Rising Power (#1 of the Canto...

By FanyPi

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*** Completed but in heavy editing process*** Humanity has been existing for 250 years in the stranded Canton... More

Canton's Map!
Edward's Story (Prologue I)
The Last Memory of the First Leader (Prologue II)
Dreams Connected - Valentine
Dreams Connected-John
The First Night
New Friends
Old Enemies
A Test of Fears (I)
A Test Of Fears (II)
The Ties That Bind
The Bully and the Hero
The Broken Man
The Forbidden Scheme
A Hero's Night Out
The Chase
The Past
The Present
The Choice
The Unexpected Revelation
The Final Exam
Falling into the Trap
Fates Collide
A Most Fateful Meeting
A Slip of Mind/Redemption
Face Off
The Plan

The Party

133 21 49
By FanyPi

Just Dance Club, 21:00 – 20th July, 250 A.D

"You look wonderful, honey."

"I have an amazing make-up artist to thank for that, Missy"

"It's quite easy when the model is almost perfect on its own."

Amy Wyatt blushed. She lowered her gaze and smiled nervously.

"Even stars in the making blush, it seems." Missy, her personal assistant laughed while teasing her. Amy remained silent, thoughts circling her mind.

Great star in the making... almost perfect model...

Missy's words boosted her self-esteem, which was marginally lower than someone would have guessed.

She stood in front of an enormous mirror in her small dressing room. She looked at herself, turning around in a cute, girly fashion.

Amy was by definition a small lady. Short, with a body full of muscles and curves in all the right places. Her face was simply beautiful, with blonde long hair, high cheekbones, a small nose, pink full lips and big green eyes.

I wouldn't want me any other way, she thought while looking straight in the mirror, turning left and right. Her broken self-esteem had nothing to do with her appearance. Her problems were deeply psychological, stabbing her brain like a thin needle when someone complimented her or tried to approach her, even as a friend.

"I don't even understand why they call you the Ice Queen", Missy had told her one night, when too much wine consumption had turned them both pretty talkative.

"True, you seem a little cold at first, but you are really sweet underneath Amy. At least after a couple of drinks", she had added, laughing.

Amy appreciated her words. She wasn't cold or hard. She liked having people around her. As long as they kept their hands away...

Those monstrous long arms with their stone-cold fingers, terrifying like a witch's fingernails, touching her hair, her skin, her private parts, wanting to caress her but in reality, hurting her, carving bleeding scars all over her body and soul...

She shuddered at the thought and came back to reality.

"Another one of the anxiety attacks, darling?"

"Yeah, it's gone now. No point in worrying."

Anxiety attacks, that's what the whole world knew and believed. How was she supposed to explain them anyway?

"I am not worried, sweetie. It's normal, in your age and line of work. Just breathe."

In your age and line of work. Yeah, perfectly normal if someone thought that she was nineteen and already a rising power in the singing industry of Canton, the best in the chain of newcomers. Deep down, she was afraid of her sudden rise to the top. She had taken up the offer of the record company mainly as a joke, but now people recognised her in the streets.

Too much exposure... Someone is bound to notice, sooner or later. Maybe she would consider taking a break and disappear altogether, after her gig in the club tonight. A gig that was already sold out from day two, making her extra nervous about her performance.

"You are going to be extraordinary as always, honey. With a voice like yours, I wouldn't have a care in the world. Just go out there and dazzle them like you always do" said Missy, reading her thoughts as usual.

"Have you ever thought of trading the music stage for a successful psychic career?" said Amy with her sarcastic, trademark tone.

"I wish I was that powerful. But I am only a mind-reader when it comes to you."

They both laughed and Missy came to her side at last, with her clothes in hand.

"Ready to dress up?"

Amy nodded, reassuring herself.



22:30 P.M

It's sure loud in here. Val took a deep breath and entered the crowded bar. Mandy, one of her few good friends, had been talking about this event for over a month.

"You know you have to come over, Val. There are going to be cocktails, a party buffet and lots of handsome men. You'll be able to tell your children how you had the exclusive chance to see the biggest star of their era when she was only a newcomer to the stage."

Val doubted that she would ever have any children, let alone talk to them about that particular period of her life. But she wanted to see the Wyatt girl. She liked her quite a lot, and her voice was indeed a rare and beautiful one.

She had taken the decision spontaneously, too tired from work, but too intrigued not to join. As her eyes scanned the crowd for Mandy, she felt stares from all over. She'd done her best to look plain, black midi dress with flat shoes and little makeup, but still...

Val found Mandy sitting on a couch at the far-back. Two girls and a boy were with her, well-known faces from their University days.

"You are here at last. We were all wondering where you might be" she said, as Val approached. Mandy's cheeks were already red from drinking and she giggled nonstop.

The whole group was a relaxed kind of crowd and she felt extremely at ease with everyone, especially after the first few drinks. Val knew her face must have also been a light shade of pink-red because of Mike, the JD's main bartender, immediately making a comment about it when he made his way to her, a good hour after her arrival at the club.

"Wow, you're sure enjoying the free drinks", he said as Val turned to the sound of his voice.

She let out a small shriek of joy at the sight of him. She had met Mike in a doctor's office while being evaluated for her return to society. Like herself, Mike had gone through some rough times, but he was funny and a good listener. They had exchanged numbers, and they had talked quite often through the phone, sometimes even meeting up in person.

"You finally remembered me, you devil." Val's try to stand up made her land on Mike's arms.

"Do you want to fall on your face, Val? That will surely ruin your makeup. You look so pretty tonight."

Val blushed as Mandy's head turned from Mike to her and back again.

"Do you have a boyfriend?", she asked, dumbfounded.

"Don't mind her, Mike, she doesn't know what she is talking about. She is drunk", Val whispered and he burst out laughing.

"You are the one to talk, miss", he said, amused. "Come with me. I'll borrow you for a while."

Mike passed his arm around his shoulders, making her feel extremely comfortable. He was tall and intimidating, with broad shoulders, short-cropped hair and black coal eyes, but his aura was more than relaxing.

They passed the stage, where Amy Wyatt shone with her presence. Plainly dressed but stunning, she sang song after song nonstop, fully excited from the crowd's cheers and claps.

"You let the little devils at home, Mike?" Val asked. She knew Mike was the only provider for his two little siblings since his parents passed away, and finding a babysitter had not always been an easy task.

Mike smiled. "Yes, thank the Deities. A friend who lives nearby agreed to look after them. They soooooo wanted to see Amy White," he said, mimicking his siblings' voice and making Val giggle, "but life is often unfair. They're probably sleeping by now."

They made their way towards the club's entrance, squeezing their way through the crowd. Val saw a tall, thin guy with long hair combed in a ponytail and intense green eyes looking at the stage mesmerised. Seb, Mike's best friend. Val had also met him a couple of times and liked him instantly. His dead serious face dropped when he saw her and he welcomed her with a warm smile.

"Valentine, you look stunning tonight. I am glad you decided to come. It's the show of the century. She really is something, isn't she?"

"She can definitely sing. And she is impressive, too. And totally out of your league, Seb, so stop drooling all over her, ok?", came Mike's harsh response.

Val laughed, despite her good will.

"Thanks a lot, dude," said Sebastian, but he was smiling too.

Then he turned his head and looked towards the entrance door. "Our friend is here."

Mike's eyes lit up. "Ah, the doc finally decided to join us. Come, Val, there is this guy I want you to meet."

The first thing that Val noticed about "the doc", was his age. He looked roughly the same age as them, maybe even younger, even though the guys referred to him as the doctor.

The second thing was his appearance. He was not tall like Sebastian or broad like Mike, but his body had just the right proportions. And he was really good looking. Sharp symmetrical features, thick light brown hair and bright brown eyes. Even the glasses looked good on him. More than that, Val had an inexplicable feeling. A feeling of familiarity, even though she'd never met the guy before.

John caught a glimpse of them briefly, recognised his friends and started walking towards them, without paying much attention. His feet were moving mechanically while his eyes were clearly stuck to a sweet brunette girl standing at the bar with a pair of friends. He was truly preoccupied with that girl, but she was looking elsewhere. Almost like she wanted to ignore him.

A thought dawned on Val's mind. There is a story here. Maybe the guys want the "doctor" to meet some new people, pull him away from his vain crush.

It was just a speculation, but she suddenly felt excited. She hadn't been involved in a silly love plot for ages, or rather never. She wouldn't mind getting to know the handsome doctor, even though it seemed unlikely that he would be interested in her.

John reached their little company, finally taking his eyes from the girl in the bar, looking up. To the guys and Val. Freezing right where he stood.

"Well, since you finally decided to show up, let me do the honour and introduce you to a very important friend of mine. Val, here is John Lucas, yes THE famous Lucas."

Val had already extended her hand towards John. "Nice to meet you, John. I am Valentine Stone. Just call me Val, if you'd like."

Her hand remained untouched, as John Lucas looked at her with big, watery eyes. When he finally did move, instead of shaking her hand he took it in his own, grasping it, sort of caressing it. There was a strange warmth in his touch, but also quite creepy.

"Ahem, what...", Val tried to finish her sentence and failed. Because, suddenly, John hugged her. Tight, like a long-lost family member being found.

"John, you might be the most enthusiastic person I've ever being introduced too," said Val, trying to break the uneasiness.

She turned to Mike for help but failed. Mike's jaw was nearly touching the ground from surprise. She herself felt weirdly uncomfortable. John let go of her, but not of her hands. Her palms were now nestling inside his own.

"Valentine. You have such a beautiful name. A rare one. It suits you. I am so glad that you are doing ok. I am so glad that I finally found you. The girl of my dreams."

Now it was Sebastian's turn to be awed. His mouth shaped a round O and his face showed a mixture of feelings. Pure surprise, but also a sense of deep understanding.

"Why are you scaring the girl, John? Are you finally out of your mind?", Mike turned and tried to apologise to Val when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. His face changed rapidly.

"Holy crap", he exclaimed surprised and then remained completely silent, his eyes on Val. He was looking through her, paying attention like he was seeing her for the first time.

Fear hit her straight in the chest. With a swift move, she freed her hands. John tried to catch her again, but Val took several steps backwards. The three guys stood next to each other, forming a straight line, with their mouths open, gaping.

This was a mistake. She wanted to be noticed for once, after all this time, but this... this was totally out of control.

"Listen, John, I don't know if your way of flirting is successful with other girls, maybe. It's certainly... unique. But all this "dream girl" story is not really my thing, sorry. In fact, I think it's time for me to get going. I don't want to be late for work tomorrow."

She started heading for the door and suddenly, John Lucas decided to wake up and follow her, pleading for her to stop.

"Valentine, please don't go. You don't understand. This isn't flirting. I know who you are. I know everything about you. I literally have been dreaming about you my whole life."

He caught up with her and he grasped her hand, again. Gently, but also firmly.

You just can't let go, can you?

Her fear suddenly became anger, a flame bursting inside her chest. She turned swiftly, unexpectedly and grasped John by the collar of his T-shirt, surprising both him and herself with her strength. She held him tight, close to her face, his wide eyes centimetres from hers.

"Listen, dude, maybe you are crazy. Maybe that's just your style of picking up girls. In any case, I am not interested. Get the fuck away from me, or you'll regret it, you hear me? Go find some psycho who thinks your behaviour is sweet."

She pushed him away, turned her back and started going. John remained there, but instead of being enraged, he looked at her with sad eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you, I am really happy you got out from that prison you were in. It looked awful. I am glad it didn't break you. I am really happy for you, even if you think I am crazy."

Every fine hair in Val's body stood up, for the second time in a seemingly very long day. She didn't know if she felt scared or angry anymore. She felt nothing. She just froze in place. How the hell did that fucker know about the Asylum? Nobody knew about that. No one was supposed to know. Not even Mike was aware of the details.

John obviously translated her silence for understanding, thinking his trick had worked and started approaching her again. He was right behind her when Val answered.

"I don't know who you are or who sent you. She probably did. I warn you. Don't even think of talking to me again. Don't try to touch me and don't follow me. You will regret it."

She said that in a low tone, almost a whisper but she knew, even with all the music and loud sound effects, he'd heard her. He didn't move an inch. Everyone realised that something was wrong, many people looking at their way including the brunette girl.

Val took a quick glimpse at the stage. Even Amy Wyatt looked momentarily in their direction, perplexed. It was time to go, and she was so close to the door. My escape route, she thought.

She already imagined a hundred ways of collapsing at home when she felt it. She felt it before she saw the men coming. A sense of tiredness swiping her body, like she hadn't slept for days or even months. She turned around, half believing that the creep had injected her with something, ready to call for help.

And saw every single soul in the club falling to its knees, on their backs or their bellies to the cold stone floor. Everyone was fainting rapidly. Even the stage was empty now, with the Wyatt girl face down on the ground. John Lucas calling her name as he fell was the last thing she heard. Then she lost all consciousness.

A.N. Song: Poker Face-Lady Gaga (It's a party after all!)

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