Chapter 17

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The first few rays of sunlight begin peeking over the edge of the sky. I open my eyes and sit up. Tiny is still passed out. He's using my stomach as a pillow. Carefully I get up so I don't wake him up. After the day we had yesterday he deserves a good night sleep plus he just looks so comfortable. It'd be a crime to wake him up right now.

Last night we were able to find this cave in the side of a big rock formation close to a waterfall. It's the perfect hiding spot because it's hard to see from the ground and it provides us with good cover.

I walk over to the edge of the cave mouth and stretch. I look out over the pool of water below. We tried to stay as close to the road by the mansion as possible but not too close that they would be able to see us from there. I figure that if we follow the road then it will lead us back somewhat in the direction of home.

Of course I have no idea where that lab facility was with the white we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn and see Tiny stumbling towards me. I smile "Ah good morning there little brother."

Tiny yawns and plops down beside me. "It's wayyy to early to be awake." He says.

"I agree with that %100." I reply.

"Is that why you're over here by the waterfall? Is the cold spray from it waking you up?" Tiny asks with another yawn.

"Yeah. Try it for yourself. You won't be dragging after that." I reply.

I leave Tiny to wake himself up while I go back to where we slept and put my sword belt and sword back on. When I come back Tiny is hopping around like an excited frog.

"Woah you weren't kidding about that waterfall spray it's ice cold!!" Tiny exclaims.

"It's probably fed by either a spring or snow runoff." I say.

"Are we leaving now?" Tiny asks.

"Yeah. Probably best to keep moving just in case." I reply.

I help Tiny up and he climbs onto my back and wraps his arms around my neck again. Then I spread my wings and we fly off.


We've been flying over a forest that seems to have no end for two hours now. All I can see is green stretching in all directions. And I can't see the end of the forest yet. I stop moving forward and hover in place.

"Now what?" Tiny asks.

I look around "I don't know."

I'm just about to fly up higher for a better look when a strong gust of wind rips through the sky. I try to keep my balance and stay upright in the air but I've never had to deal with strong winds and what to do to adjust to them when you're flying. I end up losing my battle against the wind. Me and Tiny can do nothing but scream as the wind hurls us towards the ground.

We hit a bunch of trees and tree limbs as we plummet through the canopy on the way down. I flip onto my back and pull Tiny to my chest as I fall. I can take a hit and walk away but I want to protect him. I hit the ground with a bone jarring thump. Slowly the dizziness in my head clears and I sit up. That's when I notice the pair of eyes staring at me in the bushes.

I jump and scramble backwards right as a wolf springs out of the bushes. She is the same size as me with gray fur and a pair of purple wings on her back. Her ice blue eyes are sharply focused on me.

"Tiny get behind me." I say firmly while drawing my sword and pointing it at her.

The wolf flings up her hands like she's surrendering. "Woah hold on there! I'm not your enemy."

"Who are you?" I ask while narrowing my eyes.

"I should be asking you two that seeing as you guys just fell from the sky." She replies while propping a hand on her hip.

"You're a smart one aren't you?" I say unimpressed.

I try to get up, but as soon as I put my full weight on my ankle pain explodes through my leg. I let out a pained grunt and instantly sit back down.

"Are you ok?" Tiny asks concerned.

"I'm fine. Probably just hit it on a tree branch on the way down." I reply reassuringly.

" are not fine." The wolf says sarcastically.

"What do you know?" I retort.

"I know enough. I saw the pain on your face when you tried to get up, ya probably bruised it or broke a bone." The wolf replies matter of factly.

"Why would I trust anything you say? I don't even know who you are." I say.

"Well I know a place where that ankle of yours can be fixed up good as new." The wolf says.

"You know a place huh? That sounds like something to try and lure me back to that mansion." I reply suspiciously.

"Essix, stop being so rude." Tiny mumbles to me.

The wolf snorts. "If you don't want my help that's fine, I was just trying to help. Good luck on your own." She turns to leave.

"Wait please don't go!" Tiny shouts.

She tops and turns around. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't leave her rude butt out here?"

"I know my sister can be rude but she's just too proud to ask for help right now. Especially since we've been through a lot in the past few days. We don't know who to trust anymore." Tiny explains.

"Hmm...sounds like you two have been through the wringer." She pauses and acts like she's thinking. "I guess the least I can do is show you guys that place I was talking about."

"Would you please?! She won't like it but she needs the help." Tiny says.

She smiles at Tiny "Of course little buddy. She'll be better in no time, I promise."

"No!!" I snap "I don't need your help!"

The wolf rolls her eyes. "Can you please drop the tough guy act? I know you're in pain don't worry I'm not going to hurt you two at all. I just wanna help."

She waves her hand towards me and I begin to float in the air.

"Woah wait what's happening?!" I exclaim.

"It's my uhh...magic. I'll put you down once we get to my spot." The wolf replies.

"Ugh this is great." I huff while crossing my arms and pouting.

The wolf acts like she didn't hear me. Instead she turns to Tiny. "Ready little guy? Let's go follow me."

Tiny follows behind her and together we begin trekking into the forest.


What's up guys?!

Epic crash scene right? And now you have to guess who the mystery wolf is who helped Essix.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter. Please vote and comment!!

I'll see you guys later!!

------ScarletApollo99 😉

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