Beauty in The Dirt -The Magic...

By Willow_Bree

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Even Death Eaters have their weaknesses. Even the evil give in to temptations. Even the dark seeks out light... More

Chastising & Mortification
Escape to Snape
Insipid Encounter
Down And Dirty
Master in the Dungeon's
Slight of Hand
Infatuation Intensified
His Dark Gaze
Vehement Hunger
Snape The Viking
Caught In The Act
Nothing's as it Seems
Facing The Inevitable
Snape's Discovery
One-Way Trip
The Secret Passage
Congregation of Death Eaters
Blood Lust
The Leaky Cauldron's Unexpected Guest's
At Last
Gathering at Borgin & Burkes
The Ceremony
Petals In A Blood Pool
The Men At Arms
For The Moment
The Intrusion To Seclusion
Beneath The Hearth Of Whitehall
Switching Roles
It's Time
Racing Against Time
Cheerful Despair
Fortress of Emotions
Two's A Crowd
Getting The Hell Out Of Dodge
To Prove Yourself
The Island
Malfoy Manor
Plan of Demise
Surprise At Spinners End
Unforgettable Dinner
Primeval Desire Proclaimed
Certitude Of Treowth
The Daunting Realization
A Moment In Time
Celebration; Invitation or Naught
A Side She Didn't Know
The Dawn
The Daunting Dawn
Admission Of Three
Hell Hath No Fury
The Three Broomsticks
Lounge About
Who's Joe?
A Part Of The Plot
The Little Prince
I'm Not Made Of Stone
Number 12 Grimmuald Place
Regulus & Memory Lane
Regulus & Memory Lane 2
Tryst Unforgiven
Feigning Fate
It's All About Her
Split In Two
The After Math
Finders Keeper & Desperate Seeker
Another Piece Gone
In A Dream
Whisper of Desperation
Control Your Emotions
Blame It On The House Elf
Still Noble in The House Of Black
Rectify Your Worth
As White As Snow
All Will Love In Despair
A Broken Porcelain Doll
The Bloody River Styx
The Thunder Rolls
The Day Bellatrix Almost Cried
Curse Challenged
The Unknown
X Marks The Spot
Chalice of Fallacy

The Shrieking Shack's Screams

170 14 41
By Willow_Bree

They stood in the shadows now, somewhere close to the scene playing out in front of them. Barty and his wench in arms- Cassiopeia- had only just begun the game play on the filthy Muggles in the burning house when blue and red lights appeared, followed by armed men and a truck with hoses. They were forced to retreat and now stood silent, hidden away from the chaos, watching their new prey. When she moved, they moved; silently but with stealth and focused intent.
So many of the non-magic folk had come outside to watch the unfolding event's- Poor blokes.

They were offering themselves as bait without even knowing it.

As it was, a young curvy, short sable haired woman was walking at night, all alone, down a side alley of one of the many brick buildings. She was a bit trashy but that only made her an easier target. One less hooker off of Severus' neighboring corner.

Oh, yes....
They would have her tonight at their mercy. Her pleas would go unheard, her screams silenced by gags and silencing spells. The only voice heard was that of the whispers inside Cassi's mind being the one that belonged to the dark urges that drove her on. The two Death Eaters stopped and waited when the girl hesitated and looked around as if she felt them there. She was such an easy target. Cassiopeia just stepped out from the shadows and played her part.

Cassiopeia Black, Aristocrat Lady Lost-- and the trampy trollop had easily believed her. She was actually grateful that she had shown up. Cassi being a woman, she trusted her.

Foolish bitch.

It was Bartemius' job to secure her with the binding spell. They carefully moved the body, Disapparating to the infamous Shrieking Shack. If anyone heard the victim's cries there, they'd believe it to be nothing more than the haunting they'd long ago claimed it was.

Half-hour later the girl was secured to a St. Andrew's Cross, Bartemius had placed there earlier.

He really had planned this out. He had a satchel filled with silver instruments that he laid out along a swaying table covered in dust.

Within minutes the skanky snatch seller was screaming and yelling her lungs out as Barty twisted her nipples and pinched her in the most sensitive spots. He used every tool at his disposal to elicit her cries of desperation. Pulling her flesh, slapping it and abusing it to the point of numbness....then soothing it until he felt he'd been nice enough. For every aching moment that he'd spent in her presence, he inflicted a worse torture upon his victim that night.

He truly had no idea why he put himself through it each time he saw Cassi escorted by another man. He despised the woman, tormented by their drunken trysts two years previously, before the rebirth of their Master. He didn't look at her that way. He put little effort to life's trivial aspirations such as sex and masterbation. He wasn't built that way and it made him furious that every time he saw her in the vicinity of another man; men he knew, images of their escapade played in his head like a bloody rerun. A visionary show he couldn't pause, stop, rewind or fast forward. It just played, a constant reminder of what he'd done with her. Her allure, her bare to the bare skin, the sounds of her groans, the way she made his knob throb. Sometimes he wondered if her specialties lay elsewhere, other than the Imperius Curse. She was a Siren in hiding he'd decided; a bloody wench picking off the Death Eaters one by one. Of course it was an irrational thought. It was the drinking. And her Fucking allure! He hated her for it. But he couldn't stop himself.

He would have to get as close to the unlucky bound harlet as possible. He didn't want sex from this one...
He wanted her pain. Her exquisite suffering. He needed it. It had to surpass his own even if it meant her death.

He tortured her violently. Pulling teeth from her head, nailing each of her toes into the creaking floorboards, pulling off every single one of her fingernails, and even imbedding dozens of sharp ragged wood splinters into her forehead. He made her a crown of sorts, forcing the thorny vine onto her bloody inky haired skull.

The nameless girl had screamed and howled until she'd passed out from exhaustion. Bartemius was intoxicated with her agony and suffering. He had forgotten about Cassi altogether as he sought to bring about the young girl's demise. He pulled his knife from a holster on his hip and traced a line down her center. He refrained from pushing the blade in, leaving behind only small trickles of sticky crimson. Then the blade was to her throat, the sharp steel piercing her flesh and dragging a line up to her ear. She let out a guttural squeal; death, only a slice away.

"Not having all the fun are you Barty?" Cassi called out, fanning a palm over her mouth in a fake yawn.

He turned- his face twisted- his eyes black as coal, and his hairy slick with sweat from his exertion. He hissed through his teeth, his tongue flickering the insides of his mouth. He reluctantly handed over the knife, and she eagerly accepted and held it high. A Viking ready to strike her sacrifice she targeted the Muggle filths left bosom. Cassiopeia bared her teeth and sliced her arm through the air and stopped short of piercing blood speckled skin. She smiled angelic and the devil's laugh tore through her vocal cords as she tossed the dagger to the floor. 

"I prefer to use my hands." She said coldly, her voice as venomous as a snake's bite.

She inched closer to the pale figure, leaning sideways to glimpse the girls lulling head. She was alive and breathing. Her heart racing beneath Cassi's glare. She could see the blood vessels in her neck and temple ballooning.

"Hello again, Lovely." She cooed. Suddenly Cassi clutched a handful of the Muggle hussy's matted mane of tar-like hair. She jerked hard and cruel, forcing the captive to look her in the eye.

If this is what it took to erase Lucius from her mind tonight.....then so be it.

Her insides were ripped out the moment she realized she was losing the starlight blonde to the Dark Lord and his unforgiving wrath. Toss in the debacle with Snape...... Now Azkaban.

She found her hands around the chiquita's throat; thumbs crushing her airway. She gurgled in a desperate plea. Cassi dug her nails into the bleeding wound, dragging her fingers to rip the flesh wide, before tightening her grip with the full strength of her palms. She watched as her limbs quit spasming and her pleas turned to silent burbles; the whites of her eyes filling with blood.

Cassi smiled harshly, evil intent clear in her vexing eyes.

"It's a shame my dear, that we did not meet under more pleasant circumstances." Cassi hissed with a leer. She then leaned down and whispered in the nameless one's ear-- her final words to her.

"Kiss me quickly. I'm going to kill you." And then she pressed her silky lips to the defeated girls cracked lips and drew her wand at the same time. She watched the light in her eyes go out, and with a final green flashing light- in an instant she was gone- her last breath given to Cassiopeia as she stole the kiss.

It was morning now, and Cassi stood looking out at the forest, where they'd taken the girl after they were finished with the game. They knew there were beasts in there that would welcome a meal. She sighed with weariness. Though the victim had paid with her life, Cassi would also pay with her soul. Still, she found herself wanting to visit Knockturn Alley. Though she felt a familiar distaste for lastnights actions, it had soothed her; banished all emotions that she was unaccustomed to. But had she killed the bitch for personal gain, or ended the suffering Bartemius had laden on her? It was a fleeting thought. She knew that by sundown she would have forgotten the young girl completely. Hell, she'd died without a name.

Bartemius, had left after they dumped the evidence, leaving Cassi to clean up the mess they'd made. Thank Merlin for magic! Even so, she found herself still there brooding. She'd watched the moon fade away and the sun set, content to watch the clouds until they disappeared, leaving behind a bright blue empty sky. The birds were still nestling- trying to keep warm- the clear air a blank canvas to what could be.

Yes, Knockturn Alley. She'd find a suitable play toy there. Preferably a male.

She wondered if there was any floo powder around the creaking Shrieking Shack. She felt ill at the thought of Apparating again. So she went to the cobwebbed fireplace and searched the canisters. The first was empty but a lone cock roach that she freed. The second was filled with what looked like fish scales.

"Odd." She thought aloud.
But the third was half full with the glittering floo powder she was in search off.

"Reparo!" She spoke the incantation, righting the fireplace and clearing it of old debris and rotten logs.

Idley she wondered what time it was, but quickly shoved a hand in the canister, clutched a fist full of the magic powder, closed her eyes, and focused.

"Knockturn Al........

She was pulled from the fireplace, her hand spilling the floo powder onto the dust ridden floor. She threw her eyes open and looked forward. Severus!

"What. Do. You. Think. You're doing. Ms. Black?" He asked in his normal arrogant tone.

Ms. Black? Nobody called her that, unless.....
Had something happened? Or was he just being a prick?

"I might ask you the same, Tobius." She retorted.

"I've been tracking you all night. Why in a Horntails name are you here?" He asked perturbed.

Cassi whirled around, taking her place back against the smudged window, looking anywhere but at him.

"That's none of your business." She said simply.

Severus glided up behind her, his hands resting on the window seal, trapping her beneath his weight.

"What are you looking at?"
He asked, his voice husky.

"The sky. It has no secrets today." She answered poetic.

He prodded.
"But you do."

"I'm running out of Cookies, Severus." She answered smarmy, in regards to him noting the obvious again.

"As fun as your rebuttals are Cassiopeia. Aren't you supposed to be seeking out your Grandfather Caractacus Burke, AND preparing for Pius Thickness' arrival. Hmm?"

She pivoted, turning with her back against the stained glass. Paralyzed, his body now hovered over her like he was ready to strike and have her for desert.

"Fuck! I'd almost forgotten. I've been uhhh...a bit... um... preoccupied." She stammered.

Severus didn't move his body, just leaned his face closer to hers.

"Lucky for you. I have not." He whispered slowly, his breath fanning her face. He smelled of musk, parchment, linen, and had mixed woodsy scent that just faintly overpowered the obvious sniff of Fire-Whiskey. But beneath she caught a whiff of treacle tart. Her tummy growled. She'd never seen him eat before. The thought of him setting at a dinner table spooning in puddings, pumpkins, or.... treacle tart just didn't look right in one's mind.

Right, focus, Cassi.

"Soooo.... you finally found time to indulge in sweeties?" She taunted.

He gave her a stern look expressing the seriousness of the situation. She coward, ashamed.

"Sorry. I'm obviously hungry, and your breath smells like treacle tart." Her stomach gave a loud growl. It even caught Severus' eye and he was forced to make the smallest of grins.

"First. I would like you to know I've spoken with The Dark Lord. Succeed with cursing Pius and infiltrating the Ministry and Lucius will be released."

Cassi opened her mouth displaying an 'O' shape.

"You're sure?" She rushed.

"You have my word, Cassiopeia." He promised, still gazing down at her.

"But how? " She asked.

"Does it matter?"
He countered stoic.

She shook her head side to side, her hands losing grip of the window seal. She started to slid to the grimy floor but Snape's arms were around her before her bum connected to solid ground.
She was in his arms, their bodies pressed against each other. Cassi found herself wishing she'd worn a bra.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked her, his brows knitting together.

"Probably the last time you plucked your nose hairs."

She was surprised he didn't drop her right then and there. Instead he righted her until she found her footing and then he reluctantly let her go.

"Let's get some food in you before you head to Borgin and Burkes."
Cassi complied.

Borgin and Burkes was in Knockturn Alley. Maybe her day wouldn't be a total bust.

Her mind fickle with other things she allowed Snape to escort her to the Leaky Cauldron before venturing to her Grandfather's. He had assured her he was on good terms with Tom the Bartender, but even so they did a few spells to alter her appearance, her hair now a bright red. Her once emerald eyes now held a violet hugh and her signature black corset laced robes replaced with a matching color of violet.

They used the remainder of the floo powder, tossed it to the pit, and in a flame of sparkling green smoke they transported to the Leaky Cauldron.


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