Beating The Odds

By TierraMarcel

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And sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we still hope. ALL FUCKINGGGGG !! rights reserved. DONT T... More



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By TierraMarcel

Jay'Ceon Clark 💰

If somebody would've told me designing clothes would make me a rich man at the age of 25, two years ago I would've told them get fuck out out my face. I put blood, sweat, tears and every dollar I had into my clothing line so to see it take off made me proud of myself. I wasn't into fashion at first but when I start to put my friends outfits together it start to become something I loved now all I know is fashion.

I just left from two different meetings one was about our order numbers that was going crazy. The other was about putting a fashion show together for next month. I'm the type of guy who wanted to start now I needed ten gorgeous females and 10 fly niggas to rock my clothes.

I pulled into my mother driveway and parked my car right beside hers. It seemed like I moved out my mother house just to come visit her everybody. My mother was my heartbeat only she could stop that from pumping.

I walked into the house and heard her heels clicking against the hard wood floor.

"Hey baby you scared me." She said meeting me halfway for a hug and kiss.

"Don't see why I'm the only other person with a key and you look nice."

If I was out with my mother people didn't know if she was my sister, mother or girlfriend. She bodied anything she put on now I see where my fashion side come from.

"Thanks, I know but people brake into houses all day long."

"In a gated community ?" I asked.

"Anywhere stop with the questions. What you do today ?"

"Had some meeting but I need your help."

"With ?" She asked handing me a cup of apple juice.

"Some pretty girls for my fashion show next month and helping me style them."

"Jay where do you want me find some pretty females around your age at ? I think you forget my age sometimes." She shook her head laughing.

"I don't Ma." I laughed with her. "What about them two females from the hair salon ?"

"Khole and Diamond?"

I nodded my head, I can't lie I been thinking about Khole but she seemed to be a little off. A female raised me alone so I was pretty good with reading females well. It just seem like she was forcing herself to smile and be happy like it didn't come natural.

"I can ask them, they're nice girls so if I ask I know they'll say yes for me."

"Cool, thanks."

"I bring you to the hair salon with me one little time and you keep asking about Miss Khole."

"I don't know." I felted myself smiling. "It's something about her I want to know more about. She seem like a cool female."

"Nope, Nope leave her alone she's in college and trying to make away for herself. You can't even leave Lira alone." She rolled her eyes taking her heels off.

"Me and Lira been friends forever ma. I keep trying tell you that. She never been my girl."

"I can't tell, she rub me the wrong way. She seem money hungry. What do she do for a living ?"

"Well, she don't get no money outta me and she something like a model."

"So is she one of the ten girls ?"

I nodded my head pulling my phone out my pants. "Yeah, and a few other girls I know. Can you ask them today ?like now ?"

"You're being press." She pushed my head to the side leaving out the kitchen.

She came back with a whole different outfit on a more chill one and she had her phons in her hand this time.

"If they say yes ask them can they meet up downtown around 5 o'clock. I want headshots and fitting measurements."

"Hello Ms.Gia."

"Hi baby are you busy right now if so I'll call back."

"No you're fine. Me and Diamond out getting ice cream."

"Tell my other baby I said hi. But I have a question."

"She said hi ma and I may have a answer." She laughed.

"My son you know the one you met ?"


"Well he's having his own fashion show and short on female models. I told him I'll ask you and Diamond."

"When it is ?"

"Next month but if you guys are welling to do it. He want to meet with y'all later on today."

"Well, Diamond said she's all about support so am I. Guess we in, where is he having this meeting ?"

"5 o'clock downtown I can text you the information."

"Okay Ms.Gia."

"Thank you both I own you big time."

"No, it's fine you already do enough for me. Talk to you later." She disconnected the call.

"So so sweet and well mannered I just love her." She handed me her phone so I could text the address.

"Appreciate it ma."

"Leave her alone she welling to model for you but that's it." She said pointing her finger in my face.

"Damn chill ma. I promise it's strictly business."

"Just making sure that girl has been hurt before, I can tell."

I knew I wasn't tripping, even my mother see pass her fake smile. I pray shorty make it through whatever she's going through.

"Look ma I'm about to get up outta here. I love you." I kissed her forehead. "And I'll call you later after everything is over with."

"Okay son love you to."


"Thanks to everybody who took the time out their day to come here and be apart of the team." My assistant explained. "We're having a fashion show called white fashion at the end of next month. We want all ten of you gorgeous ladies to push through and kill the runway in the latest fashion Mr.Jay has designed. Can we have everybody go around and say their name, age and something they like to do. Just so we can get to know each other a little better.

"I'll start, Jay'Ceon Clark, 25 and getting dressed."

"Khole, 21 and making people feel pretty." She said shyly making me smirk.

"Diamond, 21 and hair."

I wasn't listening to nobody else I was to busy in Khloe face. She was pretty as fuck, her skin was clear and her body shape was banging. Good thing I told Lira I'll pick her up later because she would've made a sane.

"Now everybody know each other. Let's move on we don't want to hold you ladies any longer then we have to. After we take your measurements and headshot you're good to go."

I took a seat along the wall watching my team work. I always told my niggas if I made it I was taking them with me. Thats exactly what I did they was eating good every night not doing shit for real. The only job they had was to make sure shit was in order and sitting up pop up shops.

"Thanks for the opportunity it sound like it's going to be fun." Khole said taking a seat next to me waiting her for friend be done.

"Nah don't thank me, I should be the one thanking you and your friend for coming through short notice."

"It's fine, today was our off day so lucky you." She smiled.

"Thank you again with that fake ass smile."

"What ?" She giggled. "My smile is not fake. I'm returning your clothes after that comment."

"Oh you bough some clothes? What you get ?"

"I got the over size jean jacket, two Tshirts and a hat."

"Word ? I appreciate the love."

"Yeah you should because your website is pricey. I could've got three outfits on forever21." She joked.

"You lying now." I laughed at her comment. "My prices are reasonable."

"They are I was just playing." She said looking around.

I loved downtown because the views was amazing. I always had my meeting down here when the weather was nice. One of my long-term golds was to move down here when I start making real money.

"So are you going to send me pictures in my merchandise personality or you still playing ?" I was just going to shot my shoot.

"Still playing." She laughed. "You should've just asked for my number so I could've told you no."

"Damn you mean as fuck."

"No I'm far from mean I just don't have time for the games that come along with men."

"Just give me your number, see if ima play games with you because I know I'm not. If you want me stop texting you 5 minutes after I'll leave you alone."

"Okay, I guess that can work, I also have a block list." I handed her my phone and she added her name under Kay🎀 into my contact list.

"So what you and your friend got planned after this ?"

"I'm going home not sure about her."

"It's Friday and you going home ? That's boring mane."

"I'm a boring type of female. I'll stay home and watch movies before going out."

"At least let me take you out for dinner as a thank you gift it don't have to be nowhere fancy."

"I can eat and I'd like to take you up on your offer but I have to get home, if you're not busy tomorrow we can do lunch."

"That sound aight, I'll hit you phone later, it look like your friend ready to go." I pointed to Diamond lmstanding by her car looking at us.

Khloe told me goodnight and left. She didn't say she wanted to get home she said she had to that was a little weird to me. I shook it off not thinking to much of it.

After everything was a rap I rolled out and headed over Lira house. She lived by herself in a one bedroom apartment. I been friends with Lira for three years now we never had tittle relationship and she never tripped over it. Lira never been to my house she think I still live with my mother. I never been the type of nigga to show the world where I rested my head at.

I took my key out her door pushing it open her house was pitch black meaning she was sleep or in her bedroom.

I walked upstairs towards her room and she was laying in the middle of her in a pajama set.

"Hey you." She set up smiling. "I didn't think you would be here this early."

"Yeah Lorenzo got everything done with the ladies fast." I start removing my shoes, pants and black shirt getting into the bed.

"That's good you getting things accomplished fast. Why you didn't want me come ?"

"You know I never been a last minute type of nigga and because he dressed you before he already know you going in be apart."

"I thought you had somebody around you didn't want me to see."

"Nobody pay you to think I keep telling you that."

I reached down and got my phone out my pants pocket, checking to see if I had any text messages or miss calls.

"Whatever Jay, you just come in here get undressed and go to sleep, you could've did that at your moms house." She rolled her eyes getting underneath the covers.

"If I didn't come here your ass should've been accusing me of anything you could think of."

"I been telling you time and time again you don't have to lie to me, if you're seeing and or fucking someone else just let me know."

"I'm not so chill." I pulled her closer to me wrapping her up in my arms.

"Okay, I always take your word so always be truthful with me."

Lira was literally the only female I made time for because I really fuck with her. She a cool ass female and showed me how far her loyalty run.

"Stop getting them little attitudes mane that shit be in the way."

"Sorry I just don't want you to catch feelings for nobody else if it's not me."

"Lair we been at this for years, play your role and everything else will fall into place."

She leaned up and kissed my lips before getting comfortable against me. I had a long day and didn't really feel like fucking her tonight so I put my phone on the charger, cut the lights off and went to sleep next to her.


"This food is really nice, I want to order some to go." Khloe said eating from her stuffed lobster.

It was the next morning and Khloe called my phone this morning asking about our lunch date. Which caused Lair to cuss me out all morning, she told me if I left don't come again. She ran that same line passes me over a 100 times.

"We can make that happen, I through you was gon stand me up to be honest."

It took Khloe almost a hour to text me her address at first she said she was going to get a uber but we both was undecided about were we was going to eat at. Then when she did give me the address it was the wrong one. She end up walking to my car from wherever her house was at.

"No, I'm not that type of female I would've just told you I couldn't make it."

"Cool I can respect that, tell me more about Khloe."

"What you want to know ?"

"Whatever you welling to tell me."

"Well Khloe is Khloe." She said with a shrug. "I'm 21, a college student, and do hair five days a week. Khole is all she got."

"What you mean she's all she got ?"

"I think that's self explanatory. Tell me about Jay'Ceon."

"Well he was raised by a single mother, 25, the only child and head of a black owned business."


"What college you go to and what you studying ?" I took a sip from drink watching her chew her food before answering my question.

Before everything went left Lair had cooked me a big breakfast so I wasn't really hungry.

"I do online classes for Clock Atlanta University and I'm studying criminal justice."

"That's wassup, you didn't want to attend the school or you wanted to do online classes."

"Well, I wanted to live on campus and attend class but everything can't always go my way."

"What you mean ? Don't say self-explanatory."

"I wasn't." She giggled. "I have to work, I have to make my own money if I don't who going to pay my way through college? Nobody."

"That's understandable, I wanted to go to a big name college like Howard university but Ms.Gia wasn't playing for nothing she knew I wasn't serious about."

"I wouldn't even college is very expensive especially when you paying for everything by yourself."

"I don't mean to get in your business but your mother or father don't help ?"

I know she was making money at her hair salon but I know everything she makes go straight to her school bills.

"My father died some years back and my mother help when she can."

"Sorry to hear that."

We talked some more about little stuff nothing to personal until the waitress came back to give me the bill, I order Khloe the same meal to go and paid for everything together.

"Hold on take my picture before we leave." She handed me her phone and bag of food. She got into position and I took the picture.

"I love it thanks."

We walked out the restaurant and jumped into my car. Not knowing where to next I just drove around.

"Where are we going ?" Khole asked after 20 minutes of driving.

"Mane I don't know." I laughed. "Want me take you back home ?"

"If you have other things to do then yeah."

"What if I don't have other plans?"

"Than I want to stay with you a little bit longer." She said shyly.

I love how she let her shyness show.

"That's fine where we going doe ?"

"I have no idea, Mmmmm." She put her finger on her chin thinking. "Okay I really don't know."

"Saturdays are my chill days but you want to help me look for furniture for my house ?"

I moved into my 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home two months ago and only had a bed. My mother said she would help but our schedules was to different.

"Yessss." She said excited. "I use to want to be a Interior designer in high school."

"That mean you know something don't have my house looking girly."

"I won't let me see your phone so I can look up some places my phone about to die."

I pulled over and gave her my phone I waited til she was done. She put some address into my GPS and it was 15 minutes away.

"Good thing I got snacks in my bag this may take a few hours." She said walking into the store.

I ran my hands over my waves and followed behind her.

"What color you want your room ?" She asked looking at bed frames and dressers.

"Black and red or white and gold."

"Okay black and gold that would look nice together."

She told me go get a shopping cart for little things. The big things I would have delivered to my house today.

She went around this big ass store dropping anything she thought would look good in my house in the cart. She picked out everything for my room, the guess room and my business room. Next was the Kitchen, bathroom and my basement/Man cave.

"This would look good in my room." She put a long pink mirror into the second cart.

"Are we done ? We been in here for almost 3 hours."

"Nope not quite, almost doe almost."

I don't see how she was comfortable walking around in them heels this whole time. Lair would never do stuff like this for me if I wasn't spending money on her she want no parts. Here Khloe was helping me and don't know me for real.

I found a seat next to the floor rugs she was looking through. I took my phone out and start texting people back and replying to emails. Lair was blowing my phone up asking me when I was coming to get my things before she threw them out. I didn't reply because she was always off some childish shit when things don't go how she want them too. I looked up making sure she didn't leave me every now.

"Your total will be 4,623 dollars and 68 cent."

"Oooppps." Khloe said laghing.

"Yeah Ooops." I handed the lady my bank card and she swiped it handing me my receipt back.

"The delivery people should be at your home in the next hour sir, have a nice day." I nodded and pushed the cart out the store.

Me and Khloe got back to my house after stopping for gas and snacks. She came right in changed her clothes into some of my basketball shorts and Tshirt. Put some Monica old music on and went to work.

She wanted me completely out her way she did everything and only needed my help for the heavy things or putting something difficult together. After about three good hours she was done and passed out sleep on the couch. I felt like I needed to pay her for all her hard work.

It was around 10 o'clock Khloe been sleep since 7' I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I came downstairs in basement enjoying my man cave playing 2k17.

"JAYYYYY ! Jay'Ceon!" Khloe yelled.

"Yeah ? I'm in the basement !" I hollered back.

She came downstairs looking upset with all her things in her hand.

"What's wrong ?" I paused the game standing up confused.

"Why would you let me just sleep that long ? Take me home now !"

I was confused at her attitude change towards me I slide my feet into my Gucci slides and walked upstairs. Khloe was already out the door waiting by my car.

I hit the locked and got in pulling off.

"What's your problem ? Did I do something ?"

"No, just take me home please I should've never went to sleep."

"What's the problem? You fell asleep because you was obviously tired."

"Jay you won't understand please just hurry up and get me home."

She sounded scared she kept pushing her hair behind her ears shaking her legs up and down.

"You want me drop you off where I picked you up at ?"

"No I'll show you where I stay just get me there."

I pulled into her driveway and she start getting up I grabbed her arm stopping her for a second.

"You going to text me later ?"

"No I don't think that's a good idea." She snatched her arm away getting out my car. Rushing into her house door.

I don't know what happen between the hours of 7 and 10 but whatever it was I wish I could've fixed it.


I feel so sorry for my girl Khloe 😩 pray for her 💋

This book not getting that much attention but oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love it and see it going far.

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