
By xXBruinsplayerXx

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When Sam manning moves to another new school she expects to be the same outcast as the other schools except w... More

Chapter 1(Picture of Brodie)
Chapter 2 (picture of Sam)
Chapter 3 (Picture of Caleb)
Chapter 4 (Picture of Scottie)
Chapter 5 (Picture of Blake)
Chapter 6 (Picture of Parker)
Chapter 7(Picture of Zach)
Chapter 8 (Pool picture)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

1.2K 15 3
By xXBruinsplayerXx

Brodie’s Pov

It had been two weeks since I had seen Sam in the gym. The day she had got dentition for 'hitting' Naomi.

That afternoon I had seen the real Sam. The one that isn't wearing this hardcore exterior. The one that obeyed the rules cleaned for hours and then took out her anger on the court.

Her skills where amazing. Shot after shot slinking through the net. Hearing the sound of the ball and the brush of the net was amazing but she didn't even seem to care. She just shot and scored again and again. She was exactly like me taking out frustration somewhere else letting the world disappear.

When she finally slumped to the floor I thought she may have passed out and was about to come out from my spot behind the bleachers until I heard a gasp for air and a sob. I wanted badly to go over and comfort her but I would probably get killed in the process.

Nothing had changed between us if anything we had gotten closer. I'd never got along so well with a girl before and it was great because I knew she wasn't after me for popularity.

Our first game was tomorrow and I was as nervous as a polar bear was worried about climate change. We had been practicing non-stop and had developed a good strategy. The team was sitting in the locker room after a light practise waiting for coach to come in and us his annual first pre- game speech.

"Why does he always leave these things to last minute and leave us in suspense" Blake moaned again as Parker slapped him over the head.

"Shut up moaning you woman" Caleb punched his arm.

"I'm not a woman, but you know who is" He winked and we all looked up wondering who Blake had his eye on now.

"Your friend Brooke" he nodded at me.

"Really Blake that's the best you could find" I looked at him questioningly.

"No but she sure is hot and you seem like you have your hooks in her"

"Man you can have her any day"

"Why don't you want her Mr Star quarterback" he countered. Well crap what was I going to say to that Brooke was nice in a way that made stalkers look like amateurs. She had followed me around for a few days until I caught her and gave her a 'tour'. Tour!  She spent it walking behind me looking at my ass and even told me she was. It was so obvious she just wanted to get in my pants and I wasn't having none of it. People like her where the reason for my hatred for girls.

"I just don't keep her" I snapped.

"I know what it is he's got another girl" Rob piped up.

Thank fully coach walked in and that immediately shut us all up.

"Okay boys big game tomorrow do we all know what where doing?"

"Yes Coach" we all shouted at him.

"Okay now the Bears are good this year they have already had one game and won by a landslide are we going to let them beat us

"No coach" we roared

"Are we confident?"

"Yes coach"

"Are we cocky?"

"No coach" we shouted "Yes coach" Parker shouted and we all laughed.

"Always have to be different West" he smirked

"Sure do captain"

"I ain’t the Captain Westie he is" Coach nodded to me.

The room was quiet and all eyes were on me. God I hated these moments I was meant to stand up and give a speech about team spirit. Don't get me wrong I loved being leader being the captain but public speaking and displays weren’t my thing.

"Right for us veterans we did well last year we got to regional finals this year  we have great runners" nodding towards matt and Leo the two transfers. "We have a better defence thanks to Zach there not going to get the drop on us this year boys" I grinned and the locker room whooped.

I rubbed the back of my head trying to wind this 'speech' up "So guys this year where going to go all the way no stupid mistakes eyes open keep your positions and confident not cocky so just go out so we can win got it?"

"Got it" they shouted.

"Okay on three Wolves"

"One, two Wolves" everyone cheered and processed to leave. Good enough I thought we got to two at least.

Coach patted my shoulder "Good job kids see you tomorrow" And he left Caleb and I alone in the locker room.

"You ready for this" Caleb asked.

"I don’t know what if I'm not good enough what if I’m shit compared to Zach and Morgan" I replied to the floor. Zach, my brother was a star and everyone was expecting me to live up to his standards and then last year’s Captain Morgan Brown was great as a leader even though we only got to regional’s he had the given ability and everyone loved him I mean the guy now planned for OHIO STATE he was a beast. The pressure of living to his standards and my brothers seemed overwhelming.

"Man you ain't gonna be shit your reputation will outstrip there's who last year threw the winning ball that made us win our first game your first game. Your first game Brod you made us win, you’re a leader and you know just believe"

"Jez Walker you’re a passionate speaker ever consider running for office"

"I have actually" he said seriously

And I laughed walking out to the parking lot breaking open a pack of twizzlers.

Blake and Parker where sat on the tail gate of the beat up Chevy.

"I think Rudolf needs a new coat of paint"

"Rudolf needs a new everything" he snorted.

"I threw my gear in the back time everyone had their kit bags and school bags in plus my board the truck was looking full.

"You would think where going camping" Blake laughed "Yeah ...hey that's a good idea" he smiled at the feeling of function in his brain.

"Yeah we should go camping before it gets too cold up to the forest or something" Caleb added.

"Sure ask the girls tomorrow now get in the god dam truck and tell me were where doing" .

We ended up driving to Caleb's and just played his Xbox for an hour before I walked all the way across town to get home. Time I got home I was on a low and got really pissed at the fact I didn't have a car.

I slammed the front door shut and threw down my stuff. Mom wasn't home again she had been trying to get along but I liked seeing her suffer. I trudged to the fridge opened it and then closed it. I pulled open the cupboard and opened the packet of teddy Grahams I'd hidden from Zachary.

I walked out to the pool and sat down on the lounger. I'd go in the pool but I'd probably never get out and the Jacuzzi hadn't been cleaned yet so I couldn't go in that.

I went inside pulled out a black Bruins jumper the number seventeen stitched into the back and walked over to Mr. Jacobs house.

As usual the old man was sat on his porch swing smiling wistfully at the world he never seemed to stray from his happy self always seeing the world in a positive manner. Something I thought was amazing considering he had seen so much death in his lifetime.

"How y'all doing Mr. Jacobs"

"I'm doing good now young Bennett and how be yourself preparing for tomorrow’s game?"

I laughed "I'm good sir preparation is all done just have to go out and do it now” I nodded solemnly.

"No son I know your prepared down there" he pointed to his feet "up here may be the biggest task to overcome" he pointed to his head. Boy this guy was good.

"Indeed sir just don't want to let anyone down is all"

"Brodie so long as you do what you know you won't let anybody down give it your all nobody can say anything for those who try" he said intelligently.

"Yes Mr. Jacobs" I smiled to myself at the old man’s reassurance and believe in me.

"I'll be there your brother is picking me up I get to see behind the scenes I'm feeling rather like a celebrity" he chuckled.

"You’re getting the star treatment"

"Indeed I am you Bennett boys will go far"

"I hope so sir" I said briefly” I had best be going I will look out for you tomorrow sir the usual spot?"

"The usual spot" he nodded and waved me off.

That old man was the closest thing to parenting and help I got. Dad was gone mom was a no show and Zach had the brain of a three year old.

I pushed open the garage door and Lucy bounded out happy to be free. My pre-game ritual was always talked to Major Jacobs, let out Lucy and walk down to the stream to watch the sky. I always did it and it always seemed the more intelligent decision rather than the one Zach used to do , doing a handstand while drinking a bottle of Bud light.

I lay down at my usual spot along the bed to the river Lucy jumped on top of me until I pushed her off into the river with a thud to which she replied too with joyful barks before she jumped on top of me soaking wet. I ran over the little bridge chasing the golden ball of energy back and forth. The cheeky glint in her eye. We kept it up for about five minutes until I led back onto the ground to look at the floating clouds.

I swear one looked like a bunny on a broomstick carrying a cabbage. The beside it showed comparison to a cross between ET and Scooby doo.

My mind floated back to the game and who would wear my jersey. All the guys did it each year. They gave their jerseys to a girlfriend. Blake and Parker gave there's to Maddie who would wear one for the first half and one for the second half. Caleb gave his to Amy who complained she wanted mine because she only got one when Mads got two.

 In reality I didn't want to go give the girls my jersey though they where my good friends not girl friends. Technically the guys where breaking the rules but who was keeping score. I wanted to save my jersey for a girl who deserved it not have everyone in the arena wear it before it got to her.

But it did suck I had no one wearing my shirt.

"BOO" someone shouted and I bolted upright my closed eyes whipping open. I heard a groan beside me.

"Jesus Brod you have a habit of hitting me I'd almost swear your doing It on purpose" she grinned wiggling her freckled nose back at me.

"Well if it isn't Sam stalker Manning"

"It’s better to be a stalker than an abuser"

"True how's your nose"

"Still breathing" she laughed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I live down the street this river doesn't have your name on it so I claim it as my own" she smirked down at me triumphantly.

"Really well we shall see about that"

I grinned jumping up at her sending her clambering bare foot over the rocky bridge and scampering around a large oak tree.

"You know the tree ain't gonna protect you"

"Well it can try"

"It's not lord of the rings you know, trees can't up root themselves and save your castle" I nodded curtly

She stepped out from behind the tree "My castle eh"

"Always said I was a pervert"

"You’re such a nerd lord of the rings really"

"Everyone’s got something to hide" I winked jokingly immediately after saying it I felt the pit in the bottom of my stomach open and swallow me whole. If only she knew that it wasn't only the lord of the rings I was hiding.

"Me myself I prefer Star wars" she smiled as we walked back over the river and sat next to the tree

"Yeah defiantly have to agree princess laya rawr that's some woman" and she laughed.

"You do realise that was made like ten years ago she's like 40" we said in disgust

"Well Madonna’s 60 and guys still look at her"

"In a old man fetish pervert way maybe"

"True, you know my name is on this river" I said truthfully

"It is not" she replied leaning forward to hug her knees. She surprisingly was wearing sweats tonight. The first time I had seen her in pants since she had arrived.

"Is too come here" I jumped up pulling her up by the arm and along to the bank of the river.

"We going in?"

"If you wanna see my name then yeah, Jump on my back you won't get wet".

"Okay but be warned I weigh as much as a Shetland pony" she jumped on my back and I wadded into the water.

The freezing tips nipping at my bare legs it lapping at the ends of my brown shorts.

"You lie you weigh about as much as a baby rabbit!"

"Shut up liar and show me, my arms are getting tired"

I sloshed over to the bridge and told her to brush back the overgrown grass as I was a hold of her legs.

"STOP" I shouted and she tensed her grip around my hips and neck I briefly paused to wonder why she was acting so before returning to the matter in hand.

"There 'property of BB’ told you I own the bridge" I smiled triumphantly too myself.

"Who's H.M?" I fumbled trying to find the right words as I clambered onto the bank slipping on the damp grass and Sam tipping over my head.

"Her name was Hailey Miller"

"She in our school"

"She used to be"

"Oh" She replied.

 I told Sam the whole dam story. I couldn't help it I had a big mouth. I told her how Hailey moved here just before we started high school and she told me she was never going to move and at the end of the year we went to the Dance together.

That summer we where together and where for another year until last Easter when she said she had to move. How she told me the day before she left for England never saying a word. I had fallen for Hailey Miller and Hailey Miller lied and left without a minutes’ notice. Sam now knew and she said she understood my dislike for people like Naomi and Brooke. People that don't care about feeling.

After I got it all out. I felt alot better.

We were watching the sun twinkle down between the tall trees. Her head was on my stomach. Rising and falling to my breathing.

"Do you want to wear my jersey to the game" I blurted out in one long sentence.

"Isn't that usually girlfriends?" she raising her eyebrow.

"Not like that"

"Why haven't you asked Amy and Maddie?"

"Maddie and Caleb always got along really well the two brain boxes and everyone loves Amy but I’d rather be with the guys the girls are great friends I don't want them with my shirt though" I breathed

"Okay sure"


We were standing in the locker room waiting to go out. All last minute talks had been given. All pads tied tight all injuries strapped and ready. I jumped up and down keeping my adrenaline pumping. I'd had Zach stick me with a full pod ten minutes ago and I had downed a bottle of Gatorade in that period. I was way high but it was okay it would last the game I'd just feel like shit tomorrow. Lucky there was no school and it was a Saturday I'd just sleep it off.

The announcer boomed over the intercom "Good evening ladies and gentlemen boy are we in for a treat tonight Triton high wolves take on

The Newbury bears in the wolves’ first game of the season, so let's welcome out the Host team. A huge cheer from the crowd erupted as we ran on to the field. The newbie’s looking a little overwhelmed by the size of the crowd.

The bears came on and the crowd cheered in support.

The game began and the bears we just as ruthless as ever. But the new plays Zach had come up with surprised them who thought we would be as rubbish as last year. They still hit hard they had Rich 'ruthless' Rando was back and was sinking guys faster than A B C. In the dressing room at halftime Zach told us to pick it up not to be scared of getting sacked. He told me what plays he thought would work best. I told the guys to mind their own positions too many people where doing everyone else’s job and not their own leaving gaps in our offence.

We went out and played. For a first game we were trying everything to score but there zone was tightly guarded by Rando. Matt and Leo ran fast but the ball repeatedly got intercepted. The two made a great pair and could tell they participated in athletics. Blake and Caleb got there chance to knock over the over confident new players on the bears side too.

It was 45 seconds until the game was to finish and we where both tied at six points each. We had the ball 66 yards to score. I screamed hike and the offence knocked down there players I saw Parker run along the edge of the field a player on his tail. I threw the ball it twirling through the air as a shoulder hit my gut and I keeled over wheezing for air. The crowd erupted but I didn't look up to see what it was for. The ref blew his whistle for the game to finish but I couldn't get up I didn't want to. I gasped for air swallowing it mouthful after mouthful. I felt a hand on my back.

"Brod Brod hey man breath" Caleb looked down "MEDIC" he shouted.

I was getting tired of breathing so fast my eyes drooped.

"What's his name" I heard a female voice behind me.

"Brodie darling breath" did this woman not see I was twice the normal rate.

My stomach ached. I led on my side while she checked me over.

"No signs of trauma we'll put you on a backboard in case and give you something to slow down your breathing" she smiled at me.

"No fucking way I walking off this field on my own two feet" I spoke as clear as crystal

"Mr. Bennett I do insist-" she said impatiently

"Ma'am I don't care what you insist I am currently walking off this field I have no broken bones-" I gasped coughing for air again.

Blake parker and Caleb were beside me and hoisted me too my feet as if I was made of glass. I threw my arms around the shoulders of Parker and Blake Caleb grabbed my helmet and walked behind me. The crowd stood up and clapped I tried smiling but it came out more as a grimace.

We went to the medic room and slowly my breathing returned to normal now the adrenaline was wearing off. The irritating nurse made me strip off all my gear so she could check for broken or cracked ribs since I refused to make a trip to the hospital.

She left the room to talk to Coach Myers and I just paced the room boredom filling me. I considered taking out all the gauze and dressing as a Mummy just to freak her out.

The door flung open.

"Miss you can't go in there" calls echoed down the hall as I got a chest full of face.

Two strong arms wrapped around my damp chest. I looked down to see who it was her hair ragged stuck to her face from the cold yet still looked beautiful.

Her skin was chillingly cold as it stung my warm stomach.

"Hey Manning you can let go"

"Em sorry" She pulled away looking awkward "You okay"

"Yeah I'm good now I have two functioning lungs" I grinned

"Your lungs stopped working" she gasped looking at me very seriously

"No manning I just got winded real bad Ms.Pushy medic said that when I got hit my rib cage pushed against my lungs hence the breathing.

"Oh thank god I thought - anyway you’re fine now, right?"

"Yeah she's had to check me for breaks because I won't go to the hospital" I grinned.

"And I'm the stubborn one"

"Yup" I said reaching my arms behind my head stretching up. I wheezed and Manning nearly jumped a mile. Just remembering it’s a good job the medic took off the pod or Sam would see.

As if she could read minds she was back Coach Myers and Zach in tow.

"Excuse me miss would you mind leaving" she asked Sam

"She stays"

"You’re argumentative"

"I’m not going to disagree" Sam sat up on the examination table which I leaned against. The nurse and coach against the cabinet of supplies and Zach at the door listening tenthly.

"Well Mr. Bennett you seem to have decided not to attend the hospital which is supported by your coach and brother so no broken bones no serious running for a few days just take it easy" with that She speedily left.

"Good game son talk to you on Monday" coach patted me on the shoulder and left followed by Zach who said he was going for a drink to find my own way home.

"Well Manning" I said turning to Sam relaxing on the table.

"Well Bennett" She looked me up and down her eyes lingering on my chest but he looked away thinking that I didn't see.

"I always knew you were a pervert"

"Am not"

"Is too, will you pass me my pads?" I grinned. She picked up my shoulder pads and my shirt "Come on get dressed go to the party I'll see you tomorrow " she smiled turning to walk out the door.

"I ain't going to the party"

"You have to your star quarterback"

"Well you're not going I'm not going" I said crossing my arms indignantly.

"Fine I'll go for only for a little while I'll be outside"

I hurriedly got changed in the empty locker room. Everyone gone to Parkers for the party. I awkwardly put on a new pod before I walked out to the parking lot where Sam was sitting on the hood of Parkers truck chatting to the guys.

"Hey Brod nice to see you left some oxygen in the air"

"Yeah I thought I was going to float of like a balloon" I laughed "Come on let's go" we jumped in the truck. Arriving at Parkers house the large stone building was filled with people. We hopped out the air biting at my face. Sam's arms filled with Goosebumps from the cold air.

I leaned over the truck bed and pulled out a clean jumper from Caleb's bag handing it too her she smiled gratefully.

"Come on shortie let's get this over with"

We spent an hour at the party. My throw had won the game and everyone drunkenly patted my back saying it was a great pass to which I smiled and said that it was Parker that scored it really.

Sam clung to my side. Not physically but she never left my side her arm always touching mine. She constantly looked around for signs of Scottie and anyone else.

When we got fed up we grabbed a taxi and went back to mine. The fatigue hitting me like a stone wall as I feel into the chair.

"Can I get a drink"

"Sure get toss me one too"

We sat on the sofa seeing who could slurp Gatorade the loudest until I spat mine out laughing. I switched on the TV and we watched The NCAA dunk contest. I smiled across at Sam who had fallen asleep on the other side of the couch her legs wrapped around mine. She would be so good playing for a team if she didn't keeper skills hidden. I fell asleep not long after content with my life it was perfect, for the moment anyway.

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