Chapter 12

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I wake up and expect to be in the white room. But instead I find myself chained to a post in a lab. What a surprise right?

I try to move, but the chains that secure me to the wooden post are really thick. There is no way I'm moving around at all because they're wrapped around me too tightly.

A small fox who looks about the same age as Tiny appears from behind a table with test tubes and lab equipment. She opens a case and takes out a syringe.

"I am so sorry for this." She says quietly. Then she comes over to me and sticks the needle in my arm.

I don't know if it was because of the intense pain throbbing through my veins again or the stuff in the needle but my vision starts to fade and I black out.

I slowly open my eyes and discover that I'm back in the white room. But everything is hazy like I'm in a dream.

Tiny is yelling at me "Essix, wake up!!" He begins to shake me.

Finally I snap back to my senses. "What happened?"

Tiny looks confused "You mean you don't remember?"

I close my eyes and try to remember what had happened. It's sad I have to do this every time I wake up. Definitely normal. Totally not weird at all.

"Oh yeah, they kidnapped me...again. Wait she injected me with something. Is there anything different about me?" I ask suspiciously.

Tiny gasps suddenly.

That worries me. "What? What is it?!"

"Y-you just..."

"Tiny use your words, you're freaking me out!" I say, panic bleeding into my voice.

" just sprouted a pair of angel wings!!" Tiny exclaims.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim in disbelief.

I turn my head. Sure enough in the corner of my vision I can see a big pair of wings growing out of my back. They remind me of angel wings because they're big and have white feathers.

"Ok.....things just got weird." I say.

"Uh that's not the only thing that's different. There's some kind of collar thing around your neck." Tiny says. "It kinda looks like that collar the kids next door got for their pet. You know the collar that shocks their wolf pup when it tries to run into the street."

"Great. First I turn into a bodybuilder, next I grow angel wings, now I'm wearing what is essentially an electric dog collar." I reply sarcastically.

In the corner I notice those guards that attacked me last time are back. That normally means something is about to happen. And it can't be good.

As if on cue my vision blurs and I feel unsteady. I sway on my feet and almost fall. I press a hand to my forehead. Why do I have a headache all of a sudden?

Tiny looks scared "Essix what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know. Something feels off." I say. But my words are sorta slurring together.

"What's wrong with your eyes?! They're glowing this bright green!" Tiny says.

Those are the last words I hear before another voice comes into my head. It worms its way from the back of my brain to the front.

"Essix. Use your warrior skills and destroy them!"

I know that voice. It's the voice from that figure who confronted me in the lab the first time. Why is he talking in my mind? More importantly how did he get inside my head?

I run forward and begin attacking mercilessly. I try to stop myself but it's like my body is being controlled by someone else.



Cue dramatic music: DUH DUH DUH!!!

It's mind control!! Will our hero make it out of this terrible predicament? Tune in next time and see.....

Heh did you guys like my attempt to be an announcer for like at he end of a tv show?

As usual I appreciate all of you guys' support.

Please vote and comment as usual!! Also thanks for reading!!

-------ScarletApollo99 😎

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