You Capture My Attention (GxG)

By AmyliasElden

400K 12.3K 2K

Valerie Christopher is an extremely talented fashion student. Winning multiple contests and awards for her wo... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Eighteen

4.9K 285 57
By AmyliasElden

Valerie's POV:

                I watched Lyndsey pushed past the flashing lights of cameras as she headed forward, looking for a taxi. I didn't bother going after her, knowing it was a waste of my time. I adjusted my bag, chewing on the side of my cheek as I watched her get into the back seat of a taxi and pull away. I didn't know what to do... I wanted to tell her that I knew it wasn't a dream. That we did kiss... I knew that she remembered it, too. Her actions made that quite clear. I ran my finger over my bottom lip, amazed at how I could still imagine that night perfectly. Maybe she wanted to forget what had happened. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she felt guilty for it... 'Ugh...' I thought inwardly.

"So, you never answered me," Ana asked, finally freed from the crazy crowd of paparazzi and tourists. I watched as Lyndsey's taxi drove out of my sight before turning to face the red head. Ana was beautiful, there was no doubt in my mind about that. As to why she liked me, I'll never seem to figure that out. "Valerie?"

"Sorry..." I laughed awkwardly. "I'm just really tired. What was your question?" I asked, yawning in the process. Ana gave me a small smile as she reached for my free hand.

"Come on, let's get out of here." She offered, pulling me towards a blacked out SUV.

"Where?" I asked; curiosity getting the better of me. Ana looked over her shoulder offering me a kind smile once again.

"You'll see." Was all she said.


"This is where you live?" I asked, leaving my bags by the front door. Ana shut the door behind us as she took a deep breath.

"Yeah... It's not big or anything but, I don't really need much." She answered. I followed behind her as we made our way down a short hallway. I was amazed at how cozy it felt. I looked around, smiling at the cute beach-themed paintings everywhere. But, as I walked into the living room, it was as if I was in an antique barn house. The sofa looked so comfy with an adorable aged wood coffee table in front of it. As I walked closer, I noticed pictures upon the wall. Ana walked up behind me and glanced over my shoulder. There before me in the photo, was what I assumed to be a much younger Ana sitting on a beautiful horse.

"I was around ten in that one." She commented as her fingers danced over the animal. I looked at her as a sad smile grew on her face. "That was my baby, Clementine."

"She's beautiful. I didn't know you had a horse." I spoke with amusement. Ana laughed at that.

"You didn't ask." She smiled. "She passed away a long time ago, though." She added with a small frown upon her lips.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." I frowned, turning to look at her. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"That's okay. She was fifteen years old." I didn't know what to say. Ana must have sensed the awkwardness as she cleared her throat quietly. "Do you want to see why I brought you here?" She asked, offering her hand to me. I looked at it reluctantly before placing my hand into hers. "I don't bite, I promise."

"Har har." I laughed, following her towards the back of her house where there was practically a whole wall covered in flowy drapes. Ana pushed a piece of the curtain to the side and slid open her back door with a toothy grin. I stood in shock as I took in the scenery. She literally had the beach as her back yard! "Oh. My. God."

"Amazing, huh?" She questioned as we walked onto her patio. I looked at the gorgeous sunset before me. "That's not even the best part." She smiled as I over to her. She was next to a giant heap of something with a massive cover over it. She ripped it off in one swift movement and smiled again as she proudly gestured to a stand full of surfboards.

"No way!" I laughed as I walked over. "You can surf?" I was stunned by how many different boards she had. I ran my fingers over them. They felt extremely smooth and waxy.

"I love it!" She answered enthusiastically. I looked at her with amazement. Here she was. This beyond beautiful fashion model. But, in her free time, she loved to ride horses and surf... What a combination. "But, that isn't why I brought you here." She added.

"Why then?" I questioned as my brow rose with interest. Once again, she smiled, removing the boards and placing them against her house with care. My eyes grew wide as she pulled off another cover to what I thought was a stand for her boards. "No way..." I laughed as I watched the red head walk over to me. "You have a spa... Overlooking the ocean..." I felt my cheeks turn bright red as I felt the contact of her grabbing my hand and gently pulling me forward.

"Yes, I do." She laughed. "Look," she sighed, giving my hand a light squeeze. I looked up to her, noticing that she looked conflicted. "I brought you here to relax. You've seemed upset this whole week. So, if you'd like to, we can relax in here together. What do you say?" I looked from her to the spa.

"Hell yes! But, I don't have a swimsuit with me." I frowned at the realization. Ana rolled her eyes playfully as she dropped my hand and ran back into the house. I stood there awkward and confused as I waited for her to return. I turned around to enjoy the scene before me. It was actually helping take away a lot of the stress I had felt this past week. After a minute or two, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, causing me to break my gaze in the final moments of the sun setting. I smiled though as I turned again and saw Ana smiling beautifully as she held up a swimsuit.

"You can wear my spare. I haven't even worn it yet, so no worries." She offered as she handed me the two piece. I looked at the plain black bikini, my anxiety peaking. She must have noticed my uneasiness as she ran back inside. "Will this help?" She asked, holding up a pair of shorts and an old coldplay shirt. I smiled as I grabbed everything.

"Yes, thank you. Where can I change?" I asked, adjusting everything in my hands.

"If you turn left just there," She started as she pointed towards the kitchen, "you'll see my bedroom. You can change there." I followed her directions and reached her room successfully. I was surprised at how adorable her room was. It was covered in more amazing photos of what I assumed was her family. She had pictures of a beautiful mountain range covered in trees. As I undressed to change, I couldn't help but feel comfort being in her room. I finished getting dressed and was amused at how I could fit into her swimsuit at all. I slipped into the shirt, loving the familiar smell of her perfume. I looked around her room once more before leaving. The final rays of light were basking the area in a beautiful pinkish glow. I sighed in contentment, letting the thoughts that had been plaguing my mind slip away.

When I walked back into her living and kitchen area, I stopped dead in my tracks. I watched as Ana's back was to me. I felt my mouth drop a little bit as she started to undress on her patio. I couldn't tear my eyes away as she slowly pulled her shirt over her head, revealing a beautiful sun tattoo on her left shoulder blade. Her red hair cascaded down her back as if it was in slow motion. I clenched my teeth as I reluctantly turned my eyes away while she pulled down her jeans.

"Are you going to join me? Or just stay in there and stare at me all night?" My heart nearly exploded. Ana had obviously known that I was watching. I glanced up when the sound of water splashing caught my attention. "You coming?" Her voice called out. I placed a hand on my chest; a sad attempt to calm myself. But, I ignored my embarrassment and headed out onto the patio again to climb into the spa with her. I took my seat across from her, noticing that she was looking towards the ocean.

"I'm sorry... for uh..." I tried to apologize, obviously failing. Ana looked towards me for a moment as the little bit of light that was left made her skin and eyes dazzle.

"Don't. You don't need to apologize." She addressed. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying my best to not feel awkward. "How about we turn the jets on?" She asked rhetorically. She clicked something on the remote next to her. The jets blasted to life, massaging my stiff back. I rolled my head back against the headrest as I enjoyed this amazing night. "So..." She dragged out. Causing me to crack an eye open. "I'd like to know more about you." She confessed, putting her hair up into a high ponytail to keep it from getting wet, I assumed. I sat up properly as Ana's eyes followed my body.

"What would you like to know?" I countered, rubbing my hands on my legs.

"I don't know. What are you willing to tell me?" She questioned with her brows raised.

"Uh, well... I'm pretty boring, actually." I laughed awkwardly. "Why don't we start with you?" I asked, hoping to focus more on her. Her brow rose again with curiosity but gave a warm smile.

"Hm... Well, my full name is Ana Dixon as you already know." She admitted as she gestured towards me. "I grew up in Montana with my family. I have two older brothers, Michael and Brandon. My family owns a ranch. Hence all the pictures around my place." She smiled as she looked towards her house. "And, as you have already seen, I love to surf and horseback ride. I mean, other than that... I guess there isn't much else about me." She murmured. "Well, except that I'm a lesbian." My eyes grew wide as I looked at her. Ana's eyes didn't waiver from my own. "Does that freak you out?"

"Uh, no..." I whispered. "I am, too..." Ana's face seemed to light up as her eyes glowed.

"Is that so?" She mused, inching closer to me. I felt my breath catch in my chest as her presence surrounded me.

"Y-yes..." I stuttered out, pressing myself as flush against the wall of the spa as I could. Ana sat next to me, a look on her face that was unreadable.

"Valerie..." She whispered, leaning into me. I couldn't answer though as my voice was gone. "Are you hungry?" She blurted, standing up and getting out of the spa. I blinked a few times in confusion, following her with my glance as she wrapped a towel around herself. She turned around with her cell phone in hand. "Do you like Chinese food?" She asked with a mischievous grin. I sat there as the shock ran through me. Ana was about to kiss me... And then she stopped...

So why did my mind call for Lyndsey...?

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