road that leads to the border. Passing many inns,gamble houses and resorts along the way.

A few hours later ...

"Kakashi there has to be a faster way to the Hidden Mist?"

"Well,Lord Fourth specifically told us to travel on this road."

"I know but I need to find a faster way there."

"But Captain," Kakashi begins.

"I can't miss the birth of my child but I won't put our mission in jeopardy either or our lives," Dan explains.

They pass a hots prings resort when Dan decides to stop and ask for a faster route. The owner of the resort pulls out a map and points out three routes that are shorter than the one they are traveling on.

"Good luck," the old man hands them the map.

"Much obliged."

They both decide to take the second route. It's faster and safer. The route spares them a day's traveling. Dan is willing to take that odds and get back home a day before his baby is born.

6 days later ...

They arrive in The Hidden Mist. They are welcomed by two Hidden Mist Jonin who hands them the scroll. They explain how the scroll came to be in their possession. Before long Dan and Kakashi start to travel back.

5 days later ...

With only one day to go they reach the mountain pass near the Fire Nation's border. The mountain is split into a canyon.

A broad river runs about 200 feet below them. Unfortunately they are forced to walk on the skim ledge on the right side of the split.

Suddenly rocks start falling from above them. They flatten themselves against the mountain. Suddenly two shinobi appear;one in front of Dan the other behind Kakashi.

"Give us the scroll!" The one demands taking out his sword.

"I don't think so," Dan takes out a kunai.

The unknown shinobi strikes. Dan evades his attack blocking his sword with his kunai. The other one strikes at Kakashi but misses. The slim ledge underneath their feet begin to crumble.


"Yes,I know!"

The two shinobi strike again but Dan and Kakashi manage to evade their attacks. Unexpectedly a third shinobi appears. Using chakra he stands horizontally against the mountain.

"We'll ask this once more,give us the scroll!"

He starts kicking loose rocks at them. Dan blocks another swing of his enemy's sword but a rock hits him on the shoulder. He nearly loses his balance.

Kakashi manages to fight off his opponent but he is caught off guard by a falling rock. He slips but before he could fall Dan grabs his hand.

The third shinobi suddenly strikes. But he miss calculates his attack and gets thrown off by Kakashi. The last shinobi holds his ground now wielding two swords.

But before he could strike the entire side of the mountain explode. Sending pieces of rock flying everywhere. Dan and Kakashi plumet into the river below. They both struggle to keep their heads above water because of the strong current.

A few minutes later ...

They wash up onto the shore. Both unconscious. Luckily the scroll in its casing is still tightly secured to Kakashi's back.

Some hours later ...

Kakashi is the first to wake up. He sluggishly opens his eyes getting to his feet. His clothes are torn and his leg bruised. He wakes up Dan. Dan struggles to his feet coughing. He also has a fair amount of cuts and bruises.

"There is still time. We can still make it," Dan stumbles to his feet.

"Your arm," Kakashi points out.

"I'll be fine. We are at the border now let's go."

They sprint off jumping from tree to tree. Please Tsunade I'm on my way. Dan holds his hand over the injury on his arm.

The sky is turning orange in color as the sun prepares to set. They continue forward. Dan suddenly stops.

"We are in the Fire Nation. I'll go on ahead as fast as I can. Will you be able to handle things from here,Kakashi?"

"Yes Sir. Go ahead and rush to Lady Tsunade's side," Kakashi seems to be smiling underneath his mask.

Dan jumps forward. He propels himself forward in the direction of the Hidden Leaf as fast as he can. His mind is so fixed on Tsunade and his baby he forgets about his arm.

A few hours later ...
Nightfall ...

The exhausted Dan arrives to an empty home. He immediately,using the last of his strength,rushes to the hospital. Bursting through the doors he calls for Tsunade.

A doctor points him to the Labour Unit. He rushes into the room startling everybody.

"Did I miss it!?" He asks breathless.

"Dan!" Tsunade's face lights up.

He walks over taking her hand. Tsunade is breathing rapidly. She grits her teeth as the contractions gets worse. Each one stinging with more pain.

"Alright Tsunade,just a little while longer and you'll be able to push," the doctor puts on his gloves.

"What happened to you?" She groans.

"I'll fill in the detail later. You just concentrate on delivering the baby," he holds her hand tighter.

"Alright Tsunade,you are fully dilated. Are you ready to push?"

She nods gripping Dan's hand tighter. The doctor tells Tsunade to hold her breath. He will count to ten while she pushes.


Count after count. Push after push. The sweat drips down her face. Her groaning became harder. The grip on his hand tightened with every push. Tsunade's breathing becomes more rapid.

2 hours later ...


Tsunade let's out a bone chilling scream. She pushes as hard as she can. Bending forward nearly crushing Dan's hand. Luckily letting go just in time. She grabs the side railings of the bed crushing them.

For a moment everything was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Heartbeats slowed down. Time its self comes to a stand still. Dan pales.

Until the loud crying of a baby brakes the silence.

"Congratulations,it's a healthy baby girl," the doctor clips the umbilical cord.

A nurse wraps the baby in a blanket gently placing her on Tsunade's chest. In between all the chaos of pushing;both her pony tails went loose.

She smiles,tears running down her cheeks,kissing her new born on the cheek. Dan moves her,damp,bangs out of the way smiling.

"She's beautiful," he kisses Tsunade.

Even he feels all chocked up. He suddenly felt the joy of being a father. His life suddenly became more perfect. Overjoyed.

"All done. We'll leave you two alone now," the doctor and nurses all leave.

"What are we going to name her?" Dan smiles proud.

"How about Akira?" Tsunade looks up at Dan.

"It means bright right? Well I love it because she certainly has brighten up our lives," he smiles.

Akira has a tuft of light blonde hair just like Tsunade but has her father's blue green eyes. Complete with rosy pink cheeks.

"Here," Tsunade hands the now sleeping Akira to her father.

He gently takes her cradling her in his arms. Dan groans a bit but manages to swallow the pain.

"She looks like you," he points out.

"It's hard to tell," Tsunade chuckles.

"I think she does."

"What happened to you?" Tsunade asks worried,"I can see you are in pain."

It takes him nearly fifteen minutes to explain the entire story. By the time he had finished Tsunade is fast asleep. Exhausted from childbirth he doesn't blame her.

"You truly are amazing Tsunade."

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