Rising Power (#1 of the Canto...

By FanyPi

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*** Completed but in heavy editing process*** Humanity has been existing for 250 years in the stranded Canton... More

Canton's Map!
Edward's Story (Prologue I)
The Last Memory of the First Leader (Prologue II)
Dreams Connected - Valentine
Dreams Connected-John
The Party
The First Night
New Friends
Old Enemies
A Test of Fears (I)
A Test Of Fears (II)
The Bully and the Hero
The Broken Man
The Forbidden Scheme
A Hero's Night Out
The Chase
The Past
The Present
The Choice
The Unexpected Revelation
The Final Exam
Falling into the Trap
Fates Collide
A Most Fateful Meeting
A Slip of Mind/Redemption
Face Off
The Plan

The Ties That Bind

66 17 23
By FanyPi

John sat on a comfortable chair inside the Instructor's' office, with Vanessa Rehberg facing him from the other side of her desk.

"You seem a little troubled, John."

John looked back at her, his eyes shining behind his glasses. "I think it's because of this office. So dark and serious. It feels like an interrogation room."

Vanessa smiled apologetically. "I am sorry. I have a thing for bleak and secretive working environments. I think it counters my overexposed Tower office."

Indeed, the Instructor's office was scarcely lit and, combined with the black and grey colours, kind of depressing.

"Don't let the decor put you down, John. I still want to congratulate you. You are the first one obtaining a Power after a hundred years, and so fast. Like you've always known you had it, somehow."

John held his breath, trying to look as calm as possible, under Vanessa's observing eyes.

If you only knew.

But maybe she did know. Maybe that's why he was here, sitting opposite her. The Council had spied on them for the past six months, not to mention their files and records prior. It was not hard for Vanessa to put two and two together. She was certainly speculating. The question lingered in the air.

How? How did you do it? How did you know?

John smiled politely and answered, without waiting for her question. "I always had an increased sense of perception. For my environment, the people I met. And when I entered the room, I just knew. I knew I could bend the monster, and the crowd, to my will."

This simplified version of events was not far from the truth, visions and dreams aside. But he wasn't going to share his most well-hidden secret with a Canton official. At least not until he was completely certain about her intentions.

"Then impress me. Show me your power of perception."

John reached for his pocket, put his hand in and when he took it out, a beautiful rose was there. "For you, my lady".

Vanessa wasn't ready for this sort of affectionate display. Her reaction was so sincere, as she let her guard down for a moment, that John felt sad for her.

Unwilling, but plagued from curiosity, he tested his newly found Power by taking a mere glimpse in the woman's mind. John saw a man there, one he immediately recognised. Everyone in Canton knew who the man was. John withdrew from Vanessa's mind once the memories started getting too intimate. He had no intention of watching Canton's highest authority figure on his underpants, or without them.

Not an easy thing, being in love with your boss.

Vanessa took the flower in her hand. "Thank you. I hope you are popular amongst girls because you sure deserve to be."

He was moved by her words, thinking about his own chaotic feelings.

"You are free to go now, John. Go celebrate with your friends. I am sure they'll also receive their Powers shortly. You are a strong bunch. All of the candidates are, in fact."

John smiled and got up from his chair. His hand was on the door handle when Vanessa asked a peculiar question.

"What's the name of your friend? Not the Wyatt girl. The other one. With the blue eyes."

John was surprised by the question. "Valentine. Why?"

Vanessa cleared her throat, her tone cautious. "Her performance was really impressive today."

"You were watching? I thought you said..."

"I watched some of the candidates, yes. And I think your friend's stunt was the most impressive of them all. We'll just have to wait and see. You run along now."

The door closed behind him with a small thumb.


Vanessa looked at her hands. The flower was gone. She stood there for a long time, looking at the empty space in her palms, smiling sadly, when the rest of the teachers arrived.

She informed them of her encounter with John.

"It sounds impressive though, even if it disappeared in the end," Peter remarked, looking at Vanessa's empty hands, trying to imagine the lost flower.

"He is certain to have good luck with the ladies, that guy", said Beth, smiling to herself.

"Beth, your comment is highly inappropriate," Priscilla said shocked and Guido just shook his head in disapproval, knowing his sister all too well.

"He is really strong", said Vanessa, more to herself than anyone else.

"Is that bothering you, Vanessa?" Guido asked with his soothing voice.

"As a matter of fact, it does. It's not just him, but all of them. They did so great in the test, way more than expected. Don't get me wrong" she added hastily, seeing their confused stares, "that's what we want. Express-Heroes. But a fast train has a greater chance of derailing. At least they all seem sane so far."

"Appearances can be deceiving, isn't that what you mean?" Beth asked.

"Exactly. And if someone goes berserk we have no way of stopping them."

"Well, we do have all those guards living around the Academy's perimeter. That's why they are paid for, cases of emergency. And they do have our "special weapons"," Peter remarked enthusiastically.

Vanessa shook her head "Still, fifty guards against a hundred Heroes? The odds are against us, even if they are armed."

"There is one way to stop them if needed, and you know it. No matter how unpleasant it might be," Guido remarked, dead serious.

Priscilla and Peter looked nervously at each other and then at the floor. Vanessa sighed. It all came back to him.

"I will have to seriously think about it."

Although she would rather forget Henry White's existence altogether.


Val and Amy were waiting patiently in the boys' room, while Sebastian fumbled with his PA and Mike anxiously circled the room.

"Will you stop playing with that thing? Our friend might be in danger"

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Mike, seriously? SERIOUSLY? We are in the new Academy, with the protection of the Council and the Deities, and you think John might be in danger?"

"He's been in there for a long time..."

"They want us to embrace our Powers, dude. They are not going to kill the first new Hero in Canton. John will tell us everything when he's back"

"Maybe Rehberg is trying to take advantage of him, you know like..."

"Amy!!!" the both boys shouted wildly, and Val burst out laughing.

"You really have something against her, don't you?" she said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Amy froze again, looking exactly like she did in her fear test.

"Amy, it was only a joke, come on" Mike started, but Seb stopped him.

"Do you want to talk Amy? In fact, does any of us feel like talking, since we are stuck here waiting? We faced some pretty harrowing things in those tests." He took a deep breath. "And since we've been paired together by, I don't know, destiny, fate or whatever, it's better if we are honest with each other."

Amy looked at Seb, and for a mere second, she looked so grateful, Val almost expected her to stand up and hug him. Then she lowered her head again, and the moment was gone.

"Sorry guys, I am just, I am not really ready to share anything. I like you all, or at least I think that's what liking a person feels like. Just not yet."

Val felt the same way. It was still too early to let out her own fears, at least the gruesome experiences not even Mike was aware of.

Seb let go of his PA, and took Amy's hand on his own, surprising her.

"Then we'll do the start, as brave men usually do, right? What do you say, Mike?"

Mike was unusually earnest. "I guess I can talk. If you are so eager to hear about death, abuse and madness that is."

Amy opened her mouth slightly, surprised, but closed it again without saying anything.

Val touched Mike's arm. "We are."

He sighed. "That two headed monster... it represents my parents. That's the way they died or at least a twisted version of how they were found. It was a car accident. Four years ago. My father was too drunk to drive like he usually was. See, their marriage was never easy. All four grandparents were against it. A white, rich, educated girl with a low-class, black man who had barely finished school? A match that was doomed from the start, that's what they said. I guess they were right."

He chuckled bitterly.

"I was left alone with Missy and Denver. They were six and five at the time. I did all kinds of odd jobs, and Seb did my school homework. That's just the kind of fool he is. But people started to notice. The hours we spend together at school, his often visit at my apartment. The fact that my girlfriend decided to ditch me after the accident. Rumours started spreading... about our relationship."

The two girls shifted uncomfortably on their sits, and Amy's head turned directly at Seb. He just smiled, but his eyes were cold. "What can I say, ladies? I love my men like I do my coffee."

Mike's sincere laughter was thunderous, breaking the awkwardness of the moment. "You see, though, that was the biggest problem. We didn't care. The school was bound to be over next year, and we would never have to see those assholes again. Words are only words, that's what we said back then."

"Until they weren't." Val knew all too-well which part came next. The part that had made Mike spent two years under medical supervision.

Mike nodded. "One afternoon, four classmates cornered Seb in a small alleyway behind the grocery store. They pulled out their knives and wanted to force him to do... stuff. See if the rumours were true." His voice broke for a second. He coughed and regained his composure. "I entered the scene as the gang leader had unzipped his pants. I don't remember much of what happened next. All I remember is looking at my bloodied hands, wondering. And then I saw their faces, how their bones had sunk into their skulls, and I knew what I had done. What I was."

Amy stood up, her whole body shaking from anger. "Mike, don't say that. It was self-defence. They would have hurt Sebastian..."

Mike stopped her with his raised palm. "I know, Princess. But I almost killed them. This thought will never leave my conscience. I promised myself I would never let my anger control me again. I fail miserably most of the times."

Amy sat on the bed again, dumbfounded.

"By the Deities, you've been through a lot. Both of you. And still..."

"We are a bunch of happy idiots?" Mike said, making Sebastian laugh.

"You are no idiots that's for sure. At least Sebastian here isn't" she said and gave Mike an ironic look. "But you are surely happy."

"There is no enemy you can't face, Amy. Outside or inside you. It may take months or even years. There are times when you think: I am not going to make it. I am going to sleep every night, plagued by fear and guilt. But it's not true. You should never stop trying to find happiness. Never." The three of them looked at Val like she was some weird animal, and she chuckled uncomfortably. "Sorry to intervene. Just my two cents"

"I guess someone is ready to share her own success story," said Seb, but at that exact same moment, the door creaked open and John's face appeared.

"The whole fellowship is spending time together, I see. Ladies, I don't even know if you are allowed to be here."

Val thought about the many uncomfortable stares she and Amy had gathered on their way to the boys' room. "Probably not", she said, smiling.

"Doc, tell us everything. Did they threaten you, harass you or interrogate you?" Mike said, sincerely enraged.

"Did Rehberg hit on you?"


"It was much more boring than that, I assure you. But I do have a pleasant surprise."

John's right hand was behind his back the whole time, and now he revealed a six-pack of beers, with a big bottle of wine on top.

"Is that real or one of your tricks?"

"I would never trick my friends, Valentine. Although I had to trick one of our kitchen helpers to get them." He winked in a rare sight of naughtiness.

"Look at that rebel. I guess it's true, that Power changes people. Even though you were born with it."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Amy said, regaining her lost temper. Everyone looked at her, guilty. "Everyone gets to know about this, and I don't? Speak, Lucas."

So, John spoke. About the dreams, the premonitions, Val. His whole life including his childhood, the meeting with Seb and Mike, and how his only girlfriend was now his ex-girlfriend, because of his gift.

Amy whistled. "Your life has been one big clusterfuck, Johnnie."

He laughed sincerely, amused by her comment. "I think life has actually treated me well, Amy. Maybe better than anyone else."

The dizziness coming from the beer consumption and the stress of the day made John's words weigh heavy on everyone's heart.

"I think it's time for the girls to go to their room, guys" John, broke the uncomfortable silence. "We are all tired."

They said their goodbyes at the door, but John beckoned Val to stay for a while. "Val, listen. Vanessa was looking at you during your exam. She told me that yours was the best first test they've seen so far."

Val narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure?"

John raised a finger to his lips. "Just between you and me."

She nodded. "Promise. And John... Congratulations on your Power."

Once their conversation was over, Val reached for Amy and grabbed her by the arm.

"Who thought a bunch of boys would've been so interesting to talk to. I think I actually start to like them." Amy said, blushing lightly.

Val thought about the boys' kindness and nodded in agreement.

"Me too, sweetheart. Me too."

A.N. Song: My Friends by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

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