What Happens When You Meet A...

By __abyyy

528 53 0

"Watch where you're going, pip squeak," he growled down at me. I really wanted to throw a book a his hea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

31 3 0
By __abyyy

!Alina's POV

Max and the other boys had somehow, miraculously managed to escape Cassius and his guards by running like dogs with their tails between their legs. Except for Annie, they left her behind, still locked in the basement, under twenty-four-hour surveillance.

And Cassius, he was furious.

Violet groaned from her spot on the couch, while we were watching Impractical Jokers, "do you know what kind of ice cream Charlie likes?"

"No, but knowing him and his childish ways, it's probably chocolate or something extravagant. Yeah, he seems like a chocolate kind of person."

She shrugged and looked back at the tv.

"Hey, can I spend the night? I don't want to go home," she whined.

"Violet, you don't need to ask," Cassius sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"Okay, I mean, I was going to stay here anyway, but it's common courtesy to at least ask."

"Do you even have clothes here?" I asked.

"Shit, no, I don't, I took them all home, we'll just go and get them with John and Liam."


Violet and I decided to take the black Ferrari. But, we weren't allowed to drive, so Liam drove us to Violet's house.

The ride was boring and eerily quiet, that is until we started blasting Forest by Twenty One Pilots as loud as we possibly could.

The ride wasn't long, just a few minutes until we reached the house I spent most of my childhood. No paying attention to anything John and Liam said we ran into the house still singing Forest. I went to the zoo the other day.

"Hey, Vi," a familiar voice said. "I went to the zoo the other day. It was empty, except for a single dog," he paused, "it was a Shih Tzu."

He and Violet started laughing immediately.

"Charlie?" I asked.

"Hi, Alina!" he giggled, rolling on the floor, holding his stomach.

"Where are the other boys?"

He giggled harder, "at the house, I believe."

"If you're lying," I said in a baby voice, "I won't give you your favorite gun back."

"FINE! They're in the car."

"Charlie, you were going to lie to us?"

"Yeah," he looked down, ashamed as if he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "They told me I had to, or else they would throw all the icing down down the garbage disposal and safety pin my eyes open!" His voice sounded as though he was crying.

"You can buy more icing!" I whisper-yelled.

He stopped fake crying, "oh, yeah."

"Right! We came here for clothes," Violet said and ran upstairs into her black and white bedroom.  

When she reached the room, she pulled three dark purple suitcases out from under her bed, opened her closet and started grabbing anything and everything that could fit in the bags. When most of her clothes were in her bags, she grabbed the bags and ran down the stairs, with Charlie and I following her.

"Okay, let's go!" Violet whispered.

We walked outside and Charlie took us around the back of the house and when we reached the car, he pushed Violet into the middle and climbed in beside her.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I was told Vi would get me ice cream because she threw a book at my head," he smiled sweetly.

"Okay, then," I trailed off, "wait, one more question: how did you guys know we were going to come here?"

"Well, we figured Violet had to come home eventually, but we knew you'd be staying with Cassius, so that's why we're not at we're not chilling in Adam's driveway, that and he scares Ace."

I laughed, "Ace is just a big baby."

"You scare him, too, so does Violet."

"Why do I scare him?" Violet asked.

"You're best friends with that," he said and pointed at me, his hand shook as he did so.

"What did I do?" I objected.

"You almost blinded Ben with perfume," he trailed off.

"Oh, yeah," I giggled.

"We going back to the house?" Liam asked.

"No, we need to make a quick pit stop at the ice cream place," Violet smiled and looked over at Charlie.


The three of us sat on a picnic bench, while John and Liam sat in the car.

Violet got mint chocolate chip flavor, I got plain vanilla, and Charlie got rainbow sherbert. We were wrong, he didn't get chocolate.

"Do we have to drop you off at your house?" I asked, tired.

"Nah, I'll just go to Cassius' house with you two," he smiled.

"Cassius isn't going to let you stay at his house, he hates you guys, all of you," I told him, "but," I sang, "it won't bother him if he doesn't know you're there."

He smiled.

We jumped in the car and I handed Liam and John each a twenty dollar bill to keep them quiet. It was surprisingly easy.

"Okay, so the plan is Violet and I will walk in and say goodnight to Cassius and then you can chill on the roof by Violet's room and then we'll let you in when we get up there. Sound good?"

"Yeah," he said. "I just have one question: why does Violet have a room and I don't?"

"Because Cassius tolerates her, he doesn't particularly like you."

"I WILL MAKE HIM LOVE ME! HE WILL NOT REMEMBER THE NAME ALINA! ALINA WILL BE A MERE MEMORY! CHARLIE WILL BE HIS ONLY LOVE! AND THEN HE WILL LET ME HAVE MY OWN ROOM! IT WILL BE THE BEST ROOM IN THAT ENTIRE HOUSE!" he paused, "do you think he'll let me have miniature donkeys? Maxie won't let me, he says I'm not responsible enough for taking care of them," he frowned.

"No, but just move into your own house and have a miniature donkey farm, I can see it, Farmer Charlie," Violet teased him. "You can have pygmy goats too!"

"I don't know what a pygmy goat is," he trailed off and his eyebrows scrunching together.

"Here," Violet said, pulling a picture of three little pygmy goats.

He fangirl screeched, "I'M SO GOING TO ADOPT A MILLION OF THEM!" 

We laughed and pulled up to the house, "Okay, Charlie, climb the roof. We'll be up there in a few minutes."

"Wait, Violet, which room is yours?"

"That one," she pointed to two windows that were right of the middle of the house.

"Okay," he saluted, "see you in a few minutes."

Violet and I walked through the front door of the house. The first thing we saw was Cassius laying on the couch, asleep.

I looked back at Violet and held my right index finger to my lips, then turned around and started to walk towards the stairs, as quietly as humanly possible.

When we made it to the stairs, we ran up them and into Violet's very purple room. I turned the light on and we saw a shadow on the roof by Violet's window flinch and covered it's eyes.


Violet climbed onto her window seat and opened the window to let in Charlie.

"Dibs!" Charlie called and jumped on the window seat.

"Go for it, kid," Violet shrugged.

And with that, we went to sleep.


We all awoke to the door slamming angrily against the dark purple wall.

"What. The. FUCK. IS. HAPPENING. IN. HERE?!" Cassius yelled.

I sat up and looked around, Violet sat up in the bed that we were sharing and we looked around the room, and our jaws dropped.

Charlie was laying on the floor with his legs still on the window seat, Ben was at our feet in a little ball, Ace was laying sideways in an armchair, while Viktor and Max laid on the floor, all of them fast asleep. 

How? I did not know, but they all were, I stood up and looked at Violet, then Cassius, "Plug your ears."

They both held their hands to their ears. I inhaled deeply, and yelled as loud as I could, in the most annoying voice I could muster, "BOYS!" 

They all jumped up, I crossed my arms, "What are you doing here and how did you get here and why are you here?"

"We were sleeping," Ben sighed, and took over my spot in Violet's bed.

"And Charlie let us in through the window," Ace smirked, sitting correctly in the chair.

"Charlie!" Violet's eyes widened. "No more sleepovers."

"Ever," Cassius glared with his arms crossed.

"Ever?" Charlie frowned.

"Ever," Cassius said.

"Well, maybe not ever," Violet smiled.

"Yay!" he smiled and clapped his hands.

"And because we can," Viktor propped himself up on his arms. "Is that a problem?"

"Yes," seethed Cassius, "it is. Get out."

"What? No breakfast?" Max smirked.

"No, everyone else can, except you!" I smiled. I walked over to him and pushed him off of the floor, "Out, out the way you came," I pushed him towards the window, but when we were three steps away, he stopped letting me push him. "Max! This isn't fair!"

Viktor laughed and stood up, "Move pipsqueak," he softly pushed me away.

"I am not short!" 

Viktor harshly, and successfully pushed Max forward, "hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but you are very."

"You know what, no one asked you," I said and crossed my arms.

He smirked and pushed Max out the window, "let's go, boys."

They  each jumped out of the window and ran towards the end, where they jumped off, all laughing. 

-.-.-.-.- .-


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