Chapter 31

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Azula looks at me. Her eyes are clouded with confusion at first and then realization flashes across her face. "Essix...I'm so sorry...I never wanted to attack you. it was the Kobra Drive."

"Kobra Drive?" I ask confused.

"It's something that Dr. Rabies implanted into my DNA somehow. From what I understand it's something like a virus that he created and it allows him to control me any time he wants..." Azula trails off.

Her gaze wanders off away from me and focuses on something behind me. I turn and see Briggan standing there. He looks like he's guilty of all that happened.

Azula stares at Briggan and the two seem to pass an unheard message between themselves. Briggan comes over and kneels beside his sister.

Azula gets up into a sitting position. "If you want to kill us, go ahead...we deserve it." She says while bowing her head.

I tighten my grip on my sword. I have more than enough reasons to want to take revenge and yet...I just can't.

I slide my sword back in its holster. "No. I'm not going to hurt you. Dr. Rabies made you do that against your will."

I let Azula get up off of the ground. "It wouldn't have made any difference anyway. I'm not even supposed to exist like this anyway..." She trails off while looking sadly at the ground.

Briggan puts an arm around Azula for support. "Hey we've been over this a thousand times. If it wasn't for you my life would be awful."

"What, why aren't you supposed to exist?" I ask confused again.

"I was a mistake in the cloning process..." Azula takes a deep breath and looks at Briggan who urges her to continue "When my DNA was being sequenced something happened that made my DNA incomplete. Dr. Rabies replaced the missing part of my DNA with something else. That missing part that was replaced...was what would have made me like Briggan I just know it. But everyone knows what kind of monster I am on the inside..."

I put my hand on Azula's shoulder "It's going to be alright. I think deep down there's good in you, no matter what's in your DNA."

"Really?" Azula asks while wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Of course." I reply with a smile.

"How? How can you forgive me after what I just did to you?" Azula asks through a sniffle.

"It's the right thing to do. I've been in your shoes I know how helpless you feel when you're being controlled. I believe everything you told me." I say.
"Plus I know you won't be attacking anyone again because when I flipped you when we were fighting earlier I shattered that crystal in your bracelet. That was a piece of the mind control crystal, but it shouldn't bother you anymore." I say triumphantly with my hands propped on my hips.

Azula suddenly bursts into tears and embraces me in a big hug.

It takes me completely to surprise and I'm not sure how to react so I just stand there awkwardly while Azula sobs on me. Briggan looks just as surprised and embarrassed as me.

"No one has ever been this nice to me!" She blubbers.


Dr Rabies has been watching the battle from his lab. He looks away from the computer screen with disgust "Well Essix, let's just see how much you like her when I activate the real Kobra Drive remotely from here."

He presses a button on his keyboard and types:
Kobra Command <8535>
//transformation X//

After typing the command Dr. Rabies presses the enter key on his keyboard and eagerly turns his attention back to the computer screen. The whole time he's laughing like a deranged lunatic. "That one you broke was just a weak on. The real one is inside her and it's not so easily broken. Time for you to see the monster she really is! Now the real fun begins!!"


Suddenly Azula sways on her feet "Oh no, it's happening again! Briggan get everyone to safety, I don't want to hurt anyone else!"

I was about about to ask what was happening, but then Azula closes her eyes and when she opens them again I see that her eyes are different. It's like the life has gone from them and her gaze is strangely blank and vacant.

Is she being controlled again? But how? I thought for sure destroying that crystal would save her.
I know that whatever happens next isn't going to be good.

Azula straightens and spreads her wings then she jumps up and flies straight through the ceiling.

"Oh no here we go again." I mumble to myself.

Against my better judgement I follow her up through the hole. When I reach the outside I didn't see any trace of Azula. Something just felt off. I quickly veered towards the ground. It was a good thing I did, because one second later and I would've had a plasma bullet right between my eyes!

I sigh with relief. "Jeez too close." 

I see Azula a few feet away perched on a rock. The scope from her scope sword glinted in the sun. Her eyes blank and expressionless.

She raises her scope and takes aim as she then fires two more shots at me. I dodge them and soon after I realize that if I was ever going to get a chance at beating her it would have to be at close range.

An extremely risky strategy, but it was the only shot I had at winning. No pun intended there.

The only hard part would be getting Azula to take my bait and what I would do once she took it. Out of the corner of my eye I see a jungle below me and without thinking I fly as fast as I can towards it. I just hope I don't die trying to lose her in this jungle.


Hello fellow Wattpaders!!

The climax of the chapters!! This is why evil scientists should not be able to make technology like the Triton Bug...but it's ok because Essix doesn't kill.

So I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I appreciate all the reads and votes so far, so please continue to read, vote, and comment!!

I'll see you guys later!!

-------Your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99 😎

Heh Spiderman reference. I had to put that in there because I'm a Spiderman nerd 😄

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