Beating The Odds

By TierraMarcel

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And sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we still hope. ALL FUCKINGGGGG !! rights reserved. DONT T... More



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By TierraMarcel

Khloe Jackson. 💋
One month later / White fashion

"Khloe I gave you more of the classy look." Ms.Gia said styling me for her son fashion show that starts in a hour.

"Okay, I really like how you put everything together." I stood there while she placed my hair how she wanted it.

Over the last month my life was becoming so much better. I haven't seen or talked to my mother because she got a new number some days after. I think this was all part of god plan for me. He put me through it because he knew I had what it took to make it out.

"Where is Diamond she's next." She said looking around.

Diamond was over in Sammy face we found out that him and Jay knew each other one day at rehearsal practice.

"Right here, right here. You look pretty best friend." I blew her a air kissed walking off.

Jay was running around getting the men dressed and ready so I didn't want to disturb him from his job. Me and him got so much closer over these last few weeks. I don't need if I had feeling for him or just loved our little friendship we had. I was still staying at his house and didn't plan on going anywhere any time soon.

I walked and took a seat with the other female molds that was already dressed. I wanted to see my bestfriend but Ms.Gia already took her into the back to get dressed.

"Hi, is this seat taking ?" A pretty female asked pointing to the empty seat next to me.

"Oh, no have a seat your outfit is beyond pretty."

"Thank you I like yours too."

"This your first time molding a fashion show ?" I asked starting conversation.

"No, I actually been in every fashion show Jay'Ceon had."

"Wow, that's amazing I hope I don't mess up I don't want to make him look bad."

"I was nervous my first show just hold your head high and push them legs through."

That's why I didn't see her in practice because she wasn't a new member like me and Diamond.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

"You actually look like a model, ever thought about doing it for a living ?" She asked.

"Oh no, only for fun no shade but I didn't pay for college not to put my degree to use when I'm done."

"Okay." She giggled pulling her dress down. "I understand, I think Ima go back to school when me and my man get everything in our life together."

"Yeah I always tell myself I'll never be happy without a career paying job." I seen my bestfriend walk to me and immediately got happy.

"Gia really did good with your outfit you look nice." I stood up getting a better look.

"Thank you I just hate this thing on my head." She rolled her eyes.

"I was about introduce y'all and I didn't even get your name." I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm Lira." She smiled.

"Pretty name im Diamond."

"Khloe, now that's squared away what time do this show start." I pulled Diamond down on my lap.

"15 more minutes." Lira answered looking at her phone.

We sat and had small talk until Gia called for the ladies to come on the side we would be walking through.

"All you ladies look amazing, thank you for trusting my hand of work. Go out and make my son proud please he has worked so hard on this." She said walking down the line fixing us up.

He really have it's been nights we stayed up all night making sure everybody clothes and shoes was right. That he got the right makeup artis and camera people for the job.

So far we been doing good without anybody knowing I stay with him especially Gia. One day I left my hair bag the one she bought me in the living room and she just started to look at us funny but we payed it no mind. Only people who know I stay with him is Diamond and Sammy.

The walking music start playing and I became so nervous I was literally shaking.

"You got this, you got this." I said to myself moving up inline.

"Rachel, Go." She said and the girl walking out. Diamond was next then me.

"Kill it Didi." She put her hand on her hip and pumped out giving sexy.

"You're next baby, just be yourself." I nodded placing my hand on my hip and walked out.

It was so many people watching me pump my right and left leg down this runway. I wanted to smile but kept a more serious face. I got to the end and gave them a extra little spend around walking back down letting the cameras flash.

"Oh my gosh bestfriend you did so good." Diamond yelled when I got backstage.

"Thank you I thought I was going to fall." I wiped the sweat off my four head.

"Lets go watch the rest from the TV." We went into the waiting room with everybody else watching.

"The men are up next." Lira said smiling.

I watched the last girl walk and killed it for the ladies. The music switched up and the men was next. They all came out giving a cool fly walk.

"Look at my babyyyy !" Diamond said excited making everybody laugh.

"He walk so cool like he the man or something."

"Because he is." She pushed me to the side with her butt smirking.

"Boss man up next." Some other girl said making me get butterflies in my stomach.

"That smile is priceless." Di whispered in my ear I put my head down blushing.

When he was done Lira was clapping so hard it wasn't that serious this wasn't her first time seeing him walk let her tell it.

Me and Diamond look at each other reading each other mind walking out the room.

"That was just some groupie shit."

"More like fan behavior." I said making us giggle. "Let's get ready to walk out for our standing ovation."

"Last time ladies take it home" Gia yelled and we all walked out with the men behind us.

We stop and waited for Jay'Ceon and Gia to walk and him give his speech.

"Y'all have to do better then that give it up to my team." He yelled into the microphone everybody stood up and clapped their hands together.

"Thank you, Thank you I want to give a special shout out to this lady right here." He hugged his mom. "Every female you seen tonight was styled by her. She put all them outfits together by herself and I want to thank you for being apart."

"You're welcome son."

"I also want to give a shout out to everybody that walked the white fashion is was a success. Every style you see tonight will be up and ready to order first thing in the morning. Thanks to my white team. Thank you for coming out and goodnight."

We waited for them to walk off then we pumped one last night off the runway for the night.

Backstage was hectic everybody was all over the place trying to get undressed and give the outfits back to Gia.

"You seen my shirt." I asked Diamond moving clothes out my way.

"Here." She handed me my shirt putting her leggings on.

I made sure I had everything I came with walking to give Gia her outfit. I walked pass a open door and seen Jay'Ceon and no other then Lira hugging then she kissed him.

I felt somebody push my back moving me forward. "That's fucked up." Diamond said she must have seen it to.

I didn't say anything I just gave Gia the outfit and left out the building with Diamond right behind me.

I wasn't upset because Jay wasn't my man but he stood in my face and lied. He said he been single but the Gag is he been seeing somebody. Jay had be the man she was talking about I just hope she know the truth because I'm the type of female that will tell her.

"What you going to do ?" Diamond asked cutting the radio down baking out the parking lot.

"Nothing he not my man but ima ask him why he lie. I know that girl don't know I stay with him she wouldn't have been that friendly."

"He not your man but he's been lying for what ? Who feelings he trying to save ?"

"I don't know, this the type of shit I didn't want to happen. I grew some type of feelings for him over this month of living with him."

"Duh I would've to, the sad part is he let you. He didn't say we can only be roommates he let you catch them feelings."

"That's why she was giving him fan behavior, she's his biggest fan."

"You coming to my house or going home ?"

"Take me home please." She nodded and took the route to his house.

"I love you call me if you want me come and get you." She said when she pulled up in the driveway.

"Okay I will, love you to baby." I closed the door walking to the front door opening it with my key, I waved my hand closing and locking the door behind me.

I went upstairs and got all my things out his bedroom that we been sharing whenever he was home. I moved all my things back to the guess room. At this point I was ready to move out if he felt the need to lie to my face.

I cleaned up the guess room and went downstairs to put my dirty clothes into the wash-machine. I took that time to take a shower and get my mind together. I don't know if I was going to much but I honestly didn't think so.

I hared my name being called but I didn't move no faster. I washed over my body a few more times than getting out. I dried my skin and applied some coconut oil all over them throwing a over size Tshirt over my head living out the bathroom.

I put my dirty clothes in my tamper and walked to see what he wanted.

"Yeah you called me ?" I asked standing in his doorway he was removing his hoodie.

"I see you moved your things out you cool ?"

"Yeah I'm cool, you cool ?"

"Why wouldn't I be ?" He asked moving around his room.

"You leaving?"

"Not now after I shower and shit."

"Going over your girlfriend house ?" I asked and he facial expression was a dead giveaway.

"What the fuck are you taking about ?"

"Don't talk to me like that for one it was just a simple question."

"A dumb question didn't I tell you I was single ? Been single ?" He stopped what he was doing and gave me his undivided attention.

"So when do single man kiss the next female? I seen Lira kiss you stop lying to me."

"Nobody lying to you mane, she kissed me so that mean we together ? Stop thinking nobody pay you to do that."

"I don't care what you do but don't lie to my face. We not together stop don't lie to save my feeling from being hurt."

"You need to tell yourself we not together because that's what you acting like standing in my door questioning me."

"Really ? You know what forget I even said anything." I said walking away.

"You must care if you bought it up and it must had your feeling hurt if you moved your stuff out my room." He said following behind me.

"No, my feelings not hurt but hers will be after I talk to her."

"Talk to her and tell her what ?" He asked in my face. "You going to make yourself look stupid we not together Khloe."

"Back up for one and two it doesn't matter. I know that's your girlfriend because she told me." I lied. "So I think she should know I been staying with you for a minute now."

"Go do some wild shit like that and I'll lose all respect for your wild ass."

"But that's not your girlfriend." I laughed. "I wasn't going to do any of that but you just gave yourself up."

"Yeah I lied." He confessed. "But that's not my girlfriend she somebody I been seeing for years now." I shook my head.

"Thanks for telling me the truth now when I already caught feelings for you."

"Man." He ran his hands down his face. "I didn't mean to tag you along that's my bad."

"It's cool are we done talking ? I'm sleepy."

"Not if you about to be mad with me."

"No it's fine you said what you said it's done. Let's just be roommates until I move out."

"So we can't continue to build our friendship?"

"No need to goodnight." I walked off leaving him standing there and went into my room locking the door.

Monday, June 8th.

I enjoyed my weekend with my bestfriend and the fashion show despite the Jay situation now I was back at work. I been at the hair shop all day getting these people prettier then they already are.

"How many more people you have ? I'm done and ready to go on my date with Sammy." Diamond said taking her apron off.

"Just Gia, go head just lock the door behind you."

"Okay why she coming in this late that's not like her."

"She said she had to work but money is money." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Right make that money so we can move in together soon."

"That's the gold, have fun tell Sammy I said hi."

"Okay I will." She kissed my cheek leaving out locking the door.

I got Gia hair out the back and sat everything up so she could be in and out I was sleepy and just wanted to get in my bed.

Somebody knocked on the door I made sure it was her before opening the door. I always think my mother going to try and pop up on me one day.

"Sorry about the timing. My job is crazy on Monday's."

"It's okay you already washed your hair right ?" She nodded.

"Yeah, I was over the blonde hair it had to come out." She took a seat and I took the hat off her head running my hands through it.

"I'm surprised you kept it up and let it stay in that long."

"I was to lazy and busy to get the whole head done, that's why I let you keep styling it."

"It wasn't that bad that's because that was some A1 hair." I start braiding her hair making sure not to touch her leave out I was going to blend into the tracks.

"Anyways, how did you like the fashion show ? You gave me the clothes back so fast I thought you was mad."

"I loved it, it was really nice and no I'm sorry I was just a little exhausted."

"Okay are you and Jay'Ceon seeing each other ?" She asked I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell the truth.

"What ?" I laughed. "Why makes you think that ?"

"Because I know my son and I'm starting to know you. I see how y'all act around each other and I also seen the hair bag I got you last Christmas in his house."

"Okay, we talk from time to time but to answer your question truthfully no we're not dating or talking. We are some what like friends."

"Good." She said in a sign of relief. "I love my son to the moon and back but he's in love with somebody I dislike and I don't want you to get hurt."

Hearing her say he was in love with Lira had my feelings hurt once again but I couldn't be mad.

"Thanks but we not there like that." I start adding her tracks to the back of her head making my way up.

"Okay baby, its late so ima drop you off home tonight."

"Thanks but my friend coming to pick me up." I lied. "Ima text her when I'm done your hair."

45 minutes later I was done her hair and was loving it. I kept running my hands through it making sure I liked every little piece.

"Okay I'm gone, send me a quick text message when you get home." She said leaving out.


I was sleep and jumped a little when I felt hands wrap around me. I looked over and it was Jay'Ceon sleeping in my bed with me. This the type of things he do and would leave early in the morning like he wasn't here.

"Jay'Ceon really ?" I kicked him waking him up.

"Man Khloe just go to sleep I'll leave out in the morning."

"No, we are nothing more then roommates, so you coming in my room to sleep is crossing the line."

"Well I ain't leaving so just go to sleep." He moved closer getting comfortable.

"You have a girlfriend but find away to my bed that's kind of sad."

"You keep banging I got a girlfriend when I don't, worry about yourself mane."

"I am worrying about myself and my feelings."

"Khloe it's late just go to sleep, I'll be gone before you wake up."

That's the problem I didn't want you be gone.

I shook my head and got comfortable myself.

"Goodnight." He said kissing the back of my neck.


A man is only going to keep doing what you allow him to do 🙄


JOF update next 💋✌🏼

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