Chapter 3

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Outside is a picture of complete chaos. Giant creatures the size of boulders are attacking the village. They have smashed homes and a good chunk of the market place. They even managed to somehow set the village partly on fire. The villagers are running around and screaming trying to avoid getting crushed by one of the giant rock creatures.

I spot many members of the village army darting through the chaos and attacking the boulder monsters. They are trying to keep their focus on them instead of the villagers.

Out of nowhere Erin runs up to us "Go back inside, it's not safe out here!"

Mr. Copperfield runs back inside with out any hesitation, but I didn't move.

"Yeah sure because staying in a building with those things smashing them is safe." I say.

Erin sighs and rubs a hand wearily across his face. "Can we please not do this right now. Essix go, it's dangerous!!"

I look my brother in the eye and cross my arms. "No. I want to help."

Irritation bleeds onto Erin's face "Essix I'm only doing this for your own good." His face softens "I care about you too much to lose you sis, so just go back inside and stay safe ok."

His sudden display of brotherly love catches me off guard. I am distracted by it for a fraction of a second and he knows how to snap me out of my stubbornness with one of his great hugs.

I watch as he pulls his sword from its holster and it glows gold for a little bit. The cool thing about Erin's sword is that it's not an ordinary sword. He received it from one of the village elders on the day he passed the army's toughest entrance test. It has magical properties that seem to float about it and many people think that the sword powers up whoever uses it.

It's almost like the sword itself has a life all it's own. The legend I've heard about it is that it once belonged to a great Warrior that once protected the village.

I watch as Erin runs off to help the others. It's fitting that he has an ancient Warrior's sword, Erin has always been the protector over me as far back as I can remember. I look down at the sword I'm still holding from earlier.

Erin has always protected me and my family. It's time I try to do the same for him.

Screaming jolts me out of thoughts. I twist around towards the noise and see Mrs. C's house is about to be crushed by a creature. Without thinking I tighten my grip on the sword and rush over to help.

Mrs. C saw me and began to panic "Essix look out, it's too dangerous!!"

"Don't panic Mrs. C I'm here to help!" I say as heroically as possible.

The rock creature sees me and let's out this earth shaking roar. Yeah I know what you're thinking. You can't fight that monster! Well it's too late to turn back now. Looks like I'm doing this.

The rock creature raises a giant fist and slams it into the ground. I barely manage to jump out of the way as it smashes into the ground inches away from me. I draw my sword and slash at its arm. The blade makes a clean pass through the tough rocky exterior and the rock creature gives another earth shaking roar of pain and anger.

It turns its fury towards me as it prepares another ground smashing attack. That's when I got an idea. I jump onto one of the rock creature's arms as it pounds into the ground and I use my agility to run up its arm towards its head. Once I get on top of it's head I use all of my strength to plunge my sword downward into its skull. The rock creature lets out another roar and topples over and falls to the ground motionless.

"Whoo yeah!! That's what I call kicking monster butt!" I say with an excited jump. "That is if rock monsters have butts..." I add quieter in a thinking pose.

Up ahead a group of village warriors are battling a rock creature. One of them gets knocked flying and smashes into a building.

I squint to get a better look at who it is. My blood turns to ice. "ERIN!!"

I run through the fights and chaos until I got to where Erin was laying. I kneel down beside him and hold him. "Erin? Erin please be okay!"

He slowly opens his eyes "Essix? I thought I told you to stay inside."

Guilt floods over me and threatens to drown me. "You did...I'm sorry, but I didn't listen."

"Not surprising coming from you." Erin attempts a small laugh but it's cut short by a fit of coughing.

That's when I notice the deep gash in his side. i
It must've come f from the rock creature's huge claws when it struck Erin.

"Here let me help you up, we'll get you up and running in no time." I say while trying to help him to a sitting position.

Erin swats my hand away. "There's no fixing this." He broke into another coughing fit this one deeper than the last. "Those things got some kind of poison in their claws...there's no coming back from this."

"Essix take care of mom and Tiny, take my sword, it's yours now. It's time I joined Dad." Another coughing fit shook him this time it ended in him coughing up some blood.

I am completely numb. This can't be happening.

"No..." I can feel the tears starting to fill my eyes "No you can't be dying! We can fix this I-"

I felt his hand softly touch my cheek. "Essix always remember that I love you sis and that you're destined for more greatness than you'll ever know...I give you my blessing...f-farewell my young warrior." Erin took his last breath.

I'm overcome with grief. I'm still holding tightly to his hand against my cheek and as I let it go it just falls limply to the ground. The light is completely gone out of Erin's eyes leaving them cold and blank.

"No Erin no!!" I hug his body tightly with tears pouring from my eyes. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO?!" I sobbed loudly.

Mr. Copperfield suddenly comes up from behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Come on love, it's not safe out here." He says softly with a lot of concern and sympathy in his voice.

I gripped Tadashi's body tighter "I-I can't just leave him out here." I sob.

Mr. Copperfield sighs. "It never should have to be this way. You need some time to rest and recover from this." He reaches down and picks me up in his arms.

I didn't struggle. I just sit there numb with grief as he carries me away. Away from Erin. Away from the only real best friend I ever had.

What up Wattpaders?!

This was a sad chapter to me. I'm sorry I had to end it this will be much cheerier later I promise.

As usual please vote and comment if you liked the chapter. Since I'm a progressing writer votes and comments are EXTREMELY important to me; I would appreciate it if you would please vote and comment. This helps me write better.

Thanks for being so cooperative!!


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