Black Butler Fanfic: Dangerou...

By Cyniccarmen

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A Sebastian X Reader fanfic. In the story, you're an assassin sent by your master to kill Ciel Phantomhive. S... More

The mission
The red-eyed butler
The Phantomhive ball
Waltz with the devil
The butler: A challenge
The Devil's prey
Devil's game
Game over
Demon butler
The new maid
The banquet

Midnight encounters

70 5 1
By Cyniccarmen

Author's note: Hello everyone~I had fun writing this chapter, mainly because I enjoy making Sebastian a huge teaser and making reader-chan all flustered and shy~!^^ I hope you all will like this update and look forward for the next one~Happy reading everyone^^)/


Walking towards the kitchen, I gently massage my temples to ease my nerves. He sure enjoys making people all flustered. Turning into the corner, an unexpected explosion from the kitchen sends me flying a few feet from the ground. Thanks to my quick reflex, I am able to shield my head from the debris. Sitting up, I see the head chef laying on a pile of broken walls and bricks. Feeling worried, I quickly rush to his side and help him up. I keep my guard up and scan the surroundings for intruders. "Are you alright? Can you run? Please inform the head butler and make sure the young master is safe. I'll take care of the things here." He grab me by the arm before I run off to survey the surroundings. "Don't worry. It's nothing big...just...some minor accident when I was cooking." Puzzled, I stare at him for a moment. The chef sit up and dust off the layer of soot on his uniform and face and flash me an embarrassed smile. "Well, you know, I was trying to cook the meat with the flamethrower. Things got a little messy and so this happened. But I'm sure I was close to success if not for that minor mistake!"

My eyes widen in surprise and I open my mouth but is lost for words. " tried to cook with a flamethrower? Isn't it a bit too dangerous tho?" Folding his arms before his chest, the head chef started to boast his "work of art" and his culinary expertise in putting the beauty of fire and explosion into cooking. Without a word, I walk away from the chef and started cleaning up the mess. "He...hey, you need to learn to appreciate the beauty of explosion." I roll up my sleeves and start removing the pile of rocks and broken walls. "Is there even a sane person in this household? Is this what I just got myself into?" I thought to myself while scrubbing the soot off the kitchen floor. "You...what happened to your arms?" I look up to see the chef staring at the numerous scars that on my arm but he quickly realized the inappropriateness of his question. "Oh...I'm sorry for being so rude. It's just, I might be painful for you to do so much work..."

" know. I was an assassin so cuts and bruises are pretty common." I smile and continue my work. The head chef stayed silent as he look at me with a hint of sympathy on his face. "Baldroy, did you use the flamethrower again?" The head butler walk up to the chef after he saw the mess. "Well, you see, Sebastian, I made some minor mistake and things just blew up. I swear I was close to making the most delicious steak..." Facepalming at the chef's ridiculous excuse, the butler dismiss him and started the cleaning. "Y/n" The butler call for me. "Can you please help me get me the things on this list? A guest is visiting tomorrow and I need them for the dinner. I'll take over the work here." Handing me a list and some money, the butler look at me with his usual if he has completely forgotten his flirtatious behavior minutes ago.

Sebastian's POV:

Her fingers found their way into my collar, touching my neck. Her touch gives me this tingling sensation that makes me craving for more. I was ready to carry this forward but the annoying screech of Meyrin completely spoiled the moment. Or did she just saved me from losing my composure? This is weird, I have never been so mesmerized by a mere human. Everything about her seems to draw me in. Guess I'm just bored these days, her existence may have provided some excitement. Guess I'll just have fun before the boredom sets in again, just like everyone else. "Meyrin, it says 3 spoons of detergent not 30 spoons." The maid stare closely at the packaging, still wondering what went wrong with the laundry. "Please go clean up the hallway, I'll take care of the laundry."

Putting the last piece of laundry on the washing line, I let out a sigh when I hear an explosion from the kitchen. "Here we go again." Arriving at the "kitchen", I saw Baldroy staring intently at Y/n, particularly her arms. Her arms, they're covered in scars, probably the result from her past as an assassin. I march in and walk up to Baldroy, blocking his view of her. After dismissing the chef, I turn to hand her a list to make her be away from the mansion while I fix the kitchen. Staring at me with her e/c orbs, she stood there for a few seconds, like she's expecting something else from me before going off to run her errands.

"Now that the place is clear, I can finally work at my own pace." I roll up my sleeves and begin my work.

Y/n's POV:

"Rose seed, set of silverware from from Terry Silversmiths, Foley tea sets, and the latest Punch magazine. All checked." Reading the list of items, I make sure I got everything needed before going into the carriage back to the mansion. Sitting in the horse carriage, I think about the exchange between Baldroy and the butler. "He said he use the flamethrower 'again'? Seriously, how many times did Baldroy tried to 'cook' with those crazy explosives? It was Meyrin who messed up the laundry then Baldroy destroyed the whole kitchen. How can the young master even stand these servants? Well then, at least Finnian is alright...I thought the garden is quite a beautiful one."

Carrying the stuff back into the mansion, I continue to think about the weird household. Walking past the gazebo, I see Finnian diligently cutting the rose bushes. I take a closer look and rush to his side. "Finnian! What do you think you're doing? The roses are all cut out." The boy, with a slightly dazed expression, look up to me. "Y/n, I...I'm just trying to gather some roses for the dinner table tomorrow..." As if he just realized the grave mistake he made, he started to shout: "Oh no! I ended up cutting all of them out! Oh no! Sebastian is going to be so upset! Can you go see him with me, Y/n? I'm so scared right now." I sigh at the boy and lead him with me to tell the butler what he did to the garden. "Oh how wrong I was about this household...not a single Phantomhive servant is normal."

"Y/n?? Are you coming in?" Standing before the back door to the kitchen, Finnian wave his hand at me. Wide-eyed, I stare at the kitchen in complete surprise and shock. "It a huge mess just" "Ah...Sebastian must have fixed the kitchen. Baldroy always blow up the kitchen by accident and Sebastian always manage to fix it afterwards." Still in awe, I stutter when I speak. "I...I know can fix this...but but...not in just 2 hours?" The boy cock his head at my response. "Eh? What do you mean? Sebastian is always quick with his work! That's why he's the head butler!" My heart starts beating very fast and my palms get sweaty. "Just what is this Sebastian? This is...this is definitely not what a human is capable of doing!"

Setting the stuffs on the table, I look around and see everything arranged exactly the same before it was blown to pieces. Taking out a piece of silverware, I carefully inspect it. Not a single speck of soot nor scratch can be found. "Y/n?" A hand is placed on my shoulder, startling me. Probably due to my fear and reflex from years of training, I fling the silverware at the owner of that hand. "Careful with the silverware, Y/n. Don't want to get another scar on your beautiful hand." The butler manage to catch the silverware between his fingers and stare at me with the smile that I'm starting to fear.

"What's wrong? You seem...unsettled?" My heart beats faster but I try to remain calm. "I'm sorry. I...I'm fine." "Sebastian! Please forgive me! I ruined the garden again. I didn't mean it, I was...I was just trying to gather some flowers for our guests tomorrow. I..." Finnian come running into the kitchen and throw himself onto the butler, begging for his forgiveness. "Just like what I expected. Fortunately, I had Y/n to get these packets of seeds ready. The dinner table tomorrow will definitely be up to the Phantomhive standards." "Y/n." I jump slightly when the butler calls my name. "Can you please help me clean and set these silverware and tea sets aside? We'll be using them tomorrow." I nodded and start my work without a word. More like I'm rendered speechless by what just happened before my eyes.

Time skip

Tossing and turning on my bed, I look towards Meyrin to see her sprawled on her bed and snoring loudly. "How are those packets of seeds going to help if the dinner is tomorrow?" I think about what the butler said again and again but can't find a logical explanation for it. "Then, it can't be." Without making a single noise, I sneak out from the room in my night gown and find my way to the garden. Reaching the garden, I take cover behind a statue once I see the butler. Stealthily, I follow him into the hedge maze, only to lose him in a few turns. Feeling dejected, I decided to explore the maze on my own, in hopes to find out what the butler is doing. Judging from the noise of the fountain, I know I'm probably near the exit of the maze. I quicken my pace and eventually break into a sprint, eager to "ambush" the butler.

Standing at the walkway leading to the fountain, rows of rose bushes bloom beautifully. The sweet scent of rose come into my nose. "Coming out for a night walk?" The familiar voice comes behind me, as if awaiting my arrival. I turn to see the butler walking towards me. " did you revive those flowers in just one night?" I back away as the butler walk towards me. "Well, it's nothing worth mentioning, my dear." With his lips right beside my ear, he whisper to me. "I'm just simply one hell of a butler." Loss for words, I can only stare at the strange man before me. One of his hand started to reach into his coat and I tighten my fist, preparing myself for the incoming attack.

In a single swift move, he drape his coat over my shoulder. "It's a little chilly tonight. It would be unfortunate for a pretty lady like you to catch a cold." Clipping the pin back on his vest, I realize that he was just trying to take off the pin before giving his coat to me. "It's a little late already, isn't it? Please get some rest, Y/n." The butler then walk me back to my room and left before I can return his coat to him. Carefully keeping his coat into my wardrobe, I make sure to keep it hidden underneath my clothes. It will probably break Meyrin's heart if she sees it. "Maybe he isn't the kind of person that I imagined him to be?" Finally laying down on my bed, I think about the warm gesture from the butler just now.

Next morning

The noise of birds chirping by the window wake me up from my sleep, as I'm always a light sleeper. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up and stretch my arms. To my surprise, a single stem of rose is placed on the stool right beside my bed. Holding the stem of rose in my hand, I'm amazed that the rose's thorns were removed. Looking at Meyrin, who is still sound asleep, I wonder who would've came into the room and place this flower here. "Could it be? No, I'd be awake if someone came in here." Noticing the time, I decided to keep the flower away and start preparing for the day.

Sitting down at the table in the kitchen, I greet the others and start to eat my breakfast. "Ah, I heard that a guest will be visiting today!" Finnian said, while throwing his arms in the air excitedly. "Then I'll shine the plates and silverwares and...make Sebastian proud." I quietly eat my breakfast and occasionally break into a small laugh whenever the others acted in a funny way. It's been a while since the last time I can afford to sit around for my breakfast and enjoy the company of others. "Clap clap" The butler walk into the kitchen and clap his hands to draw the attention towards him. "I'm sure you all aware that we'll be expecting a guest today. He is an important manufacturing representative of Funtom company. Please behave and show our guest the Phantomhive standards." "Yes, sir!" Finnian and Baldroy exclaimed loudly, and saluted the butler. I can't help but chuckle a little at their reaction.

"Y/n." I walk to the butler when he call my name. "You're an expert in deboning chicken, I reckon?" I smile at his comment. "Why, I won't see myself as an expert in this but I believe the skills I learned from my previous occupation would be transferable to this situation." Rolling up my sleeves, I take up a knife and start to debone the chicken. The butler give me a impressed smile and start to work beside me as well. "Say, Y/n. Do you normally enjoy late night walks?" The butler asks, probably an attempt to strike a conversation. "Not really, but my previous work requires staying up late a lot of times. How about you?" "Sleeping is luxury for me." I look at him for a moment, trying to process his somewhat weird response. "Will this be alright?" I put down the knife and a complete set of chicken skeleton is carefully laid out right beside the deboned chicken. "Excellent, Y/n. You never fail to exceed my expectations." The butler flash a smile at me after looking at my work.

"Well then, since you're so quick. I'll let you handle the garden. I'll need you to gather some flowers for the dinner table tonight." I nodded in response and ask: "What kind of flowers would you like me to gather?" The butler smile at me and bend to my level. "Just pick whichever you like, I'll arrange the decoration accordingly." I feel my cheek turn warm from his intense stare and quickly back away. "Alright, I'll go to the garden to see what I can find." I quickly make my way to the garden.

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