The Quest for Onyx (Book 1)

By ScarletApollo99

2.4K 134 74

Essix has a tough life. That's just how it is in her village. She was forced to work at the local blacksmith'... More

Character Backgrounds
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 25

38 4 6
By ScarletApollo99

"What?!" The three of us exclaimed together.

"But that's impossible!! My name's Essix not Onyx!!" I exclaim confused.

"I understand you're surprised...and probably confused as well," Captain says calmly "but you need to settle down. These outbursts of yours won't solve anything."

I take a deep breath and lace my fingers behind my head. Finally after a few minutes I calm down a little bit. I let what I just learned sink in.

Captain walks over in front of the altar like part in the center of the temple.  "A long time ago the council were called together about Onyx's prophecy."

"Onyx's prophecy?" Tiny asks. "What's that?"

Captain shakes his head in disappointment "It's clear someone hasn't been paying attention in school."

Tiny quickly looks away and focuses on the floor clearly embarrassed.

"That's the prophecy concerning the story of Onyx isn't it?" Star asks.

"Yes, in a way. I'm sure you all recall the last line of the legend: When times are dark and evils rise the warrior Onyx will revive." Captain replies.

"I remember hearing about that a while back, and forgive me Captain if I sound rude, but that just mentions Onyx herself. Clearly I'm not her, so what does that have to do with me?" I ask.

Captain seems to ignore my question as he turns to me. "Do you know who named you Essix?"

"I've always been told by mom it was her idea." I say.

Captain closes his eyes and shakes a finger back and forth. "Ah no, it was your dad."

I'm completely caught off guard. ""

Captain's expression softens as he looks up at the giant gold painting of Onyx on the wall above us. "Yes. He knew the ancient prophecy and named you Essix. In the language of the Ancients Essix means Onyx."

"But...why would he make mom lie to me? She never really told me anything about my dad. I didn't even know him that well. I was too young." I feel the beginning of tears starting to well up in my eyes and I clench my fists.

Captain places a firm hand on my shoulder. "Essix your father knew all along your that you would rise to become the greatest warrior our village has ever seen."

He pauses and his face takes on a smile mixed with a proud look "Your father was the one who discovered the legend. He spent many hours the night of that discovery trying to decipher what the ancient words said. When he finally did he had this look in his eye. A look that was a proud look. Then he told me what he found and that his daughter would be the greatest warrior because you were tied to Onyx."

I feel so overwhelmed. I drop to my knees beside Captain. I can't stop the few tears that are falling.

Captain crouches down beside me and comforts me by giving me a hug. He pulls away and I can see the pride on his face.

"I understand that it's a lot to take in." He says.

"Dad...did he-how did he die?" I ask quietly.

A hint of sadness creases Captain's face. "Your father was a great warrior himself. I fought alongside him in the village army. One day Daywalkers attacked the village. They're fierce some beasts that come from deep within the desert caves. They look like giant lizards but made out of tough scales and rocks. Defeating the leader was the only way the Daywalkers would leave." Captain hesitates and glances at me.

"Keep going." I whisper.

"The only way to defeat a Daywalker is by using your own energy to kill it and basically blowing apart its crystal core. This is very dangerous and the core explodes unpredictably. Your father knew that but he insisted he be the one to do it. I tried to get him to rethink his plan, but he ignored me..."

"The force of the core exploding coupled with the extreme surge of energy that was released turned your father into stone. Petrifying him for eternity." Captain finishes grimly.

I can tell recalling this memory is as painful for him as it is for me hearing it for the first time.

"He...he turned to stone?" I say quietly.

"Yes." Captain says softly. "But your father died protecting what he loved most."

"I-I never knew." I stutter while clenching my fists. Trying to keep more tears from falling.

" The truth is never easy to hear." Captain says softly while patting me on the shoulder. "I know deep within you there is the heart of a great warrior Essix. A heart that guides you down the path of righteousness and steers you toward what you feel is right. Your father knew it and so do I. You will do all kinds of great things my friend."

I manage a smile and wipe away my remaining tears. "Thanks Captain I couldn't have asked for a better mentor or friend."

Tiny comes over and sits beside me and places his hand on my leg. "I think you're already a great warrior big sis."

Star shuffles over "Well I guess you're the best in my book anyway."

I squint at her. "Wait hold on a sec...are your cheeks damp?" I smirk "Have you been crying?"

Star frowns at me and subconsciously wipes at her cheeks. "What? No!" She replies defensively.

I laugh. "Sure whatever you say."

It all makes sense now. That explains what Erin said to me before he died.

"Essix always remember that I love you sis and that you're destined for more greatness than you'll ever know..."

He knew. Dad must have told him. That's why he said that to me that day. I know what I gotta do.

I stand up from where I'm sitting on the temple floor "Ok. So how am I supposed to fulfill the prophecy?"

"Well first I believe we have to rescue the village. It's obviously a trap the enemy has devised in order to draw you to them." Captain says.

"Makes sense to me...but how are we going to find them?" I ask.

"I have a good idea of where they took them. They really should teach their soldiers to keep their mouths shut because while I was under that collapsed wall I clearly heard them say the name of the facility where they were being held." Captain says triumphantly. He looks very proud of himself with his chest puffed out and arms crossed.

"Wait hold up. There's just something I don't understand." Star says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Who is this Captain guy and why are you so buddy buddy with him?" Star says suspiciously with her eyes narrowed.

I smile and throw an arm around Captain's neck. "Old Captain here is one of my closest friends. He's one of the village elders who helped train me in the village army. He's like my second dad."

"Hey who you calling old?" Captain says while poking my shoulder.

Star crosses her arms and puts a hand up to her chin like she's deep in thought. "So why is he called Captain?"

Tiny rolls his eyes. "Because he was a captain in the village army duh!"

Star looks embarrassed. "Oh that makes sense." She quickly says while staring at the floor.

"Now enough messing around." Captain says seriously "It's time to rescue the village from those ruffians!" He looks so excited to be back in action. It's kinda cute.

"Ruffians?" Star mumbles to me.

I shrug "I have no idea."

"Ok then...I guess we follow him outside then." Star replies while jabbing her thumb at Captain. Who by this time has gone through the large doors of the temple.

"Let's go then." I say with a shrug.

Hi guys!!

So I got over my laziness and got another chapter up for you guys to read!! I hope it was good and that you all enjoyed it!!

As always please vote and comment and I hope that you all enjoyed and that you continue to read on!!

Thanks for all of you guys' support!!

------ScarletApollo99 😎

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