Chapter 28

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Ok so at least I know why he kept talking about me being the leader of his world domination plan. He is a man of science. I guess I should put it more like a man of mad science...
It's amazing how much they actually look like me.

Azula is probably the same height as me and has blackish/grayish fur. She has black wings, gold eyes. Her weapon of choice seems to be a cross between a light sword and a scope blaster which is tucked across her back. Azula gives off a tense seasoned warrior vibe. You can see it deep within her eyes.

My gaze shifts to Azula's left.

Briggan is slightly taller than me. He has gray fur, black wings, and green eyes. I'm not sure what weapon he uses because I don't see a weapon anywhere on him. He doesn't seem to give off the same warrior vibe. He seems more...timid somehow.

"Be prepared, we won't show you any mercy!" Azula says coldly.

"Don't worry I won't either." I reply while cracking my knuckles. I look Azula right in the eyes. They picked the wrong day to mess with me.

"Very well, the rules of this duel are simple," Azula says nonchalantly "it will be me and Briggan against you."

"Wait a minute hold up." Star interrupts. "Don't ya think two on one in a sword fight's a little unfair?" She scoffs and shakes her head in disgust "Sheesh I would think even supervillains have some code of honor."

Azula closes her eyes and folds her arms over her chest. "Fine, if you need assistance someone may help you if you really need it." She huffs.

Something in Briggan's eyes changes. Was that relief I just saw?

Star snorts "Hmph now that sounds like better terms to me."

"Good now that we've settled that. Let's go over the stakes." Azula says with a wicked smile.

"The stakes?" I ask a little uneasily.

"The stakes?" Azula mocks clearly irritated with me "Yes the stakes. Have you not taken part in any duels before?"

I frown because she has no idea what I've went through to get here today. Duels are something I can handle.

"If you win you can leave with your people in peace; however, if you lose..." Azula leans forward and shrugs "well let's just say that you'll be having fun destroying people and nations for the rest of your life."

My heart feels like it dropped to my feet. If I lose...
I look back at my friends. I can't begin to put myself through the torture of seeing me destroy them.

I know that they would do anything for me. All of their faces are telling me that they don't want me to accept these duel stakes.

Tiny looks the most worried. "Essix please don't do this." He pleads.

Seeing him like this breaks my heart. I clench my fists. I have to save everyone. I didn't care whether they wanted me to put myself in danger or not.

I had to do this. It's my destiny.

"Do you accept?" Azula asks while staring me down intimidatingly.

I unflinchingly meet her gaze.  There's no way I'm backing down. I have way too much at stake.

"Yeah, let's go." I say while taking a fighting stance.

If she thinks I'll be losing to her she's got another thing coming.


What's up fellow readers?

What can be better than evil doppelgängers? I always think that's the best way to go with a story, but then again that's just my opinion...

As usual please vote and comment!! I appreciate all the support!!

See ya guys! Until next time!

-------ScarletApollo99 😜

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