♡ Eternal Bond ♡ {EreRi | RiR...

By GGAsuka

311K 13.5K 7.8K

"I want to see the more to this world... because I was born into it!" A single desire and dream that coursed... More

Chapter 01: Bad Day, Meeting Again?
Chapter 02: Hey Neighbor!
Chapter 03: Getting Closer - Acquaintances and Nothing More?
Chapter 04: Truth
Chapter 05: You Work For Me Now
Chapter 06: Danger Lurks
Chapter 07: Eren?!
Chapter 08: I'll Protect You, I'll Save You
Chapter 09: Help
Chapter 10: Everything Will Be Okay
Chapter 11: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 12: Hope
Chapter 13: A Past We Shared
Chapter 14: Together We Are One
Chapter 15: You're Okay
Chapter 16: Recovery
Chapter 17: Back To Work!
Chapter 18: A Peace That Slips Again
Chapter 19: We're In This Together
Chapter 20: The Plan
Chapter 21: Death
Chapter 22: According To Plan?
Chapter 23: I Love You
Chapter 24: Our Last Goodbye
Thank You!

Bonus Chapter 1 - Valentines With You

14.4K 623 377
By GGAsuka

The moment Eren opened his eyes that day, the thought of Valentines popped up in his head; it was Valentine’s Day! He had been anticipating this day for many, many weeks since for the first time; he would be celebrating it with someone he cared for! And that someone was Levi too! This would be one of the best days ever.

Hopping out of bed and rushing to get ready as quick as he could, he decided to surprise Levi that day. It was the weekend anyway, so he guessed Levi was probably somewhere in the living room if not still in bed beside him. His eyes caught sight of the red box he had hidden quite well in the room as he was brushing his hair. He grinned and put down the brush, remembering how hard it was to decide what to get for Levi. He spent a rather long time to prepare that little treat.

Looking over the room one last time, he picked up the box and quickly went out of the room he shared with Levi. He took steady steps toward the living room to make sure that Levi wouldn’t hear him yet. Slow and steady.

“Levi!” he called excitedly, trudging into the living room.

“Levi, I—“

He was met with no one.

That’s weird, he thought, where was Levi on a Saturday? Keeping his gift behind his back, he made a move to the kitchen to find Levi; nothing. He passed the toilet downstairs; also nothing. Upstairs was already empty when Eren came down.

He sighed sadly and slumped down onto the couch after no sign of Levi was found anywhere in the apartment. When he turned his head to the side, a slip of paper caught the corner of his eye. He turned toward the coffee table and picked it up to examine it closer…


I got called in today. There was a last minute entry of goods for the company. I need to be at work today to settle it. I’m sure you know what to do around the apartment by yourself.


Eren’s jaw dropped- that’s it?! Nothing else to say to him?

He sighed again and threw himself back onto the couch. This was slightly disappointing to find out… There went his plans to spend the day lazing around with Levi. He would have to wait… 6-8 hours till Levi got home, and he’d be alone….

His hand pulled out the box again and he lifted it up to study it closer. It still looked perfect and neatly wrapped.

An idea flashed in his mind and he turned to look around at the apartment. Levi had been pretty busy lately at work and he sometimes didn’t have the time to clean properly. Even if he still cleaned it daily, the dirt would still find a way back. Eren remembered that Levi hadn’t cleaned it yet yesterday because he got too tired after finishing a ton of assignments at work; and everybody knows how Levi likes things to be spotlessly clean.

He jumped up and off of the couch. Keeping the present neatly on the table, he picked up the cloth he always used as a mask and wore it over his face. Putting on some gloves and bringing out the mop and broom, Eren got ready to clean the apartment. He had plenty of time to make it shine for Levi. It would make as a great gift!

“Okay! I’m gonna get to cleaning immediately!” he ushered to himself and headed upstairs to start.



The sound of the door unlocking was soft and just barely audible as it was pushed open slowly by Levi. Levi’s eyes peered into the apartment carefully to search for Eren. When there was no sign of said teen, he stepped in.

There was a short pause in his steps. The floor seemed different somehow that day… it felt so smooth and just… spotless. He glanced down and noticed that it did in fact have a tint of shine to it. He raised a questioning eyebrow and closed the door behind him as he walked into the apartment.

In his hands: a bouquet of red roses and a velvety box of chocolate.

“Eren?” he called softly, taking a look around the living room. Still no sign of the teen…


Levi turned around when he heard some rustling. His face softened and a small smile almost tugged at the end of his lips when he saw the mop rested beside him on the wall. He walked over to the teen lying down on the couch and fast asleep. Eren’s soft brown locks splayed over his face gently. Levi reached down a hand and brushed a few straying strands out of his face.

Something red got his attention. He turned his head again; the treat Eren had prepared stood on the table, still untouched.


“Mmmh…” Eren yawned as his eyes opened. He sat up slowly, stretching his limbs a little and blinked at the clock a few times.


He shot straight up immediately; it had gotten so late?! Was Levi home already?!

In the middle of his panicked façade, he gasped suddenly when he tried to get up; his legs touched something soft and smooth. His eyes swept down and caught sight of the trail of rose petals leading up the stairs.

Levi really was home…

In a blur, he followed the trail up, seeing that it led to their bedroom. Slowly, he stepped up and pushed open the door.

A bright blush crossed his face as a strong scent of flowers hit him. On the bed, Levi sat with petals lined in the shape of a heart on the floor below him. His hand held out to Eren while the other was holding the bouquet. The box of chocolates was opened and displayed nicely on the bed. There was a single chocolate between Levi’s lips along with a barely noticeable smirk.

Eren stared at the scene in awe for a while. His legs brought him over to Levi before he could properly process the situation himself.

Immediately as he was close enough, Levi’s extended hand wound behind his neck and pulled him down.

Lips mashed together, Eren flailed slightly in the beginning at the suddenness… but soon melted into the kiss as he tasted the sweet chocolate amongst their kiss. He could feel his heartbeat speed up when Levi’s tongue pushed into his mouth. Levi wound his other hand around Eren and pulled him closer. The thumping of their hearts felt so loud and fast, even Levi’s….



“It’s such a sunny day out today…” Eren sighed while looking at the clear sky above him.

He was standing by a few stalls in Trost, out for a short rounding with Levi. Levi had told him to wait there for some reason so he had no choice but to do as he was told. The sound of the people buying and selling from one another filled his ears. His eyes were still admiring the bright rays of the sun.

“Ah….! Have you heard that today is called the day for lovers?” Eren’s ears perked up at the sound of a few girls gossiping to one another as they walked past him.

“Yeah! It’s so romantic right? I’m going to give this to my boyfriend!” the other one supported.

A day for lovers? Eren could hear a question pop up in his head. He’d never heard of something like that before; was it a new trend or something? And they give gifts to one another on this day? Maybe he should get something—

“Oi, Eren!” Eren jumped a little when he realized Levi’s questioning stare on him.

“I called you twice.” Levi said monotonously.

“S-Sorry, Levi-heichou.” Eren apologized. “I just got caught up in something in my head.”

“Oh?” Levi’s eyes showed slight interest.

“I heard some girls saying that this was a day for lovers…?” he trailed off.

Levi’s hand took hold of his own as he pulled Eren away from the crowd in Trost until they found themselves in a silent alleyway.

“L-Levi-heichou?” Eren stuttered a little in surprise. “What—“

He gasped when something sugary and sweet was pushed into his mouth. His eyes looked down; chocolate?! Eren took a few bites and swallowed it before gawking at Levi.

“Levi-heichou! Cocoa beans are something very expensive right now, right?! Why—“

“Shut up.” Levi grumbled, turning his back to Eren. “I’ve heard about this “Lover’s Day” too. I decided to get this for you.”

The last part of the sentence was barely audible, but Eren heard it fine. His face heated up crimson and a happy grin plastered onto his face. He looked at Levi and inched closer.

“Thank you, Levi-heichou! It’s really nice! That’s the first time I tasted chocolate…” Eren said with soft eyes.

“Tch, it’s nothing, you brat. Getting excited over a treat like that—“

Levi actually got cut off on his sentence when Eren pulled him in for a kiss. Somehow he had taken the chocolates and placed another piece of it between his lips; Levi could taste it slowly melting in their kiss.

“Thank you, heichou!” Eren grinned again after pulling apart.

Soft petals of roses slowly drifted down onto them- just as Levi was going to retort something. The both of them shared a look and turned their gaze upwards.

“Oops!” they heard Hanji’s mischievous chuckle from where she hid behind a part of the alley’s walls. Immediately, her laughter followed along with the sound of her retreating footsteps.

Levi ground his teeth together in annoyance.

“That shitty four-eyes…” he muttered under his breath.

“Levi-heichou,” Eren called, causing the male to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

“How was the chocolate? It was nice to taste right?” Eren laughed, licking his lips to get some of the remaining taste off his lips.

Maybe it was just the sunlight, but Eren could swear he saw a hint of red on Levi’s face.

“Tch… You brat…” Levi grumbled again.

A short laugh left Eren’s lips again. He started walking ahead- the chocolates in hand, “Let’s go then, heichou!”

Levi gazed up at him and called:



“I love you…”


[Author's Note: OMGGGGG It's finally out!!! I am so sorry to all of you who were waiting loooong for this! I got packed with school these two weeks and something's wrong with my Wattpad! I can't post stories continuously or at all sometimes for some reason! I managed to get this bonus chapter posted first! I'll try my best to fix it up and post the other two chapters you've been waiting for! Thank you for being so patient with me! I'll make sure to update regularly again! Here's the long awaited Valentines chapter! 

Yeah, in this chapter, it gives the perspective of both the past and the present of their Valentines together~ You can see some personality differences! X3 That's cause I wanna let everyone enjoy this chapter! Whether you prefer Eren or Levi on top, this chapter is for ya! I guess you could call the perspective of the past like a flashback XDDD The last line is said by the both of them at the same time <3 I hope you enjoyed this! Vote it up and maybe leave a comment if you did~? >w< And yes, I will post the other two chapters as immediate as I can TT^TT Trust me! And the next updates won't ever be late again!]

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