Underrising Love (Sans X Read...

By Styla_Mythic

99.4K 2.6K 7.5K

Monsters have returned! (Y/N) is waisting no time to find out more! After running into a hyper skeleton twice... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Alright time for Writer to Reader
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
I've brought news!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Alright so...
Finished at last!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Thank you so much!

Chapter 11

4K 112 287
By Styla_Mythic

(ok the video has NOTHING to do with this, but I put it in because this is how I hear Sans' voice in my head. Just want you guys to know that. But you should check this out if you haven't already watched this series! These guys are good! if you guys like emotional stuff and Sans stories then you should watch them! And no I don't know these people and I'm not paid to say this. This is my opinion only. Feel free to give him the voice you like best :) I just thought this one was best for this.)

You stumbled clumsily to the door. Your new tail kept smacking into things making you flinch every few steps. Your new ears were helpful though. You could hear something down the long hallway. You followed it. It was a vending machine. You saw two quarters on the ground and got some chips. The label said 'chisps'. You were confused but put them in your pocket anyway. You walked around a bit more. You were getting better about keeping your tail from smacking into things. Soon you found a place with lots of golden flowers and mirrors.  You looked at yourself. You looked the same other than the teeth, ears, wings, and tail. Your clothes were different too. You had a dark blue shirt (FYI it's the dark blue soul color) on with black ripped jeans and somehow they'd been modified for your tail and wings to fit into some holes on them. You had on your boots and your heart necklace. Had they ever taken it off? You didn't know. At least you knew you hadn't lost it. That necklace was your most valued possession. The fur on your ears and tail was a kind of in between dark and light grey color. It looked almost silver-ish. You recognized the kind of teeth you had though. 

"I have wolf teeth! What the hell?!" You said in disbelief. Then you realized that your ears and tail were that of a wolfs as well. "I'm a fricken bird wolf." You said annoyed. "Screw life." You growled. "Then again, I might be dreaming."

You kept going and soon you were back at the same room where you woke up. Suddenly someone came in. They shrieked in surprise when they saw you. It was Alphys. You gasped and ran over. You fell clumsily and smacked your face into the ground. "Ow! God damn it!" You hissed getting back up. Alphys helped you.

"(Y/N)! You're awake! You're a-alive! It worked! I can't believe it w-worked! Yes!" She said. You were confused.

"What worked?" You asked. Then you heard an elevator open in a different room.

"Alphys, where are you?" A voice called angrily. 

"O-oh dear. Quick! Hide!" She said.

"Wait why?"

"No time to explain! Just hide!" She said. Not wanting to risk it, you hid in the room next door. You heard footsteps.

"H-hi, what are y-you doing here?" Alphys asked.

"you know damn well why i'm here. what did you say to them? what did you do Alphys?" They asked angrily.

"I-I-I just wanted to help her S-Sans." She said worriedly. You froze. "Sans.." You breathed. You peeked out from around the corner. He wasn't facing you so he didn't see you. His eyes were black as he glared at her outraged.

"what the hell were you thinking? i swear to god if you've done anything to her body i'll-"

"Sans!" You said, leaping out. He whipped around. Sans froze in disbelief, the white returning to his eyes. You smiled happier than you'd ever been. You cried with joy and ran over. You latched onto him and cried. He just stood there in shock. "I'd thought I'd lost you. Sans, I will never leave you again." He hugged you after a moments hesitation. You both fell to your knees, crying.

"s-sugar? is that really you?" He asked, voice shaking as he started to tear up.

"Sans, *sniff* I'm here."

"(Y/N), god sugar. i-i don't even...*sniff* i don't know where to...*sniff* heh, i can't even...*sniff* heh, hehe, hng *sniff* hng." His laughs broke off into quite sobs. You both just sat there crying and sobbing.

"*hic* S-Sans as long as I'm with you...*sniff* I don't care." You said.

"sugar, there's nothing that could rip you away from me. *sniff* i won't let anything do that ever again, alright?" He said, still crying with joy.

"Aww, I ship it." Alphys said. You and Sans didn't even respond. You were too filled with joy to care. Sans suddenly pushed you away slightly. He was smiling, tears trickling down his face. 

"please don't hate me for this." He said and then he kissed you. You felt the urge to kiss back. You did. You knew now. It was true. You had feelings for him. You couldn't confess though. You didn't know if Sans was the type for relationships. Instead you pulled him close wrapping your arms around him. He did the same. You didn't care if Alphys was watching through eyes that were singing 'oh my god it's the cutest thing ever!'. Sans didn't either. You finally broke the kiss and Sans whipped the tears off his face. "you know sugar, i thought i'd never see you again. i'm glad i was wrong." He said.

"I didn't think so either. So I'm glad I was wrong too." Then you remembered. "Sans I have to let you know this."

"i don't care what you have to tell me sugar, i will always listen to you." He said. You smiled warmed by his words. 

"I could hear you. I wanted so badly to wake up, and let you know I was there. And that question you asked me? My answer is yes." You said. He froze, stunned.

"sugar....you heard everything?"

"I don't know if I did or not, but what I did hear made me want to fight as hard as I could. I promise I'll never leave you again." You said. He smiled and kissed you again. This one was shorter.

"i won't let that happen sugar." It was then he realized what you looked like. He was very confused. "Alphys....what..did you do?" He asked puzzled.

"I-I gave her a monster soul and combined it with her human soul. It worked perfectly! (Y/N)'s as fresh as a d-daisy!"

"what?" Sans asked. "sugar, mind if i...?" He said motioning to your chest. You understood.

"Oh, uh, sure go ahead." You replied. He used his magic and your soul floated in front of the two of you. It was still upright, but it was striped rainbow colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, purple, and even pink. You were astonished. So was Sans. Alphys even looked surprised.

"I've n-never seen a soul l-like that before." She said. Sans sighed.

"it doesn't matter. what matters is that you're alive. you're ok. you're here." Sans said, putting his hand on your cheek and smiling warmly. You smiled back leaning into his touch slightly. You felt dizzy suddenly. He held you up. "sugar?"

"I'm fine, just not used to this yet. It's been a while since I've been able to move." You said. He picked you up.

"then problem solved sweetie fangs." You smiled.

"that's perfect." You replied. You yawned.

"sleep tight sugar. i'll take you home." He said. You smiled. The one place you wanted to go back to for so long.

"Home...." You yawned and fell asleep.

Sans' POV

She was alive and Sans was happier than he thought possible. 

"angel." He said, staring at (Y/N).

"S-Sans I'm sorry if this upset you. I just wanted to help."

"Alphys," He began. "you saved the lo-" He stopped. (Y/N) might've still been awake or could hear him. While she might've been awake for some of the things he'd said to her in the hospital she hadn't heard him at least one time. If she had she wouldn't have kept quiet about it.  "i mean...you saved her life. it's the only thing i wanted. i just can't be thankful enough. i don't care what she looks like, in fact she's as pretty as hell now. i just can't thank you enough. as long as this does actually work, i don't care what happens as long as she's alright." Alphys smiled.

"Sans, why don't you tell her?" He froze.

"tell her? pwahahahaha! tell her what? i have no idea what you're talking about." He lied, trying to act natural.

"That's not working." He frowned.

"i can't tell her." He sighed.

"She loves you. You know that don't you?"

"i just...she couldn't possibly be into a big boned dumb comedian like me." He said. "i mean, look at her Alphys. you find a girl like this...you ain't gonna find another one ever again. she's special and, well, look at me. do i look like the guy that can just walk right up to a girl and confess? heh, i don't think so Al."

"I understand, but she really does like you."

"heh," Sans chuckled, staring at (Y/N). "i wish i could believe you." Alphys smiled and lead them out of the true lab.

He felt the urge to be extra careful with (Y/N). He didn't want to disturb her. She looked so peaceful, so quiet. After waking up in a place like that, alone, Sans wanted to be sure she got what she needed, rest. 

"thank you again Alphys for helping her. you...you don't know how much this means to me." 

"I-I think I have a pretty g-good idea. I-If she ever has a-any problems make sure to get her here r-right away." Alphys instructed.

"sure thing, thank you." With that said, he carried (Y/N) home. He didn't want to risk waking her up by teleporting. Sans took the River Person's shortcut. 

"Tra la la, care for a ride?"

"yes please."

"Where will we go today?"

"Snowdin please."

"Then we're off." They said as Sans got in carefully and sat down. They took off downstream. Sans was glad that the dog boat thing didn't happen. That would wake up (Y/N).

"Tra la la hmm... I should've worn a few million more pairs of pants today." They said. Sans chuckled. They always said the strangest things. They stopped at the edge of Snowdin. "Come again some time. Tra la la." Sans nodded gratefully and went home. Then he remembered Papyrus. What would his brother do? He couldn't let him wake her up. Sans took his time while walking through the snow. Then he got an idea. He hoped it would work. His brother knew about his blasters and could tell when something wasn't right. If he made one appear in the house before going inside, maybe that would give him a sign. Sans stopped outside the door. He used his magic and carefully made sure he knew exactly where it was. He heard Papyrus shriek in surprise, but soon Papyrus must've know what it meant. He opened the door slowly and nearly silently. He almost screamed when he saw (Y/N), but Sans quickly signaled for him to be as quiet as possible.

"SANS? WHAT HAPPENED? I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD." Papyrus said, just slightly quieter than a normal person's volume. Sans knew that was whispering for his brother and was grateful that Papyrus was trying.

"Alphys fixed her up. she gave (Y/N) a monster soul and it worked. she's alive and as far as i know perfectly healthy. the three of us assumed that the soul gave her the monster features. it seems she's half winged wolf now. but we have to be quiet or else she'll wake up." Sans explained. Papyrus nodded.


"i think just over night. she woke up alone in Alphys' lab from my understanding of it. god, she must've been really creeped out. i was just going to put her to bed, but i didn't want you to wake her up so that's why i made my blaster appear." Papyrus nodded again.

"GOOD THINKING. I UNDERSTAND I'M NOT THE QUIET TYPE." Papyrus confessed. Sans smiled.

"i wouldn't have it any other way bro. i'm glad you understand." He said.

"OF COURSE BROTHER!" Papyrus said happily, but still trying to be quiet. Sans carried her upstairs to her room. Tigerlilly was laying in the cat bed on the floor. Tommy was with her. They both sprang up to go meet them. Sans was glad they knew to be quiet. These cats were highly intelligent. They seemed to notice that it was (Y/N) and bounced around quietly with joy. Tigerlilly took it easy, but Tommy was running around happily.

"yeah, she's home guys. now try to calm down. you can head butt her all you want tomorrow, ok kitties?" They seemed to understand and went back to their bed. Sans tucked her in. He kissed her forehead and got ready to leave. "night sugar." He said, but the moment he turned to leave her ears pricked in her sleep and she whimpered. He had no idea how she'd known, but Sans realized somehow she'd been able to tell he was leaving in her sleep. He didn't know what to do. "well...i guess i could stay a while." He said, laying down next to her. Suddenly he found himself pulling her close and wrapping his arms gently around her. Sans frowned once he realized what he was doing. what the hell is wrong with me? He asked himself. Then he thought about it. no. He thought. Sans smiled. "don't worry sweetie fangs. whatever...happens, i promise, we'll all...be...al...right..." He promised drifting off into sleep.

Papyrus' POV

(Yes i'm including his POV. Time to see through the eyes of skelebro #2)

He waited for Sans to come back, but Sans never did. Papyrus crept up to (Y/N)'s room and peeked inside. They were asleep in bed together. Papyrus smiled and closed the door.

"BROTHER, I DON'T KNOW HOW, BUT YOU'VE DONE IT. YOU'VE WON OVER A HUMANS HEART. WELL I GUESS I CAN'T SAY 'HUMAN' ANYMORE THOUGH." He said to himself. Papyrus was tired himself. He'd only been up because he'd heard Sans leave the house. Now he knew why. He went to his own room. He snatched the little rabbit plushie and got into bed. "I'D BETTER TELL THE OTHERS TOMORROW. UNDYNE WILL BE HERE ASAP IF SHE FINDS OUT NOW. I WONDER IF SANS WILL CONFESS HOW HE FEELS. WELL, THAT IS FOR *YAWN* ANOTHER TIME." He said and went to bed.

Sans' POV 

(It'll go back to yours soon.)

He woke up next to her the next day. Blinking open his eye sockets Sans blushed once he saw (Y/N) was pressed up against him. Her face was buried into his night shirt and she was snoring softly. He blushed even more. uh, god what do i do?! He said to himself frantically. He felt her tail wrap around his waist. He tensed, was she awake, or doing this in her sleep? He listened to her steady breathing and a little chuffing sound. It sounded like she was impersonating a purr. Sans felt at ease. She was asleep and comfortable. She was happy. she...wants this even though...she's asleep. He realized. He relaxed and pet her solemnly. He wasn't sure what to feel about it. Sans studied her. The ears were back since she had her head tucked under his chin. Her wings were limply tucked in and her tail gently squeezing his waist. Her hands rested on his chest plate and her entire body seemed to be at ease and relaxed. Sans knew that animals were always aware about their surroundings even in their sleep. (Y/N) had told him that once. It was rare that there wasn't even a little bit of awareness with animals. He understood she wasn't fully animal, but the way she had known he was leaving had proven that she knew when something around her was happening. Sans suddenly thought of something. She had fallen asleep in his arms without hesitation when he picked her up. She had run out of hiding when she heard him. She had wanted him to stay, unconsciously, in her sleep. She was completely relaxed. she knows she's safe. she is completely sure that with me here, nothing bad will happen. she's trusting me. Sans thought in disbelief. Sans suddenly felt the urge to kiss her. He shook it off. what the hell are you thinking?! kiss her?! you friggen moron! Sans scolded himself. Then she nuzzled him, chuffing loudly. Sans was confused and tense. He guessed she must've gained some animal instincts. Her ears and hair pushed up against him and he realized that she was showing affection. He blushed even more.

"o-oh my g-god." He whispered in disbelief. It was immensely cute. Sans' heart was pounding with overwhelming emotions and his breath was shaky with shock. 

(I know this is kinda weird and probably VERY cringy, but think about it. You're a WOLF with WINGS. What did you think would happen? So DON'T JUDGE ME!....please.)

Then she gave him a small lick. Sans' breath hitched. He could hardly contain himself. He was breathing hard trying to control himself. He couldn't handle these emotions, but he couldn't move either. Suddenly he broke. Sans couldn't keep himself under control any longer. He gently latched onto (Y/N) and pulled her in as close as possible. He never wanted to let go. He smiled, slightly shaking with happiness. "hehe, god this girl. she's amazing." He said to himself. He couldn't measure his joy. He sighed and laid there watching her as her chest moved up and down with every breath. He listened to her soft chuffing and the steady sound of her breathing. It seemed like this moment would never end. Sans didn't want it to end, but sleep got the better of him and soon he was sound asleep, happier than he'd ever been in his life.

Your POV (I said it was coming soon)

*time skip about an hour or so*

You stirred and let out a muffled groan while blinking open your eyes. Sans looked surprised at first, but then he smiled.

"sleep well sweetie fangs?" You blushed.

"u-u-uh, y-yeah. wha-what happened last night?" You asked stunned.

"you whimpered in your sleep when i tried to leave so i stayed here for the night." Sans said unsurely. You blushed. You'd whimpered in your sleep? 

"And you stayed? Why?" You asked. He blushed.

"i...i...i didn't want to leave you alone if you didn't like it honestly. i wanted to let you rest alone, but then i saw how you reacted and-" He cut off. "i...just went overboard, didn't i?" You couldn't believe it.

"Sans...you stayed....because you wanted to?" You asked. He blushed.

"i-i just thought that-"

"Oh my God." You breathed. You couldn't believe he cared that much. Sans looked worried.

"woah, are you ok?" He asked nervously. You latched onto him.

"Thank you." You said. He froze. Then he hugged you tightly. 

"i would never leave you alone." He said. "I know, Sans." With that said he pulled you into his lap and held you close to his chest. He carried you downstairs and set you down on the couch. Papyrus came out of the kitchen two minutes later. You gasped, smiling when you saw him. He gasped too, eyes sparkling with happiness.


"Papyrus!" You yelled and ran right into his arms. "I thought I'd never see you again!" You said happily. Sans watched smiling.


"I'm so glad to see you! Hahaha!" You laughed joyfully. He lifted you off the ground in a loving squeeze hug. 

"THE GREAT PAPYRUS CAN SAY THE SAME TO YOU AS WELL!" He said. You gasped in realization. 

"Did you make spaghetti!?" You asked, excitedly. 


"Yay! I'm starving!" Sans laughed and walked after you. 

"i've never seen someone that excited for Pap's cooking." He whispered to you. You shrugged. 

"What would you do if you were me?" You asked. He paused, thinking.

"heh, the same thing." He laughed. You smiled and sat down next to him. Papyrus got the food and gave it to you. It took you 5 minutes to finish. They were both shocked.

"WOWIE! I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU EAT SO FAST! YOU MOST REALLY LOVE MY COOKING!" Papyrus said. You had to admit, on that day, it was the best thing you'd ever tasted.

"Why wouldn't I? Your spaghetti is the best ever!" You exclaimed happily. Sans looked warmed by your words. Papyrus looked like he was going to explode with pleasure. 


"Thank you! I honestly really like them myself." Sans chuckled.

"you could say it's im-pasta-ble to look away!" He joked. You all laughed at that one. It seemed even Papyrus was willing to let puns slide for today. When Sans was done he walked outside with you and you both sat down on the deck.

"I'm so happy to be home." You said. Sans looked over at you smiling.

"sugar, i didn't know you cared so much." He said. You were confused. "about us." Sans explained. "you were so happy to see my bro again, and me. you might've been hungry, but i could tell you loved every bite of that more than anyone could imagine..." He paused. "sugar...you saved my life." He said. you tensed realizing it was true. "you really care that much about me?" He asked.

"Of course Sans. I wouldn't have risked it all for just anyone. I would risk my life to save any of you guys. You're all family to me." You said. Sans hugged you.

"you're our family too." He said. Then you heard the sound of footsteps. You saw Undyne. She gasped when she spotted you.

"OH MY GOD!" She shouted happily. She ran over and snatched you up. She noogied you. "I can't believe it! Alphys you're awesome!" She said. You smiled. It hurt, but you didn't care. 

"Undyne!" You exclaimed happily.

"That's right punk! I ain't ever letting another jerk touch you again!" You said. You laughed. Then you saw more of your friends. You assumed Papyrus or Alphys told everyone. Frisk came running and Mettaton hurried after her. 

"Frisk!" You exclaimed running over and she jumped up into your arms. You swung her in a circle and then brought her in for a hug. 

"Darling you have no idea how much we missed you!" Mettaton exclaimed.

"I could say the same!" You said. Toriel was crying with joy.

"My child! I am so glad you're alright! You had me worried sick!" She fretted.

"I'm fine Toriel. I'm so happy to see you." You replied. Asgore looked pleased.

"As are we to see you. I see Alphys had known what was best even if it changed some things. Despite her worries she it a brilliant monster." He said. You nodded. Everyone joined in on the hug including the skeleton brothers who had both come over to join in. You started to cry with joy. Mettaton was the first to notice. He moved around so that everyone would let go. You whipped the tears away as he hugged you again.

"Oh darling no need to cry. We're here darling. You're home." He said.

"That's why I'm crying." You sobbed happily. He hugged you even tighter.

"Oh, honey." He said. They all hugged you again. Then Undyne let go and the others followed. You smiled at them warmly the tears starting to ease off.

"Hey! Let's go have some fun to cheer (Y/N) up! I bet none of you will beat me this time!" She yelled charging back to the house with Frisk racing after her along with Papyrus. You ran after them with the others walking behind you. You ran past them with ease and dashed into the house grabbing the controler. They froze, seeing you already sitting down ready to play.

"How did you get so fast?!" Frisk asked, bewildered. You got up and twirled. It was just then they seemed to truly notice you were a monster. They had seen the features, but hadn't thought about that affecting you in anyway. Alphys arrived a few minutes late since Undyne had to call and tell her, but you all had fun playing games and eating snacks. It was the best day you'd have for a while. More days were ahead of you and you knew you'd be able to face them with your friends right beside you.

You all played for hours and talked. Then you played other games outside in the snow. Sans had been nice enough to teleport them home to get their things and them teleport them back. You had a snowball fight, then built snowmen, took a hot chocolate break, played hide and seek, built snow homes, which were little houses made of snow, and then you played in them. Sans crawled into your snow home and sat down next to you. He was the only one there at the moment. He looked impressed by how nice it looked. It had a roof, a couch, a snowball pile incase this turned into a fortress war, and a bed. It also had a little hole which was a tunnel to a secret place outside the house so you could hide incase of invasion. Sans saw it because it wasn't hidden at the moment. The big snowball you used to cover it up was currently next to it instead of in front. He grinned.

"howzabout we go in there quick?" You smiled. You lead him inside and through the four foot tunnel. Once you were inside the little cave you'd built, he pinned you against the wall. You blushed, knowing what was coming next. He kissed you and your heart fluttered. He stopped a few seconds later and you slumped to the floor blushing like crazy. He chuckled. "hehe, you alright sugar?" He asked.

"Yeah." You breathed, happily. He lead the way back out and you blocked it off so nobody else would see.

"i'll keep that between you and me." He said motioning to the blocked off cave, but you knew he also meant the kiss.

"Thanks." You said. He left and went back to Papyrus' snow fort. He was to lazy to make his own. Then you heard a battle cry from Undyne.

"Me and Alphys declare a snow war on the other kingdoms!" She yelled. You grinned, knowing that would happen.

"You're on! Frisk want to join our kingdoms to become stronger than the enemy?" You asked. She nodded, clapping happily. "Then quick! Help me build a passage tunnel!" You said, pointing to the snow bank. If you could tunnel through it, it would be the perfect passage. You both dug like crazy while the others prepared for battle. Frisk and you broke through to each other in a minute. You had gained the ability to dig fast. Being half wolf was really helping you. You carried your snowballs over to Frisk's side. Hers was more battle ready than yours which was more of a comfort shelter. Luckily the door to your fort was easily defendable. You quickly closed up the entrance to your own side and got ready for an attack back on Frisk's side. Her door was hard to get in and out of which would help you both a lot. Then Undyne yelled another battle cry.

"TASTE SNOW PUNKS!" She yelled. 


"help!" Sans and Papyrus yelled. You gasped.

"Come on Frisk! Operation skeleton rescue is a go!" You said and you both charged out of your fort and dove into Sans and Papyrus'. You'd carried snowballs under your wings so you could throw them in mobile battle. You saw Undyne and Alphys and chucked one at Undyne.

"Taste sow yourself Undyne!" You yelled and darted back out. 

"Get back here! After her!" Undyne yelled.

"Sans! Get to the secret shelter! I'll meet you there! Frisk go with him!"

"on it!" Sans replied and teleported them into your secret room. You dove into your fort and scrambled to your own side. Undyne had trouble getting Alphys through. The entrance was almost too small for her. You raced into the secret room and Sans used his magic to cover up the hole. You put a finger to your lips, telling them to be silent. You waited as they searched your fort.

"WHY YOU SNEAKY LITTLE TROUBLE MAKERS!" Undyne growled. Then you whispered to Sans.

"Open it! We can pelt them with my back up weapons! They won't even know what hit them!" You said, passing everyone two snowballs. You all crawled over to the door and Sans opened it slowly. You crept out. They were both looking the other way in confusion. "NOW!" You yelled charging out and bombarding them with snowballs.


"What the-!?" Undyne yelled.

"Ok! We surrender!" Alphys shrieked.

"VICTORY!" You all yelled except Frisk who clapped happily. You had won.

(Wow! That was the longest chapter I've ever typed! 4911 words! Good lord! That's almost 5000! Welp, I hope yals are happy now! This is Spiritwing taking off till next time! Bio!)

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