Rising Power (#1 of the Canto...

Da FanyPi

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*** Completed but in heavy editing process*** Humanity has been existing for 250 years in the stranded Canton... Altro

Canton's Map!
Edward's Story (Prologue I)
The Last Memory of the First Leader (Prologue II)
Dreams Connected - Valentine
Dreams Connected-John
The Party
The First Night
New Friends
Old Enemies
A Test of Fears (I)
A Test Of Fears (II)
The Ties That Bind
The Bully and the Hero
The Broken Man
The Forbidden Scheme
A Hero's Night Out
The Chase
The Past
The Present
The Choice
The Unexpected Revelation
The Final Exam
Falling into the Trap
Fates Collide
A Most Fateful Meeting
A Slip of Mind/Redemption
Face Off
The Plan


130 22 50
Da FanyPi

Harmony Village – 18th October, 200 A.D

One... slash, two... slash, three... slash, four...slash, five...

The throwing and slashing went on and on, until Val lost count. She was tired from all the training. She was tired of slashing balls in half. She was tired of him.

Her concentration faded for an instant and she missed the ball number 35. Or maybe 36. She wasn't sure anymore. And she didn't care.

"Again" said Henry, sternly.

He was covered in sweat, and only wore a t-shirt and a pair of gym pants, his ripped body a sight for sore eyes.

You are so fucking attractive, White. If only you weren't such a damn perfectionist.

"Henry, I've cut a trillion balls in half. I can't do this anymore. I am tired. And seriously now, who is even going to try to hit me with practice balls?"

Henry faced her, nothing but strain and disappointment in his face.

"This is not about the ball, Valentine, this is about you taking our training seriously. About controlling your mental focus. And yeah, sometimes the enemy hits you with the most unexpected weapon imaginable."

He threw a ball at her, trying to catch her off guard.

You can't surprise me anymore.

She raised her hand and send a small energy wave to the ball. It exploded into million pieces.

"That's not the point of the exercise..."

"Well, I suppose you are right, war veteran", Val interrupted.

"Now, tell me, in how many wars have you fought? No, wars are a little too much. Tell me, how many actual enemies have you fought?"

"The basic principles are the same, war or no war."

Val sighted.

"This is pointless. There is no reasoning with you, Henry, is there? I have reached the highest level possible, just about a week ago. From then on, it's just the same shit every single day. But you still keep me here so I can train more. It's almost like you don't want us to leave this place."

"Us?" Henry said, his voice a low growl.

"Who said about a thing about us?"

Val took a step backwards, instinctively.

"Well, I do. You don't want to spend the rest of your life in a village farm right? Not with your skills. I know, I know... You had problems. We never talk about them, but it's obvious. So did we all at some point. But you can't stay here forever. You are a Negator, and a great teacher, although a pain in the ass sometimes. I think it's about time..."

"I am not going anywhere."

"Henry, you've been here way too long."

"THAT'S NOT FOR YOU TO DECIDE", he shouted, completely outraged.

"There is no US. You know nothing about me, nothing. You think because we spend our nights talking, we've suddenly become friends? You think the problems disappear magically, just like that. You are just a kid."

"I think I'm done with today's practice."

Henry's face mellowed at once.

"I'm sorry..." he started, but it was already too late.

Val turned around and walked outside the barn doors. Instead of going inside the house however, he walked the full perimeter of it, reaching its back side. The one which faced the desert.

With her mind's eye, Val saw Aurelia's cavern. Facing towards its direction, she felt ten times stronger. She flared up, her blue aura circling every part of her body, and started practicing a few fighting moves, ones she learned from Henry White.

In a normal day, her routine would have been enough to calm her down. But Val just felt enraged. There had been a lot of times where she'd disagree with Henry, about Powers, Deities, politics, everything. But he'd never leashed out against her like today.

I've hit the nail's head today, that's why. The root of his problems.

The two of them had come to a strange agreement, living under the same roof, a weird partnership by a single thirty-year old man and a twenty-year old girl.

The fact that he was a Negator and she the most powerful medium of all times didn't affect their every day life. Henry cooked, Val washed the dishes. Henry cut down the wood, Val cleaned the house. They trained, then watched TV. And then, they talked.

Sometimes they would discuss all night, sitting opposite one other, passionately agreeing or disagreeing. Val was actually surprised to find out that Henry had a real sense of humour, with lots of ironic undertones.

Despite their arguments, they always ended up talking again. Because they had a purpose. Or as it turned out, Val had a purpose.

No matter how funny or thoughtful her new teacher, no matter how handsome his face was when he laughed, Val wanted her friends. She couldn't imagine how worried they'd be, how sad about her supposed death. Had they believed Vanessa, or had they gotten themselves into trouble by try and find her?

I only agreed to this because I thought I would be over with it quickly. I let my PA die out, so no-one will find me. But it's been a fucking month... If he doesn't want to come along, then I am leaving alone.


His voice pulled her out of her thoughts.


"I'm going to town... for groceries. Do you want anything specific?"

I want you to apologise.


For a while, they just stood looking at each other. Then Henry sighted. "We'll discuss everything when I'm back."

Then he hurried to his motorcycle, before Val was able to answer.


It was the change of the air that gave Val a weird ominous feeling, more than anything else. She sat in the hard desert-ground, tired from her fighting routine, considerably less mad at Henry, but still a little bit sad.

Her skin was crawling already as she turned her head up and look the sand cloud approaching.

No, not only sand. There is colour inside this sand-storm.

She had just enough time to stand up, before Aurelia's form appeared right in front of her.

"My God, it's so good to be able to move again! After so long! I can only go so far, of course, but still... And to think I was mad at you, Valentine, dear."

"Didn't you used to be a blue ball?"

A Deity, the strongest of the Deities, is standing in front of you, Val and of all the wondrous things, that's what you ask. Sweet.

Aurelia took a good look at her, and then burst out laughing.

"You are funny too, who would have though. The only bad thing about you is your stubbornness it seems. And your aggression."

"Aurelia, what are you doing here? Why are you acting like this? We are not long lost friends, and I am not your servant. I slapped you inside your own cave. The only logical reason for you coming here, is to kill me."

"Kill you? Are you crazy, sweetheart? You are my chosen medium. I can step out of my cave again because of you, and your talented friends. How are your friends by the way? I guess closing down the Academy was a big shock for them. Your death must have been another one."

"What are you talking about?"

Val was whispering the words, completely out of breath, her stomach a tight knot.

Aurelia smiled, a cunning, threatening smile.

"You didn't know anything about this? Didn't anyone tell you? The Academy closed down after you death. The Council's complains were just too great after your "accident." Your friends were send to their homes. I guess they are heart-broken. Poor things."

Rage was painting Val's vision, which was now bright red. Aurelia was a bitch trying to pass as an angel, true, but Henry... he knew about all of these, no doubt. Or at least suspected. And said nothing.

"Honey, what's wrong? You had no idea whatsoever did you? Why are you still here anyway? With a gift like yours..."

"I have been training..."

"With Henry White. In all seriousness, Valentine, I hope you haven't fallen for this man's lies. He is a deranged individual, always had been. You are too smart to not have yet realized that he wants to use you for his own cause."
A bitter laugh escaped Val's mouth.

"And what the fuck are you trying to do right now, oh Great Deity? Don't you try to use me for your own cause? Aren't you exactly the same as Henry?"

Her beautiful face turned into an iron mask of disgust.

"At least you know my intentions, Val. He is a liar, keeping you away from your friends for so long, while they suffer. And when people suffer, they act foolishly. Do you want them sent to the Underground by Aldus Green? Or worse, dead?"

"What do you want, Aurelia?"

"Leave this place, find your friends, and take the revenge you've craved for so long. And then..."

The Deity came close to Val, so close, their foreheads connected in a brotherly gesture.

"Then you come and find me. And then we can talk some more. I'm sure we'll come to an agreement. With clear heads, away from this wretched man."

Aurelia kissed Val's forehead and turned to leave.

"Why do you hate each other so much?"

A shrill laugh tore the air around them.

"Search his drawers, honey. And you'll have your reason why."

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