homophobic • gxg [✔]

By pimpdaddykei

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Janelle, a 16 year old student comes out as gay to her family, and to herself. Feeling as though her sexualit... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven


429 19 77
By pimpdaddykei


The rest of Sunday went by rapidly, as for I basically slept the rest of the day.

On Monday, I woke up with actual energy, and slipped on a black crop top and my favorite pair of light blue jeans. It was my usual attire for Girls' Day.

I take my car, and Eva comes with me. She was smiling the entire ride.

"Why the hell do you keep smiling at me like that?" I cogitate.

Eva gets startled, and stops smiling.

"Oh. Sorry," She says, and I see her look out the window at the corner of my eye. "It's just, it's so cool having a gay sister."

How is that cool in any remote way?! I think

I chuckle. "Cool? What do you mean, 'cool'?" I ask her.

"'Cause now, I can give you advice on your girlfriend troubles since I'm a girl too!" She exclaimed.

I hesitated to reply at first. "Well," I started, looking at her then back at the road. "I honestly thought you'd not accept me at first." I admit.

"Oh, please, it's 2017. Everyone is gay!" Eva joked, making me laugh.

That wouldn't be very good.. I think

We arrive to school a few minutes later, and I instantly become moody. I hated this shit hole so much, besides the fact that my 3 best friends and possible love interest was in it.

Eva and I go our separate ways, and the first person I spot out of the crowd of students was Jade. She notices me too, and walks over to me.

"Hey hey hey, cutie!" She smiles seductively at me, making me bite my lip. "Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"Of course, I'd never pass up an opportunity to hang out with you!" I smile, which made her chuckle. Gosh, I loved her laugh.

"Good to know, I'll see you around." She said, before walking off, as for the bell had rung.

Aw, way to ruin the fun, bell. I think and pout, before walking to my first period class.

~~ Time skip ~~

It was finally lunch, and I had decided to go to McDonald's with Nick, Lyssa, Grace and Jade. I was actually really happy when she had said yes to my offer.

We piled into Lyssa's car, and I was about to sit next to Jade when Nick ruined the moment.

"Oh my gosh! There's no way in Hell I'd let you two sit together! NO PDA!" Nick exclaimed, as he sat himself in the middle seat.

That left me and Jade to look at each other in embarrassment, while Lyssa and Grace laughed their asses off.

"Shut the hell up, will you too??" I playfully yelled, smacking the back of their necks.

I bet he'd never done that if Jade was a guy. I think, mentally sighing.

The ride to McDonald's was a dreadful 10 minutes, as for Nick would not stop asking Jade questions. I was suprised to have seen her answer them politely, she didn't even seem bothered.

"Okay, that's enough of questions, Nicky." Grace told him, as we pulled into the parking lot of McDonald's.

"Awww, you always have to ruin everything, Grace." He playfully pouted and we got out the car.

As I got out, I felt a smack on my butt and twisted my head to see Jade smirking.

"You hoe!" I muttered to her, then pushing her playfully. She chuckled and we walked into McDonalds.

Lunch was fine, besides the fact that Nick would not stop talking about some guy that he likes.

"Okay but like, he's 5'9 and I'm 5'8!" He complained, chewing on fries in between words. "Why can't I be really short so I don't have to get all the way on my knees to-" We all almost choked on our food, but luckily Lyssa slammed her hands on the booth table to get his attention.

"Nick," She started off calmly. "There are children here!" She said a little less calmly, in a hushed voice.

"What the fuck, don't they have school right now?" He asked a little concerned, and chewed on some more fries.

We all tried holding in our laughter, but it seemed like Nick was the only one who was serious. That was a suprise, our entire group is never serious.

Everyone then started posting random pictures of us being weird on Instagram and Snapchat, but that's when I decided to do something daring.

I put my hand on Jade's thigh, and she looked at me smiling. I smiled too, and it probably lasted 10 seconds when I heard Grace say "Look at the two lovebirds" and help up her phone.

We broke out of our spell, and started laughing.

Not going to lie, that was worth seeing her smile at me like that.

Even if I don't want to be gay, feelings like this are nice sometimes. I think


We got back to the school 20 minutes later, and Jade walked to my locker with me.

"Thanks for taking me with you guys, I had fun." She smiled, swaying her arms from side to side.

"No problem, sorry if Nick was asking too many questions. He's sometimes overprotective of us." I admit, giggling a bit.

"No it's okay! It was funny seeing him worked up. And it's nice having such a protective friend." She explained as the bell rung.
"Ah, well I have to go! See you tomorrow, Janelle."

I smiled and walked to my last few classes for today. I was ready to get the hell out of here and spend the night with my best friends.


A/n in the middle of a chapter I am s o r r y: The rest of this chapter is Janelle's homophobic thoughts while she's with her best friends. Hope you enjoyed the Jadelle time as it lasted for this chapter.

The rest of the day went by quickly, and I waited for Lyssa, Grace and Nick outside my car. I leaned against my car as I seen a few people come by, whispering and looking at me judgingly.

I heard what some people said and it kind of hurt.

"Isn't that Janelle?" Some girl asked her friend. No shit it's me.

"Yeah, I heard she's gay!" The other girl exclaimed in a whisper.

"Eww, what a fag!" The first girl said in disgust. I tried my best to not show my sadness.

"Yeah, I pray for people like her. One day they'll understand that we were made on this world to marry the opposite sex.." The second girl sighed, and her friend nodded in agreement.

Maybe they're right. I think

"No, you are not a fag, Janelle." I say to myself.

But I sure think I am. I think

Nick and the girls finally get to my car 10 minutes later, as I thought about what the girls said.

"Hey bitch!" Nick greeted me, getting in the front seat.

"Hi." I smile at them, before getting in and starting up the car.

"You okay, Jelly bean? You seem quieter than usual." Lyssa asked, with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay!" I fake a smile and pull up to Grace's house, since the day would be there.

Plus she had about every movie you could think of in her living room.

The night started off with us painting each other's nails, including Nick's, which disgusted me for a second.

Ew, Nick should NOT be getting his nails done, does he not care about what kids at school will say?! One part of my mind thinks.

Shut up, Janelle! He's your best friend and has the more self confidence than the I Play Pokemon Go kid! Get it together! The other part of my mind thinks.

"Hello? Janelle did you hear me?" Lyssa snaps me out of my thoughts, making me startled a bit.

"Huh? What? Sorry." I say, focusing on her.

"I asked what color you wanted for your nails." She explains, holding up Grace's case of nail polish.

"Oh, hmm. I'll take blue and black." I decide, and she starts painting them.

"You okay, Janelle? You seem over the edge tonight." Lyssa asks me, concerned.

No, Lyssa, I am not okay. I hate being gay and I hate being called fag for being gay! I didn't ask to be this way, so why was I made like that? I think, almost saying.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Just a little stressed over school." I lie, flashing a smile.

"Jelly bean, relax! Girls' Day is a time to chill as the week rolls im. No need to stress about something that you're great at." She assures me.

"You're right." Is all I say, because really she was. Maybe their comments shouldn't effect me that much.

You're still a fag. One part of my brain kept saying throughout the night.

And for some reason I was slowly starting to agree with it.


a/n: damn janelle you doing too much just accept that you're gay lmao

This was a long chapter wasn't it, enjoy it as it lasts because I might start doing 700-900 word chapters daily. I plan on only giving this book 20-30 chapters, though, so let's see how that works out.

Word Count: 1551

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