Unpredictable Love

By DanielatheGarcia

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I don't know if I got myself in a dangerous situation or if this choice was a success. I do know that the goo... More

The Beginning :Chapter 1
Mission Accomplished :Chapter 2
Playing Your Game :Chapter 3
Confused :Chapter 4
Forgive and Forget :Chapter 5
Steven's Reality Dreamland :Chapter 6
Giving Up :Chapter 7
Starting New :Chapter 8
Class slacker :Chapter 9
The Ransom For The Princess :Chapter 10
Critically Lost :Chapter 11
Sexy Lifeguard :Chapter 12
Ignoring Instructions :Chapter 13
Why Is It So Hard To Stay Positive :Chapter 14
My Hero In Navy Blue :Chapter 15
A New Era :Chapter 17
Coming together like a Combustion :Chapter 18
Let Me Be Your Last Love :Chapter 19
Fighting venom with venom :Chapter 20
Toxic Tears :Chapter 21
Drifting Away :Chapter 22

A Night To Remember :Chapter 16

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By DanielatheGarcia

Watching Steven drive off, the cop walked around the front of the police car. Opening my door for me to get in, striding over to his side of the car. "What's your name?" I smiled waiting for a response.
"Jadiel" his name vibrated throughout his throat, "I'm Ava" I introduced smiling. He smiled still looking away as the red light turned green, "So do you get threatened frequently?"
Laughing, "Yes it was fun the first time I can't lie, still remember it like if it had just happened yesterday" I joked along staring at him, as the sunsets' colors poured on my face ;creating a vibrant glow in my eyes. His hands on the steering wheel ,the window pulled down a little letting the warm humid air flow through. I observed him each time I'd take a glance over at him, viewing his luscious curly brown hair shine ,his cheek bones and jaw structure so well built. Trying to not stare so much, "Ugh such a cute cop" I thought to myself. "So what do you like?" I asked trying to kill the silence that surrounded us, "As in?" Jadiel glanced over at me. "Just stuff you like, what else?" I giggled ,he smiled and began to give me an autobiography of himself.
Later arriving at the police station after a few minutes ,patiently but anxiously waiting for that guy to come in. Taking a few sips of my coffee trying to calm down, when he happened to walk in. Wide eyed ,jaw dropped totally surprised to who it was. "Manuel?" I reassured still thrown off ,Manuel took steps forward getting closer to me. My head was asking me so many questions, staring at him with scrutiny, once again standing there in front of him after many years of being far apart. Nothing too shocking of being dumbfounded with my reaction ,just weird to have saw him, here and what his job is. Then he began to speak, "It's funny how a couple minutes ago we were together.
He pulled out the seat sitting himself down, " Hi Ava." "Manuel I'm sorry..." I cried out, staring into his eyes that reflected the light from above. "I didn't mean to do what I did ,but I'm in trouble for not doing it. I know Rico told or will tell somehow one way or another...For sure" ,Manuel included placing my hand on the table, feeling the heat rise from the nervousness ,"But why?" My eyebrows close to touching wrinkled, "I'll tell you one day, but not here" trying to put the pieces together ,"Why did you get into all of this?"
"But you have to know it was for my reason nobody else's even if it wasn't smart." Sturdily and,apprehensive keeping his tone placid.
"First of all how did you find me?" I let my curiosity get to me, "After you lost the other guys they called me in to search the car licence plate and tracked y'all at that one guy's house so they took care of him and told me to go to your place, but I didn't even comprehend or imagine that it'd be you" ,He confessed. I remained quiet staring at one of the corners of the table. Lost in thought ,I could see Manuel from the top corner of my eye he was staring at me a look with the perfect definition of dismay along as me. I who was incensed to the news ,just re capturing the moments of that incident.
"Can you tell me about the crew tho?" I desperately asked, "No! My life is on the line"; Manuel said agitated. " But Manuel I can get you out trust me!" I persistently pleaded, "When you get out do you want me to?" I suggested
"No thanks I got it" Manuel resentfully declined my offer. That's when time was up for us to talk ,they took him in and I had to leave. I was holding onto my coffee cup the warmness had gone away. Before I could look up Jadiel approached me, "So did you get what you wanted or desired?" Jadiel joked ,"No he'll get killed if he speaks. He wants to get out of that group now, but it's too late I assume" I concluded as I sipped silence in-between my words. Jadiel changed his face expression he seemed frozen. His astounded face made me confused more than before.
Breaking the silence, "Thank you so much for what you did for me" I appreciated that he went out of his boundaries to help. "No problem" observing the police station everyone just kept on with their job, making it a little serene but not completely or otherwise it'd be a library. "I'll see you around cutie" I called out as I was making my way to the exit. I peeked back ,Jadiel remained stationary with an adorable grin as he laughed.
Driving over to Elijah's place once again aggressively cursing, "Did this bitch seriously not tell me? I hope his ass is getting tied up... Gets beat like his morals" I clutched my jaw pressing down on the gas pedal as if it'd go any faster the harder I pressed down. Stomping up the creaky dark washed out grey wooden steps. Standing on the porch punching the door with my fist banging, "He better be home" I hissed as a piece of hair fell onto my face. "If he opens up the door and he's not being strangle-" I stopped viewing Elijah's face pop out from behind the door. My aggression wanted to race out from my fists, "Hey. Oh my Ava!" Elijah seemed surprised ,only giving me the suspension that he knew something that I didn't or at least I already knew. I propped myself up getting closer and closer to his face. "Why didn't you tell me that they were going to come after me?!" I yelled not caring if the neighbors or whoever else was inside the house heard. Now completely staring into his eyes seeing my reflection, his eyes gave away his fear of confusion. "Because they held me hostage" ,Elijah explained his voice cracking. "You didn't even call" ,I backed away walking back to the car. "Wait! Ava!" Elijah called after me as he tried catching up. "No fuck you!" I shouted echoing throughout the neighborhood ;lifting up my gleam of joy which was my middle finger up at him. Driving off around the corner stopping to make a quick call, I dialed and waited for the ringing to stop. "Steven answer" ,I impatiently called ,"Hello" Steven called out. "Hey Steven" ,I answered ,"What's up Ava?" "Do you want me to come over?" I asked reassuring his invite from earlier. "You ready?" ,He confirmed ,"Yeah."
There was some pause ,"How'd it go?" I then replied, "Not so good but not bad either" ,I complicated ;"Oh I'll change that", Steven enlightened. I smiled ,"I'll pick you up" he said. I immediately drove back over to my place waiting in my car.

After a few minutes since Steven called he arrived. "Hey" ,I jumped in Steven mimicked my smile. "Hey" ,he chuckled ,"Where would you like to eat? Bob's on deck filet or ticket to food or otherwise" ,Steven gave me options. "Ticket to food" I replied since I've heard that it's a good place and especially from Steven.
Feeling the retro vibe from driving in the dark as the sun was almost fully in. The different luminous neon lights shinning down on us, people walking around; music playing and most importantly being next to someone who cares about me. I sat back in my seat feeling comfortable ,"So what have you done lately?", I asked glancing over to Steven. "Just went to work out for a bit since I haven't gone. Then went home then you came to me." ,He joked keeping his beautiful colored eyes on me. 

Arriving at the fancy but not too fancy beautiful place, it was a place that by the looks of it wasn't fancy fancy like olives in the salad garden but you knew it was expensive. Had cute souvenirs ,we sat at a booth next to some people in front and behind us. "What does the Ava want?" ,Steven poked his eyes from above his menu. "Hmm, what are you getting?" ,I hummed pulling the menu out from in front of me. "The lobster with shrimp" ,"I've never tasted lobster" ,I informed. "But I guess I can go for sea food, what does it come with?", I added. " Some sides including sauce ,lemons, and a little cup of cocktail like a sample" ,Steven informed me.
Waiting for our food to get ordered and placed. "I've been up to a few things, I switched to Z's job for a bit since your dad's was lacking", I lied. "But this one was dry" ,I lied again; "It's more risky?", Steven questioned. " Yes", "So I've heard" ,Steven puckered his lips and pinched them looking away appearing determined. "So Ava..." ,Steven stopped  "Tell me", I pressured. " How's everything going with you?"
"It's here and there really depends if I had to give you an honest point of view" ,I implied. Steven remained quiet fiddling around with the napkins and placing some for me and him. "I'm glad that you are safe you couldn't imagine how I felt when you weren't replying and how many things went through my mind after I heard that guy whispering those things to you", Steven now kept his gaze on me. " Aww Steven I was scared more than scared and more than terrified, at that moment I then realized what I had got myself into. Even if that fear had faded." ,I said as the waitress arrived placing our plates ,silverware and other extras down onto the table. "Do you plan in traveling this year?" ,I asked ;"I don't know yet I want to ,but I don't want to go alone ;maybe I'll go from a job or organization." I could smell our steamed lobsters which only made me feel sad since it was killed for us. "That's good maybe some cold place like Oregon or New York." ,I suggested. 
As we were walking out keeping our conversation going keeping our eyes on each other. "Well thanks for taking me out" ,I grinned ,"Anytime I love spending time with you. I still want to go bowling" ,Steven implied. Making me confused I laughed ,"What?But it's late!" ,I emphasized pointing out the obvious. The fresh air from outside brushing up against my skin ,making my hair flow ,making it a little difficult to keep my contact with Steven. "But I still want to go. Oh but if it's late I'll take you home" ,Steven said as we stopped in our tracks ,now viewing each other directly. "But I guess I won't go..." ,Steven whined. Still looking up at him, "Fine I'll go", I accepted his offer laughing. Steven drew a smile on his face grabbing my wrist pulling me over to the car hollering.
Stepping inside the bowling alley ,walking towards the clerk. I patiently waited behind Steven as he ordered our bowling shoes for us. "Can I get 2 pairs of 9's and 2 pairs of 10's?" ,the clerk replied," Yes that'll be 12.50." After a couple of minutes of setting up our area we began. I had gone first, "I hope I make a strike after this" ,I said holding the ball up to my chest. I had made a goal and was hoping to make another. "If you win well you decide but if I win I get to take you out again and it'll be a 24 hour date for us." ,Steven gleamed.

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