Let Everybody Know - LAMS

By CinnamonRollLams

167K 5.4K 27K

A classic LAMS college AU. Lots of fluff, some drama and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy! I will warn you w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - you swing at my friend you better not miss
Part 3 - John, You could Let it go
Chapter 4 - Stay Alive For Me
Chapter 5 - Live to Fight Another Day
Chapter 6 - People will always be critical
Chapter 7 - Don't make the personal political
Chapter 8 - Let Other People be Cynical
Chapter 9 -You're Laughing
Heyo sorry for annoying u but pls read this?
Chapter 10 - Find Your Way Home
11 - Helpless
12 - Alex, you could let it go
Chaoter 13 - Wait for it
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15 - Washington on Your Side
Chapter 17 - Wait for him
Chapter 18 - you've been here this whole time
Chapter 19
Please read (important !!)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - bUSTED
Chapter 22 - Christmas
Chapter 23 - Philip
24 - Slap Bet
25 - Uncertainty
26 - the accident
27 -The end

Chapter 16 - Say No to This

5.6K 178 1K
By CinnamonRollLams

Hi, I am sorry in advance

TW: gay slurs, a lot of assholes and #don'tblamemaria

Maria's POV

"MARIA" I heard a voice I could identify as Thomas Jefferson whisper-shout from behind my door. I whined and checked the time, rolling out of bed.

1am jfc god save my soul

I pulled on a jumper and opened the door reluctantly, flipping off Thomas immediately.

"Hush up, dickhead, Theo's sleeping" I retorted. I hated Thomas with a deep passion, a very deep passion.

"I need your help" he said.

"I'll help you when hell freezes over" I replied, my voice still an angry whisper.

"James Reynolds is involved. You don't want to get in anymore shit with him.... do you? You know what he will do"

"What is wrong with you? You can't just say that to me you know what happened with us!" I nearly screamed but controlled my temper enough to keep my voice soft.

"Fine, I'll call him, and you can go back to your life as a slut"

"Never talk to me that way. What happened in the past happened in the past"

"I will call him. I'll call him right now, if you don't help me" I looked over my shoulder to make sure Theo was still sleeping.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"If you help, I'll set you up with Peggy"

"We're already dating I don't need your help" I spat at him, putting air quotes when I said 'help.'

"So you already got the money, good on ya girl"

"I'm not dating her for money, asshole, I love her, now what do you want? Anymore blabber about my love life and I'll throw you out a window"

"I need you to help me fuck up hamilton's life" Thomas smirked.

"No!" I screamed, convering my mouth instantly. "He's my friend"

"Ok then I'll just call James Reynolds" he said, pulling out his phone.

"No! No! Fine, what do you want?" I replied, defeated. I had a really bad feeling about this.

Thomas led me to his dorm where I saw a big binder of files resting on his bed, in front of James Madison.


"No! I told you already he's my friend. He's also one of the few people who don't slut shame me" I glared after Jefferson told me his plan.

Thomas rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Just sending a text"

Not even a minute later the door swung open and James Reynolds walked in.

"Get the fuck away from me" I scowled. I tried my best to act calm and unintimidated but in truth, I was everything but those two things.

"James Reynolds. Past boyfriend, if you could call him that. Help me or your slut shaming will get even worse" Thomas grinned at me.

"Fine! I'll do it" I said, defeated and James winked at me before walking out. I looked away, shaking at the thought of that man laying a finger on me....again.

The next morning

Eliza's POV

"I hate boring days" Hercules muttered as laf, Angelica, Peggy and I walked to our arts and drama class. Today was a calm day, well Peggy, Angelica and I made a bet on it. Peggy bet that it would be chaotic so she was wearing her 'today is gonna be absolute shit' costume, which consisted of some of her wavy chocolate locks tied in plaits around her head like a crown and the rest hanging loose. She had a black batman shirt with a yellow frowny face in the middle of the bat symbol and a plaid shirt wrapped around her waist. She had doc martins just to add more gay onto her plaid shirt and her leggings which literally had gay spelt on the side of them. I, on the other hand was wearing a blue mid drift and dark blue jeans with black ankle boots and Angelica wore a pink top and her signature bomber jacket with some black shorts. As fabulous as we looked Lafayette looked better than all of us. He had his makeup all done up and the prettiest sun dress and heels on. I don't know how people could bully him when he looked a million times better than everyone else.

"At least it's not full of drama" I smiled, looking out the window. Finally, a calm day where someone didn't almost die. Hopefully.

"Hamilton, Alexander. Parents; mother deceased and father unknown whereabouts. Siblings: one deceased, others unknown. Place of Birth; the Caribbean, immigrated to NYC America-"

I turned around to see Angelica holding a piece of paper and reading off it, squinting at the print.

"Angelica what are you reading?" Lafayette asked urgently, pulling the paper out of her hand and quickly reading over it.

"Fuuuuuuuu-" he started and I snatched the paper off him, reading over it with Peggy and Hercules. The same pieces of paper were scattered around the halls, taped onto the walls and doors, some were even thrown onto the floors.

"Illegitimate child. A Bastard, orphan, son of a whore, takes anti depressants and has counselling three times a week. History of self harm, possibly suicidal" Angelica continued to read.

"What the fuck are these!?" I screamed, pulling as many as I could off the walls.

"I don't know!" Peggy replied, piling the papers into her arms and throwing them into the recycling bin. "But we can't let Alex see them" soon enough everyone was rushing trough the halls getting to their morning classes, as usual but today was different because today everyone was reading about our best friend and how fucked up his life was.

"We have to clean these all out before more people see them!" Angelica panicked.

"Everyone's already seen them! It's on every hallway" Hercules huffed, running back from around the corner.

"Sweet Jesus" I sighed.

"Who did this?" Peggy asked, worry hanging in her shaking voice.


John's POV

I ran to our lunch table and sat down, slamming the pieces of paper I found in the halls onto the table in front of my friends.

"I saw these around the halls and told Alex he had to stay in and locked him in our dorm, what the fuck are these?" I asked.

"We saw them this morning too. Thomas probably did it" Hercules assumed.

"Everyone's seen them! What do we do!?" Peggy piped up.

"Hi guys. John locked me in the dorm" Alex said, standing in front of the table. He had dirt stains all over his jumper and his hair was ruffled up messily. I quickly threw the papers behind me and began to clean him up. Giggling slightly at the adorable boy my boyfriend was.

"How the hell did you get out?" I let a laugh escape as I tried to stay calm about what was happening.

"I jumped out the window" he said almost proudly.

"You know, usually people jump out the window to get out of school, not back in" Peggy stated. I cringed as I picked leaves out of his brown hair and the group engaged in conversation.

"HEY EVERYONE CAN I GET YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!?" Everyone turned their attention to Thomas who was standing on a table. "HAVE YOU ALL SEEN THESE?!" He yelled, holding up one of the papers. Alex raised an eyebrow at me while panic erupted in I'm guessing all our minds.

"Alex you should go clean up in the bathroom" I said nervously.

"No, no I want to stay"

"Alex, please!"

"John I'm fine" Alex smiled. I should've cherished that smile. It didn't last for long.

"IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT, I'LL READ IT OUT FOR YOU!" Thomas continued to scream. He cleared his throat and looked down at the paper.

"Hamilton, Alexander. Parents; mother deceased and father unknown whereabouts. Siblings: one deceased, others unknown. Place of Birth; the Caribbean, immigrated to NYC America. You see, Alexander literally had no friends before college! He's a faggot as well!" Everyone except his friends and I burst into fits of laughter. Alex dropped his fork and stared directly at Thomas, frozen in his seat.

"Alex? Baby-"

"Illegitimate child. A Bastard, orphan, son of a whore, takes anti depressants and has counselling three times a week. History of self harm, possibly suicidal. Payed no fees for school entry. Submitted essays just to get in. He has no money! He's poor! He wasn't even meant to be born!" Thomas read aloud and I saw Alex start to cry, tears streaming out of his chocolate brown eyes and down his cheeks. The whole cafeteria laughed and stared at him.

Alex's POV

"DO NOT CALL MY MOTHER A WHORE" I screamed, walking up to Thomas and snatching the paper off him.

"You know who did this, Alex? Who taped these around the halls?" Thomas laughed. "HER!" Thomas pointed at Maria who was shamefully looking away from me.

"Alex I-" she started. I stared at her blankly and she stared back, looking like a mess but as apologetic as she looked I couldn't stop feeling betrayed. Feeling hurt. I felt like someone stabbed me right in the chest or like I was drowning, Drowning in that hurricane that killed my brother.

"Please listen to me!" Maria begged when she saw Peggy nearly in tears.

John's POV

"Your slut of a friend, Maria, did this to you" Thomas laughed and pointed at the paper that had Alex's life struggles written all over it. "Guess this was an attempt to get in your pants, that's probably the only reason she's even dating Peggy! Because she's a slut!" He smirked at Alex.

"She's not a slut!" I walked up to Thomas angrily.

"Oh look, the faggot has guts. Guess getting beaten up by your dad wasn't enough, was it?" Charles Lee cheered and all his friends laughed.

"What did you just call me?" I towered over Charles who looked as powerful as a mouse compared to me when I got angry.

"A- a faggot" he repeated, slightly intimidated.

"Fuck you" I replied and punched him in the face causing bruises to cover his usually pale skin. Charles punched back and we tackled each other to the floor while half the cafeteria cheered Charles on and the other half cheered for me.

I stumbled over to Alex, blood dripping out my nose and my eye was purple and bruised. At least I was looking a lot better than Charles was. I wiped the blood off my face and embraced Alex in a warm hug, letting his body heat and mine collide. "You ok?" I asked him soothingly.

"No" he replied and placed a soft kiss on my lips. Suddenly the lights blacked out and the cafeteria was a mess of echoed screams. Everyone went dead silent as a gunshot was heard before the screams became louder with the shots. I heard Alex scream my name out multiple times as I did the same. I managed to grab his hand before another series of loud gunshots were heard. I gripped his hand tightly, not taking any risk of letting go since everything was pitch black.

Maybe if I did let go, he wouldn't of been shot.



"JOH-" gunshot

I felt Alex's hand slip out of mine and I started to shake and scream even louder for him.

"SOMEONE GOT SHOT" I heard a voice I recognised as Maria yell. Someone turned the torch on their phone on and shone it on the body on the floor. The room fell quiet, now filled with only whispers and murmurs.

"Who shot Alexander?" Someone asked and I felt my heart stop for a second. I felt everything stop for a second. My breath, my heart, my body, everything.

"ALEX!?" I screeched and everyone made their way to let me through. I slumped by his body, tears escaping my eyes. I felt my heart twist and knot inside my stomach. My throat burned and my hands refused to stop shaking as they reached for Alexander's. Blood slowly poured out from above his hip and seeped onto the floor.

"Call 911" Eliza yelled and the lights slowly turned back on.

"John you shouldn't look" Peggy said, attempting to pull me away.

"Alex!" I yelled again, my grip on his wrist tightening.

"John we have to go!" Peggy scolded.


"HE'S DEAD, OK!?" She screamed at me, wiping tears out of her own eyes.

"He's not dead. He can't be" I replied.

"THERE'S A BULLET RIGHT THERE, IN HIS CHEST, HE'S DEAD" Peggy yelled through sobs, motioning to Alex's body on the floor. The sound of sirens drowned out my thoughts and I silently watched the ambulance pick his body up, blood dripping from the side of the stretcher.

I felt Eliza grab my hand and she rubbed my wrist in comfort, resting her head on my shoulder. I don't know wether she was trying to comfort me or herself more.

"He might not be..... dead" she mumbled and her cold tears soaked my shoulder.

"He might be"


I've like updated 3 times in 24 hours I'm sorry

Also sorry for this chapter. And don't worry Jimmy James and Thomas will become nicer soon bc I feel bad don't worry friends

Take out all your anger right here I'm sorry. Throw whatever you want.

The new Star Wars trailer for TLJ comes out in a few hours and I'm not emotionally prepared. I'm sobbing already. I need a Star Wars friend I don't have one of those

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