SLEEPOVER [Kuroo Tetsurou] [E...

By myatsumu

205K 6.3K 13.5K

[College AU][Reader-Insert] [NOTE: This is currently going through major editing so if you receive any notifi... More



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By myatsumu

For the most, it's a rare instance where [Name's] mind wanders to contemplating about life, whether it involved your family, your education or even your job at the small but busy café, more so, it was even more rare for you to think about the relationships you had with the people currently involved in your college life, more specifically, the relationship you currently have with your roommate, Kuroo.

You somehow considered that the idea of you two being inseparable was necessary as you are technically living together. It shouldn't be a big deal to you really, but something in your mind was making you question the ridiculous idea, not that you actually mind but it was actually kind of bugging you at this point.

It's not like you two had a bad relationship, it was quite the opposite really. You two get along surprisingly well, even if Kuroo did get on your nerves at most times whether you two stuck with each during your time at campus or when you two hung out, but you looked past his provocative and smart-ass nature, the reason being you also had a knack for being snarky to anyone, especially if they were forcing themselves to prod into your personal bubble. You didn't mind if it was someone that you were fairly familiar with but if it was some stranger, well, we really wouldn't want to go into full detail on what you could say and do to them.

Yourself aside, Kuroo and you had arranged an outing for just the two of you to enjoy but the catch is, you aren't suppose to let the other know what you have planned individually, aside from the breakfast, lunch and dinner arrangements. You both had thought that it was a good idea as it could increase the fun after finding out the activities in store for.

"I didn't think that we'd leave this early," Kuroo yawns as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat, slightly shivering as the wind hit his face that was already pink due to the usual chilly climate, "what time is it?" he asks, glancing at you squinting down to your phone.

"Around six. We should be there in around thirty minutes by train," You look up at him, chuckling when he had groaned upon hearing the time, "The place opens around eight I think, so we can just chill in a restaurant and have breakfast while we're at it," You yawn as well, feeling a bit drowsy as you were the first to wake up, which was around four in the morning but you really couldn't help the excitement that threatened to burst out any moment, "Sound good enough for ya?" you grin up at him.

A smirk curled on his lips, head shaking at the bright aura you had even if you were slightly drowsy, "Yeah, as long as there's food I'm game," he chuckles as he pats your beanie clad head, you were practically vibrating in excitement which was a stark contrast to your usual indifference when in campus. It was kind of adorable really, seeing you so stoked about something, not that he would let you know, he'd save himself from your teasing.

Your cheeks turned pink at the widely known affectionate action and you were silently thankful that it was cold out so you can blame the weather for the sudden flush on your cheeks in case your roommate asks.

If he can make you all this embarrassed without himself feeling the same, you can do it too.

Mustering up all the courage you had inside of you, you wrap your arm around his, ignoring the yelp of surprise from your travel-buddy as your free hand held onto the spot just above his wrist, all the while smiling, eyes beaming when you spot the train station up ahead. You look up at Kuroo in mock curiosity, inwardly giggling when his face got noticeably redder from before.

"Is something the matter, Kuroo-kun?" a hum left your lips, purposely droning out the honorific just to spite him and so far it was working, judging from how his hand was now covering the lower part of his (beautiful) face as his eyes averted from yours.

"I — uh, nothing. everything's f-fine" despite being muffled, you could make out what he was saying.

You grin in triumph.


"I'd rather freeze to death than get on the ice" Kuroo blankly stated, his eyes following your every movement as you glided away on the ice with ease; you even smirked at him at some point when you skated backwards just to annoy him even further.

"The ice is a perfect way to freeze to death, come on! You're missing out on the fun!" a giggle left your lips as you twirled, sighing in bliss as you felt you hair flowing behind you as you went on and enjoyed the feeling of skating across the smooth surface of the ice that sparkled with the help of the lighting.

Kuroo smiles, his hands gripping on the skirting as he continued to watch you have your fun with the people in the rink with you. It looked fun now that he thought about it. It was obvious that it was, just from how your eyes beamed up at him while getting the skates.

His lips pursed into a thin line.

It couldn't hurt to try right? There was a possibility you might laugh at him but if made you smile like you did earlier then it was fine for him. The man took a deep breath, his legs wobbling as he set his foot on the ice, gripping the skirting like his life depended on it, which in fact did, because he was about to sacrifice his calm and collected image for you.

You slid to a stop just a few feet away from Kuroo as you observed his trembling figure, seriously, he looked like a newborn fawn. As hilarious as that sounds, you merely stared as he gave all his effort just to stand on the ice. He was doing good for a beginner, though of course being the more knowledgeable one here, you still had to teach him the basics, you took note as the man tried but failed to skate towards you when he now found himself sitting on the freezing ice.

You shook you head as you moved towards his sulking self, fighting of the grin that threatened to spread on your lips as you held your hands out for him to take. He looks up and gazed at you hands in hesitation.

You roll your eyes, "I'm not letting you go until you can catch up with me"

Kuroo may have faked the entire time you taught him. He couldn't help it, you had smaller and warm hands in contrast to his bigger and colder ones and what's better than having a beautiful girl hold onto you the entire time you spent in the ice skating rink?


"Oh, fuck!" You yell as you held on the rock attached to the wall, your entire body trembling sa you willed yourself to stay conscious. Kuroo had winced at how loud your voice was and the attendees were probably laughing by now. You didn't care what people thought of you at this moment, you only cared if you were going to be alive or not after all of this.

Kuroo had surprised you with rock-climbing as the next activity, saying something about how he missed the feeling of being up high, ("You could've smoked weed, you know" "I don't even smoke" "I don't either") looking down at everyone else that was afraid to try and live their life; and of course you being that one person who never backs down from a challenge agreed and pictured yourself up high, enjoying the glory of completing the trial.

That is until you found yourself meters up high. Your legs promptly turned into jelly when you finally realized how far up you both were. It wasn't as if you were afraid of heights, you were just afraid of falling and cracking your skull open with your innards splattered everywhere.

So yeah, totally not afraid of heights.

"It's okay just don't let go and you'll be fi — HOLY SHIIIIII — " You spoke to soon because now you found yourself swinging towards Kuroo at an alarmingly fast pace and before you could even scream, you smacked your nose against his forehead, both of you yelling in pain to even notice that his arms wrapped around you on reflex, "— it" you groan.


""Why did you think that was a good idea?!" You yelled at the man-cat once both of you were back on the ground, glaring at the snickering male as he stared you down with a condescending smirk that you were all too familiar with when you both challenged each other. The challenges ranged from intellectual to overall stupid. One time, you both ate extremely spicy ramen just to see who can tolerate it more and let's just say it involved both of you overdosing on milk and the hospital with Oikawa screaming as Iwaizumi asked himself why he was in this situation.

That didn't stop you from pouring milk into your morning tea but Kuroo thought otherwise.

"Oya? I thought you liked extreme things?" You would've punched his gut but seeing you were trembling and currently had no control with your actions, not to mention your nose was bandaged, not broken, thankfully, you stood your ground and glowered at him.

"I almost fucking died! So no, I don't" You pout, plopping on the seat.


"Tell me, why did fishing seem like a good idea to you? This just goes to show that you are definitely a cat in disguise" You sniffed, reeling in the mackerel that had bit on the lure. You yawned as you tossed the rod, relaxing once again on your seat as you waited for another tug on the fishing line.

Kuroo yawned as well, rubbing his eyes to rid of the drowsiness, "because we can get free fish! We can make sushi and shit"'

"I am not trusting you with that. Do you even have any experience with sushi making?" You question as you reeled in your catch, crying out in triumph when you had caught the biggest mackerel so far, only to pout when Kuroo's catch was a bit bigger than yours.

Kuroo rolls his eyes, but he made no comment against it as he indeed had no experience, "okay fine, we can grill or fry it, sound okay to you?"

"As long as there's no food poisoning involved, I'm down"

You promptly screamed when Kuroo had tossed you a live fish, getting back at you for the "poisoning" comment.



The both of you end up grilling the fish you had caught, well, it was Kuroo who did the cooking as you stood aside watching his every move as you both conversed, topics ranging from the basic "what's is'" and other personal information you both were comfortable to share with like your hook-ups and all that. It surprised you how chill the guy was, like it wasn't a big deal that he blatantly shared his sex-life with you saying it was a thing he did when he needed to release some pent up stress.

You, on the other hand needed a bit of some coaxing from him before you could even share the "dirty secrets" you had, but eventually you gave in and began telling your wild adventures that were either hot and steamy or just full on funny and ridiculous.

There was one time during your second year of high school where you gave an ex-boyfriend head in a friend's car when you went to a water-park. He tried eating you out at some point but seconds later, he gave up saying you both might get caught by security, you were the least impressed and ignored him the whole day.

Needless to say you broke up with him soon after that, you didn't need a man who couldn't get out of his comfort zone for you.

The both of you ended up wheezing on the sofa sometime in the late evening, beers in hand as you two continued to share bits and pieces of your childhood and to your thoughts, even went far enough to talk about these conspiracy theories you came across while searching through the internet when instead you should be looking up information pertaining to the thesis you were both working on. ("You could've talked to Oikawa about this instead of me" "If I did he would never leave me alone" "He's a good-looking dude, what's wrong with that? "He's prettier than I am and I'm not okay with that")

"You know Kuroo," you start, not even the least bit embarrassed that you were now resting the upper half of your body on his lap, he didn't even look like he minded at all as he was now threading his fingers through your hair, humming in reply, "you're a pretty cool dude"

"I'd say the same to you" he smirks in response, resting his cheek onto his open palm as his gaze remains on the television. You giggle as you too zeroed in on the screen that was playing a drama show you've heard your friends talk about.

A week after your escapade with your roommate, you find yourself growing more comfortable with him as the days passed on, from the simple hello's you greeted Kuroo in the hallways turned into full blown tackles and a loud "hey!" into his ear, the usual shy wave you send him was now exaggerated much to his amusement and the list goes on.

You were more than happy that the both of you were closer than before, at least it wasn't awkward anymore when walking in on the other in the middle of changing into their clothes. The first time it happened, he wanted to borrow your hairdryer so he thought that busting through the door was the normal way to ask your roommate, if it was a guy, that is.

He was given a punch to the gut after that, also the hairdryer.

Eventually you've grown accustomed to it and didn't even react when he walked in on you, back facing him as you clipped on your bra, "Yes?"

"I — uh. Hairdryer?"

You thought he did that just to ogle at your body.

Jokes on him because you do that to him too. He was hot so why not take the advantage? After all, he seemed rather proud of his body, and you knew why. He was muscular and toned at the right places, not as much as Bokuto was but still, you find his body smokin'.

Let's just say most of the people you had come across had thought the both of you were dating to how unusually close and comfortable the both of you were together.

"I'd rather date a rock than this guy right here"

"Bro, that's like dating my sister so stop"

But you didn't really mind if the both of you date at some point, not that you'll let him know.


Eh... This wasn't as amazing like the previous ones I had written (also it's cliche) but at least the two of you are closer than ever *wink wink*

Song: Roam by B-52

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